SC Makes The Daily Show (Again)

NO LARRY MARCHANT THIS TIME, THOUGH … The last few decades have seen an escalating federal involvement (and taxpayer investment) in the health care industry – which of course has resulted in higher costs and a less healthy population. Like everything government touches, its debatably good intentions have spawned bigger…


The last few decades have seen an escalating federal involvement (and taxpayer investment) in the health care industry – which of course has resulted in higher costs and a less healthy population. Like everything government touches, its debatably good intentions have spawned bigger problems … and a ballooning deficit to go with them.

Naturally the far left wants to “fix” these problems by … you guessed it … dramatically ramping up federal involvement (and taxpayer investment) in health care.

Because it’s gotta work this time, right? Right?

Anyway …

Desperate to defend the increasingly unpopular, oft-delayed “Affordable Care Act” – which has demonstrably broken all of its most central promises (lowering deficits, reducing health care premiums, allowing people to keep their existing plans) – along comes The Daily Show, Comedy Central’s far left faux news program.

And where better to fight a rear-guard, retreating action than South Carolina?

The piece purports to “explain the pitfalls of Medicaid expansion to those selfishly hoping for help with health care,” and stars S.C. Policy Council president Ashley Landess in the role of about-to-be-lampooned villainess.

Except Landess – to her credit – holds her own pretty well in this mockumentary-style report …

Take a look ….

Typically interview subjects on the “wrong” side of The Daily Show‘s decreasingly humorous, increasingly forced big government propaganda machine wind up getting sliced and diced … doing grave damage to the ideologies they advance.

Glad to see Landess represent both limited government and South Carolina well in the most hostile of venues …

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John Dozier February 28, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Do you have your new SC tags with Bozo on them?

Statist Communist Pigs February 28, 2014 at 1:34 pm

Economic ignorance on rampant display on The Daily Show.

I used to enjoy watching it, but its become such a blatant statist mouthpiece I can’t even turn it on for the usually funny intro jokes on daily political happenings.

The CBO has no credibility, it has revised its budget projections every year for the last 5 years(probably more than that, that’s all I remember) and ALWAYS upwards in terms of the deficit.

I quote, “CBO’s estimate of the deficit for this year is about $200 billion below the estimate that it produced in February 2013”

$200 billion? That’s all? lol….sure you dummy’s, we can “afford it”, cause we have a printing press.

Notice how The Daily Show glosses right over the fact the Medicaid expansion is only funded by the Fed’s funny money machine for three years, after which SC would be crippled financially.

All in all, it’s a total garbage piece. Maybe they should have ended the skit by handing funny little masks to a few taxpayers so they could explain why they have to pay more in taxes while also suffering gradually increases costs of living over time. That’d be a real “howler”.

Smirks February 28, 2014 at 2:08 pm

Notice how The Daily Show glosses right over the fact the Medicaid
expansion is only funded by the Fed’s funny money machine for three
years, after which SC would be crippled financially.

Uh, they fund 90% after the first few years of paying for all of it. And there is no set decrease in that level of funding. It would mean SC would have to raise revenue to help pay for it, true, but cripple us financially? Please. All this constant talk about handing away millions in rebates, Haley doing her own Medicaid “expansion,” and all of the other shit that could be carved out of the budget, we can afford it.

Statist Communist Pigs February 28, 2014 at 2:24 pm

I suspect the nature of this whole discussion is going to change drastically in 10 years:

“In early budget preparations, Keck has estimated that the state and federal government will spend $467 million more on Medicaid in South Carolina in the year ending in June 2015 and that the state’s portion of that cost will be $162 million, which includes $12 million in capital costs.”

In the end Smirks, the ongoing money printing is only going to blow things up. If SC expands the rolls to encourage welfare class growth, it will only make things worse that the CBO continues to revise its deficit number upward year after year.

Your claim “we can afford it” has no basis in reality. If you want to get closer to accuracy, start out with “we can borrow it” and go from there and explain to all of us how we will be able to print up or borrow the money ad infinitum with no deleterious effects.

Unless of course, you are one of those that believe Obamacare will actually reduce deficits, in which case there is no hope for you. Much like the people that claim having people on welfare helps the economy.

