
Wilson: Oh, Canada!

AMERICA’S NORTHERN NEIGHBOR SHOWS HOW TO FIGHT RADICAL GREEN GROUPS By Bill Wilson || The global economy is an increasingly high-stakes battlefield, and governments large and small must determine daily when and how to enter that fray. Do they engage on the side of free markets and expanded individual liberties…


By Bill Wilson || The global economy is an increasingly high-stakes battlefield, and governments large and small must determine daily when and how to enter that fray.

Do they engage on the side of free markets and expanded individual liberties — promoting greater prosperity and freedom for all people? Or do they align themselves with entrenched interests and bureaucrats bent on expanding centralized power (and political patronage) — thus promoting greater dependency?

Make no mistake: Thousands of such decisions — budgetary, monetary, personnel, regulatory, etc. — help make or break the lives of billions of people around the globe.

Unfortunately, when it should be engaging against established anti-competitive interests — or staying out of policy debates altogether — the federal government of the United States invariably jumps in on the wrong side.

Recent examples include President Barack Obama’s failed economic stimulus, the Federal Reserve’s ongoing money-printing experiment, ObamaCare, the Environmental Protection Agency’s war on energy, the National Security Agency’s domestic spy network and the Internal Revenue Service’s persecution of limited-government groups.

The results of these policies is unmistakable: Record welfare expansion, a shrinking workforce, stagnant wages and lost liberties.

By contrast, the government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently entered a critical policy debate on the right side — directing the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to conduct audits of several radical environmental groups accused of conducting political activity in violation of their tax-exempt status.

Among the groups being audited? The David Suzuki Foundation, Ecology Action Centre, Environmental Defence, Equiterre, the Pembina Foundation, Tides Canada and West Coast Environmental Law.

The far left in Canada is apoplectic, but the real targets of this action are the radical American billionaires funneling money through faux Canadian front groups — hoping to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline by exploiting the country’s Aboriginal population.

In fact a plan to do precisely that was hatched in 2008 by the uber-liberal Rockefeller Foundation.

(To continue reading this article, click the “Read More” button below).

Bill Wilson is a board member of Americans for Limited Government. Follow him on Twitter at @BillWilsonALG.

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Original Good Old Boy February 28, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Off topic, but why is an “NFL penis update” from 2008 constantly “trending” at the top of your page? Your website may need some tweaking.

Frank Pytel February 28, 2014 at 1:13 pm

OGOB. Sho’nuff. Good catch.

Hits baby! February 28, 2014 at 1:43 pm

Maybe he likes “penis update” on the lead in.

vicupstate February 28, 2014 at 7:32 pm

To get hits.

Go Cocks February 28, 2014 at 2:14 pm

So let me get this straight. It is okay for a government to investigate non-profit entities for engaging in prohibited political activities if the entity is a “radical” environmental group, but it is not okay to investigate if it is a conservative non-profit like many of the ones swept up in the recent IRS debacle?

Tom February 28, 2014 at 2:36 pm

Correct. What is your point?

Go Cocks February 28, 2014 at 3:17 pm

My point is that many of the conservative non-profits swept up by the IRS appeared to be engaging in prohibited political activities, i.e. activities that were targeted towards electing particular candidates rather than simply espousing ideas like the benefits of a flat tax code. The IRS caught flak for taking the short-cut of looking at groups with Tea Party buzz words in their titles. I buy the story that the IRS did this because the hit rate was pretty good with this method. Others would argue that the IRS did this simply to lash out at conservative non-profits. In the Canadian case, it would appear that their government went for the target-rich approach of looking specifically at environmentally focused non-profit. My question to Bill Wilson is “why is the target-rich approach appropriate in the Canadian case but not in the U.S. case?”

GrandTango February 28, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Spoken like a true Soviet comrade….I cannot believe that some of most radical liberal nut jobs on here are not telling you to quit making a Dumb@$$ of The Movement.

Tom February 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm

I actually agree with you, my answer was sarcastic, but it is the the clueless (brainless?) Teapublican answer. GT just confirmed it for me.

GrandTango February 28, 2014 at 3:50 pm

“prohibited political activities” you idiot… Sounds like you are a typical Dumb@$$ liberal..You want to Nazi-like attack Conservatives…but give dangerous terrorist-type groups free reign to do as they please, as long as you agree with their sinister assault on America…

Ssadly: you epitomize what Obama is doing…and you have Totally F*#ked up the country in the process…

You see: Conservatives built this country, and still provide what little prosperity there is under Obama…

Liberals, and the cabals supporting you, do nothing but damage. All you are good for is tearing down freedom. We’ve turned back dictatorial British, democrat slave-owners, and Nazis…We’ll F*#k you up too…

Koch Nazi Defense Fund February 28, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Like The Patriot Act? Lawd, boy…better get that malitia up and running, fast!

9" February 28, 2014 at 5:40 pm

A radical left green group(EPA)created by,Richard Nixon.Bill Wilson,and his ilk are pathetic.

