Sources: Glenn McConnell Not On Short List For Charleston Job

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STILL FAVORITE FOR POSITION, THOUGH The name of S.C. Lieutenant Governor Glenn McConnell was not included among the top finalists for the College of Charleston’s soon-to-be vacant presidential position, sources familiar with the school’s search process tell FITS. McConnell backers vigorously contest that report, though, calling it nothing…


The name of S.C. Lieutenant Governor Glenn McConnell was not included among the top finalists for the College of Charleston’s soon-to-be vacant presidential position, sources familiar with the school’s search process tell FITS.

McConnell backers vigorously contest that report, though, calling it nothing but a “rumor designed to hurt (McConnell).”

Earlier this week, members of the College of Charleston’s presidential search committee provided board members with their recommendations for the post – which becomes vacant this spring upon the retirement of the school’s current president, George Benson.

McConnell’s name was among the ten candidates selected to be interviewed by the search committee (out of more than 100 applicants) – but sources familiar with the process say he was not favorably received by committee members.

“That is simply not true,” one pro-McConnell source told us. “Every action undertaken by the search committee was done under a signed oath of confidentiality, and no votes were taken on the candidates who were interviewed.”

The source added emphatically that “the board will determine the finalists for the position.”

That’s accurate …

The search committee’s recommendations are non-binding, and members of the board can nominate anyone they wish in advance of holding formal interviews for the job later this month.

Of course heartburn regarding McConnell’s selection at any point during the process is hardly surprising given his, um … well …

Rest assured that despite his colorful past, McConnell’s name will be included on any list of finalists released by the board. In fact sources tell FITS “it will be very difficult” for board members to give the position to anyone other than McConnell given the intense political pressure being applied on his behalf by leaders in the S.C. General Assembly.

(For more on that, click HERE).

McConnell has made it abundantly clear he wants the job – going so far as to publicly announce he will not seek reelection to the lieutenant governor’s office so that he can be properly considered for the position.

Meanwhile this website has made no bones of its opposition to McConnell’s bid.

It’s not just that we think McConnell is corrupt (although he clearly is) … we oppose lawmakers inheriting cushy taxpayer-funded positions on principle.

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Low Country Lawyer February 13, 2014 at 3:48 pm

My sources also tell me the board members are sick to death of the intense political pressure they are receiving to vote for McConnell. There are a few who are publicizing that McConnell was a big Jean Toal supporter and she is not favored by the more intelligent and informed board members. They are sick of the corruption that surrounds these two birds of a feather.

Some legislators who voted for Toal are having buyers remorse as the promises, gifts and presents have not yet been delivered, coupled with the questions by their constituents as to why in the hell they would vote for Toal? McConnell will have to come clean on several issues to get into the winner’s box on George Street.

Squishy123 February 13, 2014 at 3:55 pm

First Santiago, now McConnell… what is becoming of SC politics as usual?

McConnell not running for Lt. Governor, not the President of CofC… what is a girl to do? I guess he’ll have to put that southern bell dress back in the closet.

Dan on Divine February 13, 2014 at 5:23 pm

Santiago is pissed, let me tell you. Not upset or stupid enough to arrest Jean Toal for driving home from Nightcaps a little drunk, but he is pissed. Now, there are some other politicians that need to be very careful until this is a done deal.

Squishy123 February 13, 2014 at 6:21 pm

“Santiago is pissed, let me tell you.”

I love Columbia, they dumb down the qualifications so they can get an unqualified city manager hired, then she ramps up the qualifications so the interim police chief doesn’t qualify.

Not that I feel sorry for douchebag Santiago, he’s probably not qualified to be Asst. Police Chief. But Columbia gets what it deserves for those they vote into office. The only difference between Columbia and New Orleans is they actually charge and convict corruption in New Orleans.

Fred February 13, 2014 at 7:42 pm

Ya think those 3 white boys have a snow ball’s chance in hell of getting the job?

Squishy123 February 13, 2014 at 8:09 pm

Nope, I hope they realize this too. Ain’t no crazy-ass cracka getting a chief of anything in this city as long as T-Bone is in charge.

