
Mark Sanford: Growing “Libertarian Footprint” In Congress

Mark Sanford was an ahead-of-the-curve U.S. Congressman from 1995-2001 – consistently voting tYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Mark Sanford was an ahead-of-the-curve U.S. Congressman from 1995-2001 – consistently voting t
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idiotwind February 7, 2014 at 10:31 am

if this guy had an ounce of decency he would kill himself.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:27 pm

It’s the “right” thing to do.

Smirks February 7, 2014 at 10:34 am

The real footprint should be far up Sanford’s backside.

Growing libertarian footprint? What a crock. This is coming from the dude that votes no on all these bills that pass anyways, on a website that complains about all the big government stuff that Washington D.C. passes on a regular basis.

The “footprint” is about to get washed away as the ocean of irrelevancy switches to high tide and washes him and his ilk back out to sea.

that's just creepy February 7, 2014 at 10:41 am

Are you saying that the progressive agenda should move forward unopposed from every corner or just Sanford’s corner?

Let the inner Dictator out 'O' February 7, 2014 at 10:48 am

Of course he is, that’s the “sea change” he is referring to.

The new method of governance by their Dear Leader Barack Obama is the “pen”, or executive order.

Now, in fairness to the Black Jesus…EO’s have been going on for some time…but most Presidents kept it on the DL and didn’t wave the Dictatorship in the face of the average Joe.

Now it’s considered “strong leadership” and “necessary” because even the Neocons can’t get all their members to go along with compromise on a consistent basis.

When Bush said, “I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don’t agree with each other, but that’s OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” it was a big joke.(not really, cause he used EO’s too)

Obama has removed the “joke” part and his team has turned into something “noble”….lol

MyDaddyIsRich February 7, 2014 at 12:03 pm

New Method?

Wrong again.

President Total Orders Order Number Range

George Washington 8 unnumbered

John Adams 1 unnumbered

Thomas Jefferson 4 unnumbered

James Madison 1 unnumbered

James Monroe 1 unnumbered

John Quincy Adams 3 unnumbered

Andrew Jackson 12 unnumbered

Martin van Buren 10 unnumbered

William Henry Harrison 0 unnumbered

John Tyler 17 unnumbered

James K. Polk 18 unnumbered

Zachary Taylor 5 unnumbered

Millard Fillmore 12 unnumbered

Franklin Pierce 35 unnumbered

James Buchanan 16 unnumbered

Abraham Lincoln 48 unnumbered

Andrew Johnson 79 unnumbered

Ulysses S. Grant 217 unnumbered

Rutherford B. Hayes 92 unnumbered

James Garfield 6 unnumbered

Chester Arthur 96 unnumbered

Grover Cleveland – I 113 unnumbered

Benjamin Harrison 143 unnumbered

Grover Cleveland – II 140 unnumbered

William McKinley 185 unnumbered

Theodore Roosevelt 1,081

William Howard Taft 724

Woodrow Wilson 1,803

Warren G. Harding 522

Calvin Coolidge 1,203

Herbert Hoover 968 5075 – 6070

Franklin D. Roosevelt 3,522 6071 – 9537

Harry S. Truman 907 9538 – 10431

Dwight D. Eisenhower 484 10432 – 10913

John F. Kennedy 214 10914 – 11127

Lyndon B. Johnson 325 11128 – 11451

Richard Nixon 346 11452 – 11797

Gerald R. Ford 169 11798 – 11966

Jimmy Carter 320 11967 – 12286

Ronald Reagan 381 12287 – 12667

George Bush 166 12668 – 12833

William J. Clinton 364 12834 – 13197

George W. Bush 291 13198 – 13488

Barack Obama 168 13489 – 13656…

Obama the Dictator February 7, 2014 at 12:15 pm

I guess the “new method” mention, which I meant sarcastically(which might have been clearer if you read my entire post…I even mentioned the EO’s under Bush..but maybe not).

Regardless, I agree with your post content that aside and would remind you that none of them are specifically “Constitutional” but the concept has never been challenged by the Judicial or Legislative branches.

Tom February 7, 2014 at 1:02 pm

You did not mean it sarcastically. You are at typical racist teanut who hates Obama,and would labeled him a dictator for doing what every other president in history has done, and glossing over the fact that Bush did it more than Obama.

Obama the Dictator February 7, 2014 at 1:11 pm

Shut up you Jackass:

“When Bush said, “I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don’t agree with each other, but that’s OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” it was a big joke.(not really, cause he used EO’s too)”

Learn to fucking read moron.

Tom February 7, 2014 at 1:17 pm

The implication of the post is Bush was joking and Obama is a dictator. That is called glossing over what Bush did. So why don’t you learn to read. But, there really is no need. You are obviously a typical racist teanut as well. So reading comprehension is unnecessary. Hate does not require a lot of brain power.

