
Never A Dull Moment In DC

The aftermath of the State of the Union usually leaves a lull in the action in D.C., but in keeping with the 24 hour news cycle created by CNN and exacerbated by I-Phones and Androids, the nation’s capitol has become a city that never rests. House Republicans scurried out of…

The aftermath of the State of the Union usually leaves a lull in the action in D.C., but in keeping with the 24 hour news cycle created by CNN and exacerbated by I-Phones and Androids, the nation’s capitol has become a city that never rests.

House Republicans scurried out of town after passing an almost trillion dollar Farm Bill.  Not surprisingly, these Republican leaders are on an aptly named “retreat” at a Maryland resort for a few days.   The agenda includes a discussion of changes to the nation’s immigration laws.  Or as Ann Coulter writes, “GOP crafts plan to wreck country, lose voters.”

Of course, Speaker Boehner and the Republican establishment don’t view it that way, but they are politically aware enough to be wary of the potential short-term impact of moving on amnesty for illegal aliens prior to primary election filing deadlines.

On the Senate side, Majority Leader Reid earns some unusual praise for pushing back on Obama’s request to fast track the TransPacific Partnership Treaty.  While Reid’s concerns with the still unfinished Treaty are based upon Big Labor’s input, he is correct in putting this potential Treaty under a microscope with legitimate concerns about it resulting in a significant loss of our national sovereignty.

Obama for his part is running around the nation trying to gin up support with the Obamacare headwind dogging him everywhere he goes.  In a story reflecting meetings employers are having with their employees about health care costs all over the nation, a Pennsylvania television station chronicled the devastation of Obamacare on one company’s workforce.  The video shows real people learning on camera that for them Obamacare means higher deductibles, higher co-pays and in most cases, dramatically increased premiums.  It can only be described as a true reality television horror show which can only be bad news for the President and those Democrats who supported and refused to reform his signature law.

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Rick Manning (@rmanning957) is the Vice President of Public Policy and Communications for Americans for Limited Government.

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I'm an economic idiot February 3, 2014 at 8:58 am

Our country should provide welfare to all those that have managed to sneak across the border. It’s the humane thing to do.

After that, we should try to provide welfare to the rest of the world, it’s the humane thing to do.

euwe max February 3, 2014 at 10:22 am

Let’s put the illegal Mexicans in the homeland security retention centers while we give all their shit to the homeless. Then drop them over random spots in Mexico with parachutes – their choice whether to open them.

Then we set up machine gun nests on the border, let the gun nuts man them for free and give them immunity from prosecution for killing women and kids.

Then, we give Iraq to the Mexicans and give every Mexican a free travel voucher with the US military to go to Iraq. Then we move all the Iraqis to Mexico and declare war on them.

shifty henry February 3, 2014 at 11:47 am

There’s never a dull moment in the “Mind of Max”,,,..

euwe max February 3, 2014 at 1:39 pm

I’m the hitchhiker Morrison sang about.

Norma Scok February 3, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Why not just make a reality TV show of getting across the border? First, Everybody trying gets a number to pin to their shirt. Anybody who makes it across the border (that has since been planted with claymore landmines) gets citizenship. The rest of us can wager on who makes it through in the shortest amount of time. Fox gets a new reality show, we all get to bet on something, and the US gubmint gets the taxes from the betting. Everyone wins!
Problem solved from my end.

euwe max February 3, 2014 at 2:10 pm

getting across the border
which direction?

Norma Scok February 3, 2014 at 3:18 pm

I’ve never seen anyone try and break into Mexico.

euwe max February 3, 2014 at 4:16 pm

Another Republican administration and you’ll read about it in the news!

doing my duty February 3, 2014 at 11:01 am

Will there be hookers, drugs, and gambling at this retreat, or does everyone just bring their own? They are after all just a bunch of politicians. They have to be about THEIR BUSINESS.

Frank Pytel February 4, 2014 at 5:23 am

Well, it would be considerate of them since the 43% that feed and care for the EBTzoo are taking the biggest hit of their lives in terms of income reduction by way of taxes and fiat currency creation by the Fed.

So probably not.


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