GOP Senators Fold, Move Obamacare Forward
Twenty-five “Republican” Senators – including the party’s 2008 presidential You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Twenty-five “Republican” Senators – including the party’s 2008 presidential
The secret of freedom lies in
educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
~Maximilien Robespierre
This was simply wonderful. No where is it more evident than the state I love, S.C. How can the Affordable Health Care Act be destroying the economy? Kentucky is the only Southern state who embraced the law and is on schedule to be up and running with it on October 1. Let us watch and learn…
Well shit son. I been watching the same movie, but it started with fucking FDR. How many times do you have to smear shit on your eyeballs before you realize it’s not healthy.
Imbecile…The only thing you know about FDR is the silly shit Rush has planted in your head.
Don’t you cuss me GG. I’m no fracking Limb-tard. He’s a bit to liberal for me.
Oh, yeah? Well, here is an original song of mine that might change your life!
Son of a gun!
TBG CANNOT believe it!
It’s like when I rewatch the Clemson/WVU Orange Bowl on my DVR.
Every time, I think, “There is no way in Hell they’re gonna hang 70 points on us again…”
Yet every time they do.
My bookie should feel guilty about taking my money.
I bet he’s a Republican!
You are the one that sounds like a Democrat!
TBG should have used the #sarcasm tag….
I refuse to do so. If it goes “whoosh!!” well then alas.
Similar to, “a joke’s not funny if you have to explain it.”
And don’t forget, 70 was the merciful total. WV could easily have put up 84 or 91.
Cam Newton just scored again.
We had to pass it to know what was in it, we still don’t know what is in it, now we have to implement it to know what is in it. Implement it as is, for We the People, all other of favor will get a pass for a year.
Lil Lindsey betrays his constituents once again..makes you wonder if the guy is being blackmailed…or is he just in love with Obamacare…
Niether. 9 said he wouldn’t cum in the backdoor anymore. Sorry about spelling :) . Smartphones. Go figure.
I wouldn’t do him w/your 3.5″.
Graham’s upcoming town hall meeting in Beaufort will not go well for him at all. Thousands to show up to scream at him, toss eggs at his car, to heckle him … and the crowd will also include dozens of former Marines. No security force for his protection can stop it from happening. It is simply impossible. People do not care if they get arrested or not. They want his fucked up ass thrown out of office and under a prison.
I will kiss your ass on the Beaufort County Courthouse steps if any of what you predict comes to pass. Additionally, I’ll give you 30 days to draw a crowdl
Thousands, throwing eggs, arrests? Bullshit, even after alowing for rhetorical excess!
Tend to agree. Sheeple will be Sheeple
Yep, No matter how self serving, no matter how sorry, no matter how unresponsive to requests these elected officials are, the electorate seems to worship them, bow down and kiss their collective A$$*S!
This has been a problem for so long that they have begun to believe they can get by with anything and that they truly are Royalty!
Look at Mark Sanford,Richard Eckstrom,Joe Wilson, Harvey Peeler, ugh Leatherman, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Nikki Haley, Bobby Harrell, Jim Clyburn, etc. They all believe they are above the hard working, taxpaying COMMON man.
If one dies in office, then the people owe “Their seat” to a member of their family..wife, son, brother, etc.
Is this really any different than Syria, North Korea, etc., where the despots and dictators are followed by a son, a daughter, or another family member of their choice. Yet we the lemmings elect, re-elect and vote for one political dynasty after another!
Begun to believe? Really? You might want to brush up on Nixon, Carter …. Just hit the late 60’s through the present. That’ll help.
Not me. I would like to see Cruz get the treatment you describe along with all the other retard asshole traitors willing to damage the country for Fox News talking points.
Fuck You!!
Be careful,you may choke on your own vomit!
I agree with the hufpo agents comments, but God Bless you. Your heart is in the right ace. Ms. Lindsey is done.
Cinnamon Toast!
Yeah. With lots of white cream for Ms Lindsey.
Very disappointing :(
I love you laura. Will you marry me?
Lindsey and mcCain need to go, as do all of the others!
We need wholsale change in order to save this great Nation.
We are stuck with Obummer for 3 more years; but, can change the self serving idiots in the House and some who are up for re-election in the Senate.
Vote them all out and let’s include Haley for good measure.
i concur, but we may not be stuck with Obutthead. Aid and comfort, providing weapons to alqueda is treason. Call everyone, not just your rep. :) HAGD
Fits talks about SC being last in the nation and backwards.Normal people agree,Cruz is an idiot,but not Will.
Nice impassioned pic,though.
9, you should probably stick to the homoerotic comments. Clearly politics is not your forte.
You expect anything else from these two frick and frack?