Obama the Dictator February 7, 2014 at 1:18 pm

Whatever you douchebag, read into it whatever you want. If it helps your reality to demonize anyone who bashes Obama as a racist so be it, no reality necessary.

Tom February 7, 2014 at 1:31 pm

If you don’t want to be lumped in with racists don’t use language that appeals to racists, like “Black Jesus”. But I suspect you are comfortable in the presence of racists.

Obama the Dictator February 7, 2014 at 1:32 pm

So calling someone “Black” is racist now?

lol, you are a piece of work

Tom February 7, 2014 at 1:40 pm

Calling attention to someone’s minority status, which is unnecessary for the point you are making is a typical racist move. Why do it unless you are appealing to racists. Certainly you did not intend it in a positive way. This is especially true when it is a phrase frequently used by racist like “Black Jesus.” But you know that. As I said you are no doubt comfortable among racists.

Obama the Dictator February 7, 2014 at 1:49 pm

Holy Cow. Was Jesus black? You are textbook paranoid, seeing “racism” where ever you go. It must be tough to be you.

Next time I’ll try to not offend your racial sensibilities when I refer to the “White Jeremy Lin” or say “Wasssss upppp?”.

Actually, no I won’t, I really don’t give a shit what crazy people think.

Tom February 7, 2014 at 2:02 pm

To point out the obvious, referring to someone as “White Jeremy Lin” is not making fun of or attacking the character of that person. It would be difficult to work that into a sentence that was negative about the subject of the sentence. Wasss uppp, could be used in a racist manner or not, it would depend on context of the sentence.
Black Jesus, could theoretically be used in a sentence that was not racist, but I have never seen it happen, and certainly not in the way you just used it. As you used it, the reference would only appeal to racists. It is insulting to Obama and to black people in general.
Give it up, you don’t care what I think and I feel I know a racist when I hear one.

Obama the Black Dictator February 7, 2014 at 2:03 pm

You’re right Tom. You win.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 7, 2014 at 9:17 pm

“You’re right Tom. You win.”

TBG’s Rule #3.


JJEvans February 10, 2014 at 9:54 am

I painted a portrait of Black Jesus once, and It brought good luck to our family (season 1, episode 2)!

SCBlues February 7, 2014 at 6:03 pm

“I really don’t give a shit what crazy people think.”
Now Mr. Obama the Dictator – if you don’t give a shit what you think then why should I?

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:26 pm

Actually, no I won’t, I really don’t give a shit what crazy people think.

I tried to think that way… until Bush was elected.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 11:03 am

Is “Lightworker”, kosher, Kemosabe?

Sorry bub February 8, 2014 at 12:52 pm

His PC dictionary is on the fritz right now.

Spike February 9, 2014 at 6:30 pm

Hey Ding Dong. Read “Game Change”. His own campaign staff called him “Black Jesus”.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:22 pm

don’t tell me you believe in demons, too!

We should compare notes on the powers of the air.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:21 pm

Bush was joking.

Didn’t you just *love* his jokes?

The best one so far was Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium from Africa.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 7, 2014 at 9:13 pm

TBG was fond of “Mission Accomplished”.

That was a hoot!

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 9:31 pm

Poor Bush.. he seemed so self conscious strutting around in that flight suit with his nuts bracketed by those straps… a dry drunk trying to be a mensch…

Proud teanut February 7, 2014 at 5:11 pm

Can’t speak for OtD but “racist teanuts” are not at all typical. The most racist people I know are pandering, liberal democrats afraid of talking turkey and fixing our country. And do we really know what color Jesus was?

Tom February 7, 2014 at 6:20 pm

No offense, but I deal with teanuts all the time, and racist is quite typical. For example you. You see code words are easy to identify. For example, Pandering. To whom? Our country need to be fixed. How so? We need to take our country back. From whom? And things like liberals are afraid of talking turkey. How so? You don’t even know what most people you think are liberals actually believe, because you only listen to what other teanuts and Fox News and Rush Limbaugh tell you, people they identify as liberals believe.
You see teanuts are victims. They are being taken advantage of by somebody else; and that is the only reason they are not richer, more successful, or don’t have a better job. Typically they identify minorities as their abusers. They don’t know why, they just know that the lazy black people and the illegals are the root of their problems, and Obama is the symbol of all that. They never look to rich white people like the Koch Brothers or Howard Rich, who use them and manipulate them daily; and who have been stacking the deck against them for decades.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:20 pm

Baggers rule!

Oy Vey February 7, 2014 at 8:18 pm

“You see code words are easy to identify.”

You really are a conspiracy nut. You fit in better with the T-baggers than you realize.