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 8:22 pm

..and it’s a good damn thing, too! I hate white people!

Squishy123 February 13, 2014 at 8:53 pm

We hate you too… no, seriously.

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Well, see… there’s where I’m conflicted.. I’m half white… Imagine being half liberal – what would you do?

Yelsewh February 14, 2014 at 10:19 am

They seem to be trying to restore some sort of credibility by going outside of the department to hire a new chief

Yelsewh February 14, 2014 at 10:18 am

I heard that Santiago was telling people that the job was his up until the finalists were announced.

Watch out Cola February 14, 2014 at 12:59 pm

Phisher or however you spell his name is the husband of the Former Supt. of Greenville County Schools Finnie Phisher -the gubment jobs just come their way. Guess they would like to move to Cola so she can have a run at being first black guv.

CNSYD February 14, 2014 at 4:51 pm

Santiago was a sub-standard Marine.

Chas in Chas February 13, 2014 at 4:01 pm

McConnell will be the next President. Key members of the Board of Trustees (and a couple of key donors) were presented with the facts of life several weeks ago. On the line was not only the funding for the new $65 million Holling’s Center but a “review” of their entire operations by Senate Finance, which of course is code for “Leatherman cutting their budget.”

Drama is good for covering the tracks of the handful of people that made this happen, but the deal is done.

Eric February 13, 2014 at 5:22 pm

One thing you can be assured of and that is it is not being left to chance. No way the powers that be are leaving it up to a bunch of knuckleheads on the Board.

shifty henry February 15, 2014 at 9:15 am

— especially that little twerpette who doesn’t know the difference between child support and alimony..!!

Giles February 13, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Another reason why Leatherman wants a weakened Harrell. No other significant pressure on the Board. Leatherman needs McConnell so he can tap those state and Federal funds for his pet projects.

Amazed at the corruption February 13, 2014 at 9:03 pm

After the deals cut to re-elect Toal, I would be surprised if this were not true!!
The entire system is corrupt!!!!!! And leatherman leads the list, along with Peeler!

Amazed at the corruption February 13, 2014 at 9:01 pm

After the deals cut to re-elect Toal, I would be surprised if this were not true!!
The entire system is corrupt!!!!!!

RogueElephant February 14, 2014 at 12:20 pm

“The entire system is corrupt” NO PLEASE SAY IT AIN’T SO !!! And all these years I thought things just happened that way. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nothing in politics happens by accident.

euwe max February 15, 2014 at 10:09 am

“The entire system is corrupt” NO PLEASE SAY IT AIN’T SO !!! And all these years I thought things just happened that way.

Nope. It’s the Republicans, just like we’ve been telling you all along! You think the tea party was the first to notice?

RogueElephant February 15, 2014 at 10:32 am

They used to be Republicans till they started going along to get along with the libturds. Now they are RINOS. I started noticing the trend in the late 80’s. That is why when the Tea Party came along I asked: Where ya’ll been ? The liberals, progressives, democrats and other vermin have been boiling the frog for over a century. Obummer has turned up the heat so much so fast that even the most unsuspecting have felt the heat. If his presidency is ever given credit for anything I hope it the awakening of America before it is too late. It might already be too late. These next two elections will tell the tail one way or another.

euwe max February 15, 2014 at 10:34 am

They used to be Republicans till they started going along to get along with the libturds.

Before they started bending over backwards to help Obama pass every piece of legislation he wanted to introduce, McConnell was a Republican?

