There’s a jarring tweet out there this week from Pew Center researcher Conrad Hackett comparing the ten worst cities in China with the ten worst cities in America when it comes to air pollution.
Bottom line? It’s not good (if you live in China).
According to the chart – which includes data from China’s environmental ministry, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Lung Association – air pollution in China’s dirtiest ten cities is nearly ten times as bad as it is in America’s ten dirtiest cities.
For example in Xingtai – a city of seven million in North China – the daily pollution average is 155.2 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter. By contrast in Bakersfield and Merced, California – the two cities where America’s dirtiest air can be found – the daily pollution average is only 18.2 micrograms.
Take a look …
(Click to enlarge)
(Chart via)
For those of you keeping score at home, the WHO’s recommended limit is ten micrograms.
Five days ago Chinese premier Li Keqiang declared a war on pollution in his country.
“We will resolutely declare war on pollution as we declared war on poverty,” Li said.
Wait … but isn’t the industrialization that lifted 500 million people out of poverty over the last three-and-a-half decades a big part of China’s pollution problem? Yes … which makes one wonder what China will have to declare war on next, in the event its war on pollution ends in victory.
Anyway, we raise these numbers to point out to alarmists stateside that things aren’t as bad as they seem in America – which is experiencing a domestic energy renaissances. Also, despite China’s hack-inducing pollution problem, “global warming” has still been stuck on pause for nearly two decades now …
A nation of 1.3 billion, China implemented market-based reforms beginning in 1978. Since then it has averaged gross domestic product growth of approximately 10 percent per year.
The country will implement its 13th “five-year plan” beginning in 2016.
They need to deregulate industry – let the free market handle the pollution.
We don’t need the stinking EPA.
Has it been proven that pollution even exists?Sounds like some of that climate change stuff to me!
First, you have to prove there’s an environment. I haven’t seen any studies on that, and until I do – I’m going to withhold judgement.
The Earth is a big place. We can just sweep all the pollution into Malaysia, or Malta… there’s plenty of places we can dump our junk – probably for the next 100 years AT LEAST!
…and I don’t plan to be around when the dumpster fills up. Jesus will come for me…
They have been doing a smash up job.
Sorry but my Give-A-Fuck meter is broken.
This may be the understatement which forms the foundation – the grounding plane – of all understatements.
Pollution is a property rights violation. Whey you pollution crosses you property line and goers onto someone else’s property, you have violated their property rights.
It’s kind of like driving on the highway. If you stay in your lane, between the lines, things go OK, If your car crosses the line and is moving in the other lane going the wrong way, your driving becomes someone else’s problem.
West Virgina, North Carolina and South Carolina, not far behind.
Dream Police Much???
Why is it the democrat voting states are the polluters???…..They have that in common w/ the Communists…anyone surprised???…
Yet Obama wants to bleed us dry because liberals are filthy people….
Because the economies in those states are booming and millions and millions of people live there? As opposed to po-dunk SC?
SC just added a US Rep. due to increased population…did Calif.?
Just goes to show how relevant the WHO is.