Proud teanut February 8, 2014 at 8:53 am

Sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I don’t watch much TV, but I DID want too see the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

First off, I believe we are all in this together. And from what I have seen in my travels, we are probably one of the MOST open and LEAST racist countries going because we are not homogenous. That most people here are likely to open their arms to just about anybody and any culture in welcome. But I believe that a country should have over-arching values, not over-arching EDICTS. I believe in a balance where both sides acknowledge the truths and deal with them and don’t “pander” for votes. The cards are only “stacked against you” and the game is only “rigged” if you are gambling. Notwithstanding this current economy, the promise is really, really out there (can’t you feel the momentum?), but only if you do not view yourself as a victim. Live a life of moderation, get educated to the best of your ability, don’t have kids before you can even support yourself, avoid lifestyle excesses, etc… When you do these things, you are better able to recover from crises- like our current economic crap sandwich. It isn’t fool proof. what is? But that is why we have safety nets, and re-training programs,
Now I know you are blowing a gasket right now mumbling “this is racist, racist, racist.” But when you do damaging things, no matter your background, you are usually doomed to failure. The long-term doesn’t look good for you and yours. We have known this for generation after generation. Most immigrants that come into our country understand this from the get go and they usually succeed against the so called “odds” because they don’t foolishly “gamble.” So unless you are a total infant, you figure it out NOT to do those things that hold you back.

Panderers/Pandering to Whom: Special Interests, both sides do it: cronies, labor unions, wall street gurus, self-proclaimed, self-serving leaders of the down-trodden, some wacky evangelicals, celebrities….

Our country needs to be fixed: It will always need tweaking to protect the vulnerable from the opportunists. We’ve got a lot of opportunists out there coming out of the woodwork exploiting vulnerable people as part of a paradigm-shifting global power grab. Again seen on both sides.

We need to take our country back: From the special interests, cronies, useful idiots, political elites, over-reaching, centralized government. Also see above. Seen throughout history. Seen in Russian history (Olympic reference) – that turned out well….

Teanuts that I know, are not victims in the least. But I can’t speak for those who identify themselves as such in your neck of the woods. My teanuts from ALL backgrounds, are too busy working (both spouses or 2 jobs), being thankful for the opportunities of citizenship, and doing their best to give back and live the so-called American dream, to ever identify as a “victim.” But I know we are frustrated, because we are told common sense is just so antiquated, so “racist….”

As long as we have a free and honest press, our liberties, such as free speech, the excesses of the Rich, Koch, Soros, Podesta, Obama, etc…whomever you pick will be moderated or revealed and discredited..

I don’t see that happening when you have Alinsky tactics and word police on the rise – too Stalinesque for my taste.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:24 pm

And do we really know what color Jesus was?

we know for a fact he didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes… but you didn’t mean that kind of color, did you?

I pray to the blonde, blue-eyed Jesus anyway… otherwise, I’d feel … you know… dirty?

Proud teanut February 8, 2014 at 8:59 am

Max- that was my point exactly. We don’t know but we certainly strongly suspect, that Jesus was anything but white bread. But I don’t see that as a *dirty* little secret.

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 9:57 am

We don’t know but we certainly strongly suspect, that Jesus was anything but white bread.

No. We know for a *fact* that he was not blonde and blue-eyed, and that his skin wasn’t pinkish white like Clay Aiken’s. He was a swarthy, tanned Jew. His hair was probably kinky too. Probably had a high-pitched voice like Jerry Lewis’ comedy voice… that we *don’t* know.

oh.. it’s not white bread. It’s white bred.

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 10:01 am

Jesus was sickened by sin and injustice. He did not compromise on that. Physical appearance was irrelevant, unlike the democrat party…where skin color is ALL that matters…

Jesus’ spirit was clean and like all Christians should strive to be. And that is why liberals HATE Him to this day…They hate clean, because it entails value judgments…and liberals tell you filth is sanctified, when it’s not.

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 10:06 am

Well at least you weren’t distracted by his *actual* message. Good luck with “spreading the gospel” dipshit.

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 10:23 am

You’d be the LAST person I’d take any analysis on the Gospel from…

Because: Liberals have figured out they cannot prevent Christianity, so they have slowed their fight against it. They have also incorporated the teachings of the Bible, like Charity (perverting it into welfare) and forgiveness, to perpetuate ANYTHING Goes behavior, and it’s OK…They have done this in an attempt to manipulate Christians. It actually works on far too many….

Jesus judged sin, and liberals will never accept anything they do, to strengthen their power and greed, as wrong…

And: Jesus knew bad people would pervert His message to false teaching, as liberals are trying.

