Abundant Life … Or Death

CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OFFERS WEAPONS TRAINING COURSE …  Props to the Abundant Life Christian School in Greenville, S.C. – which has found a way to simultaneously represent on both the First and Second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. According to the school’s website, Abundant Life is offering a concealed weapons permit course…


Props to the Abundant Life Christian School in Greenville, S.C. – which has found a way to simultaneously represent on both the First and Second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

According to the school’s website, Abundant Life is offering a concealed weapons permit course for individuals aged 21 and over.

“Don’t let your cell phone be the only thing in your pocket,” the school’s registration page states.


The only problem? Completing this course means subjecting oneself to the incompetent bureaucracy at S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – which has had all sorts of problems managing permit applications (ironic considering what a gun lover Haley holds herself out to be).

That incompetence is one more reason this website advocates for the civil disobedience of ALL gun laws which run counter to the Second Amendment …

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Smirks April 3, 2014 at 1:36 pm

That incompetence is one more reason this website advocates for the breaking of laws that could result in serious fines, jail time, and possibly the stripping of one’s right to carry a firearm, if you are not shot to death by trigger-happy police officers trying to arrest you, whenever such laws run counter to an amendment with a myriad of interpretations, some of which also include the nutters who think there should be zero regulations whatsoever, including removal of laws barring violent felons from owning guns, or restrictions on fully automatic guns.

All because you -might- have to wait up to an extra month for SLED to mail you your new card. Maybe. Even though someone else already posted a workaround to keep your ass covered while you wait.

(FITS won’t split the fine or keep you company in your cell, but hey, take one for the home team buddy! If you’re one of the ones who gets shot, maybe we’ll visit your funeral!)

Lord knows nothing says you’re a responsible and sane gun owner that deserves to be granted more legal rights better than publicly calling on anyone and everyone to flout any gun law they don’t happen to like, even if it is a felony. Nope, no handing gun control advocates ammo here!

GrandTango April 3, 2014 at 2:53 pm

You support a president who uses the IRS to persecute the people he hates…He spies on reporters who do not serve him, as he sees fit…You advocate for infanticide, while using a race crutch as a weapon to defend negligent parents who abuse and kill their helpless and innocent children…all to feed your greed, and add to your ill-gotten power…

You D*@m right you FILTHY liberal piece of $#!*…you better be scared to F*@king death of Citizens able to defend themselves, from your tyranny. We WILL fight for own freedom…just like we have since this country was established…against Low-Life Elitists like you…

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 1:26 pm

You should cut that with scopolamine, DT.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:40 pm

Here is a likely scenario for a “hero” who isn’t too swift, running towards the sound of gunfire, intent on killing the perp…

ok. I heard a shot from that direction… [running towards the sound, shooting people running towards me or looking menacing.] *bang* nope, that one wasn’t armed…*bang* nope not that one either… oh, there’s someone with a gun! *bang* … looks like a cop… “sorry!” .. *bang* that one looked just … evil.. etc.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:42 pm

NRA land.

high powered sniper rifle, looking down on parochial school yard from a high vantage place.. shoot the children in the doorways first, to keep the majority of the children in the center of the school yard… pick them off around the circumference first, and work towards the center, like sharks around a circle of shipwreck survivors… be at a great enough distance that the children with rifles can’t see the muzzle flash and return fire… and at a distance that the children with semi auto .45s can’t fire accurately.

Place rifle in an inconspicuous spot in the unlocked rifle rack in every building, and walk quietly out and down the street.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:43 pm

I’ve got a tunnel under the closet that leads to my survivalist bomb shelter. I got a great deal on 1000 feet of super duper sewer pipe, 16 feet in diameter, got the kids in the neighborhood, and a few boyscout troops to help me dig it out and attach the sections… at the bottom is a huge area carved out of solid rock. I have a 1000 gallon tank of LOX down there, and a gas leach field for the exhaust, protected by triple air locks… I’ve also got a 5,000 gallon tank of distilled water down there and a state of the art reverse osmosis filter that feeds another tank that taps into an underground aquifer. I’ve got bombs, guns, knives.. sharp sticks..

anyway… after I get in down there, I blow up the house remotely to cover the entrance, but it’s blocked by 9 feet of steel and concrete anyway.

