Top SC Liberals Running Costa Pleicones Race

CURIOUS COUNSEL FOR A “CLEAR CONSERVATIVE CHOICE” We had to snicker when a group of so-called “Republicans” in the S.C. General Assembly called us this week to let us know Costa Pleicones was the “clear conservative choice” in the upcoming race for chief justice of the S.C. Supreme Court. And…


We had to snicker when a group of so-called “Republicans” in the S.C. General Assembly called us this week to let us know Costa Pleicones was the “clear conservative choice” in the upcoming race for chief justice of the S.C. Supreme Court.

And that we should support his bid …

Really? Last time we checked Pleicones was no different than current chief justice Jean Toal ideologically … which is the main reason we have washed our hands of this petty personal face-off.

Look, we get that others have (very) strong opinions on the matter … and vested interests … but we just can’t get exercised over a battle between two geriatric liberal judges.

Anyway …

One of the points we raised by way of responding to these lawmakers was to point them in the direction of the two politicos leading Pleicones’ campaign at the S.C. State House – uber-liberal lobbyist Dwight Drake (a former Democratic gubernatorial candidate) and Dick Harpootlian (the sharp-tongued former chairman of the S.C. Democratic Party).

Obviously that’s better than using a government-funded lobbyist to corral votes … but seriously, how does picking two of the Palmetto State’s far left luminaries to run your campaign make you the “clear conservative choice?”

Again … this whole race is pointless.

UPDATE: Dueling “whip counts” in the race … 

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Elfego January 31, 2014 at 9:00 am

South Carolina is in tough shape when it comes to the Criminal Justice System it appears. I have no pull,no vote and no influence. This court has already screwed me once personally and wish they all had to go. But I think Pleicones will have to retire in a couple of years also and would dearly love to see our Chief Justice get her come uppance. Regardless nothing would surprise me. The Legislature put her Highness back on the throne after all her controversies in leaving the scene of accidents.So we know the Kingdom is still in the hand of people with no conscience. South Carolina and the nation deserves everything we are going to get because of our inability to keep abreast of what is going on. It is a sad day indeed when we have people with such power and they have committed crimes a lot of people would serve time for probably.

Ray January 31, 2014 at 10:12 am

Screwed me too! I was the wronged party and no doubt, Toal abused the system to screw me! A grudge way back to when she was a House member!

Elfego January 31, 2014 at 10:48 am

These folks screw those of us who are ordinary people for the powerful and well off. They interpret the law according to who it applies to unless you have money and power on both sides! The Justice System in America should be called Just-us!

Concerned 4 SC Justice January 31, 2014 at 9:06 am

The reason he is the clear choice is because he is a decent man who follows the law like a judge is supposed to. The reason he is the ONLY choice for conservatives is because if he wins, she is off the bench and we can replace her with a solid conservative this year instead of waiting three. Your failure to get this has me wondering.

Let you lawmakers know how you feel! Sign the petition here!:

Concerned 4 SC Justice January 31, 2014 at 9:06 am

The reason he is the clear choice is because he is a decent man who follows the law like a judge is supposed to. The reason he is the ONLY choice for conservatives is because if he wins, she is off the bench and we can replace her with a solid conservative this year instead of waiting three. Your failure to get this has me wondering.

Let you lawmakers know how you feel! Sign the petition here!:

Cush January 31, 2014 at 9:10 am

This is way off topic, but I noticed on the front page of Fits about the Global Warming vote. About 58% of the voters think Global Warming is “overblown propaganda.”

I’m amazed. Since when did so many people become climatologists, biologists, astrophysicists, and various other scientists who know about climate change? There’s only about, I don’t know, 10000 fucking scientists who think it is a real threat. But what do they know right?

I mean Sean Hannity said on Fox News that it ain’t real. He know what he talkin’ ’bout cuz he study dis stuff and stuff.

Ok, end liberal douche rant.

venomachine January 31, 2014 at 9:24 am

You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

lulz January 31, 2014 at 9:35 am

“liberal douche rant”

At least you are self aware.

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 7:11 pm

kinda puts the tea party near the starting line, doesn’t it?

CNSYD January 31, 2014 at 10:06 am

So how did human actions kill off the dinosaurs?

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 31, 2014 at 10:46 am

Our rodent like ancestors ate their eggs?

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 1:06 pm

So how did human actions kill off the dinosaurs?
Adam ate the apple…. STOOOPID!

Then, when God kicked them out of Eden, he killed off the dinosaurs for just standing there, and not doing anything about it.

