S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson wants everyone to believe he’s a “boy scout” who would never let politics interfere with his job as the state’s top prosecutor … and he could very well be just that.
In fact as of this writing, we’ve seen nothing to indicate Wilson is anything other than what he says he is … a straight-shooting “just the facts” lawyer with a legitimate interest in cracking down on public corruption in the Palmetto State.
In that regard, Wilson is 1-for-2 (sorry for the sports metaphor … it’s fantasy baseball season here at FITS world headquarters).
Two years ago his office successfully brought down S.C. Lt. Gov. Ken Ard – who was running a cash-for-contributions scheme originally exposed by FITS. Later that year, though, Wilson badly whiffed when he took a pass on a much bigger ethics scandal involving Gov. Nikki Haley – then he surprisingly teamed up with Haley to support her package of watered-down ethics reforms (all of which the governor previously violated).
Wilson argued he had no jurisdiction in Haley’s case – although it seems clear he could have gone after her if he wanted to. After all Haley was exceedingly vulnerable at the time Wilson’s office was called upon to investigate her many corrupt dealings – which were whitewashed by a so-called “ethics” panel in the S.C. House of Representatives.
Now Wilson is in the midst of a statewide grand jury investigation into S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell – who certainly appears to be guilty as sin on a wide range of corruption charges.
Last week, this case blew up when it was revealed two powerful attorneys for Harrell were seeking a closed door audience with a circuit court judge – part of an effort to have Wilson removed from the case.
Then a pro-Harrell website published a scathing attack on Wilson – arguing that the Attorney General should not only give up the case against Harrell, but resign himself over his own corruption issues.
It’s not hard to follow the political calculus on this on …
A month ago Harrell went to the mattresses on behalf of incumbent Supreme Court justice Jean Toal in a hotly contested judicial election – helping provide her with a huge victory over associate justice Costa Pleicones. Assuming this circuit court judge grants the request from Harrell’s attorneys, the most compelling logical conclusion to draw would be that Toal is returning the favor.
Quid pro quo.
The only wild card is Wilson.

It was universally presumed among Palmetto political observers that the first-term GOP Attorney General was going to take a pass on the Harrell case – which is why his decision earlier this year to send it to the grand jury caught everyone off guard. That element of surprise led to a very public, high-profile spat between Wilson and Harrell over whether the former gave the latter proper notification of his intentions to move forward with the case.
Harrell argued vociferously that he had been misled by the Attorney General – while Wilson argued that his office had notified Harrell’s attorneys as soon as it decided to move the case to the grand jury.
Wilson’s decision also couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Speaker – hitting the day before he gaveled in the second session of the 120th S.C. General Assembly.
But was – or more accurately, is – all of this nothing but carefully orchestrated political theater? Could the conflict between the two leaders be for show?
“The fight over the notification issue raised a big red flag with me,” one veteran prosecutor told FITS. “The back and forth over that just seemed … well, staged. It looked like two people in search of a conflict.”
Wilson’s office is on the record adamantly opposing any secret meeting related to Harrell’s case – and adamantly opposing any motion to have him removed. And at this point we believe him to be telling the truth.
After all, he’s staked his future aspirations on the outcome of this case …
But there’s a growing chorus of conspiracy theorists – including several in the Tea Party movement (where the complaint against Harrell originated) – openly speculating about Wilson’s true motivations.
“Bad gut feeling,” one told us. “Like I can see this unfolding the way a thousands scandals have unfolded before it.”
And how is that?
“If Wilson gets booted the case is dead,” she said. “He can rail about it and fight it up the appellate ladder but it’s dead. And whether he was the ‘boy scout’ (FITS) seem to think he is – or whether he was in on it from the get-go – it doesn’t matter. He was forced off regardless. How will we ever know where he really was (on the case)?”
Sources close to Harrell are not buying the theory … they say Wilson is aggressively pursuing the Speaker at the expense of what they believe to be the facts of the case. In fact they believe Wilson is every bit as corrupt as Harrell – that his “witch hunt” is part of its own conspiracy.
