
Lindsey Graham Got Censured Again

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) has been censured by yet another local Republican Party organization, the website BenSwann.com is reporting. With the support of 78 percent of its members, the Pickens County Republican Party passed a cookie cutter resolution this week accusing Graham of committing “a long series of actions…


U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) has been censured by yet another local Republican Party organization, the website BenSwann.com is reporting.

With the support of 78 percent of its members, the Pickens County Republican Party passed a cookie cutter resolution this week accusing Graham of committing “a long series of actions that we strongly disapprove of and hold to be fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party.”

The resolution lists roughly thirty such actions – most of them copied and pasted from prior censure resolutions against Graham.

Included on the list? Graham’s support for the National Security Agency’s domestic spying program, his vote in favor of a massive new internet tax, his interventionist warmongering in Syria and of course his support of U.S. President Barack Obama’s radical enviro-liberal agenda.

Previously this year Graham was censured by Republicans in  ChesterfieldFairfield  and Greenville Counties. In previous years, he’s been censured by Republicans in CharlestonLexington and Greenville – and it’s likely many additional GOP groups would be adopting such resolutions were it not for prohibitions imposed by their leaders.

Graham is facing four announced challengers in the GOP primary this June – social conservative businessman Richard Cash, S.C. Sen. Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg), Charleston businesswoman Nancy Mace and Orangeburg attorney Bill Connor.

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Frank Pytel January 17, 2014 at 9:49 am

BBwwaahahahahahah. Better headline might have been:

“Lindsey Graham gets Punked Again!!”


Frack Grahmnesty

Smirks January 17, 2014 at 10:31 am

100 censures mean nothing if this man is reelected. Don’t screw this up SC…

venomachine January 17, 2014 at 10:51 am

He looks like a braying donkey in that photo.

Oddly appropriate.

Philip Branton January 17, 2014 at 10:52 am

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Gentleman Tim January 17, 2014 at 11:34 am

Not to sound sexists, but man, I would love to poke that woman on the right.

Rocky January 17, 2014 at 2:18 pm

Isn’t that like getting slapped with a Tea Bag?

Bill January 17, 2014 at 5:39 pm

If this was more than just another group of teanuts, I might pay attention. Why don’t we stop wasting all of this time and just get a letter signed by all the teanuts in the state saying:

We don’t like Lindsey. We don’t really know why, but we don’t. Maybe its because he looks queer to us, but maybe not. We will still vote for him if he wins the primary, and even if he is queer, because we are NINOs. (non-republicans in name only) Just like Will Folks..

William Frost January 19, 2014 at 1:07 am

What the F@&$ is it with people on here going after the Tea Party! If you ask them if the oppose what the Tea Party represents they don’t say and just attack nonsensically.

Bill, let me school you on what the Tea Party is…….lower taxes, following the Constitution, smaller more efficient government, Strong national defense, follow our legal policy on smart immigration of people that will bring value to our country and not live on the dole (parasite) and a smart energy policy.

Now that I educated you on the Tea Party, what and how do you disagree?

Please demonstrate your intellect as we look forward to your clearly explaining for us here.

Will F, are you listening?


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