Chill, Trey Gowdy
DROP THE POT PERSECUTION … Two weeks ago this website effusively praised U.S. Trey Gowdy (You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Two weeks ago this website effusively praised U.S. Trey Gowdy (
And here comes Grand Tango yelling about Trey Gowdy in 3, 2, 1…
Why aren’t you yelling about Obamacare…LMAO….
Ibuprofen, maybe.
Today’s GrandTango headache brought to you by Advil.
Ex-Lax or Preparation-H, since GT is such a monumental pain in the ass?
Tango isn’t a pain in my ass. His little pencil dick wouldn’t make a gnat jump. He does a good job of licking out the santorum that accumulates so I keep him around.
Tango gives me a daily rectal rash…
F*#king idiot, I told you to stop giving talking about my secrets. Don’t make me bring up the herpes legions on your @$$.
I you hover over the above avatar (shudder!) you will suspect that GrandTango now has a split personality when compared to the avatar he sports below.
Maybe euwe max is right about that sock puppet idea.
You actually have the mental wherewithal to resist my ideas?
The force is strong with this one.
I expect that from a status quo robot like you. You effeminate little sissies tighten up any time bigger minds get near you.
He said “tighten up” boys!
Concerning Sanford,Mulvaney and Duncan’s libertarianism?The accent should be on the word”supposed.”
Anybody else thinking Gowdy may be thinking about jumping into the race to take out Lindsay…and ending any chance (in his mind) FITS thinks Mace has???
FITS is $#!tt!*g all over himself with this guy for some reason, while the NATION is giving Gowdy a Standing O for Beech Slapping Obama for Obama’s dis-regard for the law…….
Very interesting. Something is going on…
Legalize It!
Don’t criticize It!
Legitimize it!
Do you realize how much more expensive it will be?
Maybe at first, when people rush to buy “legal” weed as novelty, but when the supply becomes unrestratined from legal limitations, and when people are growing six plants in their closets or backyards legally, the prices will drop by a signficant margin.
It is an interesting bill but has no chance of passage. It has little to do with marijuana.
Congress passes the law an the Executive branch enforces it. What do you do when the executive refuses or changes the law by executive order.
Eric Holder has openly told AG’s not to defend state laws when challenged. This law would expidite the process if congress chose to sue the executive branch.
Gowdy has mentioned lack of enforcement of Immigration laws, sentencing laws, and ACA. The marijuana laws are brought up by the left as a scare tactic . Any lawsuit on marijuana enforcement under this law would have to be approved by congress separately.
This is correct but Sic Willie likes his pot. Right now, if the president does not enforce the laws that are passed, like Obamacare to immigration, congress can not sue until the find someone hurt by the president not enforcing it. If this bill passes, they can then sue him to enforce it.
Way to fall for the left scare tactics, Sic.
Can’t he veto the bill?
it’s not a left scare tactic – it’s one of the purposes of the bill, spelled out in plain English – “don’t let Washington and Colorado legalize pot!”
Fits does not mention that it was supported not only by every SC Republican member, but all Republicans and six Democrats in the House.
So all the SC Republicans are against pot use in other states… and six Democrats are too.
Sounds about right for the backwoods.
It has little to do with marijuana.
A Judiciary Committee report submitted by Goodlatte last week regarding H.R. 4138 chastised the Obama administration for selective enforcement of the Controlled Substance Act, which prohibits marijuana outright. “The decision by the Obama administration not to enforce the CSA in entire states is not a a valid exercise of prosecutorial discretion,” the report reads. “The guidance of U.S. Attorneys establishes a formal, department-wide policy of selective non-enforcement of an Act of Congress. This infringes on Congress’s lawmaking authority, by, in effect, amending the flat prohibitions of the CSA to permit the possession, distribution, and cultivation of marijuana so long as that conduct is in compliance with state law.”
The report goes on to describe the Obama administration’s actions on marijuana policy as an “impermissible suspension of the law by executive fiat.”
But Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) told The Huffington Post that he is not alone in the Capitol in his support of the administration’s position not to interfere with state marijuana laws, adding that while states continue to craft sensible marijuana policy, Congress continues to drag its feet with bills like this one.
