
Horry GOP Hustling To Sell RINO Tickets …

KELLY AYOTTE TICKETS: GET ‘EM WHILE THEY’RE … UMMM …  It turns out a far left “Republican” Senator from New Hampshire isn’t a big draw in the Palmetto State … even in one of the GOP establishment’s safest regions. Sources close to the Horry County, S.C. “Republican” Party tell FITS…


It turns out a far left “Republican” Senator from New Hampshire isn’t a big draw in the Palmetto State … even in one of the GOP establishment’s safest regions.

Sources close to the Horry County, S.C. “Republican” Party tell FITS that party leaders are having a difficult time selling tickets for U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte’s speech to the group this weekend.

Ayotte (RINO-N.H.) – will attend a private reception at the Pine Lakes County Club in Myrtle Beach at 6:15 p.m. EDT this Friday. This event – which you can attend for the bargain basement price of $125 – will be followed by a dinner, which will run you $75.

According to sources familiar with the planning for the event, “it’s undersubscribed.”

“Full-court press is on to sell tickets,” one source told us.

Meanwhile another source – one close to the campaign of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) – said his staffers were busily making phone calls trying to drum up attendees for Ayotte.

How embarrassing … sort of like when S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley held a big party for three visiting governors and nobody showed up.

Just wait until the Horry County Tea Party hears about this, right?

Errr … on second thought, never mind.


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Fits Aint No Republican April 3, 2014 at 2:32 pm

For the uninitiated in Fitsspeak,Kelly Ayotte is a conservative Senator from New Hampshire,well to the Right of say,oh, Ronald Reagan.Fits agrees with her on about 90% of the main issues facing the country,but since its not 100% ,that morphs her into

“Far Left”

Smirks April 3, 2014 at 3:17 pm

She doesn’t sell out enough to the billionaire GOP donors.

Will Folks aka Sic April 3, 2014 at 4:34 pm

Along with McCain and Graham she is the single biggest neocon whore in Congress – as evidenced by how wide open her mouth is. As for her agreeing with us on “90 percent of the main issues” that statement is laughable. She’s at only 50 percent according to FreedomWorks, and we are to the right of them …

Fits Aint No Republican April 3, 2014 at 5:32 pm

So someone that “agrees” with the far Right Freedomworks 50% of the time is “Far Left.” Gee what does that make those who dont agree with those nutjobs at all!No,my man YOU Are the one thats “laughable.”

Almost as funny as your continuing to claim you’re not a Republican,REPUBLICAN!

Smirks April 4, 2014 at 9:28 am

Ideological purity is killing the GOP, and even the GOP is seeing it now.

I mean, really, Paul Ryan released yet another wish list labeled as a budget. Strip Obamacare, butcher Medicare by changing it into a voucher system, butcher Medicaid by block-granting it, block-grant food stamps, slash Pell grants, and all other manner of things that completely fuck the poor, the old, the disabled, and even the middle class, who will lose the safety net if, god forbid, they ever end up needing it. This is all so they can pass tax cuts on to the rich billionaires and the corporations who fund them, as well as typical crony capitalist fare bullshit like gigantic subsidies or slashing regulations.

A lot of this is what the Tea Party nutters asked for, begged for, and yet, it doesn’t go far enough. This was NEVER intended to pass, it is literally zero compromise, it’s basically a waste of time for Congress to even consider, and yet, it doesn’t go far enough, so they’re mad, even if it was doomed from the start. Paul Ryan didn’t stick enough Looney Tunes into his turd to satisfy the increasingly extreme base that they whipped into a frenzy in 2010, thinking they could control them.

You need to have a big tent if you want to win elections. The further right they go, the more they will leave behind moderates and independents, and the more the extreme elements will move further and further away. They are stretching themselves thin. It’s like watching the party being pulled apart by two horses (or, I suppose, two elephants).

What the Tea Party is doing is sabotaging an attempt at even little victories because they want everything all at once (or perhaps, such an extreme change in such a little time, as maybe that’s just the start). They want the whole damn cake and they want it all right fucking now, and don’t you DARE leave out even one drop of frosting. What they don’t get is, this causes everyone else in the country to pick up the cake and toss it in the trash because the spoiled brat pissed them off to the point where NO ONE wants even a tiny slice of cake.

I’ve explained before why Medicare vouchers are a horrible idea, but just the block grant idea alone is a fucking disaster. Here’s a link explaining why. (It’s Mother Jones, so cue bitching about “librul mediuh” by the people who browse Fox/Drudge/Breitbart/Blaze all day.)


But that’s how the Republican party works. They pass things they KNOW will break programs, things they KNOW will cause deficits, because the more broken Government is, the more they can prop up anti-government sentiments and get gullible voters into their camp.

