Darlington County, S.C. Sheriff Wayne Byrd has admitted to having an affair with a subordinate – although it remains to be seen whether the corrupt local law enforcement official will be held accountable for his actions.
Byrd made the admission in court documents related to a lawsuit against him and his department, sources familiar with the case tell FITS.
According to a wrongful termination lawsuit filed in 2012 by former Darlington Sheriff’s lieutenant Mike Hall, Byrd fired him as part of an effort to cover-up his affair with Kristan Jeffords – who at the time was Byrd’s assistant.
Byrd’s affair with Jeffords came to light after he used a public computer and printer to send her a love letter.
“I stand here tonight longing for your touch,” the letter stated. “I can’t have you and I can’t live without you. Our day will come. I want you. I need you. I love you.”
Sheesh …
Jeffords was arrested in February of this year on charges of assault and battery after an altercation with another woman outside of a home in Hartsville, S.C. According to reporter Tonya Brown of WPDE TV 15 (ABC – Florence-Myrtle Beach), the incident involving Jeffords was investigated by the Florence County Sheriff’s Department at Byrd’s request.

I wonder if she did anal.
“Thats not a woman, thats a man baby”- Austin Powers LOL His wife looks ten times better than that thing.
Well, the bald small town sheriff that tightens his belt so much that he sports a perpetual muffin top look in uniform probably doesn’t have a lot of choices when it comes to small town poon while cheating on his wife.
I feel bad for the kids.
“The Trim Too Tough To Tame”
TBG sees what you did there.
Well if Mark Sanford, Bob Peeler, Richard Eckstrom,Nikki haley can get away with it, why not!
Bill Clinton,JFK and Teddy. Two of the three women in these affairs died mysteriously, the other got beat pretty bad but that was OK since Democrats promote womens rights. Ha!Ha! Ha! Hypocrites.
The majority of women in the US would disagree and are voting with their feet for Dems. Do the names Mourdock, Akin and my personal favorite…El Rushbo… ring a bell?
I live in Darlington. I know Sheriff Byrd. This is CRAP!!
I know you do not know much then, because one of my friends was one of the deputies that was fired. Yes he has the almighty power to do that, but that shit was just wrong and unprofessional. dcso lost one of their best ones when he did that crap. their loss
Damn.Anybody watch Reds-Red Sox tonight? Great game. 4-3 in 12.
I want you
I need you
I love you
I am a fucking idiot
That Lee guy is one dumb bastard.
i agree
If she swallowed and did anal, she might have been worth it.
This lady ran my plates and gave the information to her sister which is illegal. I knew it would not do any good to report her especially if I would have reported it to Mr. Byrd as suggested.
” gave the information to her sister”
Why ? Details, please.
My son was driving my car he is a teenager and he flipped her sister off ( he should not have done this) but that night I get a facebook message from her sister asking me if I drove a certain car to which she knew the make and model not to mention my name to look me up. She said I ran your plates and wanted to know why your son flipped me off. I thought how did she get all my information. Then after I investigated it I realized who her sister was.. I knew this lady could not get all this information in a 10 minute period at 9:00 at night. Really made me mad but I decided to just let it go. I did not want her to lose her job. This was about a month ago and now I see this.
Thanks – interesting situation.
That you Buz? Sounds like the same lie Buz apparently perpetuated against Mayor John Rhodes in Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago????
oops….that was a traffic accident or some such, I believe Buz made up????
People like her piss me off. Over someone flipping her off? I didnt know it was illegal with hand gestures. People like her think she is so special because she is connected with the Sheriff.
Facebook is the root of all things evil.
she looks like a dude
Let the person who is in charge over handling to computers at SLED know that. They allow the computer access law enforcement in SC uses to get such information. That pisses them off!
Dead on… and results in NCIC access revocation. BAD juju.
Crap like this makes it hard on good cops. Even if the deputy did nothing, her idiot sister has caused her and the whole profession a problem.
My sister did not run the plates….I told u I had them ran…. but did not……I followed him home…. then reversed your address…. it’s not that hard to do…..it was the way this boy did it when he flipped me off. No I’m not special just wanted to know ow who my hater was…..
Oh so you lied about running my plates then but now your telling the truth. LOl
What she is trying to say is that she was FOR doing it before she was AGAINST doing it.
Loony tune, what you did is harassment…. have your sister look up the statute. By the way, SLED maintains records of ALL plate runs/NCIC. Easy to check with a complaint to SLED.
You look like that chick in Fatal Attraction, Glenn Close. That’s an awfully strange coincidence.
Ain’t love grand?