It’s more about separation of power between Congress and the President than states rights. The President could choose to enforce the marijuana laws if he wished. We would be arguing opposite sides if we had a Republican President and a Democratic Congress. Easterndumfuckistan makes a good point below.
It’s more about separation of power between Congress and the President than states rights.
yeah.. just a coincidence that Republicans reverse their stand on states rights 180 degrees with a black man in the White House and the plant whose name shall not be uttered that makes them extremely uncomfortable! – the plant that proves they can’t dance, can’t jump, can’t make jokes, and are on the verge of pissing themselves at the slightest challenge to their control or perceived masculinity.
Toothpaste? OMG! it could be a *bomb*!
I have a guilty conscience about not voting for Obama, a black man, but when I vote for Tim Scott this November, I’ll feel better.
I have a guilty conscience about not voting for Obama, a black man, but when I vote for Tim Scott this November, I’ll feel better.
Vote the unconsciousness ticket in November! Reality and Bullshit need equal time.
FITS, let it go, dude. You look like a F*#king idiot trying to reprimand Gowdy…He likely cannot t(or would he care to) tell you to the STFU, and quit making an @$$ of yourself…so I will….
Small-time consultant-class punks, like FITS, have NO idea how to handle a South Carolina elected official who HITS it big on the national stage…
Wannabes always try to insert themselves, as to somehow claim relevance to things with much more character and scope than they could ever have…
PS: You KNOW Sanford has to be P!$$#d that Gowdy has stolen what Sanford thought was HIS thorny crown…Sanford, you may be able to get elected by a morally-dubious class in the Lowcountry (see Ravenel)…but you topped out a LONG time ago…nothing you can do will ever get you to where Gowdy is today…that has to smart for one w. an ego like yours….
The speech was A+ as political speeches go. He did a good job pointing out Obama’s missteps, mistakes, and flip-flops. The bill is seriously flawed, however; as it will allow non-injured parties to sue. Their are enough lawsuits already, the country is to litigious. This sets a bad precedent for states and will come back to bite the ones promoting in the ass one day, just like the “nuclear option” is going to bit the democrats in the senate in the ass one day.
I will say though, good for Mr. Gowdy for increasing his national stock.
Ooops. Sorry for the typographical and spelling errors. Typing on a touch screen device is not always the best idea.
The party of “small government” and “states rights” strikes again!
That is exactly right – they want to be in your bedroom, in your doctor’s office, they want to force you to have invasive and unnecessary medical procedures, and the list goes on.
SCBlues, sounds like you are talking about Obama care. What is more invasive than abortion?
Your colonoscopy from eating too much red meat?
No red meat. Just a periodical exam. I can send you the vidio. I suppose I will have to start sending one the Feds since Obama care. Thanks for your concern.
Your colonoscopy from eating too much red meat?
Your *forced* colonoscopy
Fixed that for you
I’m not telling anyone what medical procedure they must have or that they cannot have. If you are against abortion, DON”T HAVE ONE! What could be simpler than that??
I am relieved. I thought you we going to ask if GT appears in the vidio.
Your opinion is simple and logical. I don’t believe people on either side of this issue are stupid, uneducated or evil.
This should be settled in the political sphere. I don’t even support a Constitutional amendment. We don’t have amendments to protect the diabled or elderly.
Liberals and progressives have passed many laws to protect children, disabled, elderly, minorities, women and gays. I support these laws. We use to be ignorant concerning the mentally ill and they suffered greatly. But as our knowledge incresed laws were passed to protect them.
Since the seventies many technologies such as ultrasound have advanced our knowledge of the preborn. Unfortunately, this happed at the same time that many possitive advances in women’s rights were occuring. Some women saw this as a threat and denied the science. This has been the conflict between womens rights and the preborn.
I support the women’s choice in case of rape in the fist trimester and anytime if the mother is at serious health risk.
Please forgive me for typos. 3G android phone.
Video not vidio! Darn.
Use the edit feature, man!
Unless you totally renounce the act of war you are a hypocrite.
I helped kill a untold numbers of pregnant women and unborn children in Iraq and Afghanistan and if i were to I say I served over there or that I am retired military to your face you would probably say “Thank you for you service” without a thought.