I’ve got a bionic garden down there and a couple of hookers who do rotating shifts with 8 others, for free room and board.. so that there will always be 2 when the door closes.

I’ve thought of everything

shifty henry April 4, 2014 at 8:47 am

Several families I know have their underground shelters mainly for tornado situations. Whether the entrance is in the attached garage or away from the house, they have an extra exit. They also let trusted family members know where that exit is in case the main entrance is blocked.

CorruptionInColumbia April 4, 2014 at 12:34 pm

Fine business, especially on the rotating hookers! I like the way you think!

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:48 pm

My momma always said, if you don’t think of everything – no one else with think of it for you!

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:44 pm

We also need to place guns around like fire extinguishers and pay phones.
ammo packs in the corners, and beneath bushes…
air cooled machine gun nests on either side of the entrances to all buildings…
drones flying overhead ready to take out anyone holding a pistol menacingly

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:44 pm

put 25 teachers in a classroom, and let a man with a rifle open the door and start firing an M-16 without anyone suspecting. Will any of the teachers get their guns out of their holsters and off safety before they die? Will there be a bullet chambered?

Let’s run an experiment.

Once with all the teachers packing, and one with all of them unarmed.

Ok, now run the same experiment in a dark theater, with the shooter firing into the front row. Everyone in the theater is armed. How many die with everyone armed, and with everyone unarmed?

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2014 at 7:49 pm

Probably, the ones where everyone is armed will experience fewer casualties of innocents. Contrary to what the anti-gun hand-wringers always imply, the good guys usually know when to hold their fire. The Clackamas Mall incident a year or so ago had a CWP holder draw his weapon when he saw the active shooter.
The CWP holder rightfully held his fire when a bystander beside, in front of, or behind the bad guy appeared. Even so, the bad guy saw the CWP holder and departed the area, killing himself a moment later.

In the incident where the anti-gunners love to point out that armed citizens did not fire one round, where Gabby Giffords was shot, armed citizens again held their fire because they did not want to endanger others in the crowd. Some did participate in physically restraining the shooter. I guess it ate the anti-gunners’ lunches that the armed citizens didn’t create mass casualties as they like to predict any time an attempt is made to liberalize citizen carry of firearms.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 8:30 pm

Explain the darkened theater to me.

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2014 at 9:39 pm

I am guessing that you are referring to a hypothetical scenario in a darkened theater, rather than the one in Aurora, CO. If the latter, the theater was a Gun-Free-Zone, thereby prohibiting CWP holders from carrying in there. It worked really great on the murderer who was shooting up the place, didn’t it?

If the former, a hypothetical scenario, first of all, I don’t recall ever being in a theater that was totally dark, unless the power went out. Exit signs, aisle lights, and even the projector create quite a bit of background illumination. If the bad guy is firing into the front row, from the front, that makes things a bit easier. In all probability, there should be no one behind him, thereby reducing the chances of hitting a bystander behind him. Hopefully, most will instinctively drop to the floor and try to hide from him, creating less of a bystander hazard for good guys who may be armed. There may be a panic of people running. It is a situation that you cannot be 100% how it will play out unless and until you are in it. For certain, if the shooter is working his way down the aisles, shooting victims, I am going to try and get down between the seats in front of me and those behind me to hide. If he is standing over me, a clear shot upward only endangers the ceiling and roof. I would rather have that option than just sit there curled up in a ball and pray he gets distracted or runs out of ammo.

I have done considerable night/low-light firing practice over the years. Also, you are unlikely to see me out and about without a small, high-intensity flashlight in my pocket which would also serve to destroy such an assailant’s night vision as well as make him a better target and help avoid shooting toward innocent bystanders.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 10:08 pm

First let me apologize. I didn’t make it clear that everyone in the theater was armed with an M16.. The guy shooting at the front row, would produce a visible muzzle flash, but so would any rifles firing in the front row (if they could get the safety off and a clip slapped in before they were hurt too bad, or scared so much they couldn’t return fire).. if his armor holds out from that initial exchange, in just a few seconds the stunned people in the upper rows – emboldened by packing heat, would flip the safety off and slap in a clip – there would be yelling and screaming… it’s not clear how many people would be firing in the upper rows… in the middle.. when they hear shots from behind.. who knows who would think what was going on… the race war guys might think it’s the niggers and spics in the back, and shoot towards the cheap date seats… the Grand Theft Auto Guys might hide beneath the seat with the barrel over the top, sweeping left to right with their head down… The ex-military guys, might belly crawl out of there.. the women fumbling with the safety and the clip might shoot themselves or their children.. the older kids with guns might think it’s all a great way to start the movie, and shoot into the ceiling laughing…

you know… like that.