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 4:46 am

When I watch my dogs play, I sometimes see them engage in behavior that conveys to me that they have a sense of fair play. When I feed them a treat together, however, the smaller dog will try to get the treat by nosing the bigger dog out of the way. And he will repeat this same behavior even when he has a fresh treat just acquired, firmly in his mouth. That is, the next treat should go to the other dog while he’s eating his, but he drops the one he has to get the new treat. The larger dog will give way, and let the smaller dog get the second treat, and slowly move towards the dropped treat. If I don’t intervene, eventually the smaller dog will eat both treats. When this happens, I give the bigger dog a third treat, which the smaller dog goes after in the same way as before, but now there are two dropped treats. The smaller dog, wanting to eat just marginally less than getting more treats, will then see that if he finishes the treat in his mouth, there will still be one even though the bigger dog gets one. That ends the struggle for monopoly, but the little one will get the third treat as well. The larger dog will always give way, I think, because she realizes I will see to it that she gets something to eat. I’m sure something different would happen if the larger dog were to get seriously hungry….

I see similar things played out when children play. Everyone knows some children share, and some children have to be taught to share. Sharing seems to me to be a key to enlightened living, and an essential part of what I believe it means to be human. When I see a child who refuses adamantly to share, I think to myself that child is a “bad” child, and will grow up to be a “bad” adult. It seems to be a shameful existence to me, a waste. I suppose there are some parents who encourage their children not to share, but those bastards aside, it seems that the majority of children who turn out that way have either been untrainable, or neglected. He will grow up to be a Libertarian, or a Republican.. or worse. What? Wait! What am I saying? What could be worse than that? I guess it seemed to follow in a literary sense to say “or worse.”

When these children grow up to be adults, and their mental capabilities mature, they seem to acquire coping mechanisms to explain their refusal to “play nice.” It seems to me that what I perceive as a character flaw in these children become adults manifests itself later in life as materialism. As a group of what I see as malformed adults, they gravitate politically towards a philosophy that basically answers all questions with unabashed selfishness. When justification is required to get what they want, they will invariably start with their goal, and adapt logic to fit whatever it is, much as children do “..but mark’s parents don’t make HIM wash HIS hands!” Their goal always before them, their logic will change no matter how hypocritical it may seem, or how transparent their true motives become, though they will deny that they have ever been either hypocritical or dissembling. “I didn’t take the cookies out of the cookie jar – it must have been daddy!” “I didn’t rip her dress, but she said I was ugly, so even if I had, she deserved it!”

Among the smoke screens for these flaws.

Enlightened self interest.
Survival of the fittest.
Free Competition.

Of course, with the idea that it’s “obvious” that more for the individual is better, often without even bothering to veil disdain for “losers.”

It seems to me that these bad adults have grown to use those coping mechanisms so often, that they fall into an easily characterized group of people who can be manipulated without too much trouble, to support the idea that selfishness is a noble and respected way to live… even when it is, statistically, they who are the victims of the philosophy they espouse. They identify with what they own, or have just purchased, and seem to derive self worth from it. Bragging seems to be a common characteristic, even when it makes them look foolish in social situations, since they can always find someone who engages in similar behaviors to validate them. They make a big deal out of loving their family, not really realizing how artificial and self-serving they sound. They will often champion something like Christianity, though they have no idea, nor do they want to have, what Jesus actually said, or what it meant… they use it as a thin veneer in cases where “morality” becomes an issue. Similarly, wrapping themselves in the flag is a cheap coat of paint and a deodorizer for what is nothing more than a steaming pile of shit.

And these – these are the people we discuss the “politics” of the day with.

How do you win an argument with a 6 year old?

You don’t.

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 7:11 am

Good Gawd..that is the most-boring, least-interesting piece of tripe I’ve seen in a while… And in my position I’m presented with some mis-guided and weak writers…

Couple tips:
Advice 1: HOLD the reader with the substance and impact of your words…
Advice 2: It ain’t about showing how smart, eloquent and talented you THINK you are.

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 10:18 am

fuck you

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 10:35 am

…for the blight of Bush, for the wide-stancers and toe-tappers, for the ecclesiastical child molesters, for the arrogance, the bluster, the hubris and swagger, for cashing Hank Paulson’s corporate welfare check, for the war based on lies, for the deficits that don’t matter, for the phone-tappers, tip stiffers, butt sniffers and vagina invaders.. for slavery, for privilege, for wasters and polluters, for not being curious, for not giving a good-god damn, for incarcerating recreational drug users, the death penalty for the insane, for the 9 bullets in one child in exchange for hillbilly woo-hoo shoot-em up fantasies, for DDT, for CFCs, for PVCs, for the homeless vets, for agent orange, for 50 dollar hammers, for the rape of a 14-year old Iraqi girl set on fire, for pissing on the dead bodies of the enemy, for sneering at a woman with breast cancer without insurance, for blaming Mexican migrant workers for fires, theft, stealing 10 dollar a day jobs, and then sucking brown dick for votes…

For the kkk, for Israeli occupation, for Arab baiting with war on the lips, and hands on the hips. For Enron, for Haliburton, for crotch straps and Mission Accomplished signs, and most of all, for not knowing any fucking better.