The only ones who are not hypocrites on this subject are the Quakers.
Other than that, shut the fuck up.
There have always been abortions and that will continue.
All some of you want is for it to go away.
Go ahead and outlaw it for all I care.
I’ll just buy stock in Air Mexico or Air Jamaica because when “Daddy’s Little Girl” gets knocked up she will will get a ticket to Mexico or Jamaica and the “problem” will be taken care of and forgotten. The white trash and other socially or economically disadvantaged will go back to “Mamma Jennie’s” place on the other side of town to take of it in their own way just like back in 1950’s.
You want it that way, you’ll get it that way.
Fools all…………
There will always be wars, murder, violence and abortion. I can not match your personal experience though. That is no reason why they should not be opposed. That does not make me a fool. Daddy’s little girl may be carrying Grampa’s little girl. Everybody is a hypocrite. Even Quakers. But that does not make us totally worthless.
What I am saying is that abortion is an EXTREMELY personal decision that a woman ( and possibly the man who impregnated her) will have to live with the consequences the rest of her life.
Many is the time that the woman has told her lover that she is pregnant and the guy said “see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya”.
And yes, the abortion won’t be talked about and will be forgotten (as best as can be) as it has been for generations.
I stand by my assertion that unless someone is opposed to conflict that results in a war and the killing of innocent bystanders (including pregnant women,children, the infirm and helpless) as a result of that conflict they need to get off their high moral horse, quit beating their chest about protecting the unborn and admit the hypocrisy they are perpetuating.
You cant have it both ways, you either have to assert that killing the unborn as a consequence of armed conflict is unfortunate but not immoral or wrong or you have to assert that killing ANYONE as a result of armed conflict is immoral and wrong.
If you assert that killing the innocent unborn is not immoral or wrong as a result of war/armed conflict how can you say that abortion is wrong. The innocent unborn are just as dead either way and a result of a action of last resort.
From what I understand is that abortions have decreased greatly which is a good thing INMHO. I attribute that to the greater availability of birth control and education to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the better understanding of the consequencies of abortion not some BS about requiring the woman to submit to an ultrasound of the child she is carrying.
If you are going to require ultrasound for a pregnant woman then require every fucking politician tend to the wounds of the injured and maimed and dig the graves of the men and women who were killed in armed conflict (or what was left of them after a roadside bomb) and personally provide for the families they left behind.
I’m sick of the whole fucking deal
Gotta go walk mydog and blow off steam
I don’t suport required Ultrasound.
I don’t support requirement that doctor must have admitting privileges at a hospital within thirty minutes drive.
I don’t oppose Plan-B.
I oppose extremism of any kind. Democracy requires comprimise. The alternative is oppression and violence.
A major cause of reduced abortion is women choosing to raise children alone.
On the issue of war. Politicians make the decision and our soldiers carry them out. It sucks! But, history does not provide us examples of a better way. Soldiers are not responsible for the mistakes politicians make. My personal possition is too complex and evolving to tackle on a smartphone but you give me much to think about.
What I am saying is that abortion is an EXTREMELY personal decision that a woman ( and possibly the man who impregnated her) will have to live with the consequences the rest of her life.
So was the draft. So is paying your taxes. So is driving a car.
How many abortions have been carried out using the rare case of incest as a rule, instead of the exception???
Abortion is used a birth control. If I were as Selfish as your friends on the left, I’d pat them on the back and tell them to keep killing off their voters, especially the black children, who grow up and vote democrat at a 97% rate.
But I actually hurt for those would-be lives, that are snuffed because some lecherous, horny and irresponsible dude sees the beauty of a baby as an style-cramper…
You are a cliché, that the slick use as a tool to perpetuate their attack on good and morality.
Of course there will always be murderers and the immoral…but the moral are called to defend life, not sanction the ending of it…
But Jesus Tango…they would all be Democrats!
Dear Bible Thumper, did your thumpin’ wear out the Gospel where Jesus defines a hypocrite as one who is more concerned for the mote in his neighbor’s eye than for the beam in his own?
Making excuses for some while excusing others doesn’t get you off the hook unless you’re God.