Remember: you are not slick to the wise. We know: There is Nothing New under the Sun….God told us that…

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

You’d be the LAST person I’d take any analysis on the Gospel from..

at least I’m on the list!

Too bad you have no idea what the gospel is, what Jesus’ core message was, or how he felt about people who step over the poor, and work to enrich the false prophets.

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 11:23 am

Again: I’ll not take judgement from you.

That said: Jesus’ message was far, far more than ministering to the poor. He was sent her to define sin so that it could be abandoned as a lifestyle..

And the reason aiding the poor was so important to Jesus, is because sin was the ailment that rendered the poor helpless, and at the mercy of the Greedy. Jesus forgave that sin, and taught the poor to clean up their lives.

That is a point liberals never incorporate as they pervert the mission of Jesus in their false dogma. Jesus said go and sin no more: Liberals are so arrogant and hateful of Godly things, they refuse to admit there is sin, because it would place some responsibility on them for their behavior. The Devil does not want them to change, as Jesus does. And liberals will always side w/ the Devil and w/ sinful behavior.

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 3:40 pm

That said: Jesus’ message was far, far more than ministering to the poor. He was sent here to define sin (away from the religious leaders) so that it could be abandoned as a lifestyle..

The first step in witnessing is to lay out the path of salvation. We are all called to give a witness of our beliefs so that others can know how to avail themselves of life, and that more abundantly.

What was Jesus’ message?

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 4:39 pm

You’re wandering around spouting platitudes, because it’s obvious, it seems to me, you don’t have true discernment and understanding in your heart.

You’re simply repeating what you THINK sounds good and knowledgeable. It appears from reading what you write, that you are lost, as it relates to sincerity.

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 5:47 pm

So you have no witness?

And you call yourself a *Christian*?

The Great Commission instructs us to go into all lands and spread the good news of the gospel. This is your big chance! Surely you’ve read the bible, and understand the path to salvation, since Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior.

Of course, you know your date of baptism, and are willing to witness to others here, how your life was changed by giving your life to Jesus. Surely you know that Jesus commanded us to be a light to the world, not to keep it a secret, so that His message travels by word of mouth, as well as by our behavior.

Let me help you get started… you heard the gospel, or read the bible and then you…

Black Jesus February 8, 2014 at 1:40 pm

After reading the exchange here, I was about to say “Isn’t it nice some folks can have idiot talk without GT showing up?” …oh, well.

Proud teanut February 9, 2014 at 9:17 am

No I meant white bread versus whole wheat, pumpernickel, or rye as a simplistic analogy to different shades. “So anything but white bread” is an acknowledgement of that fact.

Boy, Fits must be proud of his hits.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 10:45 am

ok Proud teanut,

I can’t help but notice that your responses aren’t psychotic. I’ve talked with numerous teanutbags on the internets over the past few years, and so far, without exception, they have very little connection with reality.

I have found they share certain traits:
1. They say they are Christian, but they have no idea what that means.
2. They have firm opposition to taxes, but have no idea what the alternative to taxes are.
3. They say they want leadership that is as stupid as they are, and can’t wait to demonstrate how stupid that actually is.
4. They are rude, and almost incomprehensible in their replies – leaving Fox News sound bites in puddles on the rug, and AM radio talking points in smelly logs near the door.
5. They are deliberately ignorant of facts, and refuse to visit any site that presents them.
6. They like to stimulate anger relating to race, sexual preference, and morality – towards liberals.

You, on the other hand, don’t seem to be off your meds, a “moonbat hunter,” or otherwise mentally disturbed.

How is this possible?

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 1:10 am

William Henry Harrison, Bitchezz!

MyDaddyIsRich February 8, 2014 at 11:14 am

He did die before he got a chance.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Toeprint is more like it.

momma's girl February 7, 2014 at 10:38 am

Unfortunately, Sanford’s character and integrity will be forever questionable. The disordered are rarely cured, and marriage to his soul-mate is more about image control than reality. If he truly wants to be a part of the solution, he should work behind the scenes helping unblemished (or nearly so) candidates.

Bill February 7, 2014 at 4:28 pm

Sanford’s character and integrity are not the least bit questionable. His character is well known, he is a lying, cheating, philanderer; and he has no integrity to question.

momma's girl February 7, 2014 at 5:17 pm

Well, I was just giving him a squeency-eentsy benefit of the doubt for his children’s sake.

momma's girl February 7, 2014 at 5:21 pm

He’s a name dropper too… trying to ride the coat tails of Massie and Amash… sad.

SCBlues February 7, 2014 at 6:00 pm

That’s hilarious, momma’s girl. I needed that laugh after the week I’ve had – thanks.

GrandTango February 7, 2014 at 10:41 am

I think the growing footprint is Conservative. Boehner, a liberal-tarian, is about to lose his speaker’s job to Conservatives. Conservatives beat him on immigration and everything else.

