
Osborne: Blood In The Water

CIRCLING SHARKS READY TO DEVOUR OBAMACARE DEMOCRATS By John Osborne || Like sharks circling around a shipwreck waiting for the crew to abandon ship, Republicans around this nation have been licking their chops, waiting for the moment their delicate prey escapes the bounds of a non-election year. The first of…


By John Osborne || Like sharks circling around a shipwreck waiting for the crew to abandon ship, Republicans around this nation have been licking their chops, waiting for the moment their delicate prey escapes the bounds of a non-election year. The first of these delicate liberal morsels has been eaten with the viciousness of Mary Lee the great white.

Obama has saddled his congregation of followers with a blood debt – which the American people expect to be paid in full. The payment of this debt has been too cumbersome for some, but others, they believe Obama will save them. Unfortunately he’s just helping chum the waters around the ship.

As Democrat Alex Sink showed America in Florida’s open 13th congressional district race against Republican David Jolly, even Slick Willy can’t save you now. David Jolly ran almost completely on opposing Obamacare, defeating liberal Alex Sink in a district the President carried in 2012.

As ‘she who will not be named’ proclaimed, they are indeed running on Obamacare. Sadly, just not the way she intended.

With such hubris, liberals blindly followed their leaders lying to their constituents passing this job-killing piece of legislation in 2009. Setting themselves up for this swan dive into the deep blue abyss.

Luckily for America, the voters are ready to send these used car salesmen to Mary Lee – and Davey Jones. Like a sacrificial lamb, Alex Sink was the first victim of 2014. If even Florida is this smart, what could happen nationwide?

Hopefully the sharks are hungry, NBC/Wall Street Journal’s new poll suggests the Democrats are running out of time, like the Titanic, this ships going down quick with all hands on board. Democrats like our very own Vincent Sheheen, and Arkansas’s Mark Pryor, will soon be seeing just how toxic the president’s policies are.

According to the poll, the President’s approval rating is at an all time low of 41 percent, making Governor Nikki Haley’s look sublime. Obamacare’s numbers look even worse, 47 percent would be more likely to vote for someone wanting to repeal it, compared to 32 percent who want it. If this doesn’t show the blood in the water, the fact 42 percent of respondents are more likely to vote against someone who the President endorses, compare that to just 22 percent who value the Presidents opinion. Like icing on cake, 49 percent of America thinks Obamacare was a mistake.

So what does this mean for red state Democrats? Unless the GOP found eight Todd Akin’s to run, the Senate is definitely in play. All the spin in the world won’t be able to change the fact Democrats who support, or voted for Obamacare are going down, hard.

John Osborne is a military veteran and a recent graduate of the University of South Carolina.

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Jackie Chiles March 12, 2014 at 1:39 pm

“Unless the GOP found eight Todd Akin’s to run, the Senate is definitely in play.”

The GOP tends to find ways to lose elections, so it’s a definite possibility that there’s 8 Todd Akins.

Vag, Shut It Down March 12, 2014 at 1:41 pm

Cheers! You beat me to it!

Smirks March 12, 2014 at 2:34 pm

Only 8? Quite optimistic.

EJB March 12, 2014 at 3:53 pm

Oh, come on now, don’t give the GOP short shrift on the creativity front. They won’t need 8 T.A.s, they will work hard to find 8 unique and compelling reasons to give this election away. After all, 2012 was theirs to lose and they did.

Jackie Chiles March 12, 2014 at 7:40 pm

I know. It’s really amazing to watch one party squander so much potential. All we heard leading up to 2012 was that it was the “most important election in U.S. history” and they present us with the choices of Newt Gingrich, Mittens Romney, and Rick Santorum. If those three stooges were the best the GOP had to offer in the most important election in American history, the GOP is truly doomed.

RogueElephant March 14, 2014 at 11:27 am

Herman Cain was the best candidate , with actual main street experience at problem solving. Romney was a Wall Street type with no feeling or caring for Joe Six Pack. Enough conservatives stayed home to have given a good candidate a land slide. Conservatives are sick and tired of being used and abused by the establishment. When the establishment learns to accept and work with conservatives like Reagan did the Republican Party will win. As it is now the establishment can only think of ways to kick us under the nearest bus. Stay tuned this could get good.

RogueElephant March 14, 2014 at 11:18 am

My beloved Republican party has a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I contend it is due to the individual thinking of Republicans. The head Dim. says “This way” and they all line up behind him. No one smart enough to ask “Why”? Republicans on the other hand ask “Why” first. Big difference. Not as conducive to victory as the Dims. but I would much rather be a Repub. than Dim. At least we stand for something.

GrandTango March 12, 2014 at 1:50 pm

Great piece. You nailed it. You have put voice to the democrats’ worse fear…that no one else will tell them…

I kept waiting for the GOP-Bash and typical Buzz-Kill toward Conservatives so prevalent on FITS…But you kept the commentary true and accurate.

You could call the reference to Todd Akin a little bone to democrats desperate for some hope, but only the ignorant would pounce on that (see below)…

Chances are the ‘Todd Akin’ election of 2012, just made the GOP more likely to put CONSERVATISM FIRST along w/ defining Obama and the democrats…not ensnarement in traps liberals have to depend on to distract from the Total disaster the D Brand has become…

euwe max March 12, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Will, I thought you said that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties.

What about March 12, 2014 at 2:25 pm

This opinion piece was hard to read. The author really should take some time to revise and edit before submitting – seriously ask someone to read it for you. Every writer does it. The editor of this site apparently does not do it. The writing is contrived with poor sentence structure.

Having said that, you are correct in your premise (bad shark analogy aside). There are many incumbents who have already retired or lost election since voting for the ACA – including its architect. You didn’t bother to add any evidence, but it is there. The trend seems likely to continue.

