
Why … So … Serious?

MISSISSIPPI POLITICAL SUICIDE SAD END TO DISAPPOINTING ELECTION Mark Mayfield was a prominent attorney in Mississippi known for his work with the state’s Tea Party network.  He was one of the top supporters of Chris McDaniel, the State Senator who nearly knocked off veteran fiscal liberal Thad Cochran – a…


Mark Mayfield was a prominent attorney in Mississippi known for his work with the state’s Tea Party network.  He was one of the top supporters of Chris McDaniel, the State Senator who nearly knocked off veteran fiscal liberal Thad Cochran – a status quo “Republican.”

In fact were it not for establishment “Republicans” pulling this sort of thing, McDaniel would have defeated Cochran …

Anyway, Mayfield was one of four individuals charged in May with – get this – “conspiracy to photograph someone without their permission on private property.”  The charge – which for reasons surpassing understanding is a felony – was part of a plot to sneak photos of Cochran’s bed-ridden wife from a nursing home back in April.

Mayfield didn’t take the photos, but he allegedly assisted the blogger who did …

For that, Mayfield was hauled out of his downtown Jackson law office by a horde of cops … a made-for-TV event that cost him tons of business.  And in case anybody missed that, Cochran supporters ran TV ads featuring his mug shot.

And of course McDaniel lost the election …

With all of that weighing on him, the 57-year-old apparently made the decision last week to take his own life … blowing his brains out with a revolver in a storage room of his garage.

Crazy, huh?

Tea Partiers are doing their best to make Mayfield a martyr … which we think is ridiculous.  Sure, he was professionally assailed and character assassinated for a nothing burger offense.  And yes, we have no doubt Cochran and the GOP establishment had plans to make his life miserable moving forward.

So what …

Scrotum up, dude.

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Not Their Business June 30, 2014 at 4:31 pm

Weak of character he was and so are those who find it OK to violate the privacy of an individual being cared for due to Alzheimer’s.

Smirks June 30, 2014 at 4:50 pm

It was a dirty, underhanded move that really makes you question his sense of common decency. Just another sad example of what some are willing to do for a political victory.

GrandTango June 30, 2014 at 4:59 pm

Anita Hill made up one of the Biggest lies in the history of the country, and she is a saint, albeit a satanic one, to liberals.
Valerie Plame was FILTHY claiming her identiy was compromised, when she was really just an ignorant, and irrelvant, peon. But because she allowed for a Republican to be abused, she is a goddess, among leftist @$$-holes.
Cindy Shehen, Susan McDougal…the list goes on amnd on. No shame for the nasty tricks of democrats…but this guy is villified because he wanted a Conservative to win…
How low have we sunk…

You are truly lost June 30, 2014 at 5:09 pm

lol….dude…how would you like it if someone snuck in to your mom’s house, took a picture of your mom upstairs, bed ridden and sickly, while you were downstairs banging away on your keyboard like a crazed chimp….only to later post them on the internets for everyone to see?

GrandTango June 30, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Did this guy do that, Dumb@$$???…NO!!!!!…

Quit getting confused: My point is that if one favored by the left, is judged wrong…Your justice is Quick and Harsh. But Corrupt and FILTHY liberals are lauded as justified heros, no matter how F*#ki ng low you stoop….Two Americas…

Native Ink June 30, 2014 at 9:30 pm

He was just following the O’Keefe and Breitbart journalism model. Illegally record people, then edit the footage to suggest criminal or unethical activity. He probably would have edited in a shadowy figure who looked like Cochran with a pillow in his hands, slowly lowering it over his wife’s face. You know, just good ole conservative journalism.

Godslayer July 1, 2014 at 11:10 am

A guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun.

Gregory Geddings July 1, 2014 at 12:19 pm

Ha! Good-un!


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