Halfvast Conspirator February 13, 2014 at 4:50 pm

Yeah, right. The fix is in. The board and search committee will get an offer they can’t refuse.

jimlewisowb February 13, 2014 at 5:22 pm

The budget for the College of Charleston contains a one time expenditure of $5,000,000

These are the funds to be spent on the Coronation of McConnell upon his ascension to the CofC Throne

Some of the projected expenditures are:
Travel and lodging for all current Kings and Queens in the free world to attend Coronation
Conversion of WW II submarine to resemble the CSA Hunley
Dredging of water channel from the Ashley River to the campus of the CofC whereby the pseudo Hunley can bring the King home to roost
Expansion of cistern in front of Randolph Hall to dock the pseudo Hunley until the real CSA Hunley is desalted, whenever hell freezes over
Purchase/remodeling of the Manigault Mansion for the official residency of the new King and his they are pretending to be slaves
Repaving/renaming of King Street to Glennie the Glider Highway which will be the official route of the Coronation Parade
Contract to Bobby Harrell and friends to do a fly over in their private jets purchased with taxpayer’s money
Construction of a yet to be used mausoleum on the model of Lenin’s that one day will house the McConnell Papers and a golden sarcophagus to hold the freeze dried body of King McConnel to lie in State for infinity
Any funds not expended on the Coronation will be used to purchase Krispy Kreme doughnuts for the homeless of the City of Charleston – Rep Chip Limehouse will oversee this endeavor

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 5:43 pm

You didn’t mention cannon rental.

Squishy123 February 13, 2014 at 5:58 pm

He’s got his own, he’ll supply it as needed.

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 6:03 pm

Won’t he rent his to the city as a permanent decoration and monument of the event for $35,000 a year?

jimlewisowb February 13, 2014 at 7:40 pm

Decision was made not to use the cannon

There are several mossy oaks surrounding the site of the Coronation. It was determined that if the cannon was fired off it would cause the thousands of birds nesting in the mossy oaks to lose control simultaneously of their collective sphincters resulting in a shitalypse

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 8:12 pm

an aplopalypse!

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Twenty-first century Civil War battles attract enthusiastic crowds across America. For some, reenactments are a big deal. Consider these estimates:

· 50,000 Civil War re-enactors currently in U.S.

· 50,000 spectators at last Battle of Gettysburg reenactment

· $25,000 to stage a typical three-day battle event

· $2,500 for an authentic Civil War-era outfit (One small brass button, $9.95.)

· $700 for a realistic musket

· $35,000 for one Civil War cannon replica.

OK, it’s a very special cannon. The smooth-bore, six-pounder cast from solid brass, weighing 860 pounds and sporting a historic insignia of the Palmetto State, travels from Civil War event to Civil War event from east to west coasts.

The cannon belongs to Glenn F. McConnell, president pro tempore of the South Carolina Senate and one of the state’s most powerful leaders. This month, the cannon rolled into Columbia for the annual reenactment of Sherman’s firing on the city in 1865. McConnell, of Charleston, “commanded” the dozen or so re-enactors for a small group of spectators who applauded as the cannon spewed sulfuric smoke.

Standing among horses, cannon, muskets, women in period garb, modern-day police and EMTs, I chatted with McConnell, famous for his crusade to guard such prized relics of Civil War history as the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley. Go to

S.C. Senate President
Pro Tempore Glenn

“I think we bring history alive for people,” McConnell said when asked why he works so hard on reenactments. “People experience the sights and sounds similar to what our ancestors experienced and see the world through their eyes.”

McConnell was clear that he sees Southern soldiers as fighting for “the principle of self-determination. They believed that anything they joined freely, they could leave freely.” That is, the union.

With the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, battle reenactments from the Carolinas to California will likely draw sizable crowds. But what’s the real effect of witnessing make-believe soldiers shoot at each other, ooze Halloween blood and succumb to dramatized death?

War reenactments have been around for most of recorded history. Ancient warriors returned home and recreated key parts of battles to publicize their victories. Civil War veterans reenacted battles even before the war ended to honor fallen comrades and to tell about the war, a reason that endures. Civil War education needs special attention now as classroom history lessons sometimes fall short.

My history-buff father saw the benefits of hands-on education and hauled his family to war reenactments. Dad became an American Revolution re-enactor late in life. The younger boys designated him camp cook. They told me at his funeral – with full Revolutionary hero honors, that he sometimes burned their eggs.