Your post attempts to sound knowledgeable about women’s rights, but you obviously are not as you describe “the conflict between women’s rights and the preborn.” There would be no conflict between women’s rights and the preborn if those in power (mostly male, mostly white, mostly hypocrites) didn’t seek political advantage in stirring the pot.
Dear not, The womens rights movement has been successful because they stirred the pot. Those who don’t don’t want to stir the pot prefer the comfortable denial of science concerning preborn brain and nervous system development. Those who call me a hypocrite on both sides are trying to push me to an extremist possitions. I believe extremist cause more evil. As for being White and Male, you are sexist and racist for making that an issue.
Sorry to hurt your tender little feelings, but it is fact that those in power are mostly male, mostly white, mostly hypocrites. And while the women’s movement did in fact stir the pot, its activists were not in conflict with the unborn. They were in conflict with the mostly males who have always tried to control reproduction in order for their male heirs to have clear title to their estates.
Personally, I don’t care where you fall on the spectrum of abortion positions, but I do care that no politicians (mostly male, mostly white) gain the power to interfere in decisions that, according to the law of the land, are rightfully private between women and their doctors.
I respect the law the political proccess and your opinion, not withstanding my “tender little feelings”
There’s a problem with war that fighting it doesn’t eliminate.
Guess what it is.
Mythology much???
You’re the religious nut, you tell me…
I’d actually say you didn’t serve.
The only ones who are not hypocrites on this subject are the Quakers.
How about the Amish?
You’re spewing a bunch of Bull$#!t, trying to be liked by all…Bottom line is: babies are being killed in the third trimester, and some monsters in politics, like Obama cheer it…
You ignore the fact that the left has killed millions…and are still complaining
What? You don’t like me? Please accept me GT.
I wanna be liked by you and you and nobody else but you…
Judging by the responces to this thead, nobody else does either.
So, you’re claiming that everyone that has an abortion is left/liberal? Get your head out of your ass.
Everyone who supports the perpetuation (and/or expansion) of abortion is leftist/liberal…
God forgives the sin of ALL…even Conservatives, believe it or not. (Think about that for a while, because I’m guessing you’ll have a hard time understanding it)….
1962: George Bush Sr. Pro-choice candidate, for population control
George considered himself an Episcopalian, which is to say, he went to church and, when he became a politician in 1962, started mentioning his faith in God as a matter of course. But he wasn’t a fanatic about it. George Bush the congressman from Houston, in fact, was known as a pro-choice candidate, one of whose major policy initiatives was dealing with overpopulation. He was the main House sponsor of Public Law 91-572, the Population Control and Research Act.
George wanted to be president more than he wanted to be prochoice, and he quietly jumped on the antiabortion bandwagon. He also started talking more about God, but he was never comfortable doing it.
1970: Introduced Family Planning Services Act
George’s main interest in Congress was population control. He supported Planned Parenthood, and he advocated family planning as a way to protect a woman’s health & to combat poverty. In those days, family-planning advocates spoke openly of contraception, and legal abortion was the goal of many, including Bush.
“He was most definitely pro-choice–then,” said former Rep. James Scheuer (D-NY). “He was very supportive until he became Reagan’s VP. Then he had to adopt Reagan’s backward position. After that, when George would see me in the House, he’d say, ‘Jim, don’t break my cover.’ And I never did–until now. George couldn’t have continued supporting family planning and still made the national ticket.”
George joined Scheuer to introduce the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act, which became law in 1970 and the only federal program solely dedicated to family planning. In 1988, under Reagan, clinics were prohibited from providing abortion counseling, which George had once supported.
Ronald Reagan
Allowed abortion as CA Gov.; didn’t push pro-life as Pres.
Reagan was not as obsessive about anti-abortion legislation as he often seemed. Early in his California governorship he had signed a permissive abortion bill that has resulted in more than a million abortions.
Afterward, he inaccurately blamed this outcome on doctors, saying that they had deliberately misinterpreted the law. When Reagan ran for president, he won backing from pro-life forces by advocating a constitutional amendment that would have prohibited all abortions except when necessary to save the life of the mother.
Reagan’s stand was partly a product of political calculation, as was his tactic after he was elected of addressing the annual pro-life rally held in Washington by telephone so that he would not be seen with the leaders of the movement on the evening news.
