Bravo, Chip Huggins

LAWMAKER STANDS UP TO $26.6 MILLION BOONDOGGLE We don’t often find ourselves dispensing praise to members of the S.C. General Assembly … because invariably, members of the S.C. General Assembly do not behave in a manner deserving of praise. What do they deserve? Based on South Carolina’s economic and academic…


We don’t often find ourselves dispensing praise to members of the S.C. General Assembly … because invariably, members of the S.C. General Assembly do not behave in a manner deserving of praise.

What do they deserve? Based on South Carolina’s economic and academic standing, they need repeated swift kicks to the nether regions … until they’ve all been kicked out of office.

S.C. Rep. Chip Huggins – a “Republican” from Lexington County – is an exception to that rule, though. At least this week …

What did Huggins do? He stood up to a $26.6 million boondoggle that we exclusively reported on last month – one involving the Bull Street redevelopment project in downtown Columbia, S.C.

For those of you unfamiliar with this scam, Columbia S.C. “Mayorhood” Steve Benjamin and other city leaders are looking to expand an existing state-level tax credit for the restoration of abandoned buildings on this property as a way of subsidizing their much larger boondoggle.

It sounds legit, but it is basically picking the pockets of taxpayers to the tune of $26.6 million … all to benefit one developer.

Huggins – a member of the powerful S.C. House ways and means committee (which writes the state budget) – is having none of it. In fact he’s told the special interests pushing the proposal – including this Bible-beating fiscal liberal – that he will be aggressively working against them as they attempt to ram it through the S.C. General Assembly.

Good for him …

Every state lawmaker should join Huggins in opposing this $26.6 million handout to a wealthy developer …


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Coldwell Banker June 2, 2014 at 10:07 am

This probably has nothing to do with Huggins close business ties to rival developers in Columbia…

Jay Ellington June 2, 2014 at 10:56 am

Anything to serve Steve and his pathetic lapdogs tall glass of STFU.

Ken June 2, 2014 at 8:35 pm

Bob McAllister is a Leatherman Butt Boy. Where Bob makes money, Leatherman makes money. I have not kept up with the Bull Street project, but now that I know Leatherman is on the scene I am going to pay attention. I just love a good scam and Leatherman and Butt Boy Bob have the best!

jimlewisowb June 2, 2014 at 12:18 pm

Will make attempt to give Cockroach Huggins benefit of the doubt on this one

Hope he is able to prevail in keeping T-Bone and his posse off Mother Carolina’s tit

To that end will refer to the esteem Legislator as Cock Huggins until further notice

easterndumbfuckastan June 2, 2014 at 1:07 pm

I don’t like the way the whole Bull Shit, I mean Street debacle went down; however, at this point Columbia and The State of South Carolina are committed to the deal. As much as I hate to say it I hope they can get the 26.6 million dollars out from the state budget for historic preservation. There is a lot of history at 2100 Bull Shit err, Street that needs to be preserved to the greatest extent possible.

Tim June 2, 2014 at 1:22 pm

Why is there a complaint here? This is a tax credit, right?. We are just letting the developers keep their money, so no cost to the taxpayer.

GrandTango June 2, 2014 at 3:17 pm

FITS’ got a lot of splainin’ to do…(no doubt he’s trying to change the subject)….

Obama’s BIGTIME POW Screw up!!!..and y’all are still reeling from the VA fiasco…

Obama’s Susan RICE: Bergdahl Served With ‘Honor and Distinction’…

‘The title of US soldier is just the lie of fools’…

‘The horror that is America is disgusting’…

Soldier allegedly abandoned post after growing disillusioned with war…

CHARGE: Soldiers died searching for ‘deserter’…

Parents of officer killed lash out at ‘cover up’…

Resentment lingers among POW’s peers…

nitrat June 2, 2014 at 4:08 pm

Oh, gee, and I thought this was a blog post about a state tax break for real estate huckster…

GrandTango June 2, 2014 at 4:26 pm

Just because it’s convenient for you to play Ignorant…I don’t have to…

I thought you told us we’d be well represented – in foreign policy – w/ Obama. Yet he’s a lost Embarrassment…Why did you lie???…or are you just stupid???

easterndumbfuckastan June 2, 2014 at 4:30 pm

The prisoner POW(deserter) trade was orchestrated by the administration as a distraction from the VA scandal. Sadly all it accomplished was putting a price on every American Solider’s head of 5 prisoners. The administration has accomplished their intended distraction though. The media is all over the POW(deserter) story.

GrandTango June 2, 2014 at 4:36 pm

The voters are not forgetting…

Not to mention: as details come out about this “POW” …this “distraction” could be even more damaging to Obama and the Ds than the VA…

If you are a liar and a fraud, like Obama, it catches up w/ you eventually. Obama has completely run out of tricks.

Democrats always get credit for running circles around GOP strategists.. That’s not true. Conservatives don’t get duped…It’s just the media Pounds the lies over and over to the low-brow and easily-led…but you cannot get away w/ it but for so long…

junior justice June 2, 2014 at 6:44 pm

“Not to mention: as details come out about this “POW” …this “distraction” could be even more damaging to Obama and the Ds than the VA…”
Yes, GT, you do have the scent, and if you follow it I believe you may discover the truth and purpose behind this charade. Use your resources and keep us posted. Don’t let yourself be sidetracked on this one. Go for the jugular, this could be the big one for you.

GrandTango June 2, 2014 at 8:28 pm

You’re a F*#king idiot if you need me to spell it out for you…oops…sorry.

MommaT ?? Her Boy June 2, 2014 at 9:20 pm

I got this GT: F-U-C-K-I-N-G. There, that should show that Anti-Merican, Liberal POS…

junior justice June 2, 2014 at 11:34 pm

Follow your nose, GT, but I see from your reply to my positive reply to you, it just shows everyone on Fitsnews that you are a simple phony hacker and lazy to boot. I’m apologizing to you for thinking that you had it in you to do some serious investigation and thinking about a serious subject. You won’t, no I change that to you can’t, do anything worthwhile when given the opportunity. You are just a sad sack craving attention — the GrandZero..000000000000000000000

ELCID June 4, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Chip has a long history of representing the people of SC’s interests vs. those who will try and exploit our citizens for their own benefit. Thanks Chip.


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