I don’t expect anything less from the lying whore demlicans or republicrats.
You get it! I’m fed up with all of them from town Hall to the Circus in Washington! They ALL need to be sent packing from O to Haley to Wilson and all in between.
The elected officials in this country, at all levels, are ONY out for themselves!
amen brother.
The best way for Republicans to unfund Obamacare is to force every person in the US to use it. outlaw any other insurance, make Tricare, Medicare, the FEP program and every government agency use it. Do away with the veterans hospitals. Make all the unions use it. Make private insurance illegal. Make all companies use it, including unions.
If you make everyone use it, the people will hunt Democrats down like dogs and shoot them.
It survives because Congress and most federal employees do not have to use it.
That sounds like National Health Insurance — a program all other civilized and advanced nations of the globe have already and have had for many years..
National Health Insurance = Socialized Medicine
Absotively. Like Greece, Spain, Portugal. Don’t forget about mother Russia. Oh yeah, they already dumped most of that. Oh well. Can’t enslave them all. But dont worry. Unlike the USSR, the USSA is alive (barely) and kicking (it’s citizens doors down)
The best way for Republicans to unfund Obamacare is to force every person in the US to use it. outlaw any other insurance, make Tricare, Medicare, the FEP program and every government agency use it. Do away with the veterans hospitals. Make all the unions use it. Make private insurance illegal. Make all companies use it, including unions.
Careful what you wish for, because this is exactly what’s coming.
Damn skippy. Sort of glad for it. Not something youwant to bequeath to the kids/g’babes.
Hunting season is open.
I love agnes. Marry me.
“Impassioned 21-hour filibuster”?
That was a completely pre-arranged opportunity that Harry Reid granted Cruz to show his ass.
Ted Cruz was magnificent.
I thought Oshitforbrains was the grantor. Reidy ( to lie for a buck ) is just another sissy boy enjoying Ms. Lindseys FWB?
Then Jesus said “Love your neighbor, but do not allow him access to healthcare, as the wealthy need a slight tax break instead.”
Fuck you.
Eloquently, and precisely so. He is sooooooo forked. He doesn’t even realize the tragedy his ideas are causing.
Jesus did say give unto Ceasar that which is Caesar’s.
Not even close to the same thing. Charity is a VOLUNTARY action. Government taxation is legal theft. And the term is “render,” which, in Greek is the same pun as in English. RENDER means to squeeze the fat from a plant or animal. Scholars believe that he was cleverly recognizing the capital importance of the state and that they would squeeze you to death, if you didn’t cooperate. He was also famous for suggesting that people shouldn’t kick against the pricks – or in other words – quick putting the words of God to the test with your own unfortunate interpretations.
Not even close to the same thing. Charity is a VOLUNTARY action. Government taxation is legal theft.
Our brothers and sisters on the left never understand this. To them it sounds like the voice of Charlie Brown’s parents.
Wah wuh wah wah ?? like that? Yeah, I guess so.
FP thinks TBG and SBF agree that GG has the mentality of a typical HP operative for the NSA loving USSA. :)
If the chufch did it for 10%, why cant the gubmint do it with 40?
When the church builds highways, provides schools for everyone, provides for the national defense, takes care of ALL the poor, provides old age pensions, etc. ,THEN they will be entitled to the same percentage.
There is nothing illegal, immoral nor theft-like in government taxation in a DEMOCRACY, in which the people elect their government.
The majority rules and determines the level of taxes and what it is spent on. Just because you don’t personally agree with those levels, does not make it THEFT.
If I donate to my church, and the majority of the congregation votes to spend money on something I don’t like, does that make it theft?
yeah, whatever commie. We live in a republic, not a democracy dick head
I’m aware of that. Does that change the point? Your resorting to insults shows you have no logical response, but then you seldon do.
Logical expression becomes difficult when directed at those who believe logic is obtained by consensus. My sincerest apologies sir. Good day to thee.
I believe that GOP Slogans was being facetious when he made up his quote. He is making sport of how the self-righteous amongst us twist the Bible to support their own agenda.
Here’s a real Jesus quote for you: “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. ” Matthew 19:23-26
Should I fuck myself as well? Now, please tell me how this passage means something entirely different from what the average person might infer.
Never fear, GG.
The government will take care of that for us.
“Tax the rich, feed the poor, ’til there are no rich no more…”
— 42 Years After
What the HTML??
Why can’t (or, how can) you delete your own comments?
When you select edit, select delete.
TBG is not provided with a “Delete” option.
My bad. Select the little down arrow on the top right. Comment doesnt leave. Just removes your name.
Thank you, sir.
42 years after
That’s when they finally install the ball and chains and the shock collars…
TBG (agnostic, FWIW) is fine with the quote meaning exactly what it appears to mean.