Mike at the Beach January 31, 2014 at 11:12 am

I hear ya, but keep in mind that at one time, “10,000 fucking scientists” thought the Sun orbited our flat Earth. Not going to get going here on global warming, but thought I’d just point out that there is real debate in the scientific community on the half dozen or so issues that most people call global warming (now switched to “climate change”), and that science, if done correctly, constantly evolves through experimentation. OK, end of rightish-middle-of-the-road rant. Peace!

David Koch January 31, 2014 at 11:28 am

It got really cold last night. What more proof do you need? Keep burning that coal.

Cush January 31, 2014 at 12:28 pm

Apples and oranges man. And that was mainly the Roman Catholic church beating that idea into the minds of folks until a guy named Galileo set em straight. Just think that was only 400 years ago. Look how far we’ve come once we start to actually listen to what scientists say.

All I’m saying is that people need to acknowledge there is a problem. People are pretty good at solving problems.

venomachine January 31, 2014 at 3:15 pm

Thing that worries me is that life does great when the earth warms, and dies out when it cools. The warming trend is positive, unless you live on the coast. In that event, you’ll have decades to move.

Cush January 31, 2014 at 3:41 pm

But what happens if the effect is cumulative and exponential? The data and facts suggest that it is. Plus, 70% of all the cities in the world are within 100 miles of the coast. I’d rather not have mankind take the wait and see approach with this one.

Mike at the Beach January 31, 2014 at 5:54 pm

I swear I’m not going down this rabbit hole (especially on a SCSC story), but OK…

Not apples and oranges. Plenty of scientists, correction, almost all scientists and philosophers believed in the Ptolemaic / Geocentric system well into the late 16th Century. The Pope and his gang surely fought the changes, but were not responsible for the prior science (which pre-dates the “big-C” Catholic church, by the way). Anyway, of course there’s climate change- always has been, always will be. Any fair minded person, though, can see that it’s no coincidence that the “debate” (if you want to call it that) is split so dramatically along party lines. There are problems with correlation vs. causality, methods of temperature recording, modeling errors, etc. Just look at the predictions regarding giant hurricanes, the polar ice cap, and mean temps – all incorrect for years now. Very few scientific groups have much interest in solar influence, because they’re so fixated on CO2 (which, by the way, is no longer correlating temps / parts per million in accordance with their models – so they dropped that from the press releases). Something’s going on, but it may or may not be anthropogenic. I just wish people wouldn’t get so condescending and frothy, that’s all. Nobody has the absolute correct answer. If they say they do, they’re full of shit. I wholly agree that if we figure it out, I would bet we can fix it (within reason, of course).

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 1:03 pm

“10,000 fucking scientists” thought the Sun orbited our flat Earth.

what makes you think it doesn’t?

Mike at the Beach January 31, 2014 at 5:42 pm

Fingers to forehead…then spreading outward…
Mind blown, man!

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 6:48 pm
Mike at the Beach January 31, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Holy shit dude…I don’t know what you’re drinking, but order me some of that…

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 7:07 pm

Rockstar energy drink… do I seem different?

GrandTango January 31, 2014 at 11:20 am

The Global Warming Community got CAUGHT lying you ignorant @##hole. It’ a hoax, and they said so in the East Anglia e-mail scandal..

Not to mention, Global Warming Hoaxers have buried the planet to fire several times, and the dates for burning have passed w/o a whimper…and you ignorant F*#ks just scream louder, despite how Stupid you look…

The proof has been in the pudding..not what some leftwing editorializing, Obama @$$-kissing “Scientist” claims…

Just because you can find a fool to tell you a way to steal money for breathing, does not make your stupid claim true…

Cush January 31, 2014 at 12:56 pm

Ok, where the fuck do you come up with this shit? You think scientists manipulate facts because of their political affiliation? What about scientists in other countries? That say the same shit! BOOM STFU fag! Poking holes in your bullshit.

When you burn fossil fuels, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. And greenhouse gases will fuck your shit up. You do know this right? It’s basic high school chemistry. Even Walt Jr. knows this and he’s retarded. Burning fossils over the last 70 years wasn’t such a great idea. 2010-2013 were the hottest years on record… ever. Trust me I know! I sweated my balls off pounding your mom’s gash for the last 4 summers, more so than any other year on record.

Look at the planet Venus. Scientist think a long time ago, Venus had large oceans similar to Earth’s that boiled the fuck away. Now, its atmospheric pressure is 95 times greater than our own and the surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead. Its atmosphere has a run away greenhouse effect due to large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Dropping mad science on yo ass bitch!

