
National Ink For T-Rav Comeback

RAVENEL BUZZ REACHES WASHINGTON, D.C. Thomas Ravenel’s talk of a possible political comeback isn’t just big news in South Carolina … Reporter Sarah Mimms of National Journal has a big story up this week examining the possibility, including some less-than-kind words from the guy who helped former S.C. Gov. Mark…


Thomas Ravenel’s talk of a possible political comeback isn’t just big news in South Carolina …

Reporter Sarah Mimms of National Journal has a big story up this week examining the possibility, including some less-than-kind words from the guy who helped former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford pull off his recent comeback bid.

Joel Sawyer – Sanford’s former spokesman – rips Ravenel as a “living monument to hubris” and says his chances of winning federal office are “somewhere between zero and snowball’s chance in hell.”

By contrast, Sanford exhibited what Sawyer termed “a very sincere sense of humility” during his 2013 comeback.

Sawyer, of course, works for Wesley Donehue’s Push firm – which is in line to receive a big chunk of pro-Graham independent expenditure money (if it isn’t already on Graham’s payroll).

Not surprisingly while Sawyer did the slicing and dicing, Graham played the magnanimous statesman – telling Mimms that Ravenel came from a “nice family.”

Mmm-hmm …

Dispensing with Sawyer’s status as a Graham hatchet man (Lindsey has never been one to fight his own battles), is he correct in presuming that Sanford’s incessant contrition is a better route for Ravenel to follow than, say, living it up on a reality television show?

That depends …

Sanford got busted spending tax dollars to further his affair with mistress-turned-fiancee Maria Belen Chapur. In other words his violation of the public trust involved wasting taxpayer money (although he later reimbursed the state’s treasury for the expense).

And Sanford’s indiscretion pales in comparison to the shameless corruption of current S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley (whose illegal lobbying was whitewashed by a corrupt House committee) or House Speaker Bobby Harrell (who is currently facing a grand jury on public corruption charges).

Ravenel? His “crime” was recreationally using (and sharing) cocaine on his own time – in the privacy of his own home.

“I think his view is what he did was circumstantially wrong—meaning, it was a lapse of judgment based on his position—but that it is an action that is not inherently wrong and should not be policed by the governmental authorities,” FITS founding editor and Ravenel ally Will Folks told National Journal.


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CNSYD March 13, 2014 at 2:06 pm

“I think his view is what he did was circumstantially wrong—meaning, it
was a lapse of judgment based on his position—but that it is an action
that is not inherently wrong and should not be policed by the
governmental authorities,” FITS founding editor and Ravenel ally Will
Folks told National Journal.

First prize for the biggest load of B.S. ever!

Was what he did lawful or not? Regardless of your PERSONAL opinion of the law, was it a law, yes or no?

Norma Scok March 13, 2014 at 2:31 pm

Maybe Fits was talking about knocking up the red headed chick, or maybe he meant he was about coming off a lecherous old doosh bag on national TV?

Smirks March 13, 2014 at 3:00 pm Reply
Norma Scok March 13, 2014 at 4:20 pm

Once again, they get it wrong:

“Set in Charleston, S.C., it follows four men and two women, most of them descended from antebellum Southern aristocracy.”

I think most of them decended from 3rd generation redneck, didn’t they? Only one of those tool bags is from CHS and has any “lineage”. Boykin Rose’s boy might, who knows. The two chicks were from Sumter or Anderson or something. The dude with the weird hair and bad attitude was from New York or California. I think the other guy who worked for Extreme Akim was from Maryland.

Smirks March 13, 2014 at 2:51 pm

I agree, it is bullshit, and for a number of reasons:

* FITS can have his opinions on the legality of drugs all he wants, but if the free market gets to drug test its employees, I would find it only natural for public figures to get the same treatment. (And, by the way, it doesn’t matter if it -is- legal. I know for a fact that employers in Colorado have reiterated to their employees that yes, they will still drug test for marijuana, and yes, you will still be fired for failing it.)

