Source: Bobby Harrell Was “Very Sick”

S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell’s recent hospitalization was not an effort to shift attention away from his corruption case, sources close to the powerful legislative leader tell FITS.  Nor is it part of a “conspiracy” aimed at evading accountability. Harrell – a fiscally liberal, anti-free market “Republican” – is facing…

S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell’s recent hospitalization was not an effort to shift attention away from his corruption case, sources close to the powerful legislative leader tell FITS.  Nor is it part of a “conspiracy” aimed at evading accountability.

Harrell – a fiscally liberal, anti-free market “Republican” – is facing a grand jury investigation over a host of alleged abuses.

“Bobby is really sick,” one source familiar with his condition told FITS. “I’m sure the stress of the news this week (isn’t) helping things, but he is legitimately very ill.”

Harrell canceled an appearance in Greenville last week when he first came down with flu-like symptoms, we’re told. Numerous events were canceled from his schedule this week.

“He’ll be back (at the S.C. State House) today,” our source said, adding that Harrell hopes to be “back at full steam next week.”

The source added that Harrell’s illness was in all likelihood “short-term” and there was “no conspiracy stuff” related to its timing.

We obviously don’t wish illness on anyone, and we hope Harrell feels better soon … but that doesn’t change the fact he’s a super-shady guy who has been caught red-handed in violation of multiple state ethics laws.

And who responded, um, poorly …

All of which is why we would once again reiterate our call for him to step down.

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jimlewisowb January 16, 2014 at 11:38 am

Should Cockroach Harrell be shown a little compassion during his illness ?

My heart says maybe but my asshole says fuck him –

Where was Cockroach Harrell’s compassion for taxpayers as he and his little cockroaches flew around the country on the taxpayer’s dime. Where was Cockroach Harrell’s compassion for Retirees when report after report kept coming in that the Pension Fund was being looted. Where was Cockroach Harrell’s compassion for school kids who ride to school in buses so goddamn old that even Cuba won’t buy them.

Yea, I may burn in Hell for my words and thoughts but if I find Harrell, McConnell, Leatherpecker, Williams, Ryberg, Cromer, Halfwit on pike poles next to me, it will be worth the effort –

Fucking Cockroaches

Frank Pytel January 16, 2014 at 12:07 pm


The Colonel January 16, 2014 at 12:17 pm

“… but my asshole says fuck him …” Paging Dr. 9″, paging Dr. 9″

GrandTango January 16, 2014 at 12:21 pm

What’s funny, FITS broke his neck to get on here and DEMAND rights for the Boston Child-Killing Bombers,..His echo, Lizenby said these Terrorists MUST be protected, by OUR constitution from their Jihadist murder…

Don’t you think it’d be the American thing to do, to see if he’s guilty???.. The PEOPLE did elect him….aren’t you executing them, too…with your gratuitous, un-adulterated hatred????

Pro Tip (HT to TBG) January 16, 2014 at 12:31 pm

I always insist on my asshole popping a breath mint before conversing with it.

WTF January 16, 2014 at 1:19 pm

Right on BRO!!!
Jim, you are on point and correct.
The only problem, your list should include about 99% of the rest and ALL of Washington.

Invisible hired hand January 16, 2014 at 12:40 pm

Toal is PISSED at Alan Wilson. Harrell was her man to help her gain some ground in the House and it ain’t happening. First Wilson sided with Scarlett Wilson against her do-boy Beatty and now, he goes to the Grand Jury against Harrell just a few weeks before her attempt to screw over Pleicones. It’s getting nasty and she is ANGRY this morning. There is a lot of silence and concerned faces among her normally arrogant, condescending personal staff.

Oh Sh#t January 16, 2014 at 1:21 pm

I’ve personally had dealings with Toal, SHE IS A VINDICTIVE BITCH OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!

Doris January 16, 2014 at 3:33 pm

She lies regularly to get her way also. We girls at the State House all remember when she was telling people in the 1970’s she had some cancer. Clerk Frances Smith used to have a file on her lies. I hope Ms. Smith’s family saved that file and will publish it. She was trying to do all she could to get on the House Judiciary Committee. It was all a lie.

shifty henry January 16, 2014 at 1:40 pm

Who is the broad on the left — wearing the helmet, and why?

Yes Yes Yes January 16, 2014 at 9:43 pm

Bobby is very sick …. between his ears.


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