Now I’m not saying that shit will happen here any time soon. It’s just to illustrate for your Neanderthal looking ass. If the Earth’s temperature was just say 20 degrees hotter on average, pretty much everything on this planet would be dead. And before you say anything… No Gawd will not save us then.

So instead of stuffing your fat face with Häagen Dazs and watching Fox News all day, think for a second, read a book, jump off the roof of your trailer. As stressed out as you sound, I know you’ll probably die in about 5 years from a massive coronary so why should you care right? Hey… You wouldn’t hire a clown to fix a leak in the john would you? Just trust me on this one. I got science on my side bitch. Let’s not totally fuck the only place we have to live. So let’s just trust the experts on this one. They are the experts.

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 1:02 pm

Ok, where the fuck do you come up with this shit?
The same place he gets all of his shit, he makes it up.

GrandTango January 31, 2014 at 1:52 pm

It was 18 degrees at my house last night, you ignorant F*#k, regardless of what Dr. Spock or Obi Wan Kanobi is transmitting to you, through your tin foil hat…….How the H#!! is that global warming???…Reality is what F*#ks yall up the @$$…Just like Obamacare. You cannot lie when it manifests differently from what you promised…

Global Warming claims are the idiots’ litmus test. If you believe in it, despite all the data dis-proving it…you are a true Dumb@$$, and a Hitler level zealot.

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 2:08 pm

do you all see this?

Pay attention!

cold is proof there is no such thing as heat!

Cush January 31, 2014 at 3:23 pm

“It cold at ma trailer last nite, global warming ain’t real! Damn Obama and Democrats, making ma lite bill sky high with their cold.” -BigT

Global warming means the entire world dipshit, not just your trailer park. That’s why the fuck it says GLOBAL.

In Russia and Europe, they’re having record high temperatures this winter. Look at this fucking graph dummy since you don’t understand words.

And check out that whole site. I’ll give you the gist of it: it’s getting hotter you retarded fucking retard.

GrandTango January 31, 2014 at 3:27 pm

Didn’t Ted Danson swear on your Eco-Bible that we’d be crispy critters by the year 2000…The only thing that burned up was Obama’s Chevy Volt…LMAO….

Again: When you keep predicting the end of the world…and nothing happens, except lower temps, you look like a complete Dumb@$$…and you do…

PS: how long did it take your toddler to draw that chart…Hahahahaha…???

Cush January 31, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? That’s pretty much the end result for the US I think. Because of idiots like BigT. Those who jeer and shun facts, innovation and intelligence and champion ignorance and retardation. Flying spaghetti monster help us.

GrandTango January 31, 2014 at 4:17 pm

LMAO….I heard the Earth will explode the second Bigfoot is caught, and the gov’t reveals the UFO that crashed into the Chupa-cabra living on Area 51…

When you have Dumb@$$#$ this easy to dupe, is it any wonder Obama got re-elcted by blaming bush….???..Gosh I’d love to be a DNC operative. Just make up the stupidest $#!* imaginable, and feed to your dolts…and they gobble it up…and defend it w/ their lives…Kook-Job….

A. West Told Me So January 31, 2014 at 4:21 pm

It’s too late Cush, Biggums is a lost cause breathing air.

Cush January 31, 2014 at 4:03 pm

Idiocracy… Ever see that movie? That is the direction people like you are steering the world. People like BigT jeer and shun facts, innovation, and intelligence and champion ignorance. Flying spaghetti monster help us.

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 31, 2014 at 11:29 am

TBG was under the impression that it was a “community poll” for FITS readers.

TBG totally missed the qualifying credentials part.

TBG assumed that his literacy and stratospheric IQ allowed him to voice an opinion.


euwe max January 31, 2014 at 1:01 pm

I don’t think he was doubting your opinion – he was merely marveling at it.

Cush January 31, 2014 at 9:10 am

This is way off topic, but I noticed on the front page of Fits about the Global Warming vote. About 58% of the voters think Global Warming is “overblown propaganda.”

I’m amazed. Since when did so many people become climatologists, biologists, astrophysicists, and various other scientists who know about climate change? There’s only about, I don’t know, 10000 fucking scientists who think it is a real threat. But what do they know right?

I mean Sean Hannity said on Fox News that it ain’t real. He know what he talkin’ ’bout cuz he study dis stuff and stuff.

Ok, end liberal douche rant.

Clarence Worley January 31, 2014 at 9:15 am

Are you really that stupid or just that big of a whore for Pete Strom?

Junior January 31, 2014 at 10:57 pm


venomachine January 31, 2014 at 9:25 am

Pleicones sounds like a star cluster.