“He’s pushing (the investigation),” one told us. “The only ‘fix’ he’s in on is the ‘fix’ to frame Bobby – to bring Bobby down for what in no way, shape or form add up to indictable offenses.”
We’re probably naïve for writing this … but we believe Wilson is doing the job he was elected to do. And for the record we don’t believe he is a part of a conspiracy either to sink – or save – the Speaker. We also don’t believe the integrity-challenged institutions of the S.C. House of Representatives and the S.C. Supreme Court are ready for the firestorm they would create if they conspired to remove Wilson from the case.
At the end of the day we believe the facts surrounding Harrell’s corruption are amply self-evident … which is why Wilson brought the case to the grand jury in the first place.
What do you think? Vote in our poll … and then post your thoughts in our comments section below.
Clue: Legal proceedings, by prosecutors, have to operate on evidence, you dolt. You cannot chase petty political grievances, based on hearsay, and act on the hopes of idiots against your enemies.
Your thinking represents what is WRONG with government. You’d persecute based on politics. Only a hateful, partisan un-American would attack Conservatives, using the IRS,, while S#!tt!*g all over himself to defend warring terrorists w/ cheap ambulance-chasing lawyer tactics…screaming “due process” over the corpses of children, your Jihadist comrades were Filmed murdering…..
Yes Large T, thank you for bringing all of this back to jihadists murdering my children. On film. Exactly where this discussion needed to go. You have saved us a lot of debate.
Jihadists murdered my children too – chopped their heads off. On film. So we have that in common….
Liberals WOULD get outraged if it’s THEIR children…but when it’s someone else’s child…you’d just as soon perpetuate liberal politics, that blame America first…
That is my point.
That is what a Grand Jury is suppose to prevent.
You cannot chase petty political grievances, based on hearsay, and act on the hopes of idiots against your enemies.
Benghazi! IRS! Solyndra! Obamacare!
Good point Smirks. That is REAL, Damaging and Dangerous corruption that you mention in the Obama Administration…and Eric Holder is sitting on his racist @$$, and not prosecuting REAL Crooks, thieves and liars…like Benghazi! IRS! Solyndra! Obamacare!
But Obama and Holder D@*n sure have time to fight against Boeing jobs in SC or voter integrity laws that seek to stop their cheating…
Nice work, brother…
I’m no fan of Alan Wilson but I dont follow this.Why would Wilson be in on a “fix?”
If he wanted to “protect” Harrell ,he could easily have proclaimed there was “insufficient “evidence to submit the case to the Grand Jury and been done with it.
Then I saw that these “theories” are coming from the paranoid Tea Partiers.That explained everything.
Wilson appears tough, but is off the hook. What happens next if Wilson is removed? Where does the case go?
The feds are watching them all – monitoring their cell calls and text – listening in at their secret meeting places, etc. I am telling you, there is going to be more than just Harrell being flushed down the toilet in this case. Wilson would be a fool to let is go and to not seal grand jury indictments. What next? Well, lets see …. Howe and Daniels serving subpoenas on FITS to find out who is posting on this site? Pffffftttt!!!!!! … They want to risk their law licenses for a piece of shit corrupt house speaker and his cronies?? hahahaahahahaha !!!!
Tear Them Down, Will!! You are doing what a true Patriot would do. And for that, I salute you!
Wilson should be removed from the Harrell case because of his own ethics violations, the Feds could very well take Wilson down, again, where diid all of Wilson’s campaign funds go? uh uh uh . I’ m still waiting … oh wait! … the 68 missing contributions were human error …hahahahahahahahahahahaha! ….no wait … they were a scrivener’s error as the campaign chairman Thad Westbrook said ….hahahahahahahahahahaha! oh, wait …. uh uh uh …..
They most certainly are.
