
Ron Paul: Ukraine Aid Rips Off Taxpayers …

… AND DOESN’T HELP UKRAINIANS Last week Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill approving You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

… AND DOESN’T HELP UKRAINIANS Last week Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill approving
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euwe max March 31, 2014 at 10:56 am

You mean Ron Paul actually understands that there is nothing for us to gain by sticking our dicks in that particular knot hole?


In the land of the no-brained, the one-brained is king!

Sandlapper March 31, 2014 at 11:51 am

“Ukrainian Aid Rips Off Taxpayers…And Doesn’t Help Ukrainians.”
Save this headline, and leave Ukrainian and Ukrainians blank for future use. In the past half century you could have correctly inserted Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and you name it.

Philip Branton March 31, 2014 at 11:53 am

So….Mr. Paul, dare to relay where taxpayers SHOULD “invest” their tax dollars instead..?

CorruptionInColumbia March 31, 2014 at 11:57 am

How about at home, in the US, for a change?

euwe max March 31, 2014 at 1:43 pm

Sounds like a plan doomed to failure.

CorruptionInColumbia March 31, 2014 at 2:23 pm

Sad, but true, Euwe Max!

euwe max March 31, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Maybe Halliburton will get the contract to rebuild Crimea.

Neocon Nirvana March 31, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Notice Rand Paul isn’t making this statement.

JCDavis April 1, 2014 at 6:57 am

How so? This column is taken verbatim from the ronpaulinstitute site, under Paul’s byline.

Hooked on Phonics April 1, 2014 at 8:28 am

You should probably re-read my statement. Notice is says “Rand”.

JCDavis April 1, 2014 at 8:43 am

Yep. Sorry.

JCDavis April 1, 2014 at 6:59 am

The one billion is backed by more than one billion in Ukraine gold that we took as collateral. But the $5 billion we spent to undermine Ukraine and create this coup should get somebody some jail time.


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