“Goddammit to hell,” they told me he said. “I Shermanized‘em.”

well-i-am into it February 13, 2014 at 5:40 pm

MUSC board of trustees passed a resolution opposing MUSC-CofC merger. MUSC is in the middle of a search for their next president. MUSC says a number of candidates for the post withdrew because of the uncertainty over MUSC-CofC merger. The same uncertainty may influence CofC search. This flux creates a perfect setting for McConnell. Promises to steady the ship(s)….work through the transition…..good old boys….throw money at the institutions, etc…hard to resist temptations in tough economic times. So, looks like McConnell may indeed have his way.

Kyle February 13, 2014 at 6:54 pm

This is not about the College of Charleston. This is about Francis Marion opening a nursing school in Mt. Pleasant and a med school in Florence. McConnell is just part of the set arrangement, but he is not the finale.

BTW, MUSC will be the partner in both.

Norma Scok February 13, 2014 at 10:41 pm

Say what?

Elfego February 13, 2014 at 5:58 pm

The Toal plan is already in the making!

euwe max February 13, 2014 at 6:04 pm

I heard she was planning another hit and run for the event… but it’s supposed to be a surprise.

Elfego February 13, 2014 at 6:38 pm

It will probably take place in Charleston. I understand there is a little short heavy set lawyer there she may be close to!

Junior February 13, 2014 at 7:39 pm

Y’all are making fun, but Jean and Bobby better watch out. There are some legislators who are mad as hell they got duped. Their presents have not arrived and it’s already 8 days later. One senator I talked with yesterday said he is so sorry he voted for Jean. I called BS to his face – well through the cell phone – and he said he was getting the same response from his home county friends. He said his “aw shucks, you know how it is” go to response for when he plays Columbia politics just isn’t working this time. No that Jean gives a royal sh#* about him or anything else right now. She has got a pay back list and has checked it twice.

shifty henry February 15, 2014 at 9:11 am

….. male or female? …but no pictures please!

shifty henry February 15, 2014 at 9:10 am

Perhaps Toal and Benjamin should play a game of “chicken”

euwe max February 15, 2014 at 10:09 am

Not a good idea; by now Toal has had a roll cage installed in her car.

shifty henry February 15, 2014 at 10:24 am

I’ll keep that in mind whenever I see her on the streets.

euwe max February 15, 2014 at 10:27 am

I’ve heard that some lawyers have figured out where the next hit and run is going to be, and are booby trapping the area with cars equipped with collision deploying grappling hooks.

Neighbor of Glenn McConnell February 14, 2014 at 1:31 am

When he became Lt. Governor, McConnell persuaded Leatherman and Harrell to include $440,000 annually for a 24-7-365 “security guard” — four SLED agents plus cars + meals/travel etc.

These SLED people are always nearby even as he sleeps in his own house in a cul-de-sac residence in a Charleston West Ashley neighborhood.

Like U.S. Presidential Secret Service agents, they “shadow” him everywhere — into and out of his home, office, restaurants, grocery stores, speaking engagements — even the Post Office on Sycamore Ave.

They’re as obvious as the Keystone Cops.

QUESTION: Does the College of Charleston Board know that this “paranoiac” behavior — and these bodyguards — would become a new, permanent fixture at the CofC? Including the “President’s Residence” near the College?

The bodyguards would be sitting in his office with every single visitor, attending every single faculty meeting, and watching in the corner at every single dining event. They scare me and give me the creeps.

Think, George Orwell, “1984.”

Here in West Ashley, we watch the body guards come and go, following McConnell like puppies by car, on foot, even when he gets into his Confederate uniform for re-enactments. They dress up in Confederate uniforms when necessary. To “blend in.”

We call them “the Confederate goon squad.”

CofC students, faculty, visitors and staff would all recognize these clumsy, expensive “protective men” and McConnell — and eventually the CofC would become the butt of ridicule.

If not paid for by the CofC, Leatherman would make a special appropriation for the security squad and bury it in the budget in an impossible-to-identify line item.

Is this what the CofC wants? A spectacle?

McConnell knows that he cannot win a Lt. Governor election faced with heterosexual challengers.