Based on the evidence against Harrell, if Wilson had proclaimed it “insufficient” and “been done with it” he would have lost a LOT of support.
What?From YOU?Oh yeah you would “bitch” a little, like you and your tea party buddies did when he whitewashed Haley.
Haley is going to be Re Elected with tea Party support and Wilson probably wont even have opposition.
This is a ONE. PARTY state Folks .Wilson can EASILY withstand some brickbats from you and your ilk.
Nope,your tea party nut nuts little “conspiracy” theory doesnt hold water.
Sure he would get reelected, but he wants a higher office and needs the tea party.
Well all the Tea Party nut nuts were big supporters of Nikki Haley four years ago.Since then she has figuratively , kicked them in the ass,at least according to Fits, and appears to be coasting to re election.
So, apparently ,screwing over the Tea Party has no particular negatives for ones political future,but, of course, all this begs the original question,if Wilson was in on a “fix,” why even pursue Harrell to begin with?
Folks explanation that, if he hadn’t some people would have been mad at him, doesnt hold water, as Ive stated.
Perhaps there are still holes in the argument, but nuts or not they can influence primaries in an open race. Incumbents and general elections: not so much.
If the Tea Party is smart and has the best interest of Govt., at heart. They will kick Haley to the curb! She has betrayed them and stabbed them in the back!
Alan wants badly to be re-elected and to rise to higher offices. It is his birthright as Joe Wilson’s step-son. He is part of our elite, our ruling class. He will do whatever he has to to guarantee his re-election.
Notice how much he has done with the Lexington Crime ring (many of whom are Joe’s best buds and supporters). Look at how many of them are in jail or prison now, after all the time has passed since the infamous Danny Frazier phone tape. Look how many indictments he has caused to be generated. Look at the Columbia/Richland Crime political machine and the Lott Family and their numerous misdeeds. See how many cases Alan has pursued against them, or the Limehouse family.
We need another SCAG, come November.
I would not trust little Joe (Alan) Wilson in a shit house with a muzzle on!
…unless you wanted to get rid of the shit house.
Well you’re not getting one.Wilson will likely be re elected without any opposition.You live in a ONE party state and incumbents are rarely beaten or even opposed.
Toal is doing all she can to get Wilson out of this case and into the hands of one of the solicitors she owns. My bet is she will get it to Dan Johnson. Good God Almighty, he ought to be in the parking lot polishing her car and tires every afternoon in appreciation for having her ODC bash his wife and letting him walk unscathed.
Toal will look cute standing before a District judge on felony charges.
Have you seen Toal? Nothing could make that woman “cute.”
I don’t think this is about Toal at all, heck, with all of Wilson’s ethics violations, he should be polishing Harrell’s car. Does that look good boss? uh uh uh …
It is weird and probably designed to gain political capital…to what end only time will tell. Still smells of ongoing backroom deals. Under normal circumstances one would think that if Wilson wanted grand jury investigation ….he should have quietly seated one (after all the grand jury secrecy is a respected element of the process) and then announced the outcome which way it went. It IS disconcerting to hear the announcement of grand jury investigation, soon followed by all these ramped up side/affiliated activities. Wilson could have avoided these side shows and public speculations by quietly seating grand jury. That might also have been fair to Harrell.
EXACTLY … when the people elected Alan Wilson, they gave the rats the keys to the cheese factory.
EXACTLY!, he was taught everything he knows by Mr. McMaster; no doubt.
“You fib!”
D. A douchebag who’s interest is climbing a political ladder and not in any sort of justice.
I’m just pleased to see this poll offers more than the usual two options & not the usual: Yes/No – Have you quit beating your wife?
Wilson quit beating his wife?
It is clear, all across the Palmetto State, citizens are mad as hell that Harrell has been doing what he has been doing. And that is, committing FELONIES. The People want Harrell made an example out of and the book thrown at him. It better happen or their could be one HELL of firestorm and legal backlash on Wilson. The feds ARE watching this case and WILL come in and take Harrell down if necessary.