SCBlueWoman April 4, 2014 at 11:24 am

How do the cops know who the original shooter is when they storm the building and encounter multiple shooters?

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:20 pm

Say. “Freeze!” and anyone still moving gets shot.

CorruptionInColumbia April 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm

Believe it or not, most of the cops I have known had a pretty keen sixth sense, intuition, or whatever you want to call it when dealing with these type situations. To bring it down to a more scientific level, a lot of times, body language, eye movement, and other things of that sort will frequently give clues as to who may be the good guy and who is likely to be the bad guy.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:51 pm

When the lights come on and the cops come in, if the firing is still going on and the cop yells “Freeze!” The black guys, and the guys with warrants won’t hesitate – they’ve seen “cops” – they’ll kill the cops with shots to the eyesockets.

When everyone is armed, when the cops show up – the citizens will fire at the cops in self defense.

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 12:05 am

You’re right only the crazy people should be armed or we could outlaw guns altogether like we’ve done with marijuana.
I suspect these nuts will always pick places where people are unarmed. They wouldn’t pick a dark theater with a bunch of other armed nuts.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:20 pm

I suspect these nuts will always pick places where people are unarmed. They wouldn’t pick a dark theater with a bunch of other armed nuts.
Right! That would be nuts!

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 8:59 am

euwe max, just because someone is a nut doesn’t mean they are stupid. I know because I’ve been reading your posts for a while.

euwe max April 5, 2014 at 12:52 pm

Depends on who you ask.

Death by cop – death by theater.

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 12:58 pm

A poll found that 95.5% of people who dye their hair orange voted for Obama.

euwe max April 5, 2014 at 12:59 pm

A poll found that 95.5% of people vote against their own self interest.

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 1:02 pm

I support a law outlawing orange hair dye. It may save lives.

euwe max April 5, 2014 at 1:05 pm

more felons smoke pot at some time before committing a felony than felons who don’t – outlaw felons. Save pot.

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 1:20 pm

You can do better than that. How about “A poll found that 95% voters who are married to their cousin voted for Romney”.

euwe max April 5, 2014 at 1:22 pm

I’m not into numismatics.

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 1:23 pm

Hold on there! Let me look that up.

Bible Thumper April 5, 2014 at 1:40 pm

Ok! Good. I confused that philatelic.

euwe max April 3, 2014 at 5:47 pm

Be afraid, be very afraid.. I have more guns than I need, and I’m always buying more. They’re all laser bore sighted. You should see my garage. I’m always at the salvation army store looking for discarded camo.

I’m hoping for a race war, or a tea party revolution, or whatever those crazies come up with, so I’ll be armed and ready to kill. I learned to kill in the Army… it looked like a lot of fun, but I never really got to shoot anyone.

Does all this gun talk make me look suspicious? I hope not.

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 12:23 am

Race War? No, that’s not the talk. It’ total collapse of civil order. Anarchy!

You’ll need your guns sure, but you must also have supplies of food, seeds and survival gear.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:23 pm

I still have the 40 pallets of dried beans from the Y2K thing.. they wouldn’t take them back. Maybe they’ll come in handy…

But I don’t hold out any hope for the anarchists, they can’t seem to organize.

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Yeah. They have a lot in common with Libertarians but anarchists have the best mobs and riots except for soccer fans. To bad soccer isn’t big here in the USA. You’d get a chance to use those beans.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm

When the news clips are long enough, you see some of them doing funny shit.. if they were really anarchists, though – at least one of them would put out a fire, or help put a car back upright.

