Scandal-Scarred State …

CORRUPTION ABOUNDS … BUT CONSEQUENCES ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN Don’t look now, but South Carolina is starting to get a reputation … For starters, there’s a big national story out this week about Palmetto State Sheriffs and their legal problems – most recently the federal indictment of Lexington County,…


Don’t look now, but South Carolina is starting to get a reputation …

For starters, there’s a big national story out this week about Palmetto State Sheriffs and their legal problems – most recently the federal indictment of Lexington County, S.C. Sheriff James Metts.

And of course there’s the ongoing drama involving notoriously corrupt S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell – who appears poised to receive the same “Palmetto Whitewash” received two summers ago by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley.

Oh, and who can forget the saucy details of the scandal brewing around Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin?

Everywhere you look in South Carolina – at all levels of government – there’s scandal.  The problem?  Those scandals rarely result in consequences for those who engage in corrupt behavior.  Seriously … half the S.C. General Assembly should probably be in jail right now, not doling out hundreds of millions of dollars to connected corporations and billions of dollars to a sprawling, mostly unnecessary bureaucracy.

S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson has done his best to tackle public corruption in the Palmetto State – including leading the investigation that brought down “Republican” Lt. Gov. Ken Ard (who was elected via an illegal cash for contributions scheme).

Ard’s indictment – and resignation from office – represent one of the few instances in which a corrupt Palmetto politician was held accountable for his actions.  Of course Ard’s office is constitutionally weak – meaning there is little in the way of reprisal in the event someone choose to go after its occupant.

Wilson dramatically upped the ante when he launched his investigation of Harrell – one of the most powerful figures in state government.  And Harrell has fought back with ferocity … apparently secure in the knowledge of the case’s eventual outcome.

So … how to solve the problem?

And can it even be solved? 

Sure …

The first step is for state lawmakers to craft (and pass) an uncompromising ethics bill, one that contains clear provisions, draconian penalties and independent enforcement.  The second step?  Electing more people like Wilson … and fewer people like Haley and Harrell.

Obviously that’s easier said than done … and both of these steps will require a much stronger commitment from the state’s mainstream media establishment, which more often than not is playing for the wrong team.

Fortunately four legislators – Beth Bernstein, Tom Davis, Kirkman Finlay and Vincent Sheheen – are in the process of tackling this issue, preparing ethics reform proposals in advance of next year’s legislative session.  And obviously Wilson is not backing down in the face of tremendous resistance from Harrell and his powerful allies.

So there’s hope …

South Carolina doesn’t have to be a cesspool of corruption.  It can be a state where elected officials discharge their duties evenly and dispassionately – in the best interests of the governed, not their own interests or the special interests of those bankrolling them.

For that to happen, though, it’s going to require tougher laws … and leaders with the balls to enforce them.

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pulp July 1, 2014 at 5:40 pm

SC is a con man’s paradise.

SCBlues July 1, 2014 at 5:53 pm

“Don’t look now, but South Carolina is starting to get a reputation …”

Nölff July 2, 2014 at 12:19 pm

Chicago ain’t got anything on SC, looks like.

GrandTango July 1, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Ever hear of Detroit Dumb@$$??…What about Elliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner Charlie Rangel or Bill Clinton? All live in NY.

The SURE sign of an uneducated Rube is the the belief that only his nest has human behavior in it. “I’m special Bo, I’m worse than anybody else. Ain’t that cool.” It the self-bigotry of low expectations.

It shows you’ve likely live here all your life, and never traveled, even w/ your mind.

a face in the crowd July 1, 2014 at 6:13 pm

Kwame Kilpatrick is imprisoned. Spitzer resigned in disgrace. Weiner resigned in disgrace. Clinton went through impeachment proceedings. How about Sanford, who left the state, unannounced, for another country? Not only did he not resign, he was elected to Congress! Soon Haley will be re-elected governor, and she will end up costing the state millions in private lawsuits based on the follies of idiots she appointed to public agencies.

ambulance chasers for sheheen July 1, 2014 at 8:40 pm

That you Tom Ervin? Kathryn?

a face in the crowd July 1, 2014 at 9:34 pm

I can tell facts are not your strong suit. Just accept them and tell yourself you were not involved.

guest July 1, 2014 at 6:44 pm

Clinton was from Arkansas and the scandals incurred in AR and Wash DC therefore he is not from NY. Elliot and Anthony are from NY; their actions were not acceptable and the voters let them know by not electing them. Rangel is from NY and the people are putting the heat on him. SC is too lenient with their lawmakers.