He should stop the incessant pressure on ordinary citizens (including CofC Board members) and just resign from politics.

shifty henry February 14, 2014 at 7:49 am

South Carolina does not really need a Lt. Governor.

Key Westerner February 14, 2014 at 1:01 pm

We always need the rainbow represented – A.B. and G.M, who is next?

Slartibartfast February 14, 2014 at 1:04 pm

I agree! (What a surprise!) We should do like the Westminster Kennel Club and have a “Best in Show Reserve Governor.” It’s usually a poodle. Normally, I would go for a Labrador Retriever, but Labs actually can do work, and they remember who their friends are.

ThreePalms February 14, 2014 at 9:37 am

You have included too much BS in your post for it to be taken very seriously, but I do have one question. Why do you think that a security detail for the Lt, Governor would continue for McConnell when he is no longer the Lt. Governor?

Squishy123 February 14, 2014 at 2:02 pm

What would be the bounty on a kidnapped SC Lt. Governor? I figure the state would be money ahead to just pay the ransom, I can’t it imagine it being more than a couple thousand dollars.

Judity February 17, 2014 at 8:46 am

What do the four guys look like? I bet they’re hot.

Inciteful February 14, 2014 at 10:45 am

College Presidents lead educational institutions. They need to have experiential and educational backgrounds to qualify for the job at any college that takes its educational rmision at all seriously. The C of C Board should not even consider McConnell as a serious candidate. He’s not qualified to do neurosurgery, nuclear physics, and run a college. That anyone would consider im for this job is a sad testimont to the state of education in our state.

GrandTango February 14, 2014 at 11:15 am

A college president needs to know how to herd a bunch of spoiled, cushy-living elite liberal faculty.

Education is a no-heavy-lifting, high benefit, used-to-the-easy-life for the self-important industry. McConnell likely learned how to do well in education as a long-time politician.

Remember Donna Shalala was handed the U of Miami head spot simply because she was a ultra liberal FOB (Friend of Bill)…. She screwed up bigtime…but who really noticed. That’s how most jobs liberals get handed to them are…

euwe max February 14, 2014 at 11:40 am Reply
Squishy123 February 14, 2014 at 12:07 pm

Says the guy who is likely 500 pounds and does little more than push buttons on a keyboard. From the tone of his posts a complete failure in life.

GrandTango February 14, 2014 at 12:29 pm

Liberals have to define the people you hate with your mythology…to keep from admitting that you are ignorant and corrupt.

Penus Williams February 14, 2014 at 1:04 pm

GT, You just defined the person that you hate with your own misconceptions when you posted about what a college president is and does. If you are you trying to keep from “admitting that you are ignorant and corrupt”, it is not working.

Your brain works like some misfiring, incestuous circle.

GrandTango February 14, 2014 at 1:09 pm

PW is yet another Dumb@$$ liberal, too vapid to think of words him/her self, and having to use my words to post anything even remotely pertinent.

Harry Palms February 14, 2014 at 3:09 pm

It’s Valentines Day, GT! That hand could use some love…

Squishy123 February 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm

You really don’t realize how stupid you really are do you? I picture you as some homeless guy in the city library who has nothing better to do than sit around all day waiting for a bunk to open at the Oliver Gospel Mission, I can’t imagine you as an employee somewhere.

Yelsewh February 14, 2014 at 12:59 pm

Handling the academic side of the house is the provost’s job. The president or chancellor acts as CEO. There are situations when the best person for the job has a background in academia and other situations a person from the outside is best.

Squishy123 February 14, 2014 at 10:05 pm

Tell me why most university presidents were former provosts? I don’t know of any college presidents who don’t have a PhD or no higher education teaching experience.

Yelsewh February 15, 2014 at 1:22 am


Ken Starr comes to mind.

Adam Smith February 14, 2014 at 2:12 pm

I agree completely. McConnell’s qualifications are

— “part-time lawyer” (two-man law firm),
— “full-time legislator” (since age 30), and
— “small-time businessman” (CSA Galleries, Inc. — two employees — now closed, purveyor of Confederate memorabilia).