The move is AWAY from Liberal-Tarians. But the Liberal-Tarians who are being rejected (Graham, McCain) are like liberals. they jump out an point the finger at everybody else…before anybody figures out who THEY are.

Sanford, Graham and McCain were joined at the hip. Sanford was slick enough to distance himself when he figured out what a liability liberal-tarianism is…

Sanford still does not have the B@!!$ to jump in Conservatives, because he knows the media will eat his non-performing @$$ alive.

Crooner February 7, 2014 at 10:46 am

Republicans are a small group. Conservative Republicans are an even smaller group. Yet you think you represent the majority because gerrymandering has given ou the house. You forget that the majority of votes cast for house members were cat for Democrats.

GrandTango February 7, 2014 at 10:57 am

When Boehner gets his @$$ kicked out of his position because he sucked off Obama, Dumb@$$#$ like you may begin to get it.

Newt was the BEST Speaker in the history of the House, because he ran HARD right against Clinton, and saved Clinton’s presidency. And greatly improved America.

This country has about one more shot to stop a total breakdown. Right now we hold on because of Conservatives in Congress.

If the GOP is to gain more power, it will be because of Conservative success. And the ONLY chance we have to heal the sickening mess Obama has made, is to elect more Conservatives. The Senate will be the cherry on top, and the chance to screw Obama even more.

You are likely too F*#king STUPID to grasp what I’m telling you…but it is the TRUEST, most accurate political analysts you will ever see in your pathetic little leftwing life…

Rocky February 7, 2014 at 11:11 am

Your rather vulgar response aside, I don’t think you can really say Newt got anything out of being Speaker except his current wife, and if you look at her – he didn’t get much. In fact, I’m not sure Newt really did much except call Bill late at night so they could compare what they were doing to the chicks on the side. Newt was often over heard to say “No, I don’t think she’ll agree to do that.”

GrandTango February 7, 2014 at 12:09 pm

You must be very ignorant of history, then.

Welfare reform and the Balanced Budget were two EXTREMELY successful accomplishments of the Newt-led GOP. They paved the way for a very good economic period.

Now you may want to play Dumb@$$, and deny that, as most brain-dead liberals do. But the facts are against you.

Rocky February 7, 2014 at 12:57 pm

Let’s see. Clinton cut the deficit from $495 billion to $155 billion before Newty even became speaker. And the Welfare reform only cut $33 billion, so OK – if you want to give Democrats the credit for the remaining $120 billion reduction, plus the $200 billion surplus – that works for me. You should try getting your history from real sources and not Fox – you might find out you get real facts then. Did you get laid off by Chase too?

GrandTango February 7, 2014 at 1:07 pm

Clinton INCREASED taxes. He did not DECREASE anything, unless you call agreeing w/ Conservatives to abandon leftwing, wasteful programs.

Unlike Obama, Clinton is white. He did not spit in the face of earning Americans for the sake of hatred and Revenge. He had to slant right to get re-elected. He did that, and the country benefited. Even leftists should know that…

Rocky February 7, 2014 at 4:27 pm

He did not spit in the face of earnings Americans for the sake of hatred and Revenge – uh – do you read your posts?

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Clinton INCREASED taxes.

shame on him!

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 7, 2014 at 9:32 pm

Newt helped bring on a temporary “gridlock”…which, sadly, seems about the best we can hope for anymore.

Nölff February 7, 2014 at 1:53 pm

I agree with your first three paragraphs, T.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:31 pm

Boner sucked off Obama? Ewwww…

I hope he’s reading this!

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 1:03 am

Big Time, If you EVER refer to Lindsey Graham as a ”Liberal-Tarian” [libertarian] again…TBG is going to kick your @$$ into next week.

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 6:52 am

If you don’t like it be a Conservative, and vote ONLY for Conservatives.

What’s sad, is that most of you are not sharp enough to see that the liberals are co-opting you.

If you are a liberal, you should be glad. Going the Liberal-Tarian route either gets a liberal-based candidate called an R, elected to help Obama,,,, (like Graham)…

Or fielding Liberal-Tarians as 3rd party candidates skims enough Conservative votes, the liberal D gets elected…(see Va. FITS was Giddy that McCauliffe schemed in)….and the Conservative lost. Not matter that the D will run the state into the ground.

Because Obama has failed so severely, Liberals, or Ds, have rendered themselves unfit for office. Running Liberal-tarians, like Graham, McCain, is your only chance to keep the power you’ve stolen.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 9:38 am

“Running Liberal-tarians, like Graham…


*Thanks the Lord that it’s already Saturday…so next week is not far away. [TBG is not as young as he used to be, you know…]*

*Backs up to achieve running start….*

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 9:53 am

Libertarians and Moderates, like Graham, McCain and Sanford, try to attract Conservatives, claiming fiscal accountability. It worked for 10 or more years..