“I’ll drink to that,” sloshed an unnamed contender for chief justice.

anonymous January 31, 2014 at 9:28 am

Toal has conservative titans like Gerald Malloy (civil attorney), Jenny Horne (suing the state), and Bobby Harrell (about to be indicted) running her campaign. Everyone supporting Toal NEEDS her!

High school all over again January 31, 2014 at 9:41 am

It is hard to actually care about a battle between liberal judges, cheered on by mostly liberal lawyers(many claiming to be conservative, among those in office), all squawking about the corruption of the system and how Toal needs to be removed.

It’s like many of them have deluded themselves into believing that removing the Queen will be a remedy for the ongoing malfeasance that is the justice system.

I thought lawyers were supposed to be smart, CSOL excepted.

Oh well, let them have their food fight, reality will once again smack them in the face shortly after the food is thrown.

The average Joe could give two shits about which clown in a black gown is running the circus. The sooner the JD’s settle in to being a part of the show the more quickly they can get down to business by flinging poo at each other.

Average Joe January 31, 2014 at 10:15 am

“The average Joe could give two shits about which clown in a black gown is running the circus.”
If you had ever been screwed by this corrupt bitch and her corrupt system, you would care very much.
They are all corrupt black robed bastards!

Case Closed January 31, 2014 at 10:42 am

“It’s like many of them have deluded themselves into believing that removing the Queen will be a remedy for the ongoing malfeasance that is the justice system.”

“They are all corrupt black robed bastards!”

Betty Boop January 31, 2014 at 10:09 am

Another lesser of the evils race in South Carolina….so what is new?
Same old crap!

Fastmouth January 31, 2014 at 10:20 am

The supreme court justices, as well as all other judges should have to run on an open ballot, non-partisan basis, and be elected by the PEOPLE – PERIOD!!!

Thomas January 31, 2014 at 10:27 am

Sad to say, the way our lo-fo voters cast votes based on grudges and emotions and sexism and racism, it is best to keep it the way it is. We could clean up the process we have rather than allowing the low information people screwing up our legal system. I propose moving judges around and limiting magistrates to 12 years in any one district to dissuade cozy relationships with long serving solicitors and sheriffs.

Fastmouth January 31, 2014 at 10:32 am

In all honesty, your’re probably right. What’s really sad about something you posted is about the local magistrates. You talk about being political, they’re appointed by the senators in their district. Talk about shady politics!!!

Bowman Boy January 31, 2014 at 11:01 pm

And you wonder why Brad Hutto supports Toal? He did exactly as you write, was reported, was caught dead to rights and cold – and Toal let him off the hook – because he is a Senator who can support her. Toal OWNS this loser. He will clean her shoes with his tongue. Toal and her whores in the Wade Hampton Building never let the other four justices know the truth. Any legislator who votes of Toal is a target in their next election.

GrandTango January 31, 2014 at 11:14 am

This is where the GOP has failed most. How can you have a vast majority of Conservative voters, who have seen the state lifted from squalor where Conservatism has been applied, be subjected to LIBERALS in such powerful places…????

Bush set a ‘new tone’ he said. Democrats used the life he gave them to murder Bush. Meanwhile, democrats play NUCLEAR-level scorched earth when they get in power.

Liberalism is like a malignant tumor. Leave ANY part of it, and it will rot and disease the whole of the body…

When will Republicans LEARN that you must FLUSH every single liberal from power. If you don’t, their inevitable failure and corruption will be blamed on you…and they will use that to try and elect themselves, and impart more disaster (see Obama) ….

idiotwind January 31, 2014 at 11:43 am

so jobs should only be given to people of the same political identities? what about religious affiliation? skin color? if i hire a black woman to consult on my home renovation will that make me a black woman?

euwe max January 31, 2014 at 1:07 pm

They’re not racist, and to prove it, they’re hiring Chinese and Indians over White boys.

Screw Toal January 31, 2014 at 12:14 pm

THIS. This article is how you know Queen Jean is losing. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Go Costa Go!!!

Anonymous February 1, 2014 at 9:07 am

I am a victim of Toal’s political wrath. I know the depth of her corruption. I have seen her force judges carry out unethical and probably illegal actions just to show her power. I am one of those who will hold my senator and house member accountable if they vote for Toal. This race is about ethics, integrity, honesty and character. Except for bad character, Toal has none of these qualities. Courson, your true colors have come out. You are pathetic. James Smith, you are just a hand maiden for the hard line old time Democrats.

Baruch February 4, 2014 at 9:58 pm

Drake a liberal? lolololololol ….. Only in FITS’ distorted South Carolinian dystopia


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