The proposal that McConnell is a good choice because he supposedly could preserve the college’s annual appropriation from the legislature is wrongheaded.

The college should stand on its own two feet financially, and what funds it cannot raise from tuition and fees should come from private benefactors — a trend now crystal clear in other states. McConnell’s qualifications include fund-raising — from us, the taxpayers. His Hunley project proves that.

The College of Charleston’s 2013-14 budget was $225 million, of which the legislature (taxpayers) provided $19 million.

Rather than appointing a 66-year-old professional politician to become the college president — principally to continue these governmental subsidies — the College of Charleston should join the rest of American colleges and universities and choose an individual with experience in operating such an organization, preferably one that can raise any needed funds from the private sector.

Regarding “money for the university” — around which this argument is being wrongly argued — here is part of a recent Time article, “The Ten Best College Presidents.”

Fundraising. It’s every university president’s bane; it’s every
university president’s salvation. And those in the maize and blue have
long seen the writing on the wall. “We’ve understood that the state was
not going to be able to support us to the level that we needed it to,”
says Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Michigan since
2002. The state currently provides less than 10% of her school’s budget.
So Michigan — and many other institutions across the land — has taken
it upon itself to stay competitive by developing non-public sources of
revenue. From 2000 to 2008, the school raised $3.2 billion, beating its
goal of $2.5 billion.

Read more: Mary Sue Coleman – The 10 Best College Presidents – TIME,28804,1937938_1937933_1937916,00.html #ixzz2tK82Z6SJ,28804,1937938_1937933_1937916,00.html

anon. February 14, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Glenn McConnell, please run for Governor!

Eileen February 14, 2014 at 3:26 pm

This state would never elect a closet homosexual governor, and he knows that. This explains why he is preying / praying on the College of Chas.

GrandTango February 14, 2014 at 4:04 pm

So you are saying that homosexuals are predictors? …A lot of people, from personal experience believe that, but the Gay Lobby swears homosexuals are chaste, except to their one and only true love (another gay person.)

Squishy123 February 14, 2014 at 10:11 pm

Is that what your boyfriend tells you?

College of Charleston alum February 14, 2014 at 2:50 pm

So far, reason and not the Confederacy has prevailed. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Please, Board members, keep McConnell OUT. There’s much better talent out there. You owe it to us alums.

The Post and Courier
Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell likely not among search committee’s top picks for CofC president
By Diane Knich
Posted: Friday, February 14, 2014 11:31 a.m.

The College of Charleston’s presidential search committee did not include Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell on the list of five recommended candidates that it forwarded to the school’s Board of Trustees, according to sources with close ties to committee members.

But that doesn’t mean McConnell is out of the running for the school’s top post.

One of those sources said McConnell was among the search committee’s top 10 candidates, but he was not on the committee’s final list of five candidates.

The college’s board ultimately will decide on the school’s next leader, who will take over for George Benson when he steps down in June.

The board doesn’t have to limit itself to the search committee’s recommendations. It could consider candidates that aren’t on committee’s list.

McConnell could not immediately be reached for comment Friday.

The search committee met on Feb. 7 and 8 to interview its top 10 candidates.

Then, the college’s board met Tuesday to begin its discussion of candidates. But the board adjourned for the day without releasing a list of finalists for the job. It hasn’t yet scheduled its next meeting to review candidates.

State law requires the board to release the names of those in the final pool of no fewer than three candidates. But it doesn’t require the search committee to release its list of candidates.

Speculation that McConnell wasn’t among the committee’s selections, which was posted Thursday on Columbia blogger Will Folk’s website FitsNews, raised confidentiality concerns for the Medical University of South Carolina’s Board of Trustees.

MUSC also is searching for a new president.

At the MUSC board meeting Friday, Chairman Tom Stephenson said that the names of candidates under consideration to become the university’s next president must be kept confidential.

To ensure that the names are not leaked, only members of the presidential search committee — not the full Board of Trustees — will have access to an early list of candidates, he said. “You’ve seen what’s happened at the College of Charleston.”