But now we have no more margin for error because Obama is such a F*#k up…and moderates have helped him…

Libertarians HATE taxes, but they don’t like to be told anything is wrong. Moderates are the Same, except they spend w/ Liberals……Liberals are just as immoral as the libertarians and moderates…even though immorality is a BIG part of the problem.

Conservatives are not liars, they believe in telling you what is right and supporting it. Liberals, libertarians and moderates will lie to you, and tell you anything you want to hear…just to get elected, keep their power and fed the greed…(see Sanford, McCain, Graham and Obama)….

Liberals, libertarians and moderates have had their shot. You FAILED…If we don’t FINALLY give Conservatives a chance…we’re doomed…

CNSYD February 7, 2014 at 11:25 am

WOW! The “footprint” is up to 3 out of 435. That’s real power right there.

RogueElephant February 7, 2014 at 1:04 pm

I was reading recently that the 20 to 30+ yr. olds are turning more and more right wing to libertarian. I am personally glad to finally have someone else on my side. Obummer might turn out to be the great awakener in chief. He has plunged this once great country so far left so fast that those who up to this has let the govt. run itself are starting to wake up and smell the BS. The ruling elites have run US into the ground like I have been saying since 1964. Welcome aboard y’all. And along that line: RESTORE HONOR VOTE CONNOR.

Torch February 7, 2014 at 2:26 pm

Yep, their brains don’t mature until they are 25 or so. I was a Republican until I grew up and learned better.

RogueElephant February 7, 2014 at 3:46 pm

I was raised a Democrat and matured to Republicanism. Love it.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:19 pm

Proof of devolution! We should teach it in schools with creationism!!!

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 11:14 am

“Proof of devolution!”

“Are we not men?”

*adjusts flower pot “hat”.*

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 1:04 pm

devo sucks.

Bill February 7, 2014 at 1:04 pm

Sanford is a typical taker. He could not make it in the real world so he gets a government job living on the backs of the taxpayers while sitting on his ass and accomplishing nothing. Sanford has taken more from this country than any of the takers he complains about. He is a worthless pos and an embarrassment to this State.

William February 7, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Along with his cohorts Mick Mulvaney and Jeff Duncan, also two people who decided they wanted a government check and government health care rather than working for a living. Two more worthless POSs who want to be supported by the taxpayers instead being productive citizens. They should have to live in ghettos just like the other welfare recipients and get their health care at the emergency room.

jimlewisowb February 7, 2014 at 1:30 pm

Can Sanford run again for Governor ?

Just wondering –

Bill February 7, 2014 at 1:34 pm

Not a chance, and he would not want to. No term limits on this gravy train. Just and easy living on the back of the taxpayers.

hmmm... February 7, 2014 at 3:56 pm

Does he get more time off as governor or congressman? What position has better perks? What gains better access to C-Street? I think DC suits MBC more … access to all those junket-loving, married congressman, special interest types, and embassies.

SCBlues February 7, 2014 at 6:06 pm

Yes – In South Carolina he can – and he’d probably win. All it takes is that “R” after the name . . .

Rep TJ February 7, 2014 at 2:07 pm

Mulvaney? Really?! You mean the Mulvaney that voted for the Omnibus budget or the Mulvaney that voted for the NDAA? Comments like that directly weaken Will Folks credibility as a liberty activist/writer.

Fits Aint No Republican February 7, 2014 at 3:09 pm

But solidify his credibility as a Republican!

Rep TJ February 7, 2014 at 4:04 pm

Haha! If you think current “republicans” have any credibility left, then you are correct…

SCBlueWoman February 7, 2014 at 3:38 pm

Man crush?

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 7, 2014 at 4:28 pm

“I would say that there’s a bigger libertarian footprint than there was when I left. There’s a bigger liberty caucus, if you want to call it that,”

*Postures aggressively*


GET SOME!!! [Liberty!]

*nods head ghetto-style*

*Shoots a whiskey, chases with a PBR, sips some Manishewitz*

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:30 pm

We used to run them down and tie their legs together in a timed race.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 9:43 am





euwe max February 8, 2014 at 9:54 am

I’ve seen a libertarian footprint.. it was when I was out camping… it was HUGE!

I collected some DNA, and I’m waiting for confirmation from the BLOA.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 8, 2014 at 10:12 am

If it was on the Appalachian trail…it probably wasn’t Mark Sanford. Smirk’s feet are Longfellows , but he ain’t a libertarian…

euwe max February 8, 2014 at 10:54 am

True libertarians are like anarchists.. like those solitary bees or ants that live in a hole by themselves… and they would NEVER let an “R” appear beside their name.