Smirks February 28, 2014 at 4:17 pm

$162 million is manageable considering the size of our budget and the surplusses we have. Here’s $122 million:

Here’s $78 million:

The surplus is one tool, others would be carving waste (admittedly unlikely with our current legislature), and/or a nominal tax increase. The benefit is that this would mean a lot of people would suddenly have access to health care, wouldn’t be flooding the ER, and would be receiving much more manageable and reasonably priced care. It would be a boom for our state and many folks desperately need it.

The expansion would be free and then later we would be on the hook for 10%, which can be worked into the budget as well. I believe the $162 million would be fairly unnoticed, the 10% would take effort but is doable.

Smirks February 28, 2014 at 2:01 pm

decreasingly humorous, increasingly forced big government propaganda machine

Christ, having an opinion that Willie doesn’t like makes one a big government propaganda machine!

Stewart has a pretty obvious political leaning, as does Colbert. It doesn’t mean he can’t make quite a valid point. Denying the Medicaid expansion has far reaching consequences for the citizens of this state, and Haley has done essentially nothing to make up for it.

Again, Kentucky will reap the full benefits of the ACA because they chose to actually roll with it. We fight against it and we will bear the weight of resisting it. It does nothing but harm ourselves. Kentucky and all the other states that happily complied will be far better off than we ever will.

What a load of crap February 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm

Except Landess – to her credit – holds her own pretty well in this mockumentary-style report
No one else on the planet who saw shares your opinion.

RHood2 March 2, 2014 at 1:05 am

She went into it eyes open and determined not to get “caught.” There was a report about her being interviewed a couple of weeks back. She was really careful. The bit wasn’t as funny because she’s, well, smart and knows what the deal is.

johnq February 28, 2014 at 7:03 pm

We can only hope that the day comes when you or a member of your family has a catastrophic illness and the medical system TURNS THEIR BACK ON YOU AND ALLOWS YOU OR YOUR FAMILY MEMBER TO SUFFER WITHOUT TREATMENT!

Karma is a mother fucker and you have a shitload coming your way you fucking asshole. It takes a real ideologue to turn his back and on the helpless and destitute. Some call it evil.

Fuck you! I’d rather our country go broke than end up morally bankrupt like you, you piece of shit.

Henry February 28, 2014 at 11:12 pm

Super literate comment there, johnq. Say, have YOU had the “medical system” (??) turn its back on you because you had a catastrophic illness? Oh, I get it, you’re speaking hypothetically, about other cases, about cases you’ve heard of, about other people who say that’s happened to them. Right.


bobbymac March 3, 2014 at 3:02 pm

Henry, just because it hasn’t happened to you, don’t think it doesn’t happen to other people. Had a client die a couple of years ago because he developed lung cancer, had no health insurance and no body would do chemo because he didn’t have the money to afford it. He was gone in a few months. Not saying he would have lived forever with chemo but probably would have bought him a few years. Not too many folks can afford $8,000 per chemo treatment out of their pocket.

euwe max February 28, 2014 at 9:53 pm

It’s a comedy show, not a news channel! shit!

If you have to use a comedy show as a counter-point to Faux news, what does that say about Faux news?

Torch March 3, 2014 at 12:40 pm

That Faux news is comedy and not news. However, it is dangerous comedy.

euwe max March 3, 2014 at 12:41 pm

The whole channel should be arrested for sedition.

Limbaughsaphatkhunt March 1, 2014 at 12:53 am

I’m sick of it. For all you “get government out of my life” folks who constantly bemoan anything and everything about all that government does, please move to Somalia. They have very limited government there.
There is no basis in fact to these ad nauseam talking points ripped from the Fox News ticker about every .2 seconds. South Carolina is literally one of the worst states in the union. This is not an emotive argument but based on any number of studies, surveys, statistics, criteria, rankings, data sets, what have you. The GOP is driving this place into the ground and they keep getting elected for it. Mind boggling.
Meanwhile, more egalitarian states in the US and some European “socialist” countries enjoy cradle to grave public care and benefits including great universal medical coverage and 4 weeks of holiday a year in a 35 hour work week…and get this…their per capita GDP’s outrank the US…AND…they don’t have trillions in debt.

John March 1, 2014 at 10:02 pm

You nailed Landess at some point, right?

Doug Riemer March 2, 2014 at 8:32 am

“escalating federal involvement (and taxpayer investment) in the health care industry – which of course has resulted in higher costs and a less healthy population”

Well, that “less healthy population” is sure living longer! — up 10 years to 79 — except in the south, unfortunately,


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