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 10:37 am

“One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea,” said Santorum, who has seven children. “Many in the Christian faith have said, ‘Well, that’s okay. Contraception’s okay.’ It’s not okay because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

Sexual relationships “are supposed to be within marriage. They are supposed to be for purposes that are, yes, conjugal and unitive but also procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen.

“We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that’s not for purposes of procreation, that’s not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can’t you take other parts of that out?

“And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it’s simply pleasure. ” – Rick Santorum

Best Hand Job™ March 1, 2014 at 3:41 pm

No wonder you haven’t worked with that “Journalism” degree…

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 3:48 pm

So you’re critiquing that as a good piece of writing???….

Best Hand Job™ March 1, 2014 at 6:36 pm

You’re the asshole getting Medicaid bashing others, spend all fucking day bitching about your pitiful situation instead of doing a gig, and you continually repeat the same shit over and over. That, my friend, is bad journalism.

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 7:13 pm

Just like I thought….

What college graduated?
What job?
Literary critique that essay of ignorance above??

If you can’t, STFU!!!!!!!…Or are you a typical liberal Obama-sucking Dumb@$$….????

Best Hand Job March 1, 2014 at 8:44 pm

If I had the time to waste getting into detail of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and the great art of using clichés you repeat on about every fucking post, you would still write like shit. I’m not a Journalism grad, but I do have two degrees and know you write like a man with an inferiority complex.

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 8:55 pm

LMAO….Translation: I’m smart, educated and judgmental. I can tell everybody else how to live. But when called on it…I’m too F*#king ignorant, and don’t have time, to give the details…Hahahaha…

How long before this shamed Dumb@$$, who thinks no one can see what he is, changes his handle, and tries some new approach??… And gets the P!$$ slapped out of his juvenile @$$ again….???…Hahahahaha….

You liberal idiots Never change. You get your @$$ kicked, then cry like the ignorant clueless Dip-s#!ts you are…LMAO….

Best Hand Job March 2, 2014 at 1:05 pm

Oh, did I hurt little man’s feelings?

Doesn’t Mediciad cover psychotherapy??

Best Hand Job March 2, 2014 at 1:10 pm


GrandTango March 2, 2014 at 2:52 pm

Hahahaha, Idiot….Looking at your ability to spell… It’s no wonder you’re unable to give me your critique….

And I can see why you won’t tell me what college you went to or where you work…would not wan’t to embarrass any school hard up enough to give you a degree…and who would use a business w/ such a Dumb@$$ working for it???…LMAO…

Best Hand Job March 2, 2014 at 3:28 pm

Unlike you, I can edit my own shit before someone else does…

“…and who would use a business w/ such a Dumb@$$…” Beautiful prose!!

GrandTango March 2, 2014 at 4:07 pm

EXACTLY….I think your “edit” is indicative of your intellect…LMAO….Dumb@$$….

euwe max March 2, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Obama-sucking Dumb@$$

Are you so myopic you can’t tell how often you repeat this theme?

euwe max March 2, 2014 at 3:48 pm

suck off Obama
There it is again – you really have a problem with dick sucking metaphors… have you talked to your pastor about it like I asked?

idcydm March 1, 2014 at 9:15 am

So why do you play chess with checkers players, it must be enlightened self interest.

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 10:17 am

The absurd may be the only venue left.

RogueElephant March 1, 2014 at 8:41 am

I would like to see a brand new Republican administration in 2017 do the same thing in the USA. I have long said that the OPEC group is the money behind the “environmental movement” here. Anything they can do to slow our oil production or any other progress benefits them. Once again , follow the money.

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 8:47 am


When Congress was overtaken by democrats in 2006, w/ a no-drilling policy, the price of gas began rising, until it hit the ceiling in the summer of 2008.

Bush opened reserves, and brought it back down…but then Obama (the No Drilling idiot) got elected, and the American people have gotten Robbed blind since, on top of Obama’s No-Job Economy….

Even Clinton understood the value of drilling..even if it was off-shore and domestic (in the Oval Office)…..

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 10:19 am

I would like to see a brand new Republican administration in 2017

The fourth Reich?

GrandTango March 1, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Its following Obama…. thanks for admitting he’s the Third Reich.

euwe max March 1, 2014 at 9:01 pm

checkers indeed.

GrandTango March 2, 2014 at 7:36 am

Crown me, then….The stupid get your @$$ kicked at both……

euwe max March 2, 2014 at 11:17 am

I crown thee: “Damned Tango!”

GrandTango March 2, 2014 at 12:11 pm

Just don’t present another God-awful, self-serving diatribe, that rambles on forever, confirming your ignorance…

euwe max March 2, 2014 at 3:47 pm

The eternal optimist, hoping you will eventually say something relevant.

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