SC Political YouTubes: Tom Davis On Medicaid Expansion

Here’s S.C. State Senator Tom Davis explaining why Medicaid should not be expanded in the Palmetto State under Obamacare – a discussion that takes an interesting detour into the current monetary policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve and its potential impact on future Medicaid payments. “At some point in time…

Here’s S.C. State Senator Tom Davis explaining why Medicaid should not be expanded in the Palmetto State under Obamacare – a discussion that takes an interesting detour into the current monetary policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve and its potential impact on future Medicaid payments.

“At some point in time even the United States Congress isn’t going to be able to simply paper over this by raising the debt ceiling, it will have to take some action” Davis says. “And I submit to you the very first thing they will do – aside from raising taxes, they’ll try to do that first – but the second thing they’ll do is they’re going to stop the amount of money, the transfer payments that go from Washington, D.C. back down to the states for roads, and health care and title one education and other federal programs.”

Exactly … which is precisely why such “strings attached” funding like this should never be accepted. All it does is obligate South Carolina to cover an expanded long-term taxpayer burden.

“We’ll still send money up there, as taxpayers, to Washington, D.C.,” Davis added. “But less and less are there going to be transfer payments coming back down to the states to cover those programs.”

Indeed …

It is a bit odd, however, that toward the end of his remarks Davis praises S.C. Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) director Tony Keck for opposing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

Why is that strange?

Because Keck and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley have been ballooning the state’s Medicaid rolls … in fact Medicaid in South Carolina is projected to grow three times as fast as it is in states NOT accepting Obamacare subsidies. Hell, Medicaid in South Carolina is growing faster than it is in states that ARE accepting Obamacare subsidies.

For reals … 

So which is it, Senator Davis?

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Walter-White March 19, 2014 at 12:16 pm

He’s a lot better at punking black middle school students.

Rocky March 19, 2014 at 12:48 pm

Because goodness knows – a state where 20% of the people lack access to health insurance – and therefore healthcare – is a modern, healthy place that employers will flock to.

Smirks March 19, 2014 at 2:02 pm

Davis can watch as Kentucky enjoys the fruits of compliance while we eat dirt.

GrandTango March 19, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Yeah: adding thousands of health-neglected non-payers to a system that cannot work w/o healthy payers, who refuse to sign up…

You and Obama are F*#king fiscal geniuses…it’s why your approval numbers are so high, I guess…LMAO…..

GrandTango March 19, 2014 at 3:36 pm

Are you a F*#king IDIOT or what?….Ever hear of indigent care????…Anybody can go to the hospital and CANNOT be refused care. You LYING sack of of liberal S#!t….

Obama is trying to FORCE people who are already paying for EVERYBODY to the standards you concede to, because you only go to the dr. (usually the ER) at the last minute…And you don’t care how much it costs, because you don’t pay for it.. You Dumb@$$ liar…

Yep! March 19, 2014 at 1:21 pm

He’s right. The DC economic picture will have substantial impact on SC at some point of time down the road.

Smirks March 19, 2014 at 2:00 pm

And I submit to you the very first thing they will do – aside from raising taxes, they’ll try to do that first – but the second thing they’ll do is they’re going to stop the amount of money, the transfer payments that go from Washington, D.C. back down to the states for roads, and health care and title one education and other federal programs.

And which party, pray tell, would be most likely to gut welfare spending? Ohh, mister Davis, I think you know!


Pretty shameless that anyone would honestly fall for this stuff. And, by the way, we should be raising taxes -and- cutting spending, because we have a fucking deficit created by taxes being cut (predominantly for the rich) and spending being raised. You remember the Bush era, don’t you Davis? Of course you don’t.

“You can’t expand that, we certainly won’t let you return tax rates to what they were decades ago, so we’d force you to cut it anyways! Ha ha! You lose either way, citizen!”

GrandTango March 19, 2014 at 3:38 pm

Go Tom Davis. You got this one right. You may mature to a leader if you keep going right.

Medicaid March 19, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Checks in the mail.


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