
Michael Bloomberg: Another Lindsey Graham Puppetmaster

LIBERAL EX-NYC MAYOR GIVES $250,000 TO PRO-GRAHAM GROUP Michael Bloomberg – the radical liberal, nanny statist and sexist former mayor of New York – gave a quarter million dollars to the reelection effort of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.). According to The Politico , Bloomberg gave “West Main Street Values PAC”…


Michael Bloomberg – the radical liberal, nanny statist and sexist former mayor of New York – gave a quarter million dollars to the reelection effort of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.).

According to The Politico , Bloomberg gave “West Main Street Values PAC” – one of the pro-Graham political action committees -$250,000 to help the liberal incumbent secure his underwhelming victory in this year’s “Republican” primary in South Carolina.

After spending more than $5 million, Graham received 56 percent of the vote in a low-turnout election against a field of six candidates – none of whom was able to establish themselves as a credible alternative to the darling of the liberal D.C. establishment.

In addition to supporting Graham, Bloomberg gave $250,000 to a political action committee supporting liberal “Republican” Thad Cochran in Mississippi.  You know … that’s the race in which the GOP establishment used liberal special interest money to buy the black vote on Cochran’s behalf.

And this is how “Republicans” choose their candidates?  Amazing …

The “West Main Street Values PAC” was established by – among others – former S.C. “Republican” Party chairman Katon Dawson, a staunch Graham loyalist.

Bloomberg and Graham share many of the same far-left views – including raising energy taxes as part of an effort to subsidize Washington’s radical environmental agenda.  In fact Graham was the only “Republican” in the entire U.S. Congress  to embrace a radical “cap and trade” energy tax hike in 2009 – which prompted a flood of liberal money on his behalf to South Carolina.

Looks like the radical left is still lining Graham’s pockets … once again using money from the far left to fool impressionable Palmetto State voters into believing their Senator is further to the right than he really is.

Graham faces Democrat Brad Hutto and independent candidate Thomas Ravenel in November.

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Smirks July 15, 2014 at 10:29 am

Caption: Bloomberg demonstrates how he slides his hand up Graham’s ass and works his mouth like a puppet.

CNSYD July 15, 2014 at 10:39 am

If having “far-left views” will make my bank account equal to Bloomberg’s, where do I sign up?

idiotwind July 15, 2014 at 10:42 am

first off: who among us is not willing to jump into bed with a billionaire?
secondly, what the hell is left wing about cap and trade? a left wing solution would be to ban all the processes contributing to climate change, because you don’t wait for something to kill you in order to be sure its dangerous. contrarily, cap and trade is a free market solution to an actual real world problem. think of it! a conservative idea that ACTUALLY, not just theoretically, could make the world at least a little better.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 10:56 am

Uh, no. Science is a liberal conspiracy. As soon as Republicans are in a position to kill all the scientist and defund scientific research, all of these problems will disappear over night, just watch how fast the so called scientist and eco-terrorists recant when subjected to waterboarding. There are no problems in this nation or on this planet that cannot be resolved by the free market or prayer. We know good and damn well that corporations will not unnecessarily pollute the environment. They would be killing their customers. Science is a waste of time and valuable resources.

Saluda Rapids July 15, 2014 at 11:27 am

Welcome to Knuckle-Dragger Tuesday.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 11:51 am

Ok, so waterboarding was a little harsh. I should have said watch how fast they recant when they are forced to work for corporations and business people instead of University Research Centers subsidized by the government.
As long as Reynolds Tobacco was hiring the researchers cigarettes did not cause cancer. You let the university types in and suddenly all smokers are dying of lung cancer and heart disease. What does that tell you? Socialized research causes cancer and global warming.