Stephenson told members of the board during the open meeting that a rumor has been circulated that Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell, who has been openly discussed as a candidate for president at the College of Charleston, had not been included on the short list of candidates for the full College of Charleston Board of Trustees to consider. Stephenson said he could not verify if this rumor was true.

Reporter Lauren Sausser contributed to this report.
Reach Diane Knich at 843-937-5491 or on Twitter at @dianeknich.
The URL to this article is

well-i-am into it February 14, 2014 at 9:43 pm

It appears that the search committee shortlisted 5 candidates for the board to consider, plus left an additional open slot (sixth) vacant for the board to fill in. This sixth slot could theoretically be McConnell (if the board so elects) and the next step will be the board invitation of 3 final candidates for campus interviews and open forums. So, McConnell is not out yet. Aggressive politics and lot of other things can sour the atmosphere between now and the campus interviews to diminish enthusiasm for the position by the other finalists. It will be interesting how it plays out.

Bill February 14, 2014 at 4:22 pm

Of course he is pulling out all the stops to get the job. He is a Republican isn’t he. As best I can tell Republicans don’t know how to live without a Government Check and Government health care. They just don’t want too many people to get those things. Otherwise there will not be enough for them. Republicans living on the backs of the taxpayer is the norm in SC.

shifty henry February 14, 2014 at 4:49 pm

The word on the street is that if McConnell gets the office he will allow Delta Tau Chi to establish their fraternity house.

Friends of the Hunley February 14, 2014 at 7:17 pm

I wonder if the board knows about McConnell’s relationship with Warren Lasch.

Thomas February 14, 2014 at 10:29 pm

We just had an earthquake. Sloshed my Scope minty fresh mouthwash back and forth. 10:27 pm Friday.

An offer you can't refuse February 15, 2014 at 9:14 am

Glenn is spending this long weekend alone breaking board member kneecaps with a baseball bat. The other candidates are enjoying the weekend with family and friends.

Deo Vindice SC February 15, 2014 at 8:03 pm

I could not go against the legacy Confederate Coronel from SC. Or against the Indian Rebublican Governor. That being said, vote republican, it is the ONLY hope we have. Some way, they will transform our new transparent Government to better ALL citizens of SC. I back them Toal-tully.

TransparencyQueen February 15, 2014 at 8:43 pm

McConnell is a social climber and a racist. He is not married. He colors his hair. He loves to dress up in antique clothing. What is he hiding? I think he should make full disclosure of his sexual orientation to the committee.

Sol February 16, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Imagine a prospective philanthropic donor and his/her spouse dining with McConnell. Naturally, awkwardly, McConnell would come “solo” as he has never married. And his racist reputation precedes him; googling “Glenn McConnell” yields 4,360,000 hits, including, on the first page, seven photos of him — three in his Confederate General uniform, including one from The Huffington Post, posing with two black slaves:

That well-published racism and love of the Confederacy would go over like a sunken Confederate submarine with prospective students, donors, and faculty. McConnell is probably the only candidate who would actually bring ridicule to the College of Charleston.

Debbie February 16, 2014 at 5:28 pm

Glenn is also old — he turns 67 this year. He should simply retire.

Beth February 16, 2014 at 11:07 pm

The college already renamed a dormitory, on the corner of Coming and Wentworth Streets, “McConnell Residence Hall.”

The legislature renamed part of Paul Cantrell Blvd. “Glenn McConnell Blvd.”

The legislature commissioned a portrait of McConnell to hang in the Senate Chamber — unveiled Jan. 31st — described by The State newspaper:
“. . .shows McConnell . . . holding Lt. George
Dixon’s gold coin, found in the wreckage of the confederate submarine
H.L. Hunley, whose excavation was one of McConnell’s passions.”

Enough already.

Read more here:

Ansley February 17, 2014 at 11:17 am

McConnell will want to teach a course in history, just as Benson has been teaching a course in economics. If this board is stupid enough to hire him, they’ll have a real dilemma, and McConnell will divide and conquer the board and get the green light to teach civil war history. Anyone who’s seen his library knows the civil war is his only interest. If he can’t teach it, he’ll get a racist adjunct friend to do it. I can see it fracturing the whole institution.