If Harrell committed Felonies, then drumroll please …d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d….. then Wilson committed Felonies too, you can’t have it both ways scooter It’s unknown if the people want Harrell out, however, if they do, then they will want Wilson out for his ethics violations, duh. And if the Feds are watching, then you can bet they are watching Wilson also. Wilson better watch his step because this is going to backfire on him for all of his ethics violations. There is no way he is going to survive committing all of those ethics violations and prosecute ethics violations at the same time, no way Jose’.
Before we work on artificial intelligence why don’t we do something about your natural stupidity?
Again, is that your “A” game? Name-calling? WOW – the “brain trust” of South Carolina has spoken. BTW, What happened to all of Wilson’s campaign funds? uh uh uh ….. uh uh uh …. I’m still waiting
Gedney Howe ( one of Harrell’s lawyers ), is well known for making assertions to potential clients, that judges, other lawyers, SLED agents, politicians and the like, owe him favors. Attempting to have State Judge Robert Hood preside over a closed hearing to remove Wilson reaks of corruption and possible felonies being committed by Harrell and his team, just to save his crooked ass from prison. He is a goner. Wilson better not being playing games with the people of South Carolina on this. Harrell is as guilty as guilty can be of criminal conduct. A strong message must be sent. He must be sent to prison. And for years, I might add. He has been stealing money … accused of taking kick backs … allegedly involved in illegal backroom deals, you name it. Howe wants to stick his neck out? Then he can eat prison food right along side of his client, Harrell.
Wilson is the Pot calling the Kettle Black. Wilson is no boy scout, get real. No doubt is Wilson calling in favors on this one, with judges, other lawyers, SLED agents, politicians and the like, that owe him favors. Wilson reaks of corruption and possible felonies being committed by Wilson and his team just to save his crooked rear end from prison. This is going to back fire on Wilson and he is going to be exposed for all of his ethics violations. What happened to all of Wilson;s campaign funds? uh uh uh ….. uh uh uh …. I’m waiting …
Baloney red herrings. Within a few hours, we will uncover your true identity – full name, age, place of abode, employers, etc.
So what – Is that your “A” game? BTW, What happened to all of Wilson’s campaign funds? uh uh uh ….. uh uh uh …. I’m still waiting … we the people have a right to know.
One problem is that Gedney Howe is owned by Jean Toal due to little ethical issues in 2004-2005. Hmmmm.
You don’t know diddly squat. You don’t know about anyone that is owned by anyone. You pretend to know other peoples intentions, when in fact, you don’t know anything about Toal or Howe, much less in 2004-2005. You really must be running scared that your buddy Wilson is going to be exposed for all of his campaign finance violations. BTW, wher did all of Wilson’s campaign funds go? uh uh uh ….uh uh uh… I’m still waiting ….
How is Katherine Meyer connected to this?
See photo “Award”
… “they say Wilson is aggressively pursuing the Speaker at the expense of what they believe to be the facts of the case.” BAM! … “In fact they believe Wilson is every bit as corrupt as Harrell – that his “witch hunt” is part of its own conspiracy” …BAM! Wilson has not only committed ethics violations but is also prosecuting ethics violations, to me, that’s MORE corrupt than Harrell because Wilson is playing both sides. Wilson is getting really bad advice from his cronies, if he had any integrity, he would step aside, however, since he is steam rolling ahead, I suspect he is going to get what he deserves, which is to be exposed for his own ethics violations surrounding his campaign funds BTW, where did all of his campaign funds go? I’m still waiting …. uh …uh …. uh …..
Ignoranus: A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.
Is that your “A” game? Name-calling? I know the truth hurts, sorry about that. BTW, where did all of his campaign funds go? I’m still waiting …. uh …uh …. uh …..
Judge Hood, was elected by the South Carolina General Assembly on February 1, 2012. Already, a conflict of interest. US District court is where this case is most likely to end up.