GrandTango February 7, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Why not have a Most Voted On Category. Let’s place the most controversial, thoughtful, speech at the top of the list. All we have now is the same gaggle of ignorant liberals sucking each other off w/ up votes for the same old failed ideology…

Anybody can cut and paste DNC talking points. No one can duplicate what me, and a couple others, offer as far as insight, intellect and interest.

Dr. Laura's On The Radio February 7, 2014 at 6:37 pm

You’re so right, GT! NO ONE can duplicate what you and a few others (Rush, Beck) OFFER AS “insight, intellect, and interest.”

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:28 pm

Let us relish this rare gift distilled from the sour mash of the tea party. We are blessed to be able to participate at this level in the history of the United States.

It’s akin to being able to actually communicate with the people in the dark ages who thought the bubonic plague had nothing to do with “germs.”

tomstickler February 8, 2014 at 12:03 am

For someone who spends as much time on this blog as you do, how did you miss the words at the top left of the comments, where you can choose Sort by best/oldest/newest?

Choose “Best” then page-down to the bottom to see yours.

jimlewisowb February 8, 2014 at 12:11 am

good one

GrandTango February 8, 2014 at 7:00 am

That one went right over your head, didn’t it? (not surprised.) That’s what I’m complaining about you Dumb@$$.

If I cause the most ruckus (as in down votes) it means there is provocation. That’s the comment I want to see first . It is likely the comment saying the most, Give me a way to put the comment w/ the most activity up top.

Look at it like this. You suck-off liberals Dennis Rodman and Charlie Sheen, don’t you? You think they are the brightest bulbs in celebrity because they are controversial w/ wild comments.

On here, my very success-based, reasonable comments are wild to yall , because there are so many clueless liberals on here. If leftwing heroes, like Rodman and Sheen, create Controversy and get the marquee for it…do the same here.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 12:31 pm

You suck-off liberals Dennis Rodman and Charlie Sheen, don’t you?

More homoerotic imagry?

First Bohner sucks off Obama, and now Dennis Rodman and Charlie Sheen star in your home-made porn fantasy?

You should see someone about this.. I think your ambiguous sexually explicit communications are saying something about your underlying self-doubt.

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 12:47 pm

So you see my alleged ‘ambiguous sexuality’ as a spiritual liability. Yet you d@*n me to H#!! in claiming that I’m judgmental???….

And then you charge me w/: “underlying self-doubt.”

Just proves: when one is lost, void of Truth-Based discernment, you tend to backtrack all over yourself…Jesus exposed many people like this…

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 12:52 pm

o you see my alleged ‘ambiguous sexuality’ as a spiritual liability.
I didn’t say that – I was recommending you get psychological help from a professional, so you can get to the root of your need to post fantasies about oral sex.

Yet you d@*n me to H#!! in claiming that I’m judgmental???….
I didn’t damn you to hell. You’re delusional.

And then you charge me w/: “underlying self-doubt.”
I think anyone who says that they’re Christian, and posts continually about homosexual sex acts out of context probably has some self-doubt issues… but that’s not for me to say… that’s why I suggested you see a professional.

Just proves: when one is lost, void of Truth-Based discernment, you tend to backtrack all over yourself…Jesus exposed many people like this…He warned us about you…
did he use homosexual imagery to get that point across in his parables?

I would feel much more comfortable if you were to give us your witness, so we can see how Jesus has changed your life.

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 3:00 pm

You are so typical of a liberal. You completely sell out for the cause, all the while indicting yourself, w/ your hypocrisy and hate for the people who are supposed to be savior to..

Then you deny who and what you are, when I close you in the trap I set for you….

Ant Bee February 9, 2014 at 3:56 pm

I love how you steer (deflect) the arguement, GT.

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 4:17 pm

It only seems deflected to those not sharp enough to see how I connected what he is, to what he says.

I think it is a gift I have. Thankfully (for you) you do not see your deficiency in missing it. That said: don’t sweat it.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 5:01 pm

I think it is a gift I have.

Connecting what people are to what they say is a gift? I’ve seen lists of gifts of the Holy Spirit, and that isn’t one of them….

Maybe you could tell us your salvation story, and we can all be enriched by the change Jesus has made in your life, and how we can *all* share in that wonderful gift….

…and while we’re at it, we can connect what you are, to what you say.

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Why are you laboring so intensely to convince yourself that I’m unfit before God? Why is damning me so important to you?…Do you think proving me to be as people like you you define me, sanctifies you???

Can you abandon your guilt if I give in to your mis-guided beliefs…???

That said: I have absolutely NOTHING to prove to you…Actually i think It would be a sin to dance to what I perceive as your liberal and secular-based mythology.

