
Yikes! Candidate Passes Kidney Stone During Debate

THAT’S GROSSMAN! A Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts passed a kidney stone during a ninety-minute televised debate in the Bay State this week. No really … this actually happened. Steve Grossman – a former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman (who is currently serving as Massachusetts’ Treasurer) – passed the stone…


A Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts passed a kidney stone during a ninety-minute televised debate in the Bay State this week.

No really … this actually happened.

Steve Grossman – a former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman (who is currently serving as Massachusetts’ Treasurer) – passed the stone during a gubernatorial debate on gay and lesbian issues sponsored by MassEquality Education Fund.

Hmmmm … we wonder what was more enjoyable for Grossman: Passing the stone? Or sitting through a ninety-minute debate on gay and lesbian issues? Yeah. Flip a coin on that one …

Oh well. The incident did at least spawn a hilarious new Twitter account …

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shifty henry March 26, 2014 at 5:19 pm

I sympathize with him for his pain, and give him credit for humor….

Dominick Carrullo March 26, 2014 at 5:23 pm

Now that take balls….no pun intended.

euwe max March 26, 2014 at 7:05 pm

He pissed his pants during the debate? Now there’s a dedicated orator!

shifty henry March 26, 2014 at 11:50 pm

— thought that was some other guy who (they say) either didn’t know it or just ignored it and finished his speech (I did see a foto of him but don’t remember his name)

Scooter March 26, 2014 at 7:22 pm

He was only passing gas anyway

Fastmouth March 26, 2014 at 9:32 pm

A kidney stone is a painful situation. Been there – done that! Don’t care if he’s a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or whatever – sorry to hear it!

Smirks March 27, 2014 at 8:32 am

No kidding, that’s just one of those things you can’t even wish on your worst enemies.

Centrist View March 27, 2014 at 10:06 am

Video of the forum.

The 2014 MassEquality/WGBH News Gubernatorial Candidates Forum

I skipped through it to points where Grossman was speaking. Could not really tell he was in pain.


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