OrangeIsTheNewBlack February 17, 2014 at 7:33 pm

He is a bad fit because he is a conservative individual and the College is looking to move into the future, into the 21st century. McConnell is not forward-thinking. Schools look to the future, not the past. Look at Ted Stern, the best ever President. Ted whipped those bluebloods into turning the College into public school, and brought tons of money and status into the City. Glenn is no Ted.

Edgar February 19, 2014 at 1:40 pm

I haven’t been able to figure out the Toal, Leatherman, McConnell and Harrell squabbles going on since the Queen stole her election. She got what she wanted, but something is up with this little foursome. Anybody know?

Carmen February 24, 2014 at 9:57 pm

Just checked with a board member. “He’s still a vicious, corrupt fag” was the reply. So no change there. They want McConnell like the clap. Or AIDS…

Tamra February 25, 2014 at 11:21 am

“I note the dismal number of African-Americans currently attending the
College of Charleston. African-Americans make up about 30% of South
Carolina’s population and yet less than 7% of the students at College of
Charleston are black.”

— Sen. Marlon Kimpson (District 42 — Charleston and Dorchester counties)
in The Post and Courier, op-editorial, February 25, 2014


The College of Charleston’s Board of Trustees should be ashamed of itself.

And electing Glenn McConnell president of the College of Charleston would reinforce a clear message to prospective black students: “You are not welcome here.”

The Horror February 25, 2014 at 11:14 pm

McConnell recalls images of Col. Kurtz in Francis Ford Coppola’s epic 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War.

The film follows the central character, U.S. Army special operations officer Capt. Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen), of MACV-SOG, on a mission to kill the renegade and presumed insane U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Walter Kurtz (Marlon Brando).

The film’s apogee is Willard’s assassination, under orders of Central Command, of Kurtz.

Naturally I don’t advocate this of McConnell but do suggest that this horrific story, based on Joseph Conrad’s 1899 novel, Heart of Darkness, fits the reality of this modern-day monster.

Col. Kurtz, an educated man (West Point graduate), now refers to himself as “the horror.”


From John Milius’ screenplay:

Willard is given orders to “remove from command” the now-insane Col. Kurtz:

COMMANDING OFFICER: You’ll go up the Nung River in a Navy P.B.R., appear at Nu Mung Ba as if by accident, re-establish your acquaintance with Col. Kurtz, find out what’s happened, and why. Then terminate his command.

WILLARD: Terminate?

COMMANDING OFFICER: Terminate with extreme prejudice.

Later, discovering Col. Kurtz in a surrealistic, Kafkaesque, death-strewn compound deep in the Mekong River festooned with parts of bodies of enemy soldiers and innocent civilians, Willard confronts Kurtz with a moral question — in effect, “What have you done? Have you lost your mind? Your sense of humanity?”

Kurtz replies, admitting that he has gone insane: “The horror, the horror.”

Lance March 2, 2014 at 7:40 pm

I read today that McConnell is indeed on a short list of candidates — competing with two people with advanced degrees and decades of experience teaching — at Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Yale and U.T. – Austin — as well as national and international governmental and business experience. One of them is Andrew Card. For the college to select McConnell over these candidates is something of a bad dream, a joke, highway robbery.

MyDaddyIsRich March 4, 2014 at 11:39 am

Good Call

Walking Around March 6, 2014 at 11:45 am

Looks like your sources suck!

Kel March 7, 2014 at 2:52 pm

McConnell hasn’t done anything beyond SC of note. Why would anyone want him to be president of an SC university?

Inciteful March 26, 2014 at 10:05 am

So much for your inside sources.

Carolyn Callison March 27, 2014 at 8:24 pm

Has McConnell checked his chances of winning with
convicted swindler and the best political prognosticator in SC, “Slick
Dickie” Breibart?

Bill Henschel April 4, 2014 at 7:18 pm

Inciteful-come on, its a political job.


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