PS: I pray that you connect what I am w/ my words. If I am not what I say i am, I am nothing.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Why are you laboring so intensely to convince yourself that I’m unfit before God? Why is damning me so important to you?…Do you think proving me to be as people like you you define me, sanctifies you???
Why are you making this so hard? Just give us your witness, so that those unsaved among us can see the miracle Jesus has produced in your life. Were you an alcoholic, sitting behind a package liquor store when a travelling group of evangelicals came by handing out tracts and singing songs? Were you sitting in a laundry mat, and picked up a copy of “Good News for Modern man?” Were you dragged to a meeting at the Assemblies of God, and while the flock was twirling in the isles, you responded to an altar call? This is your chance to be a witness, to show your gratitude to Jesus for the blood he shed for you… to be a light on the moutaintop! don’t get weak in the knees now…. this is what you were called to *do*!

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 6:01 pm

You are akin to the Pharisees who tried to entrap Jesus. You are so textbook as Jesus said you would be…it is intriguing.

You, like the Pharisees, feel that crucifying me will somehow exonerate you from what you are, so you can be comfortable in the religion you’ve chosen….

To me: THAT is the Witness you so indignantly demand, but really do not want, once you realize what it says about you.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 6:05 pm

You are akin to the Pharisees who tried to entrap Jesus.

He didn’t evade their questions – he glorified God, and told of his baptism by John. Why can’t you do the same? Are you ashamed?

GrandTango February 9, 2014 at 6:14 pm

I did not evade yours either. And I completely understand why you cannot accept my answer.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 6:18 pm

I have to assume from your avoidance of giving a witness that you are a charlatan, and a weasel beside.

Yo Momma So Ulgy... February 9, 2014 at 10:05 pm

Ouch! Tango got served…

Tim February 9, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Since we’re so off topic here…how many posts in a week do you have to accumulate to get that free toaster from Disqus?

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 6:08 pm

It’s not a toaster.. it’s one of those USB snake lights. I got mine a few months ago and it’s already broken!

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 6:08 pm

It’s a gift he has.

euwe max February 9, 2014 at 4:49 pm

You are so typical of a liberal.
I’m not sure who should be the more flattered – me, or liberals everywhere.

You completely sell out for the cause, all the while indicting yourself, w/ your hypocrisy and hate for the people who are supposed to be savior to..
Sounds like you’ve been playing around with the crazy juice again.. with my hypocrisy and hate for the people who are supposed to be savior to?

Then you flee from who and what you are, when I close you in the trap I set for you…
oh, so your not giving us your salvation story, and going down “Romans Road” to help others know why your brand of religion isn’t hypocritical or fake was a trap you set for me?

Damn! I fell right in, didn’t I?

Deo Vindice SC February 9, 2014 at 6:24 pm

Create another war and fight in it stupid, die for your beloved republican cause wussy!

GrandTango February 10, 2014 at 9:09 am

Congrats: You and Hitler think just alike. You think if you hate a man because he’s not like you…Kill Him!!!…Nice ideology you liberals have there…NOT…

SCBlues February 7, 2014 at 5:58 pm

The only footprint Sanford has ever made that is worth discussing is his footprint on The Appalachian Trail.

euwe max February 7, 2014 at 7:32 pm

Kooks need a leader too!

Marie Chapur February 8, 2014 at 5:32 am

Why didn’t my Mark get appointed Ambassador to Argentina? I’m homesick!

jerry February 9, 2014 at 5:26 pm

The only thing growing is Sanfrauds lust and Jenny’s hatrid for him.

This just in. . . February 25, 2014 at 11:55 am

Arizona Confronting Awkward Realization That Gay People Have Money, Buy Stuff

PHOENIX (The Borowitz Report) — The state of Arizona found itself in the middle of a conundrum today as it awoke to the awkward realization that gay people have money and buy stuff.

Just days after the Arizona legislature passed a law that would enable businesses to discriminate against gays, it emerged that gays spend billions of dollars in Arizona each year — an unexpected development that seemed to take many legislators by surprise.

Carol Foyler, a Tea Party Republican who supported the anti-gay law, said that the startling bombshell that gays play a role in the state’s economy put her and her fellow lawmakers “in a tight spot.”

“Quite frankly, we were blindsided by this,” she said. “We had no idea that gays had money and bought things just like regular people do.”

Acknowledging that her vote for the anti-gay law might have been calamitous for the state’s economy, Ms. Foyler placed the blame for it squarely on the shoulders of one group: the gays themselves.

“How was I supposed to know what gay people do with their money, etc., when I don’t personally know any gay people?” she asked. “I’m sorry, but it was up to the gays to tell us.”


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