Smirks July 15, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Of course Reynolds Tobacco lied. Corporations are soulless, man-made constructs devoted to profit. They have a vested interest in lying to the public. This isn’t a simple aberration, this is how the “invsisible hand” works.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 1:38 pm

Corporations are a direct reflection of their managers and owners. Blaming the corporation is the same as blaming the gun. People may try to separate themselves from responsibility by blaming the corporation, but they can’t. Whether it is abortion or GM ignition keys, people are responsible. The Hobby Lobby ruling may actually in a convoluted way hold people more culpable for corporate actions.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 2:25 pm

But Romney said corporation were people too. So did Justice Scalia. My head is spinning. People, not people. Is there a unified field theory of Republican politics or does it operate at the quantum level where things can be or not be at the same time?

Crooner July 15, 2014 at 3:35 pm

Seen on an OWS protest sign: “I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.”

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Of course, you can twist statements to make it sound silly, but when you censor a corporation, you censor the people behind the corporation and when you force a corporation to pay for abortions then you are forcing people to pay for them. All corporation means is “group of people authorized to act as a single entity”. The first amendment contains “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”. That is what a corporation is “a peaceful assembly”.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 4:07 pm

Ah, so Corporations are the equivalent of a group of guys meeting under a Liberty Tree. I am betting few Constitutional scholars would agree that forming corporations was in the mind of the drafters when they wrote that language, but I could be wrong..

But I get it now. Corporations are people when it benefits them to be people but not when it does not. When things go wrong its the its the fault of some other person Thus the group benefits from our collective personhood, but suffers not one iota when one or more of us causes our collective self to act badly. In short, Corporations are people without accountability or responsibility for anything they do. I can see why Republicans would find that attractive. Quantum level it is.

But you would have to agree it is possible to symbolically administer the death penalty to a Corporation by seizing its assets and revoking its charter. And its possible to symbolically send a Corporation to prison by locking all of its assets away for a period of time and suspending its charter to operate during that same period of time. So why when a corporation commits a crime should not we do that? Let the individuals punish the member who caused them collective harm the way individuals provide collective gain. I guess that would end the benefit of being a person without responsibility or accountability.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 5:01 pm

But I get it now. Corporations are people when it benefits them to be people but not when it does not. When things go wrong its the its the fault of some other person.
Tom we agree more than you think. This is what I said just above. “The Hobby Lobby ruling may actually in a convoluted way hold people more culpable for corporate actions.”

If you can erode the difference between an owner’s religious beliefs and his corporations beliefs then you can also erode the difference between a corporations crimes and the owners.

“Symbolically administe(d) the death penalty to a Corporation” is not enough or is not fair to current owners who were not responsible. Ownership has changed at least twice since the ignition key problems at GM including the US government. Management at the time of the crime should be held accountable.

E Norma Scok July 15, 2014 at 12:08 pm

Lets pretend for a moment that I actually believe that driving my truck to work is going to kill the polar bears…..

If I send my money to the government in exchange for me to pump out greenhouse gases while I make my widgets and drive my SUV, how does this affect the billions times more pollutants that the rest of the world is dumping into the atmosphere?

Tom July 15, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Now that is a Republican theory we can all understand. Since my small efforts would not offset all the pollution in the world, it is meaningless and if my efforts are meaningless so are the efforts of everyone else, and since a combination of meaningless efforts would be meaningless, we can all do nothing and the result will be the same as all doing something.

Now are you that smart are did Glen Beck come up with that?

E Norma Scok July 15, 2014 at 11:37 pm

I have never found giving my money to the government to fix anything.

“trading” my money for the ability generate carbon is as stupid as burning your food for fuel.

Mary July 15, 2014 at 10:43 am

Bloomberg is a Republican Job Creator, doing what Republican Job Creators like best. Paying money to politicians to get what they want.
And thanks for being honest that Conservative Republicans have no interest in the votes of minorities. Seems to me minorities should always keep that in the front of their mind when they enter the voting booth. Especially when Republicans do everything in their power to keep them out.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 10:55 am

What is TRav’s and Hutto’s position on “Climate change”?