The ACA was written in a back room and forced through the Congress with a crowbar and a copy of Jefferson’s rules of order. A monstrosity such as that could never work – no matter the subject. Add to that the backtracking and side-stepping done by HHS and the Administration and even those voters who might be want to support it will not.

Let it be a bloody November.

Smirks March 12, 2014 at 2:33 pm

Yes, because Democrats lost big on Obamacare in 2012 when… oh, wait, they beat the living snot out of Republicans. You fellows live in a dream world. Here’s some interesting polling:




2014 will reinforce 2012’s results at this rate, not that it matters. Obamacare is going to stay put, at the very least until 2017.

Norma Scok March 12, 2014 at 5:27 pm

In ’12, Obamacare was still a twinkling lie in Obama’s eye’s that had yet to come to fruition. The “high tech” part of ARRA had barely been completely at that point. Somehow, Obama has singularly continued to kick the ultimate “F-U” parts of O-care down the road until he is quite safely out of office. And my question during the first two changes to what is suppose to be law..how can he just keep changing things that have already been signed into law?

John Osborne March 12, 2014 at 7:10 pm

Before you try and distort what the poll is showing, it was conducted by a nonpartisan firm who has polled for countless Democrats. This poll also is considered the gold standard in polling. Have a wonderful day cherry picking polls.

ThreePalms March 12, 2014 at 2:35 pm

I can sense your glee over the Jolly victory in Florida, but I am hesitant to conclude that just because one congressional district in Florida voted to elect a Republican that the entire country will follow.

For me to accept that the Affordable Care Act is “this job-killing piece of legislation in 2009”, I would have to ignore employment numbers since 2009. Perhaps you could be more persuasive if you cited some job killing statistics instead of relying on worn out misinformation.

Smirks March 12, 2014 at 2:38 pm

Keep in mind what kind of people Florida elects to run their shit:


Of course, Christie’s in his own world of hurt, and Walker keeps getting in the news for hiring dumbfucks. But hey, that’s what the new GOP is all about! In the words of Nikki Haley, “Get excited!”

SCBlueWoman March 12, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Jolly was a typical GOP politician, divorced and squiring around his 26 YO girlfriend that he left his wife for. Yep. Party of Christian values at work. He won because the Dems didn’t get out the vote.

MG42 March 12, 2014 at 6:10 pm

Uh, you’re bashing the Repubs for their supposed hypocritical-Christian values?! Unbelievable! And I guess the party of dong up my gay lover’s a$$, presidential-intern Cohiba sex, and Weiner texting is just the paradigm of Christian sexual values. Yeah, f@cking whatever, you partisan cunt.

SCBlues March 12, 2014 at 8:07 pm

Those devout Christian Republicans are the biggest hypocrites known to mankind. And does that make you feel like a big man to sling the “C” word around, asshole?

SCBlueWoman March 13, 2014 at 9:31 am

F**k you. Hypocritical drone of an angry white man. F**k you.

historybuff March 12, 2014 at 9:31 pm

Why do Democrats always have to “get out the vote”? That sounds pretty close to code words for “prodding and cajoling shiftless negroes to the polls”. That is, after all, 90% of winning an election as a Democrat. Isn’t it?

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 13, 2014 at 6:53 am


“Code words…”

Aunt Piddie Pat, run get TBG his smelling salts!

SCBlueWoman March 13, 2014 at 9:31 am

You are an idiot. Period.

EJB March 12, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Dec. 2009 Workforce 236,924k Employed 153,111k 64.6%
Dec. 2013 Workforce 246,745k Employed 154,937k 62.8%
Workforce grew 9,821k (4.1%) workers but employed only grew 1,826k (1.2%) workers, workforce grew nearly 3-1/2 times faster, that is “job killing” in any book.

If Mr. 0bama were President and Democrats could get congress for 8 more years we could get employment down to 50%. Of course with the way Dems and Mr. 0bama show it unemployment would only be 4.8%.

Statistics from BLS web site.

euwe max March 12, 2014 at 4:29 pm

why, oh why, can’t the president create jobs? Are his hands tied or something? It’s hard to believe he can’t just wave his hand over Congress and make them see the light.

vicupstate March 12, 2014 at 2:56 pm

The GOP held on to a swing district they had held since the 50’s by less than 2%.

There won’t be more than a 10 seat swing in the House. Too much gerrymandering for it to be otherwise. Most retirements are in hard core districts, and there are a similar number of GOp retirements.

The senate is right on the edge. Could go either way. Since the House will be GOP anyway, there will be gridlock regardless.

Thomas March 12, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Well researched, spot on analysis.

Philip Branton March 12, 2014 at 5:22 pm

LOL……….another Dems vs. Republican fog article….

disqus_qwehVZOt5U March 12, 2014 at 7:43 pm

Since its inception, the GOP has been sabotaging the implementation and the circulation of the truth and the concept of affordable care. They have gone so far as working hand in hand with the insurance companies to make certain that the affordable care act would not function. Through diligence and perseverance I managed to get my wife and me enrolled into the affordable care marketplace and obtained coverage in New Hampshire with Anthem BCBS. However, Anthem has been absolutely dysfunctional. Anthem does not want the ACA to work. They are working in concert with the GOP to make it not work. They liked it the way it was, where they had all the control and could deny anyone that was a negative financial contributor. Oh, they still have a lot of control, but not all the control. And the GOP will probably not be getting any more graft under the table once this settles down. Even though Anthem has been anything but helpful since I have enrolled, they have had to pay up when they have been required to. It is working, even though the insurance companies and the GOP have been sabotaging the system from the get go.


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