Germany Boots US Intelligence Chief
In the latest development related to the U.S. spy operation in Germany (which was approved by U.S. PYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
In the latest development related to the U.S. spy operation in Germany (which was approved by U.S. P
Bet the next step is to trade out IT software and hardware that originates from the US so that they don’t have FBI/CIA/NSA backdoors built into their shit. Every foreign country should do that. Throwing out some punk isn’t going to stop jack shit, hitting America in the wallet though will most definitely cut this crap out.
Who would buy a secure router from the US?
Nothing but theater. Nothing to see here. Must be an election coming up. Got to show the electorate how tough we are.
Haley has nearly three times as much with $4.5 million in cash, her campaign said.
The onetime Lexington lawmaker has raised nearly $7 million for the race. That is $3 million more than her total contributions for the 2010 campaign and just $1 million shy of what she and Sheheen combined to raise in that race.
Why is it that the Germans are more inclined and more skillful at reining in the excesses of our govermental intrusions than is our own congress?
Maybe it’s because:
A. All they had to do is PNG the guy
B. They didn’t actually do anything to stop us from gathering Intel, all they did is get the local office manager fired
It was Snowden, not Germany.
Ummm, yeah, if you think even for a minute that the the only “ally” who spies on her allies, you’re beyond naive. The U.K.does it, France does it, Germany does it – even Canada does it. I’d be willing to lay odds that every nation on earth with a functional government and an organized intelligence apparatus spies on her neighbors and her allies.
There you go again! Don’t you know Sic Willie doesn’t like it when facts/truth are injected into his stories?
Yea, I am pretty sure we have been spying on Germany since at least WW. As I recall the KAOS agents on “Get Smart” were Germans and their symbol was the German coat of arms with a vulture replacing the eagle. But I guess we live in more trusting times???
They were Romanians with really bad accents.
Of course they do. This is simply how the game is played- once the facts became public, Germany had no choice but to feign indignation and boot someone in a high-level intel post. We do the same thing. Not that boring little things like facts should interfere with these stories, but most developed nations have entire intel shops or subunits which monitor the FFN (friendly foreign nation) intel services working in their country. Everybody keeps tabs on everybody, it’s just basic situational awareness (and good business). Yawn.
Once FITS gets Ravenel elected to the US Senate, he will straighten this madness out. He is a foreign policy EXPERT. He has bona fides and everything (I know, because I read it here). He knows all about this shit.
Thank God for our fathers and grandfathers or we would all be speaking German today.
— or Japanese
Doesn’t matter, we’ll all be speaking Spanish here shortly.
Nah, but the British might be.
Best comment this year comrade !
I am really disappointed in Obama. This must be Bush’s fault.
I blame Bush.
We already knew that…
Broken record much?
Much much?
There’s not been a more striking likeness to Alfred E. Newman in the Whitehouse, EVER.
Actually, I see the resemblance to be Curious George. Chelsea Clinton resembles a mixture of Howdy Doody and Alfred E. Newman.
Chelse Clinton is cute and hot!
Jr. Justice — don’t you need to tend to a riot in the exercise yard? Your comment shows that you have been working alone for too many hours.
Especially when she shoe horns those thunder thighs she got from her mom in leather pants.
Not enough alcohol on planet Earth for that level of beer goggle drunk.
And if there were, you’d end up with whiskey dick anyway.
Comparing Obama to a monkey? Oh no you didn’t!
Some pictures of Dubya were a dead ringer for ol’ Alfred E.
Is this clown respected by any other leader?