The reason? There are no conservative solutions to society’s ills. No Social Security? Old people starve. No Medicare? Old people get sick and die a lot faster. No Medicaid? Millions of poor children don’t see the doctor. All of these were very liberal when they were first introduced. Decent conservatives will say they want to “conserve” them because they were good ideas, but actual conservatives and libertarians want them dead and gone because, yes, they ARE liberal. Unfortunately for them (and for us), it is an impossibility for the private sector to fix these problems. Whenever it is given the opportunity to do so, it fails. How do we know?

Because that’s why these programs were started in the first place.

TL;DR: The Tea Party is like a high maintenance girlfriend, and even though the GOP is trying its hardest to make her happy, no amount of lunacy will satisfy her psycho ass.

SCBlues April 3, 2014 at 7:48 pm

Her primary function in Congress is to be a prop in photo-ops when Boehner or Cantor talk to the press – she is ALWAYS standing behind them with a blank stare. Her presence is supposed to assure voters that the Republicans are female-friendly . . .

Bible Thumper April 3, 2014 at 10:54 pm

Well of course. We have have to hide the fact that we only want them barefoot and pregnant. Ha.

SC BLUES your opinions need a serious fashion update. They’re soooh eighties.

SCBlues April 4, 2014 at 7:55 am

Bible Thumpy your opinions need some brains behind them as they’re sooooh clueless. Ha.

Smirks April 4, 2014 at 8:50 am

Afterwards, they fold her up neatly and place her back into the binder until the next photo op.

Smirks April 4, 2014 at 8:48 am

She’s at only 50 percent according to FreedomWorks

FreedomWorks originated from a group started by David H. Koch.

I will say that calling her a neocon whore is a valid criticism, though, but my original point stands. If she kissed the ass of the Kochs or Adelson’s ring I’m sure they’d use their network to churn out a ton of supporters to buy every ticket and plate in the house.

Ayotte serves different masters, it appears, so like Lindsey, she’ll get hers too. Neocon? Looks like a valid criticism. “Far left?” Well, I suppose that is relative to who is saying it, but calling Ayotte far left, in my book, waters down what “far left,” or even “left,” is.

TJ April 6, 2014 at 5:14 pm

Will, you know damn well no good conservative girl like Kelly Ayotte would ever perform an act of sodomy…

Smirks April 3, 2014 at 3:19 pm

$75/plate and $125/plate seems too affordable. Don’t tell me this politician is trying to appeal towards the middle class instead of the 1%?

Poor girl, at least her heart is in the right place.

John April 3, 2014 at 3:52 pm

Even if she is a RINO (which she is not on 95% of issues), she should have a least gotten a mention by FITS for being the first or second most attractive female senator (Gillibrand’s not bad either).
Kelly Ayotte is like Mandy Powers Norrell with a better proportioned face.

Will Folks aka Sic April 3, 2014 at 4:33 pm

Please. MPN is ten times hotter than this old bag.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:20 pm

but those muscles are to die for!

shifty henry April 3, 2014 at 6:44 pm

Al Capp, creator of the comic strip Li’l Abner used to joke that Dogpatch, the setting for the strip, was based on Seabrook, NH.

Colin Ross April 4, 2014 at 8:09 am

you need to get your eyes checked if you think Kelly Ayotte is hotter than Mandy

CorruptionInColumbia April 7, 2014 at 5:57 pm

Re-read Will’s post. He said, “MPN is ten times hotter than this old bag.” That means Mandy is hotter than Kelly.

shifty henry April 3, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Her photo is….getting my attention

Mr. Friendly April 3, 2014 at 5:00 pm

If someone photoshops this picture to show a cock going into her mouth and puts “Free blowjobs!” at the bottom of said picture, then turns it into a flyer she’ll have no problem getting the attendance she’s looking for.

Where’s Z-Tac when you need him?

shifty henry April 3, 2014 at 6:30 pm

—- that’s why it got my attention..!!

dsmith April 4, 2014 at 7:44 am

This woman, along with Grumpy McCain and Eric Cantor were truly disappointed when Putin snatched the rug out from under them during their campaign to send American troops in Syria, creating another money tree for the war industry. She is also a neocon puppet who refuses to take yes for an answer from Iran when they agree to inspections concerning their nuclear energy program.

All in all, she’s GW Bush with lipstick.

west_rhino April 4, 2014 at 10:41 am

First this IS a Grahamnesty event… should a senior senator take a hint.

JC April 4, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Ayotte is as big a warmonger as it gets in the U.S. Senate. And just like McCain and Graham, she would gladly send American troops overseas to protect the financial interests of defense contractors, oil companies, the military industrial complex and Israel, even when it was contrary to our own interests here. Calling someone a “conservative” who supports perpetual war and the infrastructure necessary for it is laughable. As Randolph Bourne noted, “war is the health of the state.” Neocons like Ayotte have no interest in limiting government, it is a propaganda slogan used to convince idiotic Americans to vote for her, so she can then use her post to serve those who profit off the American Empire.


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