Like I said: God forgives the sin of ALL….Are you blind???
God forgives the sin of ALL
Cool, so I’m fine then.
the GOP can be open-minded
you say that like it’s a good thing.
Have you repented, and denounced the murder of babies through abortion???
Also: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
Enlightenment is why Bush Repented, and Reagan left the democrat party…we all do things when we’re younger..we’re ashamed of after we’ve become wise…
Why are you so insistent I’ll join you in your pursuit of sin???…even if you could corrupt me, as you are corrupted, God still knows you…Even if I could be convinced that you are not corrupt, it will not save you from what God sees….
Have you repented, and denounced the murder of babies through abortion???
Have you?
Also: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
Luke 18:17 ESV
Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
Matthew 18:3 ESV
And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14 ESV
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Mark 10:13-16 ESV
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Matthew 21:16 ESV
And they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?”
Matthew 18:6 ESV
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”
Enlightenment is why Bush Repented, and Reagan left the democrat party…we all do things when we’re younger..we’re ashamed of after we’ve become wise…
How do you know he repented?
Why are you so insistent I’ll join you in your pursuit of sin???…even if you could corrupt me, as you are corrupted, God still knows you…Even if I could be convinced that you are not corrupt, it will not save you from what God sees….
What is sin to you is not sin to me. I am not bound by the law, but by the Mercy of Christ.
2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Sucking dick metaphors aren’t recommended in my reading of the New Testament.
Those are two totally different contexts. You receive Jesus like a child, because there is no proof. You do it on faith as a child. But Jesus demanded that the saved, after repentance, be responsible for their sins..
Again: You can pervert the Bible, like liberals try to “dialogue” all law, looking for a loophole.
If you hate God, that is your right to free will. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. My understanding , and relationship is with God, not subject to the interpretation of those who serve man..
No matter how false profits try to deceive me. His power is far greater than the abortion mills, the trial lawyers and the race-hate peddlers…that you adhere to…
Those are totally different contexts on which the lost will always stumble
Sorry to hear that. Good luck getting back up.
false profits
Will, did you actually think you would get away with this??
Come on! Up your game – you’re playing with *me* now, not your usual political hacks.
Playing? It seems you are desperate for my anointment of the filthy “gospel” that guides you. Or you are bent on equating your material and corrupted text to the Holy Scripture of God.
The lost have desired the blessings of God since the beginning of time…but it has never, and never will, come. No man enters the Kingdom of God, w/o repentance, and denouncing of your sin.
In your case, it would mean turning your back on your god-Obama, and the religion of liberalism… And from what I see your hatred for God is strong and deep. I will pray for your deliverance…. .
Give it up, Will. I caught you.
You mean like I busted you telling me your god-Obama is worthy to seek vengeance upon the people who build this country??…Hahahaha…You thought I forgot about that one…didn’t you?…Hahahahaha…
Will, you really think we believe your two-dimensional sock puppet is a real person… petty, insipid, and stupid? Punch and Judy were more believable.
Ever hear of the Right to Life…that our government is bound to protect????…or are you Communist???
What is more invasive than abortion?
Invasion of privacy.
They want to slip a vaginal wand into your most private lady part, that they actually passed a law… they would have passed a law to put it up your ass, but the risk is too great that a man might get caught in a technicality.
That’s because it’s the only way republicans can get into the most private lady parts is through legislation.
They were probably slobbering all over the documents, as they chose the exact language so they could finally write “vaginal” on them.
Except the gay ones of course.
And Democrats should keep their penises out of the ass of American health care. This goes for ALL Democrats.
What a weird response. Because one is democrat means they have to agree with obama (care). What an arrogant tool.
You’re the ones who think sexual preference is a Civil Right, while I don’t give a F*#k what you do…you’re looking to add Trillions to Obama’s gigantic deficit because you toke pipe….
It’s the party of following the Law and Constitution, you ignorant F*#k…
I think we should all strap our weapons on the hip and go back to survival of the fittest so we could quit all this haggling and law making. Everything should go to the strongest!
Everything should go to the strongest!
Finally, I can mow down grandmas and kids in wheelchairs to get what I want! Where do I sign up?