CorruptionInColumbia April 4, 2014 at 12:36 pm

Toilet paper is a necessary staple for life. Not having toilet paper is why people didn’t have as long a life span many years ago as they do today. I mean, who wants to live forever if you have to go around with an itchy, smelly butt all day?

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 12:42 pm

That’s what may bring down President Maduro in Venezuela, no TP. It’s always the simple things. For the Soviets it was blue jeans that wouldn’t fit.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 1:07 pm

I’ve been thinking about gold lately… it’s malleable, conducts electricity and doesn’t rust… for technology today, that’s intrinsic value.. but that’s not an immutable absolute.. technology is based on science, imagination and analysis – and that *has* immutable intrinsic value…

Investing in wit, wisdom, memory, analysis, and science seems to be something that would always continue to increase in value.

Unless someone shoots you.

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Technology? No. It’s the only that is guaranteed to become obsolete. Why would you invest in that. Stick with the beans. You’ll be better off in the end.

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 1:23 pm

Technology? No. It’s the only thing that is guaranteed to become obsolete
No.. no.. no… it’s *based* on science, imagination and analysis – and that *has* immutable intrinsic value.. not technology.

I even repeated it with…

“Investing in wit, wisdom, memory, analysis, and science seems to be something that would always continue to increase in value.”

No wonder you’re a Republican… you read the bible that way, too!

Bible Thumper April 4, 2014 at 1:47 pm

The Bible is 2000 to 3500 years old and still relevant today. My book on Widows ME is collecting dust as well as my Nextel push to talk phone. Just a few years ago the hottest technology was BlackBerry, but where would you be if you had invested in RIM?

euwe max April 4, 2014 at 2:12 pm

Where would I be if I invested in the Gideons?

Torch April 6, 2014 at 9:52 am

Evidently you’ve not been hearing from the same nut jobs I have. It is all about race. They scare the crap out of me and like euwe, they have more guns and ammo than the National Guard.

shifty henry April 4, 2014 at 7:12 am

Eugene Tackleberry – We thought you were dead..!!

CorruptionInColumbia April 3, 2014 at 7:59 pm

Haley’s “Pro-Gun” stance is nothing more than a prop for her campaigns. She loves to publicize those pics of her shooting weapons at FN or of her Christmas present, but she has done piss little to advance the cause of gun rights since taking office. While she did sign the Restaurant Carry bill into law, she did nothing in terms of promoting it or trying to generate support or thwart attempts to water it down with idiotic curfews and the like. She did nothing to try and drum up support for the Constitutional Carry bill which sadly died in the Legislature, earlier this year.

Sorry Nikki, it takes a lot more for me to perceive you as being Pro-2A than showing pics of you holding guns.

At least she hasn’t tried to sabotage the pro-gun bills in play as as pseudo-Pro-2A SC House member Mikey Pitts from Greenwood and Laurens counties. Mikey likes to flash his NRA life membership (nothing but a political prop) while doing everything he can to add garbage to any pro-gun bill in play that will either see it scuttled or make it more harmful to gun owners if passed than if it had not passed. I hope the people of Laurens and Greenwood Counties in his district see through him and replace him in November.

Bible Thumper April 3, 2014 at 11:43 pm

This is a legislature controlled state. There hasn’t been a governor able to influence legislation since Carroll Campbell. She is pro 2-A.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt April 4, 2014 at 12:22 am

This is a ridiculous service and an even more ridiculous stance of “civil disobedience” against all gun laws running counter to the US Constitution.

It’s ironic that on the one hand SC hates the Federal Gov’t, except when they like something about the Federal Gov’t. You hate the Post Office but you love guns…both of which are in the Constitution. You hate armed Federal agencies, but you love the US Military.

Besides, gun control actually works. Look at the UK and Australia. Get the facts. The fewer guns out there, the fewer gun related crimes and death. However, I don’t expect SC, an NRA slut state, to ever even think about saving lives or reducing violence. It’s all about ‘Murica down here.

Logan Smith May 21, 2014 at 8:41 am

Here’s one thing I don’t get about our State. We have conceal carry, but not open carry. Wouldn’t you think open carry would come first, since people could see you carrying, making it less “dangerous”? Like, why is open carry illegal, if conceal carry is legal?


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