Never figured you for a theocrat, though.
No theocrat here. I was, however, raised in the Baptist Church. My family was among the founding members of Holland Ave. Baptist Church in West Columbia. Moved to the Sea/Tac area when I was 8 then moved to Japan when I was 12. I just turned 64.
I guess the teachings of Jesus, esp. regarding the poor, was imprinted at an early age. 15 years ago I was living in a really nice single family home on a tidal creek on James Island. Slowly I am divesting myself of all but the most necessary possessions and am living in a nice little single wide in a suburb of Charleston…four acres at the end of a dead end road. Family owned property, not mine. Turkey, possums, and deer abound. I chased a coyote away from the cat food bowl last night.
Life is good. God is great. No more rat race.
I wrote an article on my blog about my religious experience in combination with my views on Ayn Rand:
I hope you have found that sweetspot in SC where you are neither sucked dry by coastal no-see-ums, nor driven batshit crazy by swarms of Lowcountry/midlands sand gnats.
Enjoyed your blog. The post you linked to, with it’s references to drug ad disclaimers is so true. The best *comedy* on TV is listening closely to them. I suppose they have to run the disclaimers for liability reasons, but it seems like they could tone them down a bit.
Yeah, I am astounded that anyone would take some of the crap the pharma industry is trying to shove down our throats after hearing all of the horrible side effects. I heard a report on NPR about the psychology of these ads. You notice that the music is all peppy, especially when they mention the side effects? The happy music acts on our subconscious to mostly ignore those warnings.
I have lived in the Lowcountry since 1974. Moved here from my Columbia home soon after graduating from USC.
Strange that you should mention no-see-ums. They seem to have really diminished in volume in the last decade or so.
Another thing I noticed just in the last two years is an astounding decline in the number of bats and bees. My honeysuckle and Burford Holly bushes used to be swarming with bees in springtime…now next to nothing. Same with the bats. I used to step outside at night and watch 5-10 sweeping the air around my yard light. I may have seen 2 bats all summer.
Could be that this is a result of development. The area I live in right next to the Goose Creek Reservoir used to be sparsely populated. In the last 10 years, however, several thousand homes have been built in the area. Still plenty of deer and turkeys. I have a three acre field next to my residence. I keep it mowed in the summer but stop around early Sept. to get it high enough for the deer to graze.
And Jesus said “It is easier for a rich man to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a poor man to get affordable health care.”
And Jesus said “Blessed are those that would deny others food and healthcare.”
And the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ said “kick the dust from your feet, and do not look back”.
Good news for you. You can get your lobotomy reversed with no co-pay under ACA.
And Jesus said “Come unto me, all ye that labor, and I will not give you healthcare.”
Spent today at a social function / picnic with a staff person (“SP”) from Medical University of South Carolina (“MUSC”) who reports to first level of management. SP says MUSC doctors have great fear, anxiety and doubt (“FUD”) about loss of income due to belt-tightening by MUSC, insurance companies, insurance exchanges, and “competition generally.” SP says “tension is so thick you can feel it” among the high-earning doctors who feel “trapped” with “no way to combat income reduction.” IT’S A GREAT DAY IN SOUTH CAROLINA WHEN THESE HIGH-ROLLERS FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE.
Envy much?
Thrill, Ms. “Twerk” Cyrus is worth over $100,0000,000.00…Do you have a problem with that? Should a neurosurgeon who has sacrificed literally 20 years of their life for their training be paid 100x less than teenage pop stars? What is your brain worth? Not much, apparently….
Neither is worth what they’re paid. As dr. Go i will admit that a huge part of their cost are the result of commie judges awarding millions for splinters and sprained ankles in malpractice suits.
Doctors should UNIONIZE…
_Then go on STRIKE if their compensation isn’t fair…
I am sure those fat cats will be happy to let you take their call…”Thrilled with O_care”
How are your surgical skills?
It is just too funny. Lindsey Graham will win re-election handily. Who would beat him? Nancy Mace? Never happen. Lee Bright? He doesn’t stand a chance but too dumb to realize it. I don’t care what kind of kooky Tea Baggers show up at a town hall and act out and don’t care what the usual yahoos on this site have to say – Lindsey Graham will win re-election handily.
You are likely correct.
But us ‘usual yahoos’ can still dream, right?
I ain’t no freaking yahoo, tbg. Yankees is Yahoos. Fp is a gd backwood gun toten bible thumpin redneck, born and breed. I Am my uncles aunts gpa son. Only half onced and a half removed GD.
Lindsey is stating to twist like a worm on a stick. He should take his Rhino make-up off. He has blown his cover.