Sandi Morals July 1, 2014 at 8:34 pm

I consider SC one of the most beautiful states in the country, Great culture and people.
Sure would hate to have such a bankrupt heart , soul and personal life that destroying not only my state but my neighbors as well is my chosen job.
Thank you for providing humor with your factual opinions. I can tell you are not trying to hurt and destroy others-you just try and get the facts out.
Enjoy ‘paradise’ while the haters implode creating faux scandels and conspiracy theories.

Ease That Teabag July 1, 2014 at 8:40 pm

Well, goddamn…one beer in and already doing a spit-take…

Ease That Teabag July 1, 2014 at 9:10 pm

I agree with your comment. I am a lonely cocksucker that lives with my mommy and walks with a cane. My front yard is gravel yet she makes me mow it everyday if I wanna eat soup and beans.

Smirks July 1, 2014 at 9:55 pm

“chosen job”

Temporary work, right? Until November?

At least it sounds like Haley pays her goons well.

Sandi Morals July 1, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Man, do you sleep?
I will repeat I don’t work for Haley. I am also not a ‘goons’ (I think you meant ‘coon’s’ cause someone has apparently told you I have many black folks in my family. I don’t appreciate your racist comment and hope it is not coming from the Sheheen/ Ervin campaign).
I do have a question for you however since you are apparently working for the Sheheen / Ervin campaign.
Lawsuit filed in Mississippi claims that folks were being paid to vote for Cochran in Republican primary. $15 a vote.
Since you are an ‘insider’ , how much is a signature worth to get on a ballot in South Carolina for the office of governor?
Is it worth loaning your own campaign $425,000?

Sandi Morals July 2, 2014 at 12:01 am

I am sorry everyone. I have changed my support to Tom Erwin. I cant stomach the thought of Haley going back in office. The smell at the mansion is unbearable.

Smirks July 2, 2014 at 8:44 am

I do have a question for you however since you are apparently working for the Sheheen / Ervin campaign.

Ah, the old switcharoo! Throw off your accusers by accusing them of what they’re accusing you of! Good show, old bean! None of the gents here shall see through your clever ruse!

Lawsuit filed in Mississippi claims that folks were being paid to vote for Cochran in Republican primary. $15 a vote.

So, a pending lawsuit over a conspiracy theory is “evidence” now? And it’s supposedly being perpetrated by a Republican. In another state. But somehow that links back to a SC Democrat and an SC independent?

The dumb is strong with this one.

True South July 2, 2014 at 11:18 am

If you don’t like it here, leave. I-95 heads both north and to Florida, pick one direction and go.

Uh huh July 1, 2014 at 6:04 pm

“First step, convincing the Fox that he doesn’t want to really eat the chickens in his henhouse.”

Uh huh.

anonymous July 1, 2014 at 7:24 pm

Tom Davis and Vincent Sheheen are part of the problem – not the solution. Both voted for Jean Toal when they had actual knowledge of her corruption regarding her attorney and judicial system. It is a system where Toal makes the rules, can change the rules at her whim and need, then can enforce her rules as she pleases. We have known that Sheheen was a Toal whore for years, but Davis was the surprise.

CNSYD July 1, 2014 at 8:47 pm

But he is the most free market, conservative, etc legislator in the GA. You must be new to FITSNEWS. Sic Willie tells us this ad nauseum .

cuvinny July 1, 2014 at 8:30 pm

Hopefully Wayne Byrd is the next sheriff to get charged.

CorruptionInColumbia July 2, 2014 at 3:30 pm

Excuse me for pushing in line cuvinny, but I think we have one or maybe more here just a little closer in line that I’d like to see go first, hopefully as dominos in the Lexington Crime Ring scandal. Of course, if your guy gets in ahead of those, I guess there’s no harm done. There’s enough crime and hopefully punishment to go around for all. :-)

James July 1, 2014 at 8:30 pm

Start by voting Haley out of office this November and our state will begin to heal.

Sandi Morals July 1, 2014 at 8:37 pm

Please. The only way ANY state will heal is by eliminating the Democrat/Socialist Party-the party of abortion , perversion and supporters of America’s enemies.

whatever July 1, 2014 at 10:53 pm

and…Sandi earns her $1 from the Haley campaign today.

