SC Democrats: A Pulse?

NOT REALLY, BUT …  The Democratic Party in South Carolina might as well be dead … and that’s just fine for the Palmetto State’s entrenched fiscally liberal establishment. How come? The state’s “Republican” Party has got them covered. Seriously … after more than a dozen years of GOP rule, big…


The Democratic Party in South Carolina might as well be dead … and that’s just fine for the Palmetto State’s entrenched fiscally liberal establishment.

How come? The state’s “Republican” Party has got them covered.

Seriously … after more than a dozen years of GOP rule, big government in the Palmetto State has never had it so good. Of course when it comes to the people paying for all that government growth … things are not so good (here and here).

Anyway …

South Carolina Democrats have yet to figure out their brand of fiscal liberalism has been totally co-opted by the GOP. Compounding matters, the GOP has figured out that South Carolinians are dumb enough to continue electing “Republican” candidates on platforms of less government and lower taxes – even though these candidates flip-flop after assuming office and become far worse on fiscal issues than the Democrats they defeated.

It’s a vicious cycle …

Up in Abbeville, S.C., though, one Democrat has figured out that if paying lip service to lower taxes and less government works for the GOP … it could work for him.

“Tombo” Hite – who announced his candidacy for the S.C. State House this week – says he’s running on a platform of “improving public schools, keeping taxes low, cutting spending, and investing in the children of South Carolina.”

Hmmmmm … don’t get us started on “public schools” and “for the children” rhetoric.

But on the fiscal references, “Tombo” appears to be taking a page out of S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers’ book. Sellers – who is running for lieutenant governor of South Carolina – is a die hard proponent of the state’s government-run school system, but he’s also adopted some sensible centrist positions on fiscal issues.

In fact he’s vowed to block “Republican” plans to raise the state’s gas tax …

Democrats are on life support in South Carolina. Their gubernatorial candidate – Vincent Sheheen – is running perhaps the worst political campaign we’ve ever seen against vulnerable incumbent Nikki Haley. Meanwhile their other statewide candidates are dropping like flies.

No wonder they are so excited about having a “fantastic” candidate for S.C. House District 11 – one of those many regions of the Palmetto State that time forgot.

“Tombo Hite is a man of great integrity and deep faith with an unwavering commitment to both his community and state,” said S.C. House minority leader Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia). “He is a strong supporter of our public schools, will fight to keep taxes low, and make sure the interests of rural South Carolina don’t take a back seat to the interests of Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston. We are very excited about Tombo’s candidacy and believe he has a terrific chance to win in November.”

Wait … the Democratic minority leader is praising a candidate for fighting to “keep taxes low?”

Interesting …

Hite is running against “Republican” incumbent Craig Gagnon – who won the seat in 2012 because Democrats split their votes between the party’s official nominee and a left-leaning petition candidate.

Activists say that won’t happen this time.

“This is a prime pick-up seat for Democrats this year,” party operative Tyler Jones said.

He’s right … assuming you agree there’s a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties (in South Carolina or beyond).

From where we sit, no matter who wins this seat taxpayers are looking at a “status quo hold.”

And sadly, the same goes for most of the other 169 legislative seats …

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GrandTango March 24, 2014 at 11:41 am

So what FITS is saying: His democrat party is ALIVE and WELL…only it’s the GOP…

That’s Bull-$#!*…while the Republicans can CERTAINLY do much better…we’d be in MISERABLE shape w/o a good bit of Conservative principles being invoked here.

We are growing in the number of productive residents…we’re not attracting freeloaders, like liberal-based FAILED states. (even though we’ve had our hand-out seekers for decades, since the democrats had such a hold for so long)….

And so much of the spending is for agencies, much of it federally mandated, that were Firmly in place, and Slurping money uncontrollably before the GOP came to power…

There are a couple former democrat posers in VERY POWERFUL positions in the state…but we have REJECTED the Disastrous schemes of Obama better than many states…and what little good news there is, comes from the fact we have Republicans in control..

Not only that: look at the absolute WORST parts of SC. If you want to see the difference between GOP rule and democrats…democrats lord over areas where people stay the poorest, most ignorant, most hateful, most backward and pitiful…

It could be a lot worse..and it will get better when we get rid of FITS’ lord-god Obama…FITS is ludicrous, and example of bad leadership.

HR McDonalds March 24, 2014 at 11:47 am

Get a job, bum.

Smirks March 24, 2014 at 11:49 am

I don’t want him flipping my burgers.

Clean up on aisle 3 Big T March 24, 2014 at 1:17 pm

Can his slip your boogers thought?