* Considering Will was open about his previous struggle with drugs, I’m sure he knows the behavior of someone who has a drug habit. How compromised was T-Rav in performing his duties? Did he use while on the job? How hard up would he be to get a fix? I understand heroin is far worse than cocaine on a number of levels, but cocaine isn’t pedestrian when it comes to drugs.

* It seems very convenient that T-Rav didn’t do anything “inherently wrong” even though the plebes who are caught not only get charged and go to jail, but receive much harsher sentencing than him.

* Even if you think it should be legal, that doesn’t necessarily mean government shouldn’t police or regulate it. If we shouldn’t, then there’s no reason we should limit the sale of pharmaceuticals whatsoever, whether it be potential ingredients for other drugs (i.e. meth) or heavily abused prescription drugs themselves (i.e. oxycontin). Hell, you shouldn’t even be required to produce a prescription.

T-Rav can snort all the white powder he wants, when it is legal for the rest of us, and he should still be expected to follow general rules and/or regulations associated with it. Until then, he did do something inherently wrong, and he got off light for it. And if we give him another job, shame on us.

If it were my business, I wouldn’t hire his ass.

euwe max March 13, 2014 at 3:40 pm

I know for a fact that employers in Colorado have reiterated to their employees that yes, they will still drug test for marijuana, and yes, you will still be fired for failing it.)
curious… if they fail it, wouldn’t they have to show that the use of it occurred during working hours? Alcohol and marijuana should be on the same level – breathalyzer kind of timeline.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 14, 2014 at 11:27 am

TBG would have a lot more respect/sympathy for T-Rav if he had publicly endorsed drug relegalization and other libertarian positions prior to getting “popped by da Po Po”.

Uh huh March 13, 2014 at 2:20 pm

Democracy too is a religion, it is the worship of jackals by jackasses-HL Mencken

Sanford once again reinforced the above.

Sticky March 13, 2014 at 3:17 pm

Sanford too, recently got some national ink. I’m surprised that Fits didn’t expound on that interview. Of course, Sanford was lampooned by the liberal press for some sound bites regarding the government shutdown. Wish Sanford would personally take to heart, “he who governs least, governs best.”

Uh huh March 13, 2014 at 3:25 pm

I think Sanford took a slight variation on your quote, he reads it as “he who is least, governs best.”

Sticky March 13, 2014 at 3:41 pm


Smirks March 13, 2014 at 2:34 pm

Nothing says family values quite like an Argentinian mistress and a cocaine addiction.

Again, we have got to start taxing our number one export of late night comedy show fodder.

Sticky March 13, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Ravenel is working on his Family Values now that he got someone in the Family Way.
And Sanford gave up his Family because he values more his Argentine wh— I won’t say it (cough) fiancee.

Father Sebastin March 13, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Until the GOP disavows and repudiates the likes of Sanford, Ravenel, Eckstrom, the Peelers, leatherman, Martin, romer, Rankin, Harrell, White, Ard, etc., etc. They should all be considered self serving hypocrits with no credibility.
God will not be mocked and these people break the Ten Comandments over and over again, while turning a blind eye and deaf ear to their family values and claims of religious beliefs!
Remember, “Go and sin no more”?

A Bright idea! Literally. March 13, 2014 at 3:10 pm

So while the rest of the country is sloshing through the 50 year old quagmire -that is the legalization of marijuana- this “potential candidate” Mr. Ravenel is getting a jump on everybody by being the first politician to argue for the legalization of Cocaine.

BRILLIANT, my boy, JUST BRILLIANT! So it’s true. Money can’t buy brains.

T-Rat funding editor March 13, 2014 at 3:14 pm

Maybe Herr-o-in should be legal, you know, for those with proper self-control. Is that it Founding Editor? You will pump anything for this guy. Is he your only rich friend?