Terry July 1, 2014 at 11:57 pm

Did Haley give you her special thanks for saying this. ..wink wink. Fucktard

that's rich! July 2, 2014 at 12:51 am

Sandi, you are spot on, if only SC could get Republican in control of all the constitiutional offices, including Gov. Both US Sens. The state House and the Senate, as well as 6-7 congressional seats, then we’d be “cleansed” I am presuming of course this corruption is all Clyburn’s fault then. Brawhahaha, good one Sandi, I loved the sarcasm. Wait, wait, what…you weren’t serious?

Good God man, see a doctor.

SCBlueWoman July 2, 2014 at 9:18 am

Yes, yes, yes… and then this will be a free country! Wait! What?

Shitty Morals July 2, 2014 at 11:15 am

It would be better to eliminate you. The state’s collective IQ would rise by 50 points.

anonymous July 2, 2014 at 4:09 am

Add AG Alan Wilson to your list, vote him out, if you don’t, you’ll be sorry.

CorruptionInColumbia July 2, 2014 at 3:21 pm

Only problem with that, is I don’t think he has any opposition at all, which totally sucks.

Jamie Crater July 2, 2014 at 9:16 am

A Folksy lie!

Bible Thumper July 1, 2014 at 10:34 pm

If we could just add wholesome family casino gambling, that would clean up the corruption in SC.

EJB July 2, 2014 at 6:43 am

Maybe, ought to put in a legalized marijuana kiosk just to make sure.

Manray July 1, 2014 at 10:55 pm

Why should any scumbag holding public office in SC be concerned about misbehavior? All they have to do is keep the hallowed “R” beside their name on the ballot and they’ll win reelection. Look at Sanford — perhaps not a crook, but certainly a man who was morally bankrupt.

Squishy123 July 2, 2014 at 2:53 pm

Paging Jim Clyburn, paging Jim Clyburn… Darrell Jackson on Line One.

Paging EW Cromartie, paging EW Crowmartie… Steve Benjamin on Line Two.

anonymous July 3, 2014 at 8:22 am

Paging Bob Coble, paging Bob Coble… Jean Toal on line 3.

and t-rav right? July 2, 2014 at 12:46 am

Hell even our treasurer/coke-head-in-chief had to resting a few years back, you “forgot” that one FITS? Oh, gotcha, like most, you only care about poor ethical behavior by politicos when it’s not your client/friend. Roger that ;-)

anonymous July 2, 2014 at 3:51 am

AG Alan Wilson has exposed his own ethics violations and abuse. As others have suggested, he should appoint a special prosecutor to in investigate himself.

Alan Wilson’s undisclosed and over-the- limit contributions


Contributor Amount over legal limit
Ace Cash Express…………………………$500
Ashley M Hoefer…………………………..$3000
Augusta Fiberglass Coatings………….$3500
Ben Harrison………………………………..$1500
Betty Willoughby…………………………..$3500
Core-B Inc……………………………………$6000
Danny Smith………………………………..$1500
Donald Coggins……………………………$1000
Football Paper LTD Co………………….$2000
Fund for American Opportunity………$3500
Hall & Bowers………………………………$3500
J Mark Lawhon…………………………….$3500
JM Family Enterprises…………………..$3500
John McIntosh……………………………..$1000
Kathryn Williams Attorney at Law……$1000
Kirkpatrick Morgan Jr…………………….$1500
Marshall Carithers………………………….$500
McKay Cauthen Settana & Stubley….$1000
Mitchell Willoughby……………………….$3500
Palmetto Alarm…………………………….$2000
Randy Lowell……………………………….$3500
Richard J. Breibart………………………..$3500
Ruan Westraad……………………………..$500
Select Management Resources………..$500
Smith Medical ASD…………………………$500
The Law Office of Richard J Breibart…$3500
Tom J. Ervin…………………………………..$3500
Francie Biggs…………………………………$1000


Ha! July 2, 2014 at 10:16 am

Shitting on Wilson isn’t gonna stop the train now…but maybe it’ll make you feel better when you are rotting in a jail cell.

Don July 2, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Wow. That is impressive. Was there truly no penalty?

anonymous July 3, 2014 at 12:12 pm

No penalty! …That’s right, there truly has been no penalty. AMAZING. Someone should ask the AG if he is willing to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate himself, it seems like that would be the only proper thing for Wilson to do under the facts and circumstances.