Oops... March 24, 2014 at 1:17 pm

flip that is…

GrandTango March 24, 2014 at 11:52 am

Getting Beech Slapped for being a Dumb@$$…ain’t fun, is it?…Especially when you’re not used to hearing the truth…

Dumb@$$ March 24, 2014 at 11:57 am

Beech Slapped is capitalized? Thanks, I never had a clue…

GrandTango March 24, 2014 at 12:00 pm

” I never had a clue”….

LMAO..You can say that again…and that goes for FITS and you other Dumb@$$ democrats…that’s your D*#n problem…you don’t have a clue…

Dumb@$$ March 24, 2014 at 12:14 pm

Let’s see: Dumbass (an adjective) is capitalized, democrat isn’t. Damn is also capitalized…show me the way, Mr. Journalist!

euwe max March 24, 2014 at 3:53 pm

It’s not what he says – it how he says it.,.. no wait… it’s what he says…

it’s not about him, it’s about his ideas.. that’s it.

no… wait..

euwe max March 24, 2014 at 3:51 pm

while the Republicans can CERTAINLY do much better

Just let us try *one* more time…. leeches will work.. don’t trust modern medicine – it’s of the devil!

Gillonheystuck March 24, 2014 at 11:51 am

What a silly article. Tell me ANY candidate, Republican or Democrat, who has run for office, and has not been, at least during the campaign phase, like Tombo Hite for “improving publlic schools, keeping taxes low, cutting spending, and investing in the Hilton of SC.”
And as for being against a gas tax hike, maybe if Rep.Bakari Sellers would slow down enough, he would notice the many potholes that dot SC’s highways.

GrandTango March 24, 2014 at 12:47 pm

Todd Rutherford is watering down Emma’s Law because he gets filthy rich allowing DUI drivers on the road.

FITS’ political heroes are Tommy ‘ravenous cocaine habit’ Revenel and Mark “infidelity-I’m pious” Sanford…and this ignorant SOB is blaming the GOP???…

Fetuses are being burned for heat…and FITS is blaming the GOP…

euwe max March 24, 2014 at 2:18 pm

No no no.. you’ve got it all wrong.. the Democrats and the Republicans are exactly the same – so vote Republican *AGAIN* – things will change.. I can feel it.

William Wallace March 25, 2014 at 7:28 am

I’m fed up with ALL of them!
Vote them all out and then repeat the process every other election!
“It will be a GREAT day in SC.” and the COUNTRY!!!!!!
From obama to haley to town hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

euwe max March 25, 2014 at 8:28 am

vote them all out
interesting idea, gibson.. who do we replace “them” with?

Lillian McBride March 24, 2014 at 2:52 pm

We Democrats are doing just fine here in Richland County. Darryl’s friend and fellow Democrat Jean Toal said so. Thank you for asking.

John March 24, 2014 at 3:00 pm

Someone in Horry County is looking at that picture of a donkey and getting a hard-on.

Sal March 24, 2014 at 7:54 pm

I have been following SC politics for over 50 years and I can tell you the Dems are clueless. The issues of ethics and incompetnecy are the issues on which they should run. But instead they write juvenile, bomb throwing press releases about issues from 1965 and never come floe to the target.
They need to grow up and realize adults respond when being treated like adults. Deal directly with the issue, shoot directly at Haley etc with fact about job performance and unethical behavior and they can win.

euwe max March 24, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Sure Republicans left a mess… but why can’t the Democrats… just… take away the mess?

Mike at the Beach March 24, 2014 at 5:31 pm

Is that Sheheen “the fainting donkey” in the hay there in the pic? It could be worse!

Limbaughsaphatkhunt March 24, 2014 at 8:24 pm

Dems would be wise pull out of SC altogether…at least in terms of logistics and money from the national party. South Carolinians seem quite happy to perennially elect a solid majority of GOP politicians at all levels any time of the day.
Which is both ironic and hopeless given these politicians are intent on making this state look worse than Somalia and making the residents suffer likewise. If the dems haven’t taken over by now…they never will. Save your money and go compete in other states where you have a better shot and the folks aren’t slack jawed hillbillies.

RogueElephant March 24, 2014 at 9:37 pm

There are too many legislators in Cola. with an (R) behind their name that are leftovers from the dark past. With Republican majorities in both houses of the legislature and the Gov’s. office votes should go like ” All in favor Aye, all opposed nay, Ayes have , next bill.” Instead the RINOs drag out every bill, make stupid demands to get special treatment and generally gum up the process whenever they can. Like the recent gun bill, Constitutional carry, what part of “shall not infringe” don’t these “Republicans” understand? An old friend told me years ago how we didn’t have to worry about the Dims, but our own people. He was right.

ELCID March 25, 2014 at 7:04 pm

It would be nice if SC had a real two party system.
Instead of the GOP “Every Man For Himself,” and the Democrat “Bobble Head Moron’s” Clubs.


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