Cicero March 13, 2014 at 3:30 pm

Well well, his “political consultant” is Will Folks. I remember asking in the comment section the last time you polished his knob good and well if you were on his dole and you gave some bullshit answer.

Now we know: FITS is a pay-for-play site, just like RedState. Throw some money their way, and now you’re a “true conservative” or “libertarian.” Brilliant.

Cicero March 13, 2014 at 3:34 pm

And another thing, what grade-A, drunken moron thinks “to thine own self be true” comes from Macbeth? All that old Ravenel money, and he couldn’t get a decent education.

Norma Scok March 13, 2014 at 4:22 pm

Well..he went to the Citadel and USC..what do you expect?

Republican Follies March 13, 2014 at 3:38 pm

The word”libertarian” really has no meaning on this site.Apparently, anyone who generally supports Republicans but for various and sundry reasons doesnt want to call themselves a Republican sort of ritualistically now refers to themselves as a “libertarian.”

Correct! March 13, 2014 at 4:11 pm

Yep, ‘libertarian’ has become a catch all word, making it essentially meaningless.

It’s been thoroughly co-opted by the GOP with turds like Rand Paul dancing along the edges of its meaning.

Six Pack Joe has no idea what the word means, where it came from, or where it’s going.

“Libertarian” is close to meaningless now.

Crooner March 13, 2014 at 3:33 pm

At least an addict might elicit sympathy. T-Rav was using coke as bait.

Norma Scok March 13, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Remember..he’s not addicted..he just likes the smell.

WALOC March 13, 2014 at 5:02 pm

“a lapse in judgment”
Oh, he just did it the one time?

bogart March 13, 2014 at 6:52 pm

Just read about this weeks Southern Charm……Seems Thomas asked his dad to leave a $5 tip at the restaurant and ole dad said he would be glad to because it had Lincoln on it and he can’t stand Lincoln (freedom for slaves)……he then tells Thomas he’ll give his male baby $10,000.00 (guess girl babies aren’t worth shit). Thomas may want to keep his racist,sexist, old fart dad off the show. The show is an insult to Charleston.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 14, 2014 at 11:19 am

TBG also hates Lincoln, but is willing to take one for the team, as it were…

All you fellow NeoCon[federate]s and Lincoln haters are invited to send TBG ALL THE $5 BILLS y’all can get your hands on. TBG will..uh.. dispose of them.

*Notice to TBG’s local Strip Club:
Stock up on the VO and champagne. “HIT GONNA RAIN!!!”

HD March 13, 2014 at 8:04 pm

It gets more and more difficult to take you seriously. On second thought, that isn’t really true. I’ve never taken you seriously. It would be more accurate to say that you sound more and more foolish with each passing day.

Mike at the Beach March 14, 2014 at 12:28 am

All Libertarian kookiness aside, there’s no need to put quotes around “crime.” Cocaine possession and cocaine distribution are, in fact, crimes. Period. Congress may change that, but they haven’t yet. Therefore, crime it is!

"crime" stoppers March 16, 2014 at 3:38 am

“stop the sanity” Mike ATB – I would like to call you captain obvious, and with the way FITS writes his “stories,” that is actually a very much needed position

Mike at the Beach March 16, 2014 at 9:29 am

Ha! Very true. Self-evident facts aren’t always so self-evident around here.

prisspot March 14, 2014 at 12:39 am

I find it difficult to take T-Rav seriously. He’s done nothing since his release from prison but party and play polo. At almost 52, he has now impregnated a 21 year old, troubled young woman with her own substance abuse issues…not to mention his participation in a sleazy, cheesy reality show…and he still can’t understand why he is the scourge of South Carolina. It’s amazing that with all of his money he still can’t buy a clue!!

SCBlues March 14, 2014 at 7:33 am

Perhaps like all of the politicians that smoked marijuana but did not inhale ne could claim that he sniffed cocaine but did not snort . . . .

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 14, 2014 at 11:23 am


That’s a GINORMOUS buzz!!! Must be the good shit…..


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