Everyone involved from Jean Toal on down are fighting like Hell to keep this case out of Federal Court. The LAST thing Toal wants is to have the Feds investigating anything she is involved in. Wilson needs to score with this case to be a credible candidate for governor. Bill Nettles, take Jean’s call this morning and please tell her the ride is over and the Feds are taking over. It would be a first for you to tell her No, we know.
There is no information about whether Toal is fighting to keep this out of Federal Court …Blah blah blah …. There is no information about what she is thinking ……Blah blah blah …. Wilson has no credibility in this case because of his own campaign abuses. Wilson needs to step aside and let someone with some credibility handle the Harrell case. Wilson is getting bad advice from his cronies, what a fool.
Sure. And Toal did not make any promises to Harrell for his support? Right. Check that second cell phone’s call log in your boss’ pocket.
Wilson is the Pot calling the Kettle Black on Campiagn finance abuses. There is no way Wilson will be able to sustain prosecuting Harrell with all of his own campaign finance abuses. Does anyone remember Wilson’s Gala? Does anyone remember all of the unreported campaign contributons? Does anyone remember all of the excessive contributions over the legal limit? Does anyone remember the lame explanations for all of his campaign finance violations? … uh uh uh uh …..
“went to the mattresses”
That doesn’t mean what you think it means.
“What do you think?”
Wilson’s campaign is paying Sic for “consulting.”
Wilson’s campaign is paying Sic for “consulting.” …..BAM!
Forget the state grand jury and all of the drama. The major issue revolves
around the log book and whether or not these were political trips. With at
least 2100 flight hours over three years, based on the average operating cost
of that particular aircraft, he has some “explaining to do” not only
to the grand jury but most important, the Criminal Intelligence Division of the
IRS. Unless he reported the non-political dollars used as income, there is tax
evasion. I don’t think he is going to come up with the proper support for those
hours. There are not enough days to account for that usage. By the way, flying
to Columbia is not political time, it is personal time!
Nothing bars simultaneous prosecution in both state and federal court. Double jeopardy would not apply.
Toal is doing all she can do to keep this out of Federal Court.
You don’t know diddly squat. You don’t know what Toal is doing and you sure don’t know what is going on in Federal Court. You don’t know anything about double jeopardy. Get a life, and take a clue… BTW, where did all of Alan Wilson’s campaign funds go? ….uh uh uh … I’m still waiting …. uh uh uh ….
You are surely a Toal law clerk. And your Queen and you are not as secretive and discreet as you think you are. On this and several other issues.
If Harrell has tax evasion, then Wilson and his cronies have tax evasion also. What about all of the un-reported income surrounding Wilson’s campaign finance abuses? I would suspect that the Criminal Intelligence Division of theIRS would be interested in Wilson as well, why not? Unless he reported the non-political dollars used as income, there is tax evasion. I don’t think he is going to come up with the proper support for those missing campaign contributions and his cronies won’t either. Everyone knows, you just can’t use your campaign fund as your own personal bank account or the personal bank account for others.
Wilson: “Bro, I can’t break crony ethos!!! I per$onally benefit (quid pro quo; paradigm ofautonomy from citizenry; family use of public hiring process for crony in training political resume building, allocate budget/ignore laws by personal whim, etc). But we gotta make it look like I would.”
Harrell:”No worries. Mudsling. Distract dummy voters. HAHAHAHAHA FOOLS !!!! They vote like our actions follow our words. But our actions follow $. Cronies don’t $end busine$$/contracts to those who violate status quo ethos. Be team player, serve ethos, protect status quo, get more personal income.”
Wilson: ” Excellent. Nettles won’t break ethos he benefit$ from, especially considering his future private practice, and his wife’s current practice w/crony tool Nelson Mullins firm.
Harrel: “True. Politicians from both parties take turns pimping out Nettle’s office to funding johns. Even though his pimps are democrats, they won’t let him use office powers against another party’s pimp/pimp in training – in this instance, me and you – lest tables turn when party control over office switches. Quid pro quo.”