Tom July 15, 2014 at 11:01 am

TRav’s is the same as yours. Either the free market will handle it or its gods judgment on man and there is nothing to be done. Either way its not a problem we should worry about.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 11:46 am

TRav is more of a believer in “survival of the fittest”. It’s usually non followers (they call themselves non believers) that worry about gods judgment. I’m more inclined towards God’s grace.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 12:09 pm

I’ll have to say I can’t follow your logic here, but I guess it is a matter of faith. Faith that people who do not believe in god are worried about god’s judgment.
I guess it would have been more proper for me to say its punishment resulting from god’s judgment of man. However, neither grace nor punishment can exist without judgment; and grace cannot exist if punishment does not exist. Just like good cannot exist without evil. Its all math.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 1:05 pm

I believe that for a lot of people atheism is more of a convenience than a belief.

bible dumper July 15, 2014 at 1:33 pm

Atheism is more common sense, instead of fantasy for adults.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 1:43 pm

Atheism is more of a fantasy for adults. “I can do what I want as long as it’s legal”. It is the wish of every teenager not to have to do what their parents tell them. Atheist are the childish ones.

Mike at the Beach July 15, 2014 at 6:09 pm

I don’t know about that as a logical construct; it seems to deny the existence and/or efficacy of free will. It’s a John Calvin v. Thomas Hobbes thing- I believe in God’s will too, but I don’t sleep on train tracks…

Tom July 15, 2014 at 9:17 pm

Please note I said TRav had the same view as Bible Thumper, not me. I am firmly on board with global warming. I believe it is happening, and while I do not think man is the sole cause of it, I believe our activities are undeniably contributing to it and we should reduce green house gasses.

Mike at the Beach July 15, 2014 at 9:21 pm

I hear you, but I wasn’t planning on arguing about determinism with you or BT, and I *certainly* don’t have any minutes to squander arguing about global warming… ;-)

Sandi Morals July 15, 2014 at 11:13 am

Graham is PRO-LIFE. Most important issue to a Christian conservative.
Really it is impossible today to call yourself a Democrat and say you are a Biblical Christian. How could a Democrat be a Biblical Christian? The party is evil.Hitler put em in ovens.Dems endorse butchering the children while still in the womb.
Vote Graham, a friend of the unborn.

Old Test July 15, 2014 at 11:30 am

Yet God was killing babies all the time.

God is a Tea Party Member July 15, 2014 at 11:41 am

Not Christian babies. Sandi was referring to the killing of Christian babies.
You see Dems kill babies in the womb before you can look them in the eye and assess there religion or economic status. Conservatives know you should only kill babies after they are born. Either because they are Muslims or because they are poor.

RogueElephant July 16, 2014 at 8:34 am

“God is a Tea Party member ” uhhh, God is who started the Tea Party. Please get it right. Remember the “endowed by our creator thing ?”

CorruptionInColumbia July 15, 2014 at 11:43 am

I am more interested in issues like freedom, taxes, corruption, spending, wars (and avoidance of those that are neither necessary nor productive in any way), and other issues. The Bible thumpers rally around abortion and gay marriage as though those are the only two issues which matter.

Smirks July 15, 2014 at 12:37 pm

Really it is impossible today to call yourself a Democrat and say you
are a Biblical Christian. How could a Democrat be a Biblical Christian?

Reason and religion don’t mix. :)

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 1:01 pm

Reason and atheism don’t mix. Examples: communism, social darwinism,

Smirks July 15, 2014 at 1:05 pm

So all atheists believe in communism and social darwinism?

Religion is not a requirement for morality or empathy.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 1:18 pm

No. A lot of atheist believe in democracy, but they have to give Christians and Jews most of the credit for its development in the modern world.
“Religion is not a requirement for morality or empathy.”
True, but Morality and empathy is a requirement to be a true Christian. Atheism was the inspiration for the greatest evil in the twentieth century, but hateful religion may be the greatest evil of this century.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 1:48 pm

I thought social darwinism was part of the Republican Party Platform.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 4:05 pm

And social engineering is part of the Democratic platform.

