
Veterans Affairs Scandal: A Precursor To Obamacare

BUREAUCRATS PLAYING GOD WITH THE LIVES OF OUR BEST, BRAVEST …  By Rick Manning  ||  Government run health care has come under increased scrutiny as America has learned of the bureaucratic decisions to let patients die rather than receive treatment. No, this story isn’t about Obamacare, although it does provide…


By Rick Manning  ||  Government run health care has come under increased scrutiny as America has learned of the bureaucratic decisions to let patients die rather than receive treatment.

No, this story isn’t about Obamacare, although it does provide a pretty bleak look into the future as the death panels and cost based health decisions come flowing out of Health and Human Services cubicle farms.

This preview is provided by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, a Department which runs the crumbling VA health system.

CNN reports that at least 40 veterans died waiting to see a doctor at the Phoenix Veterans Health Care System, and that the bureaucrats in charge had created a secret list of patients who were determined to be too ill to help, so they denied them care and allowed them to die.

This sickening revelation that top level federal government career officials played God with the lives of those who served our nation in the military should stand as a wake up primal scream to anyone who still harbors the idealistic notion of a beneficent government run health care system for the rest of us.

If those charged with caring for the men and women who put their lives on the line for our nation can casually throw away their lives by simply denying them basic access to care, then what will they do with regular people without a special claim for benefits when they get the chance?

(To continue reading this piece, press the “Read More …” icon below).

Rick Manning (@rmanning957) is communications director of Americans for Limited Government. This column – which originally appeared on Breitbart.com – is reprinted with permission.

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Jay Ellington May 19, 2014 at 10:31 am

Unconscionable that Obummer hasn’t taken to the airwaves to address this. I’m about sick and tired of seeing that goon McDonough taking flack, send in the guy that refuses to hold Shinseki accountable.

Sandy Burglar May 19, 2014 at 3:31 pm

Obummer hasn’t taken to the airwaves because he can’t. Or he doesn’t care. Or part and parcel of both. He would have no idea what to say unless Valerie Jarrett loads it into a teleprompter. And did you hear Carney say that they found out about the Phoenix VA mess – which blew the lid off this thing – through PRESS REPORTS??? These are the people in charge, if you can believe that. I have never seen a more helpless, hapless, leaderless, ineffective, incompetent and utterly malfeasant bunch in my life. This crowd is just effing pathetic.

Yammer May 19, 2014 at 7:42 pm

Well, I can assure you it would come off as a sack of lies when he opens his mouth. I am guessing he plans to steer clear of this minefield.

Vanguard16 May 19, 2014 at 10:36 am

LMAO!! Patients dying waiting on care has been going of forever at the VA!! I knew a guy back in the 70’s that died of a heart attack in Dorn’s waiting room. Tom Cruise did a movie back in 1989 about the horrors of the VA!!

nitrat May 19, 2014 at 11:26 am

Within the past couple of months WIS and The State have run stories about the same kind of delayed care at Dorn. And, like the rest of the country, it’s unclear how or if the delays contributed to the deaths. You, know, people do die and some times there is nothing medical science can to prevent it.
Former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, who lost a leg in Vietnam, was on Morning Joe today talking about this as a long term problem. He thinks the Bush Wars veterans should come in and run the show. But, I would be willing to bet the majority of people in charge at all VA hospitals now are veterans.
He was also talking about 90+ y/o WWII veterans claiming PTSD benefits NOW and trying to say it affects their work….

idiotwind May 19, 2014 at 11:04 am

maybe the military shouldn’t have its own exclusive socialized healthcare system? they should be locked out here with the rest of us so they’ll know what ‘way of life’ they’re really defending.

Sandi Morals May 19, 2014 at 11:21 am

These are the ‘Death Panels’ that we were told did not exist in Obamacare.Health care will be rationed.Actually it already is via Obamacare as you either can’t afford the deductible,lose your doctor and/or can’t visit your hospital of choice.
Forrner Surgeon General C.Everette Koop predicted this 30 years ago in his book called ‘Whatever Happened To The Human Race’. From abortion to infanticide to euthanasia (Obamacare) our society has devalued the sanctity of the human life.
Those that are a burden to a society will be eliminated. We have seen that with abortion, infanticide (partial-birth abortion and those determined to have physical defects are eliminated) and now Obamacare/ euthanasia.
We accumulate 98% of our health care expenses in the last two years of our life.Obamacare is/will be used to eliminate those that are a financial burden on our socialized health care system and society in general.

stay healthy my friend May 19, 2014 at 12:00 pm

If anyone doesn’t believe that, get Zeke Emanuel drunk at a bar, and listen to him spew forth his vision of “healthcare.”

GrandTangosSoreVaGaGa May 19, 2014 at 10:47 pm

except for that itzy bitzy fact that this has been going on for decades ..but of course that doesn’t fit in with your Obama is the source of all evil since beginning of time mentality, forgive my interference you can go back to the derangement syndrome now..Sorry i forgot is it Brigit or Sandi now?

Smirks May 19, 2014 at 11:54 am

It would be better if we avoided going to war under most circumstances so that we wouldn’t create veterans with health problems that the government had to take responsibility for in the first place.

I mean, let’s invade Syria/Iran/Russia/whoever.

Jay Ellington May 19, 2014 at 1:11 pm

I wish idealism were infectious.

Sandy Burglar May 19, 2014 at 3:41 pm

Of course it would be better. But that isn’t the world we live in. Typical liberal – seeing the world as you wish it was but not the way it is.

nitrat May 19, 2014 at 11:10 am

We know FITS doesn’t get it, but Manning doesn’t understand the difference in our only really socialized medical system, the VA, and Heritage/Romneycare market based ‘system’ either?