It;s Nettles’ ex-wife at Nelson Mullins, isn’t it?
South Carolina Speaker of the House and District 114 Representative Bobby Harrell reimbursed himself in excess of $325,000 for expenses according to a story by Renee Dudley in a 2012 edition of The Charleston Post and Courier. However, Harrell did not provide receipts for those expenses, which date back to 2008. Harrell stated that he lost most of his receipts. Harrell also have refused, in part, to allow what receipts he has to be verified as legit. This is obviously one of many reasons for the assembly of the grand jury . Dozens (including Harrell’s investment cronies who are involved directly – and indirectly – with the massive and very expensive I-526 extention ) are expected to be subpoenaed to produce documents and subpoenaed to testify under oath. There will be so many things exposed in this matter, the State of South Carolina will likely have to use Prison Buses to round up all involved. What will Harrell’s lawyers and friends try next? Can we say, “Jury Tampering.”???? Put nothing past these people … they are fighting to remain free from incarceration and from serving long prison sentences.
Nothing has been proven against Harrell. There is no way that Wilson will be able to move forward on Harrell without exposing his own campaign finance ethics violations and his cronies. BTW, what happened to Wilson’s missing campaign funds? I’m still waiting ….uh uh uh….
I hear Howe is currently still trying back door tactics. Calling on your friends, eh Gedney? Trading favors are ya boy? How much was your retainer for this one? $200,000.00 @ $750.00 an hour plus expenses? The NSA is watching you and all of your friends and Harrell’s business friends too. You know that? The DOJ has access to it all. You know that too?
The NSA is not watching Harell, what a crock. I suspect that Harrell’s attorneys are defending him as they should. Wilson is the Pot calling the Kettle Black. With all of Wilson’s ethics violations he has lost his right to prosecute Harrell for lesser ethics violations than Wilson has committed. Wilson is getting bad advice from his cronies. If the DOJ is looking at Harrell, then they will look at Wilson too. I suspect if the DOJ looks at Wilson, they will find a rats nest of corruption with his campaign finances and his cronies. Pass the popcorn, this is going to be interesting.
Nothing on Wilson’s campaign finance, SC Ethics Commission problems?
The AP’s on it if you’re not.
That’s the difference inn reporting and gossip.
Hey pal, read the news. AP is on it. Oh! …are you sure you can read?
“After all, he’s staked his future aspirations on the outcome of this case …”
Correct. Wilson has indeed staked his future political career on this case.
The only chapter in this saga relevant to me will be the last one: Did Wilson get an indictment and conviction of Harrell or not?
If he does, I will help his reelection efforts; Harrell’s behavior seems criminal to me.
If he does not, I will presume Wilson was play-acting “Boy Scout” for gullible foolish onlooker citizens (which we are not) or else is simply inept; but in any case I will help to replace him.
This logic is retarded. It’s NOT whether Wilson gets a conviction or not. It’s whether Wilson acted properly or not. It’s not the outcome that matters, what matters is if Wilson followed the law and did his job properly. Thus far, Wilson has not, he has gone on a witch hunt and at the same time committed campaign abuses, his job performance is a grade “F”, failed. He has failed the job of Attorney General and is the absolute worst Attorney General that South Carolina has EVER had. Further, he has surrounded himself with the worst cronies South Caro0lina has EVER had. If he stakes his future on the Harrell case, he is a fool.
Just hoping Harrell’s assistant India Null Hazzard Pickelsimer goes down with Harrell. She can always go back home to the trailer park…they’re missing some trash.
You are a freakin’ freak. You are attacking innocent people, and naming names you freak. Wilson must really be desperate to enlist the likes of you. Hope and quarter will get you a cup of coffee. Hope on little soldier, hope on little freak.