That way folks wont have to suffer a slow death under Obama and the Judas Party!
I know – I could kill you myself!
I am sure you would if you could sneak up behind my back!
I wouldn’t have to do that. I’d just pull out my trusty M-16 with the 3-round auto mod, and the night vision scope, and shoot you in the face from a quarter mile away. I’m a *real* man.. I face *my* enemy!
Face to face at a quarter mile. I sort of figured you were that kind of man!
Isn’t that what night vision scopes and 3 round auto was made for? *That* kind of man?
oh… and when I shoot I prefer you being unarmed and unaware… maybe with a bag of skittles on your way home from the 7-11.
and before you criticize me too harshly, be careful not to catch our fighting men and women air force pilots of Stealth bombers in your “coward” net.
I will just vaporize you with my Buck Rogers Ray Gun. Go smoke some more dope,dope!
You can’t – my M-16 has time lag circuits – you would be shot in the past before you saw me… if you somehow noticed me on the rooftop a quarter of a mile away.
Go start another war, and excuse the bail out, which together cost us jobs, retirement funds, children’s futures and 100 years of discretionary spending with your friends at the water cooler, pope!
??? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ?????!
pequeña cocina tiranito
You can’t – my M-16 has time lag circuits – you would be shot in the past before you saw me… if you somehow noticed me on the rooftop a quarter of a mile away.
Go start another war, and excuse the bail out, which together cost us jobs, retirement funds, children’s futures and 100 years of discretionary spending with your friends at the water cooler, pope dope!
Eating babies alive will be all the rage!
So to fits this is all about weed, got the munchies do you fits?
Until seeing this picture, i never realized how much Gowdy’s nose looks like Michael Jackson’s (post surgery)
Obviously an injury related to his nose used to deliver the euphoric and analgesic effect of various exotic powders.
I think Trey Gowdy is a dumbass.
I don’t.
Me neither – it’s too weak a term for a fuckwad like him.
Why did he waste all that time and taxpayer money (we are paying him you know) holding all those town hall meetings about Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights – who was infringing on anyone’s Second Amendment Rights?? Why couldn’t all that time and money have been spent on something productive and something that actually deserved some attention?
Obama Pledges Gun Control ‘With Or Without Congress’ In 2014 State of the Union Address.
Obama Announces Gun Control Actions
So Trey Gowdy’s town hall meetings were targeted at mentally ill people who were planning to shoot first graders and how they could prevent President Obama from stopping them??
Not at all and you know better but keep over looking “With or Without Congress” and “Gun Control Actions”. You can thing of Trey Gowdy as you wish I just don’t agree with you.
So what were the gun control measures that were being considered? And there has been very little “with Congress” happening since the day President Obama was elected as the Republican Party went bat-shit crazy because a Black man was elected President. I am all for any and every gun control measure that would help prevent mentally ill persons from shooting first graders. I just have a very difficult time understanding why anyone with any intelligence and any decency and morality would be against that . . .
Again I don’t agree with you, except for the part about the mentally ill.
I’ll bet we agree on a lot more than we think we do – once we take Trey Gowdy out of the equation. I guess the good thing is that we live in a country where we can actually agree to disagree. Have a great rainy Sunday!
I’m sure we do agree on more than not as I believe most people do, once we get past our egos, Yes, it is a great country we live in and you my friend have a great rainy Sunday also.
Because he had to pander to his imbecile base.
Wonder if some law firm will sue Big Mary Jane once people start dying of lung cancer …
Once it’s legal, produced commercially and regulated by the feds they will and not just for lung cancer.
Whlle I would very much like to have the right to do something I probably won’t do, it seems odd that we are scolding an old prosecutor for asking the law be enforced. I bet, when the law is finally changed, he will press to have it enforced, regardless of what some dumbass Democrat says. Sure, it’s a bad law. Most of them are. But what laws passed by Congress (not bureaucratic mandates) we have should be enforced. Or changed.
it seems odd that we are scolding an old prosecutor for asking the law be enforced.
why is that?
Isn’t there a more than casual relationship between conscience and the law?