Tom July 15, 2014 at 4:29 pm

Well, the goal is to make the lives of the average American better than it would be if the Government did not exist (thus enabling them to pursue happiness), to preserve liberty by assuring tyrants and royals do not arise and take control of the government by virtue of their wealth; and to preserve their life by providing them with access to the necessities of life (food, clothing, shelter, health care).

I would say the entire American experiment from day one has been an exercise in social engineering. We decided to toss out the old social order (master/servant; nobel/commoner) and install a new order based on the equality of all white men and later black men and women.

This is social engineering if by that you mean it is not what would happen naturally. Naturally the rich and powerful would run everything to the detriment of everyone else and the poor and weak would be left to struggle to survive. I say that is what would happen naturally as that is what has always happened throughout history.

nitrat July 15, 2014 at 1:58 pm

” Morality and empathy is a requirement to be a true Christian”
Then, there sure are a lot of un-true Christians running around. It’s so bad it seems that there is a negative correlation between the vast majority of the bible thumpers I have worked with my entire life and anything approaching ethics; one seems to rule out the other.

Bible Thumper July 15, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Bible Thumper is a derogatory term that implies some obnoxious behavior. I don’t do my thumping at work or any place where people are required to be. I do it here where you have the choice to agree, disagree, ignore or avoid. This is the perfect forum where a Bible Thumper should be welcome.
It is also a forum where atheists are free to express there opinions, which is not always easy in the bible belt. It should not be that way.
There are places where it is also difficult for a Christian to express themselves. There aren’t many positive portrayals of Christians in the MSM. It seems to be politically correct to make Christians the butt of jokes by late night comics but many other groups are off limits.

RogueElephant July 16, 2014 at 8:30 am

Didn’t Graham try to get a bill something about no abortion after 20 weeks, or something like that ? How about the first 19 weeks ? I guess that doesn’t matter since they can’t vote or write checks. T RAV on the other hand is raising his child like a loving parent even though he could have taken the low road. Think about it.

CorruptionInColumbia July 15, 2014 at 11:46 am

… and the fools will vote for Lindsey no matte what he does to harm us or how often he does it…

Bloomturd’s passion is disarming everyone but his security team. You idiots who claim to be gun owners and yet voted for Lindsey, I can only hope you will be among the first to get that “knock at the door”.

RogueElephant July 16, 2014 at 8:26 am

C/C- The old story about no education in the second kick of the mule applys here. Those Grahamnasty supporters must have hoof prints all over them. LOL How many times dose he have to sell US out to the highest bidder for people to realize ???

Centrist View July 15, 2014 at 11:46 am

Bloomberg??? Better get yer Big Gulp while you can.

The Colonel July 15, 2014 at 12:48 pm

“And this is how “Republicans” choose their candidates? Amazing …”

Tom July 15, 2014 at 2:12 pm

I don’t think Republicans had to learn corruption from anyone. They are masters of the trade. Learned from Democrats. What a joke and such disrespect for Republicans. They have owned the best politicians money can buy since the the late 1800s. Undetectable bribery has become a Republican art form.

Ludwig Von Mises July 15, 2014 at 6:27 pm

The Colonel is disgruntled Republican.Since he cant justify many of the things HIS party does,he simply blames all the bad stuff on the Democrats!

LindSay Don'tdo July 15, 2014 at 1:31 pm

LindSay Graham:

He’s For:

Amnesty for illegal criminals
Spying on American Citizens
Fear Mongering
Higher taxes
More Government
Special Interest Whoredom
Faking Conservative-Voting Liberal

He’s Against:

United States Constitution
Accountability of politicians
Individual Liberty
Government Oversight
Sovereignty of OUR COUNTRY
Right to bear Arms
Controlled government spending
Responsible Campaign contribution regulations

Is it any surprise that Bloomberg loves the guy?

Buddy Miles July 16, 2014 at 12:39 am

Another Thad thory.


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