Silly Nikki Haley …
GOVERNOR’S MUFFED ANNOUNCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS A MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM Karma is a lot like Nikki HaleYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Karma is a lot like Nikki Hale
We should start her education with a comeuppance at the polls in November. Half a mind is a terrible thing to waste in SC.
I can’t wait for her next appearance on the Bobby Mac show. He kisses her ass so much that every time I call in, they won’t let me ask her a question since they only let homers call in and fawn over her. Bobby Mac is such a goober; the fact that he wears a pinkie ring says it all.
Why are you even bothering to call in???
Trying to have an 2-way conversation with either Bobby Mac or Russ Cassell is pointless.
Mac is slick with his presentation just like a preacher of politician and Cassell ‘s personification is one of a puffed-up overbearing toad.
They are suckering you in!!!!!
Thank goodness for my SiriusXM portable satellite radio. I can listen at my office,car or cutting grass with my XMP3 or streaming WXRC-FM (95.70 – “The Ride”) at home or work.
I don’t give WORD jack-shit for my time. It’s all right-wingnut propaganda.
I give Mika on Morning Joe (DirecTV ch. 356) some time early just to give her a look-see (why can’t my wife look as good as her????) and then listen to “Imus in the Morning” (SiriusXM ch.117) on my drive to work and on my docking station at my desk. Damn good morning radio
Stream “The Ride” (WXRC- 95.7 out of Charlotte) at work or home or IF I’m headed up I-85 north just listen to it on my car radio
No better station in the USA at this point if you want to hear what “Underground FM” was like back in late 60’s-early 70’s.
“The Ride” is as close as it gets to those golden years of Classic Rock
Best thing for you to do is stop listen to talk radio. It’s a waste of time unless you like to listen to dumbshits bitching on endlessly about st.uff they can’t control
Add a few freckles and you got Alfred E. Newman.
I will be so happy to never see her face and her twin Obama’s face again.
They have both been a disaster for this tate and Country, total liars and incompetent!
They are truly one in the same!
I always thought with the ears, add a few freckles and Obama would look like Alfred E. Newman too. Obama’s ears and Ohaley’s teeth and ears.
They have to be twins separated at birth.
Obama should have never been reelected, he has been a total disaster.
let’s learn from our mistakes and not reelect Ohaley! It would be just like Obama. Three more years and he will be gone! We cannot take 4 more of Ohaley!
Wake up people!…..please.
Color her green and add a couple of warts and you got the Wicked Witch of the West.
You could punch steel with that sharp chin of hers.
Zach got scolded…..
We’ve asked Haley to come speak at our sex education classes given her expertise in the area.
We hope she’ll be an incentive for all of our female students in learning not only how to “do it”, but how to make it a career advancing proposition.
Just what we need-another pervert educating our children.Glad you have time to blog on the taxpayers dime.
Of course though, if you are an administrator in a state controlled school you only work about 30 minutes a day.
Go fill the pop machine jr. and earn that 80 grand today!
Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.
Looks like you’ve got a lot of time on your hands too, good to know I’m not the only one doing with too much time on my hands. Though based on your reply, you probably aren’t getting paid to slack off, you’re probably getting a welfare check like Grand Tango. Living the high life in a trailer too?
How many times did you sign Ervin’s petition?I mean if you are going to blog on FITS while screwing the taxpayers, what wouldn’t you do?
what wouldn’t you do?
Screw Haley?
“How many times did you sign Ervin’s petition?”
It’s really upsetting that the cum dumpster might actually lose because of Ervin isn’t it?
Just think, if she’d have pandered to her base appropriately and kept her legs shut, she wouldn’t be in this mess.
So what do you do for a living where you have all day to blog/comment? Or do you live on the public dole?
Lose because of Ervin? LMAO!! ‘traitor’ Tommy Bowe Crist Ervin apparently can’t even figure out how to turn his petitions in to get on the ballot!Was turned away.
You SOB’S are really clowns.
Then why do you have your panties in such a knot over Ervin?
Seriously, who gives a fuck if it doesn’t matter? Oh, yea, you I guess…cause you have all day to post here on Fits with your EBT card handy and on’t value your time.
One thing I am not is a self-proclaimed public school educator/administrator like yourself making profane,lewd and perverted sexual comments about a lady in public.
Your school district must be very proud of you.
You are so incredibly stupid, it is unbelievable to me.
While 99% of those reading this exchange knew after my initial comment, that I was no “school administrator”, you somehow have defied the traditional bounds of human stupidity and continued on, to show us all that what you say is so completely vapid and worthless that it’s actually more effective to spend time taking a good dump rather than waste words with you.
On that note, I will do that very thing, and my last thought of you will be when said dump is sliding out of my ass.
You should be happy that government takes care of people like you or you wouldn’t have the time to show us that there are truly no limits to stupidity.
lol! I am happy that I am able to expose liberal/socialist/RINO morons like yourself that are unable to discuss policy and always seek the gutter when challenged with facts.
Carry on pervert.Let your grandkids read the filth that comes out of your souless creation.
Just like your god Obama you have proven to be a fraud.