Smirks May 19, 2014 at 11:52 am

But buying private sector health insurance and going to a private sector hospital is ultra-megasocialism.

Because Obama.


The Colonel May 19, 2014 at 6:23 pm

It’d be happy for you to buy me out of the VA. for what we are spending, you could give every Vet in the system (22,000,000) ten grand to buy their own coverage

RogueElephant May 19, 2014 at 11:21 pm

You got it Colonel. If you like VA medicine just wait for Obamacare. The lists all the pendants are talking about are the death panels Sara Palin told US about six years ago. Who’s laughing now?

idcydm May 19, 2014 at 12:10 pm

Obamacare…Affordable Care Act…oxymoron.

GrandTango May 19, 2014 at 12:25 pm

ANYBODY still in bed w/ Obama, is an VERY Ignorant, or Corrupt Mother-F*#ker. You have no excuse. You need to go look in the mirror and vomit if your still shill for this FAILED piece of $#!*…

And LMAO: I remember the leftwingers touting the VA as THE EPTIOME of successful universal Government healthcare…when peddling Obamacare…

I know Vets who Crap their pants, they hate the VA so much. A couple veterans I know BUY healthcare – at a very high cost- instead of use the VA, because it is so horribly bad…but Obama and the libs, told us how great it is…

Again: if you are still sucking this Cretin’s D*#k you are a stupid, dirty, anti-American B@*tard…You need your @$$ kicked…and then deportation to one of the H#!!-holes you and Obama worship as better…

junior justice May 19, 2014 at 1:02 pm

Dante Alighieri has conferred with me about your future in the Circles of
Hell. He has reviewed each of your posts
on FitsNews and has suggested (and I concur) that you qualify for seven of the
specific rings. However, to avoid splitting you into your various parts, you
will serve one year in each of the
specified rings and will be alternated
on the anniversary date of your arrival
(which we hope will not be too long from now).

GrandTango May 19, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Avoid the content yet again….Typical Liberal Dumb@$$…

junior justice May 19, 2014 at 2:08 pm

“Again: if you are still sucking this Cretin’s D*#k you are a stupid, dirty, anti-American B@*tard…You need your @$$ kicked…and then deportation to one of the H#!!-holes you and Obama worship as better…”
In the Real World, that statement does not qualify as ‘content’—–

GrandTango May 19, 2014 at 2:17 pm

In the liberal world its the last thing you will acknowledge…. because you know its true…and you hate the truth. It is not your friend.

Casey's Jonesin' May 19, 2014 at 2:34 pm

Really? All goddamn day you are here looking like the national idiot. Glad you wear it on your sleave so I can get a good days laugh in.

GrandTango May 19, 2014 at 3:49 pm

At least you have your anger, Dumb@$$…while Obama ruins the nation, you’re p!$$#d at me for pointing it out…

I wonder if your parents are aware of what a complete F*#king Idiot you turned out to be???

junior justice May 20, 2014 at 8:37 am

“ANYBODY still in bed w/ Obama, is a VERY Ignorant, or Corrupt Mother-F*#ker. You have no excuse. You need to go look in the mirror and vomit if you still shill for this FAILED piece of $#!*…”
GT Group: Your problem is that YOU are the SHILL for YOUR GOD “li’l barry” and some people on this site recognize that. This is why you are irrelevant and are wasting your time here for any SERIOUS DISCUSSION. Your only value here is for posters to practice their typing.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 8:41 am

Then why are so many of you, you included, are obsessed w/ me…???
If you can circle-jerk, it soothes you. When I drop an anvil of truth on your ignorant @$$34, you S#!t all over yourselves…
You so much want your Dumb@$$#$ excuses to be relevant, you think quieting me, will render Obama the king you crowned him. But I’m reality, and liberals hate Truth and Reality…

junior justice May 20, 2014 at 10:22 am

” But I’m reality”
Three Rivers has a bed available for you.

bogart May 19, 2014 at 2:27 pm

Any idiot who thinks this is something new to the VA healthcare system is in truth too dumb to be called an idiot……Idiot would be an upgrade…………OR…a Fox News worshiper.

scotty May 19, 2014 at 4:11 pm

The problems are with the regional offices and the directors of the hospital. Many would be shocked at the huge salary and bonus they receive. Doubtful private or gov owned hospitals pay what the VA does. Millions are missing at Dorn that was to be used for endoscopic exams, all they did was change out the director never found the funds.

Wheresdawg May 19, 2014 at 5:37 pm

I went to the VA for help in 1994. VA Doctors and mental health “professionals”, not believing Desert Storm Syndrome was real, said, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” Now I’m going back to the VA and some things, like PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety, have been diagnosed. The VA continues running countless tests trying to find something, ANYTHING, they can diagnose my problems as other than Chronic Multi – symptom Illness (CMI – what they now call Desert Storm Syndrome) The local Doctors say a service dog would help, but the VA doesn’t cover service dogs for PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety – otherwise known as “psychiatric service dogs”. So I have to raise the funds myself at gofundme.com/wheresdawg , I’m not making much progress, but hoping to get there eventually.

Chatty Kathy May 19, 2014 at 10:38 pm

Anyone with half a brain would know that the Government does NOTHING right. NOTHING!!!

WADA May 20, 2014 at 1:47 pm

You don’t even know what “Obamacare” is, do you?


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