Helllloooooo India! I don’t drink coffee, so you’ll have to come up with something a little more vindictive than “Hope on little soldier…”, which should be simple for you.
sounds like you have first hand knowledge Miss Pickelsimer
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) – The campaign for South Carolina’s top prosecutor is working to correct nearly four years of quarterly reports following questions from The Associated Press.
Since Sunday, Attorney General Alan Wilson’s campaign has filed more than 15 new reports for quarterly disclosure reports dating to October 2010. The changes come days after the AP asked the campaign about unreported donations and contributions that appeared to exceed the limit of $3,500 per election cycle.
Wilson spokesman Richard Quinn Sr. was working on a response. He has said the campaign tries to vigilantly comply with ethics laws.
State Ethics Commission attorney Cathy Hazelwood said Friday the agency was reviewing Wilson’s filings for potential over-the-limit donations. The agency had sent no notice yet. State law sets no deadline for self-corrections and no limit on changes.
COLUMBIA — The campaign for South Carolina’s top prosecutor is working to correct four years’ worth of quarterly filings after questions from The Associated Press.
Since Sunday, Attorney General Alan Wilson’s campaign has filed new reports for every quarterly disclosure since January 2010. The amendments come days after the AP asked the campaign about contributions that appeared to exceed the limit of $3,500 per election cycle or appeared to be unreported.
Wilson campaign spokesman Richard Quinn Sr. said Monday most of the technical changes were unrelated to the AP’s specific questions.
“Our folks have been working diligently for weeks to get the disclosures as perfect and error-free as possible before the next filing deadline,” he wrote in a response.
State Ethics Commission attorney Cathy Hazelwood said Friday the agency was reviewing Wilson’s filings for potential over-the-limit donations. The agency had sent no notice yet to the campaign. State law sets no deadline for self-corrections and no limit on amendments, Hazelwood said.
As attorney general, Wilson’s job includes prosecuting criminal violations of ethics law.
Earlier this month, his campaign returned $200 to a lobbyist who donated to his successful 2010 bid, after notification from the Ethics Commission. State law bars legislators and statewide officers from accepting money from lobbyists. Her donations were first reported by the Charleston Free Times. Quinn said the campaign didn’t realize the donor was a lobbyist.
Quinn told the AP then that the campaign also was correcting filings related to a legal firm’s donations, so it didn’t appear it gave the maximum contribution twice in the same cycle. One of the $3,500 donations from Hall & Bowers should have been applied to Wilson’s 2010 debt, he said.
State law allows a donor to apply a contribution to a candidate’s debt from a previous election cycle, as long as the debt payment doesn’t exceed the donor’s limit for that cycle and it’s clearly marked in quarterly disclosures.
That brought questions about other donations.
Quinn said the campaign has already refunded two companies whose contributions last fall put them over the limit for the upcoming election. Those refunds to Lorilland and Cash America – in January and February respectively – should be reflected in the first-quarter filing, due next month.
Four donations appeared over the limit because the online filing gave the day they were deposited in the bank, which seemed to put them at the beginning of a cycle, rather than when the checks were written a week or two earlier. Other technical errors were explained as a misspelling and an online glitch. The campaign refunded one of JM Family Enterprises’ $3,500 donations from this cycle in January 2013.
“We are doing our best to make all of the attorney general’s disclosures over the past four years absolutely error-free,” Quinn said.
“Attorney General Wilson correcting campaign filings back to 2010 after questions”
Last March, Wilson’s campaign corrected his filings after a review by an independent accountant found $134,000 in previously unreported donations and expenses surrounding his 2010 win. His campaign chairman attributed the 68 donations and 16 payments to human error.
As of Friday, nine of those donations, all received online, still hadn’t been reported. The campaign last year amended filings to show the credit card processing fees paid for those nine, but not the donations themselves. Those were among the campaign’s fixes Monday.
That investigation is also what sparked the campaign’s internal review last year. Days after Wilson forwarded an ethics complaint to the State Law Enforcement Division, he said he would return money to Harrell. However, while Harrell’s online filings listed the donation, Wilson’s did not.