Glad you have time to blog on the taxpayers dime.
I kinda figured you were the one commenting on the taxpayers’ dime, unless Haley has the decency to pay you out of her campaign funds.
Not a Haley employee.Never met her or anyone associated with her campaign.
My agenda as a conservative and American citizen is to do all I can do to see that the governorship’s in SC and other states remain Republican.
I also try and give equal time to answering and debunking comments from a lying,piece of shit,filthy and American hating/Taliban loving traitor/ faggot like you.
Next! :-)
I also try and give equal time to answering and debunking comments from a
lying,piece of shit,filthy and American hating/Taliban loving traitor/
faggot like you.
The only thing I’ve seen you debunk is the notion that anyone here should take you seriously even in the least bit.
I hope Haley isn’t paying you too much money, but then again, she blows taxpayer funds like a dumbass, so she’s probably paying out the ass for sub-par fake commenters too.
you don’t have the time to go one on one with Smirks. He lives on FITS 24/7. It appears to be his whole life.
Speaking of sex, I hear she’s bi-sexual. Is this true?
No, no. You are thinking of “buy sexual”, meaning you buy your way up any career ladder using sex.
She may just be a “try sexual,” meaning just about anyone can have a try. It’s the only way I can explain Larry Marchant’s whack at it, anyways.
Will any of us be shocked about anything Sic reveals in his forthcoming book?
I’ll be shocked that it actually released.
I hear she has the nickname “Target” in certain circles.
‘Cause everybody took a shot of it!
On a more serious note, I would pay the big bucks for a Wesson Oil party with NIMRATA, Sarah, Michelle, and that crazy little witch from Delaware!
I only want to watch!
lol. Haley. Just haley.
You democrats campaign may be the most PATHETIC one in SC history.
Alvin Greene would beat you. You really SUCK….
Independent petition candidate for governor Tom Ervin is going to have to try again to turn in his signatures.
Ervin tried to turn in more than 20,000 signatures of registered voters on Monday, but State Election Commission officials explained it would be a lengthy process to count them the day before a primary when their manpower was involved in preparing for Tuesday’s election, said Chris Whitmire, election commission spokesman.
LMAO! Ole ‘traitor’ Tommy tried a petition dump on the State Board of Elections yesterday apparently in hopes of ‘sneaking’ those 20,000 signatures in before they could be verified.
If that ain’t a move the corrupt Democrat Party would be proud of I don’t know what is.The Obama regime would be proud.This is a move you would see in Ukraine or the Sudan!
The Hag liberal news-reader on WVOC was about the have orgasm reading about Ervin’s signatures. Of course she did not mention that he was rejected…
I don’t care that you are in opposition, but the LIES and the Corruption from the democrats (see FITS) is absurd…
We’re in this mess because of liars, and the corrupt. We don’t need more of the disaster that the democrats have already wrought.
Amen brother Tango!
You fucking assholes are perfect for each other.
Just imagine how uninspiring the sex between them would be.
They probably use hand puppets.
Hopefully they don’t procreate.
Mutants are sterile.
You have no credibility with your wild accusations and rants!
Ervin is much more conservative than your Nikki.
He ran against one of the most corrupt, self serving liars in the State Jean Toal. Many, many Republicans voted for him; but, he lost to her and moved on. Toal continued her reign of terror from the bench. No true Democrat would have run afainst a vindictive, vicious witch like Toal.
He now runs against another self serving, vindictive, vicious witch..Haley!
I’ve known Tom Ervin for 30+ years and know him to be an honest, decent good conservative. I worked for Haley when she ran for the House and again when she ran for Governor. I was at her victory party and at the Capitol City Club on primary night, invited by her, also at her swearing in for the Legislature, invited by her! Shortly after her election and swearing in, I found her to be a disingenuious, self serving liar. I was appaled at the things I found out and severed ties with her.
I will NEVER vote, nor support her for any office again and feel it would be a disaster of Biblical proportions if she is reelected!
I understand your concern. What is Haley thinking? What if she slips up and actually make things better for the children of this state? What will happen to your argument that the state’s only hope is to turn over hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the parents of children in private school.
Actually this is a smart political move. Solve the problem your opponent identified with solutions proposed by your opponent. You’ve just gutted a major portion of his campaign. She is smarter than I thought. Not less corrupt, but smarter. It even makes me hold out a glimmer of hope that somewhere behind all of that cynicism and corruption there is at least the willingness to do the right thing if it doesn’t hurt her.
You forget, the best thing about campaign promises is that nobody holds you to them.
You want fries with that?
They wouldn’t accept my petition.I told the volunteers the Greyhound Bus station was not a good idea.
“Instead, we will turn a blind eye while parents abuse them…”
“We will turn a blind eye while millions of mothers abort their children….”
Isn’t it Hickie Nailey?
Old picture, new ones show the sexy, silky, curvy Nik. Gone are the days of the Mister Ed smile. This dame is real polished now.
Imitates the best and the rest, she memorizes.
— Joni Mitchell
She’s certainly attractive, and I’d horn her in a minute – can’t say the same about Sheheen. Sara Palin had the same halo effect on men.