In Texas we have these laws still on the books…
It is illegal to sell one?s eye
All your points are valid, and there should be more than a casual relationship, but, until we have a “loser pays” legal system, antique laws, such as you quote SHOULD have been sundowned years ago. To that point, many legislators are just plain lazy, something one CANNOT SAY about Trey.
many legislators are just plain lazy, something one CANNOT SAY about Trey… or Hitler, or Il Duce, or Nixon, or…
It’s very popular, these days to color all politicians with the same #4 brown grease pencil. I know Trey, and he is not as you paint him.
alright, so call him and ask why he’s gung ho about marijuana and not laws that matter that aren’t being enforced.
alright, so call him and ask why he’s gung ho about marijuana and not laws that matter that aren’t being enforced.
What possible difference does it make to him what Washington and Colorado are doing – can’t he find something local to do?
Let me know what he says!
He says anything which effects the state negatively, draws his interest.
He’s wrong about marijuana, and the polls are against him. I can’t fault him for having an opinion, but I can fault him for having the wrong opinion.
I can’t tell if he’s being willfully ignorant, or simply reflecting what he believes the people who vote for him want him to reflect, but being a “hard worker” doesn’t make up for it.
I agree that he does not favor our stand on weed, but I must tell you he is genuine in his stance.
I wish he would read more. And think deeply. Perhaps if he had a deeper appreciation for the arts, or for the Renaissance.
I know people who are stubbornly against things that “have always been bad without having to be told” aren’t all bad people, but representatives of the people have a higher calling and a greater responsibility to understand society from a less brittle point of view.
Again, we agree. He does think deeply about many, many things, but not this.
He’d better get on the ball – this will turn out to be one of the top 10 pivotal issues of this century.
Not returning your calls?
Will, little buddy… Are you seriously acting surprised that the clown car full of tea-party pandering, “Jesus Hates Obama”-spouting geniuses that is the South Carolina congressional delegation are all trying to outdo each other denouncing the legalization of weed?
Something about Trey Gowdy’s nose looks funny to me. I don’t think I trust him.
Perhaps we should ask if he’s been snorting marijuana through it… or better yet, to prove he hasn’t.
Stop F*#king picking on Gowdy. He’s a hottie. I’d let him bend me over any day! My @ss is waiting. I bet his d!ck doesn’t look funny.
I fail to understand why you can find no way to express yourself without the use of profanity. Must be sad to be saddled with such a limited vocabulary.
ah.. but he has a “degree in Journalism!”
Personally, the choices of marijuana strains in Colorado are overwhelming virulent. I thought strains found growing in the wild in tropical jungles would be the most potent.
Not so
All this raises the specter, what is the legal limit for driving under the influence and how much is too much?
Driving too slow may become probable cause.
Putting on the signal 2 blocks ahead of the turn, taking the same turnoff three times, making legal uturns at the same corner more than once in 15 minutes, after parking getting out with a package slapping your head and getting back in the car at midnight in front of the post office, sitting through a turn signal twice with no other cars on the street for blocks, driving through McDonalds and then Wendy’s before getting an order at Burger King, changing lanes 10 times in one mile in no traffic, passing the same cop 4 times in a half hour with sweat streaming down the side of your face, while the passenger slides down in the seat laughing hysterically…
probable cause will take up a whole shelf in the law library.
Personally, the choices of marijuana strains in Colorado are overwhelmingly virulent. I thought strains found growing in wild tropical jungles would be the most potent.
That’s because you don’t know that grow rooms reproduce the environment of wild tropical jungles. The only limitation to the potency of pot is the seeds.
Pinhead…in more ways than one.
Trey Gowdy is an excellent prosecutor.
Gowdy sucks at being a representative/Congressman (unless he brown-nosing for the Tea Party).
I’ve seen him in action before he was a Congressman and Gowdy is out for one thing and that is himself.
Is he going to do up a bill like this for Obama-care, or just cheer on the idiots in the house as they vote to defund it? He seems super interest in the rule of law – but only for laws he agrees with.
force U.S. President Barack Obama to sue states that have legalized Marijuana.
States may have rights, but not to smoke pot, by God!
It’s real simple FITS. The people you worship, or take payment from, are F*#k ups…and the people you are paid to hate are beginning to come around, and slap the $#!* out of the people you place on high….