Are we discussing “crazy eyes” here – again? Someone should find old pictures of Haley, because I think Will is reliving (in his mind) some old trysts.
Looks kinda like Ralphie from A Christmas Story.
Everyone at that police department cheats on their spouses and uses public computers for their own good. Nothing new. Slack as people peroid.
People who work there always get by with everything if ur messing with some the sheriff likes. He’s probably messing around with all the other women who work there too. Nasty bastard!
I wonder of Byrd is one of those Sheriffs who prohibits his deputies from sleeping with anyone but their spouse, but who the rules don’t apply to when it is time to wet his willie somewhere.
lol sounds like it
end of rant)they all worship lucifer duh I dont understand why who this old bastard screws is an issue … People complain & comment but no one wants to come out their bubbles as their rights liberties & freedom is stripped from us Like Angie Cook (comment above) Her rights were trampled & info stiolen & she didnt repory to NO oNE WTF PPl think “what can I do” well take a stand ur fucking american and the govt cops and “officials worship the devil .period. All the whuile here people get so upset defending A MAN”S dignity or bashing it . QUESTION? AGAIN Who gives a shit who he screws ? We have bigger issues in OUR commuity & we need to take it back we have children locked in cages we have fellow human beings starving in our streets cuz we have no shelters AHAIN WE HAVE BABIES NEDLECTED & ABUSED & NOTHING IS DONE,,,What happened to humanity? Until the complain & leaving thing up to others WE MUST TAKE ACTION!
Wow he cheated on his wife for that? Damn she ugly and sounds like an idiot too. Hmm sounds like the perfect match i guess. I remember seeing Byrd in local establishment in my county. My nephew pointed at him and said cool he is a cop, i told him NOPE he is a fake cop. And he enjoys destroying good cops’ careers. Sam Parker is doing time in prison right now. So Byrd is not untouchable either.
Its just a gang…
Affairs aside, law enforcement in S.C. can generally be assumed as corrupt for a starting point and actual honest policing should be seen as a gift to the people that’s doled out like a pardon from the gov. when you’re on death row.
Every police force has some corruption to it but SC seems to revel in it. Whether it be SLED, Highway Patrol, town police, county sheriffs, city police or campus police they are into extortion, kick backs, payoffs, double standards, rampant racism, bullying, beatings, excessive force, mismanagement, unlawful arrest, unlawful seizure, entrapment, tampering, manufacturing evidence, lying, stealing, double dealing…and on and on.
And, that is why we need good defense atorneys…to protect ourselves from the cops.
Hey FITS: I’d sue Byrd for plagiarism if I were you. That passage from his love letter sounds EXACTLY like the excerpt from your “book” you were gonna publish (D@*n that crashed hard-drive) that would proof-positive of the affair you claim happened.
Mr. Folks is still working at it —-
Privishing (private publishing) is a recently coined term for publishing a book in such a small amount, or with such lack of marketing, advertising or sales support from the publisher, that the book effectively does not reach the public.
The book, while nominally published, is almost impossible to obtain through normal channels such as bookshops, often cannot be special-ordered and will have a notable lack of support from its publisher, including refusals to reprint the title.
Depending on the motivation, privishing may constitute not printing more books than the publisher believes will sell in a reasonable length of time. (WIKI)
PS: However, the rumor is that a bidding war has the following publications interested–
USC – (The Daily Gamecock)
Clemson – (The Tiger)
College of Charleston – (The George St. Observer)
Winthrop – (The Johnsonian)
SC State – (The Collegian)
Yo Wayne, If you are gonna be getting some strange make sure it’s worth it!
Whats done in the dark will come to the light and it shall come to pass…at least this what my bible say..and this suppose to be a so call Christian man,, but even the Darlington County Sheriff has done wrong and if he cheated on his wife with one of his DEPUTY he’s wrong; and to up hold the law what else wrong he’s done in and outside of the Sheriff’s Offices…HE SHOULD NOT BE THE SHERIFF OF DARLINGTON COUNTY…SOME GOOD DEPUTYS HAS BEEN LET GO UNDER HIS DIRECTION AND HES NOT DOING RIGHT HISSELF..HE’S CHEATED ON HIS WIFE SOMETHING THAT NEVER SHOULD OF HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE..AND SPECIAL A MAN WHO CALLS HIS SELF A CHRISTIAN; AND THEN HE WERES A BADGE…WOW…YOU CALL IT LIKE YOU SEE IT……
The thing is, what the hell are we doing investigating an officer who was arrested for an altercation when I’ve seen more drugs than ever on the streets of Darlington.
Funny, “Our Day Will Come” is the slogan for the Irish Republican Army.