National Democrats Target Nikki Haley With New Ad

TELEVISION SPOT SLAMS GOVERNOR FOR MISMANAGEMENT AT CHILD WELFARE AGENCY  On the heels of a new poll showing a closer-than-expected gubernatorial race in “Republican-controlled” South Carolina, national Democrats are pumping money into the Palmetto State on behalf of their 2014 nominee, S.C. Sen. Vincent Sheheen (D-Camden). According to a recent…


On the heels of a new poll showing a closer-than-expected gubernatorial race in “Republican-controlled” South Carolina, national Democrats are pumping money into the Palmetto State on behalf of their 2014 nominee, S.C. Sen. Vincent Sheheen (D-Camden).

According to a recent Public Policy Polling survey (obtained exclusively by FITS last month) Sheheen trails incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley by a narrow 49-46 percent margin.  Even better news for Democrats?  The head-to-head poll did not include well-funded “Independent Republican” candidate Tom Ervin or Libertarian Party nominee Steve French – both of whom could steal votes from Haley if their candidacies gain traction.

The new ad – run by the Democratic Governors’ Association (DGA) – focuses on the rash of scandals at Haley’s Department of Social Services (SCDSS).

FITS has been on top of these scandals from day one – doing the work the mainstream media refused to do.  In fact we were the first website in the state to report on the agency’s negligence and complicity in the tragic death of four-year-old Robert Guinyard, Jr.

That’s the case that eventually broke the SCDSS debacle wide open … and ultimately led to the resignation of SCDSS director Lillian Koller, the woman Haley repeatedly referred to as a “rock star” throughout the crisis.

In fact Haley initially refused to accept Koller’s resignation – saying “you’re not going anywhere.”

In the DGA ad, former SCDSS attorney Betsy Burton addresses the scandal at her former agency …

(Click to play)

“When Governor Haley took office, things began to change,” Burton says.  “I resigned from DSS because we actually were leaving children in dangerous situations to make the numbers look better.”

“Nikki Haley is protecting her career instead of our children,” Burton concludes.

Ouch …

It’s worth noting the scandals at this agency – and allegations of manipulated data – extend far beyond its child welfare efforts.  There’s the ongoing failure of SCDSS on the state’s child support enforcement database – or the total lack of follow-through Koller’s agency has shown with regard to a food stamp waiver touted by Haley in her so-called “war on fat.” There are also questionable consultant payments and allegations of cooked books at its “welfare to work” program (as well as its food stamp system).

Haley’s scandals aren’t just limited to one agency, either.

In addition to Koller, Haley has been forced to accept the resignations of Abraham Turner at the S.C. Department of Workforce, Jim Etter at the S.C. Department of Revenue and Robert St. Onge of the S.C. Department of Transportation.

According to the DGA, its ad “is part of a significant six-figure buy.” The association also notes it is weighing in on the South Carolina governor’s race “far earlier in the cycle than when the DGA ran television ads in 2010.”

Our thoughts on the spot?

“Eh …”

Don’t get us wrong, the scandal at SCDSS is one of Haley’s most glaring vulnerabilities.  We’re just not sure this ad fully exploits that vulnerability.  For example: Where are the stock images of abused or neglected children?  And why aren’t images of Haley more prominently featured – seeing as she is the responsible party?  And isn’t a message like this better delivered by a professional narrator?

It just seems like the DGA left a lot of “bite” on the table in leveling this broadside against Haley …

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Grady July 16, 2014 at 9:32 am

Spot on sums up Haley in just a few words. Haley needs to be unemployed next year she had been nothing but a disaster since she took office.

nitrat July 16, 2014 at 9:55 am

Can we expect similar ads about: SCDOT, SCDEW, SCDOR, etc., etc., etc. ?
And, they need to point out that this is not just the 4 years of Haley, it’s the 12 years of Sanford/Haley ineptitude. It is time too begin to crawl back out from under and that will take paying attention and not just voting for the R after the idiot’s name.

Thomas July 16, 2014 at 10:01 am

The problems at DSS with 40 cases per worker goes back atleast 14 years. Kohler was putting foster children into stable homes and should be applauded.

Leatherman just might give her a casino or two in her next term…can we say legacy…all sins forgiven.

vicupstate July 16, 2014 at 10:25 am

DSS has a tough job, and has always been understaffed, but it has never been on this level before. Kohler was clearly over her head, and should have been gone long before she was.