BTW, he’s going to have a lot of time on his hands since he has lost the grand jury case against Harrell, he now has the experience, time, and resources to investigate himself.

GrandTango July 2, 2014 at 7:23 am

There is a real good follow-up (link below) to Metts’ court appearance. Kinda references the feelings against Metts.

Humility, pent up anger follows Metts’ court appearance:

Smirks July 2, 2014 at 8:48 am

Downvote, flag comment, collapse.

GrandTango July 2, 2014 at 9:13 am

I know ignorance becomes you…but have you ever thought of opening your mind?

Squishy123 July 2, 2014 at 2:55 pm

“No Comments”… the most repeated phrase in Emily’s blog.

CorruptionInColumbia July 2, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Last time I looked at it, which was after GT said he was working on it, you couldn’t comment unless you joined some dipshit social media source, first. No thanks! That’s why I’m no longer on WIS, WLTX, or The State.

Sam July 2, 2014 at 7:50 am

Supporting coke-head felons for Congress should readily dispel this notion, right?

Hypocrite Hunter July 2, 2014 at 9:15 am

FITS, you are as corrupt as the people you complain about. Alan Wilson’s campaign contributions were as illegal and unethical as anything Ard or Harrell has done. Yet you ignore them, or gloss over them, because Wilson is going after Harrell. You are as corrupt and rotten as the rest of this state. You are a hypocrite, bought and paid for, so go F yourself. . . .

Ha! July 2, 2014 at 10:15 am

Ha! Why wouldn’t he go after the biggest fish first? Anytime one cockroach starts eating another “the people” win! Wilson is far down the corruption list, so he’s peanuts compared to the likes of Harrell.

You sound like a sore loser, almost like Harrell.

Hypocrite Hunter July 2, 2014 at 11:03 am

Who is the biggest fish? The one who is the chief law enforcement officer of the state, who prosecuted Ard for violation of campaign finance laws, the very laws he himself has broken? Think of it like this, my small-brained, tea party friend: The Attorney General is like a Sheriff: Any violation of the law, no matter how “peanuts”, by those charged with enforcement of the law, is the first order of corruption which must be rooted out. Go after all corruption, but don’t hypocritically overlook Wilson’s corruption because you like the fact he’s going after Harrell’s. Your view is narrow and reactionary.

Ha! July 2, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Harrell is far more powerful and has far more influence than the AG…so his corruption is far more important. That you would try to argue otherwise is borderline ridiculous….you’re just a sore loser.

anonymous July 2, 2014 at 8:32 pm

Actually Scooter, AG Wilson has lost his grand jury case against Harrell, now Scooter, listen to me Scooter, I say uh listen to me, tell me again who is the sore LOSER? Take all the time you need….bye bye…..

anonymous July 2, 2014 at 8:25 pm

Spot on, HH….Spot on.

Fat Greg Dulli July 2, 2014 at 10:40 am

We haven’t seen a picture of Beth Bernstein’s shoes lately, what’s up with that?

CorruptionInColumbia July 2, 2014 at 3:31 pm

I could stand for that. It’s so nice to not hear the whining about “the children” from the one she replaced. Thankfully, I’ve forgotten her name already.

Thomas July 2, 2014 at 11:56 am

I support SC Attorney General’s position regarding Harrell’s alleged crimes. He can pursue criminal charges on anyone his office sees fit…or not pursue charges. AG Wilson’s under reporting his campaign donations from his 2010 campaign has been settled with the SC Ethics Commission and criminal charges were not warranted by Ethics.

anonymous July 3, 2014 at 8:20 am

Jean Toal bribed legislators to vote for her this past February – Vinny Sheheen and Sic’s mentor, Tom Davis included. Does that count?

Squishy123 July 2, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Starting?!?! I moved here 20 years ago and I don’t know if there’s been an increase, it seems like it’s just way it’s always been and that we’re in cycle like Operation Lost Trust cycling through again. Even after that I don’t recall thinking that things were any better.

FaithNoMore July 4, 2014 at 12:47 pm

Don’t forget to add Hailey’s first Commerce Secretary Bob Faith of Greystar who engineered a lucrative takeover of the prime Navy Base property while he served the state for a year. His job was to get the best for the state for that property & it ends up in his portfolio? Never trust a man who screws the nanny!


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