National Politics - 2016

The “Maryland Mob” Has Some Serious Work To Do

“MAKING MARTIN O’MALLEY … OUT OF NOTHING AT ALL” Recently we wrote about Martin O’Malley – the uber-liberal governor of Maryland who is aspiring to challenge presumed nominee Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nod. It wasn’t a good article, either … but that’s not our fault.  O’Malley fell asleep…


Recently we wrote about Martin O’Malley – the uber-liberal governor of Maryland who is aspiring to challenge presumed nominee Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nod.

It wasn’t a good article, either … but that’s not our fault.  O’Malley fell asleep during a meeting.   We had to poke fun at him.  Just as we had to mock his state for its anti-competitive assault on the Second Amendment.

Anyway … O’Malley can take comfort in the fact that despite our best efforts to improve his name identification in early-voting South Carolina, home to the nation’s “First in the South” presidential primaries, he’s still an unknown commodity.

According to Gallup polling released earlier this month, a whopping 69 percent of Democrats (and Democratic-leaning “independents”) have never heard of O’Malley – compared to 9 percent who view him favorably, 7 percent who view him unfavorably and 15 percent who have heard of him but have no opinion.

That makes O’Malley the least-known of the 2016 Democratic contenders – a field paced by Clinton, vice president Joe Biden, New York governor Andrew Cuomo and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

In fact O’Malley’s name recognition trails Warren – who a virtual unknown compared to Clinton or Biden – by a whopping thirty percentage points.

We’ve written previously on efforts by the “Maryland Mob” – a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, O’Malley, Chris Van Hollen, et. al. – to position O’Malley as a viable presidential contender (at Clinton’s expense).  Clearly they’ve got their work cut out for them.

In fact their efforts remind us of a certain Air Supply song …

You know, if we listened to Air Supply (which we don’t … honestly).

Anyway … we suspect O’Malley will go over like a fart in church in South Carolina, where support for the Second Amendment (and other Amendments O’Malley wants to trample over) remains strong.

(Banner via)

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Just another guy July 29, 2014 at 1:54 pm

You do realize he is running in the democratic primary, right? Not the Republican one and the Dems in this state hate guns as well.

tomstickler July 29, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Let us remind you that anyone can vote in whatever primary they desire, which works well sometimes, sometimes not.

vicupstate July 29, 2014 at 3:15 pm

It is highly unlikely that a NRA member is going to forgo a wide open GOP primary, to vote for the lessor evil (as they would see it) in a Democratic primary.

FITS is so off the reservation on this article. Not that it is a surprise.

So most people don’t know the Governor of a state they don’t live in? Duh. No shit. He hasn’t even announced, and may not even run. He isn’t running to beat Hillary either, but to be on the ticket. Pelosi has all but endorsed Hillary.

Elizabeth Warren was in a much higher profile race, and is closely identified with liberal causes.

The people that will bother to vote in a primary are far more tuned in than the public at large. There will be plenty of time for O’Malley to reach them.

Fits Aint No Republican July 29, 2014 at 4:14 pm

Fits would rather talk about A Democrat who NOBODY believes is a particularly serious candidate than confront the abysmal field in HIS party.

Not that he is a Republican mind you(heh heh heh).

Tom July 29, 2014 at 5:56 pm

Will is a NINO; Non-Republican in Name Only.

Sandi Morals July 29, 2014 at 8:58 pm

LMAO! Pelosi has endorsed somebody.
Is that like an endorsement from O.J. Simpson?

vicupstate July 29, 2014 at 9:55 pm

Better an endorsement from O.J. than one from you.

SCBlues July 29, 2014 at 2:57 pm

“Anyway … we suspect O’Malley will go over like a fart in church in South Carolina, where support for the Second Amendment (and other Amendments O’Malley wants to trample over) remains strong.”
Good grief! Just about anybody with a lick of sense is going to go over like a fart in a church in SC – you’d think that since Haley has gone over like a full-fledged shit on the church altar that folks might wake up around here but it will not happen.

Elfego July 29, 2014 at 4:18 pm

Is O’Malley not a close relative of Nancy Pelosi?

Sandi Morals July 29, 2014 at 8:54 pm

Yep. The ECB campaign tried to use him to get Pelosi Jr elected. He got an F.

whocutdacheeze? July 31, 2014 at 7:58 am

My guess is that Sic Willie knows a butt load about church farting…funeral farting too…


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