Haley’s appointments are based on political chits only, and not basic competence to do the job.

beenthere July 16, 2014 at 5:30 pm

You obviously were hired by Koller over @ DSS @ the State Office in Columbia. Otherwise you would know that Koller and her cronies are not placing children in stable homes. They are bribing relatives and anyone else who will accept or adopt Foster Children so “their numbers will look good” to Gov. Haley. Do you really believe that all of the letters and emails to the Senate sub committee from actual DSS employees are lies?

Buz Martin July 16, 2014 at 10:06 am

I still refuse to vote for Sheheen. Needless to say I won’t vote for Haley.
I’ll be paying more attention, going forward, to French and Ervin.

vicupstate July 16, 2014 at 10:26 am

Specifically, why do you refuse to vote for Sheheen?

Buz Martin July 16, 2014 at 11:44 am

He is even more of a tool of the corrupt crony capitalists tied to the chamber of commerce than is Nikki Haley.

Rakkasan July 20, 2014 at 12:52 am


Buz Martin July 20, 2014 at 8:23 am

Grand Strand business leaders react to state chamber’s endorsement of Sheheen over Haley

Buz Martin July 20, 2014 at 8:32 am

FITS did a whole series of articles, even before he became a candidate, about his close ties to the chamber. Which he referred to as the “Chamber of Communists.”
They don’t seem to be as much on his shit list these days, though, although he says he’s opposed to crony capitalism. The US Chamber (to which the vast majority of state and local chambers belong) is the largest body of organized crony capitalists/corporatists in the world.

Buz Martin July 20, 2014 at 8:26 am

When Haley first ran for governor, their guy was Gresham Barrett in the primary. Barrett was caught up in the “Coastal Kickback” mess, and had other problems. When he lost to Haley, the SC Chamber backed Sheheen, and all the local chambers fell in line.

Todd July 16, 2014 at 11:20 am

So you’re going to waste a vote. Cool story bro.

Buz Martin July 16, 2014 at 11:43 am

The only wasted votes are no votes at all, and a vote for someone you abhor just because the system forces you into a bullshit two-party monopoly system.

Rocky July 16, 2014 at 10:40 am

Oh snap! Everyone thought Haley was gonna coast in – and the poll didn’t include Tom. Figure Tom’s gonna get about 10% points and now Vinny gets 48, Nikk-ster gets 42, and that’s conservaitve. More likely Tommy pulls 20%, Nikk-ster gets 32 and Vinny wins. Go Vinny. Maybe she can get some help from Chris Krispy Cream Christie.

Marsha July 16, 2014 at 10:49 am

AGREED! Go Mrs. Burton! Simple ad that’s on point and well-spoken. Haley needs to go.

John July 16, 2014 at 10:57 am

Very well done commercial, best I’ve seen in the campaign so far. Mrs. Burton is right on.

Concerned Citizen July 16, 2014 at 12:15 pm

The State Office of Inspector General’s 2012 – 2013 Annual Report also damns Haley’s DSS:

Agency # hotline complaints FY 2012 – 2013

DSS 50
DOT 11
DE&W 11



The OIG got more complaints concerning DSS (25%) than any other agency by a long shot.

Haley indeed has blood on her hands. Shame on her.

pg. 10

Crooner July 16, 2014 at 2:50 pm

When you’re a functional idiot even people of normal intelligence merit “rock star” status.

Carter July 16, 2014 at 2:53 pm

I disagree with your review of the ad. The general public is sick of “professional narrators” telling us how to think. I’m glad they went with this nice lady instead of some man in a studio somewhere.

Larry July 16, 2014 at 3:18 pm

I disagree as well. To me, this ad is finally one that the public can relate to. Not some overdone professional narrator, but a real, respectable professional who’s speaking from their own experience with DSS.

RHood2 July 16, 2014 at 5:51 pm

Maybe Tom Ervin can run the same ad, with the edits you suggest, Slick.

PT Barnum July 16, 2014 at 7:29 pm

Haley lose? B’wah! She could be filmed selling foster children to gypsies and then funneling the money to Indian terrorists and she would still draw 52%+ of the vote because of the “R” next to her name on the ballot…this is South Carolina, people.
Like I always said, there’s one born every minute…


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