FITS’ convoluted allegiances. to democrats, Mace and Sanford…etc… while trying to lay any claim to anything similar to Conservatism, is making FITS look like a D@*n fool…
This post is all over the road, to the point it’s not understandable (or not applicable) except by one as mis-guided as FITS…
Obama has made a disaster of this country. Food is astronomically high, gas prices ridiculously increased, while jobs are scare, and salaries lower and lower…
Opposing Obama, and thwarting his folly, is the ONLY plan of attack. To dance around, trying to NUANCE (apologies to John “Purple-Heart” Kerry) to serve FITS’ masters is ignorance…and why we are in the mess we’re in….
I realize that the point may be a tad subtle for your limited intellect to grasp so I’ll try to help. The issue is not the substance of the law – it is the fact that it IS the law. The Executive has a legal and constitutional obligation to enforce the law. When the Executive picks and chooses which laws to enforce or not, our system of constitutional government and checks and balances falls apart.
Then somebody better tell our governor and AG (Executive Branch) to enforce our adultery law in South Carolina because stepping out against one’s spouse IS against the law.
To wit:
Like most Republicans,he wants those laws he LIKES vigorously enforced!As to others?Well, you see there are laws and then, there are laws!Even those of us not possessed of the intellect of him, Trey Gowdy. Michelle Bachman, Louie Gohmert and Sarah Palin can figure him out!
realize that the point may be a tad subtle for your limited intellect to grasp so I’ll try to help. The issue is not the substance of the law – it is the fact that it IS the law.
I’m sorry, I had prepared a reply to this, but I forgot what it was… I’m so damned stoned!
Sadly: interpreting the content accurately does not allow FITS to Bash the Republican, and stick up for Obama…
You see: Bashing the GOP, and kissing the @$$ of Obama, is how a majority of FITS’ analyses end…
I’m not a fan of Obama, but choosing NOT to enforce a law that infringes on a person’s liberty is just fine by me. Some people just want to bitch and complain about Obama, even when by inaction he’s actually doing a good thing.
(And like I said, I’m not a fan of Obama but I’m even less of a fan of partisan gamesmanship bullshit).
Let’s see,…Trey authors legislation forcing the President to follow and enforce the law,…who would oppose that?…Hitler? Stalin? Putin?,….Obama!,….and of course,,,,sic Willie.
Idiot. Last thing we need to do is waste MOAR money enforcing marijuana laws.
He’s thinking of all the DEA guys that will be out of work in Humboldt county California… Oregon.. Washington… Colorado… It’s all they know how to do! They have no place else to *go*! *Bawwwww*!
My you just have to admire Gowdy’s hairdo? And that nose. My oh my this guy is one good looker. How does he do it? His brains have to match his looks.
Someone needs to send in a high school picture of Gowdy.
We need to know if a nose job has produced that really bizarre proboscis.
“Marijuana is one of safest therapeutically-active substances known to man,” stated The Honorable Francis Young, Administrative Law Judge for the U. S. Drug Enforcement Agency, in his 1989 decision in favor of making marijuana medically available, following extensive review of all marijuana research.
Took a lot of guts for that judge to write such a thing in 1989, right in the middle of the “just-say-no” era.
There are some wise judges out there with balls as big as church bells
I love the fact that the “states rights” guys want the federal government to invade and invalidate the laws of the states….over *marijuana*, but not *guns*
Let’s have a shoot-out… a stoner with a pot pipe against a redneck with an M-16 at 10 paces.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
-John Kenneth Galbraith
“They are supposed to be true “limited government” conservatives.”
Gowdy’s a former prosecutor who made a living putting people in prison for violating drug laws. As far as I know he’s spent his entire career drawing a government paycheck.
What did you expect?
The Enforce the Law bill is about having the president enforce the laws and doesn’t single out marijuana. He’s changed laws single handedly and flatly ignored others without any retribution from the congress or supreme court. Will Folks should put the bong down long enough (or stop Sucking Ravenel’s dick for a few minutes) and look a little further than how much weed is left in his sack.
It does too single out marijuana – read it.
libertarian-leaning sanford. thats a good one. sanford believes in nothing other than a paycheck for sanford.