Lawsuit Filed Against SC Workforce Agency

A former high-ranking employee of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) has filed a lawsuit against the agency and its new director, Cheryl Stanton. FITS is working to obtain the document, which was filed this week in Richland County’s Fifth Judicial Circuit. According to our sources, the lawsuit…

A former high-ranking employee of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) has filed a lawsuit against the agency and its new director, Cheryl Stanton.

FITS is working to obtain the document, which was filed this week in Richland County’s Fifth Judicial Circuit.

According to our sources, the lawsuit is related to an alleged data breach at the agency in which a former SCDEW employee was accused of illegally downloading personal data on 4,658 current and former employees of the agency.

“Our security measures detected these downloads and DEW promptly began a full investigation,” Stanton said in a statement. “We don’t know that the information has been further compromised, but out of an abundance of caution we are notifying those employees and individuals impacted so they can take necessary measures to protect themselves, including signing up for the state’s free credit monitoring.”

Sources tipped FITS off to an incident at SCDEW last month, but we were unable to independently confirm the report.

According to one source, the data breach SCDEW acknowledged this week “is a hoax” – cover for the lawsuit this employee filed against the agency.

“Nikki (Haley) set up the story to get cover from the lawsuit,” the source says.

Whoa … grab your popcorn, everybody. We’ve got more drama in the Haley cabinet!

Stanton was hired to lead SCDEW in May of last year after the agency became a laughing stock under the leadership of former general Abraham Turner.

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CNSYD January 16, 2014 at 1:34 pm

“former general Abraham Turner”

Flag officers can not be “former” They are either active or retired.

Lyle January 16, 2014 at 1:52 pm

‘former General’? was he demoted?

Wolfran January 16, 2014 at 9:21 pm

No but if it were possible his incompetent, arrogant, no-good funky ass would be a great candidate for demotion. As to Kerry Paul, I have to say from personal experience it is highly unlikely that she did anything illegal. I know her from two different agencies I have worked at and she is a consummate professional; in fact, I would say she one of the few state employees I have worked with who could succeed in the public sector or a fortune 500 if she chose to take that route.

john dozier January 17, 2014 at 2:02 pm

The whole episode is typical of the way the governorette and her hand picked minions operate. I regret that Ms. Paul who is apparently one of the competent state executives, has been caught up in this mess. I certainly wish her the best.

unbelievable March 8, 2014 at 9:42 am

Kerry Paul is a bully and a bitch. I have heard her make comments that nobody, especially an HR MANAGER, should make. She walked her 6 ft 8 ass around DEW with a red folder that she said was her “you’re getting fired” folder. Oh and before Cheryl Stanton came on board officially, Kerry Paul let everyone know that any emails to Ms. Stanton needed to come to her first. She claimed it was in an effort to make sure Ms. Stanton didn’t get overwhelmed, but we all knew it was an attempt to filter emails so she could make sure Ms. Stanton didn’t get too much information. It’s just amazing the people that keep their jobs. There is so much management it’s unbelievable. It’s hilarious that Cheryl Stanton still has people working under her that talked so much trash about her,including the wonderful MP in ES, who thinks there is nothing wrong with approving overnight stays for her minions that are married (not to one another). Surprisingly enough, that’s the only employee I think she has left. I hear she fired one girl because Kerry Paul didn’t like her and another guy just got smart and left. Those two were good workers. The other guy just likes to play hide the salami with some chick with a mustache. It’s sad the Executive Director has no idea about the things that go on there. However, she can call me and I would be happy to enlighten her.

Hmmmm January 16, 2014 at 4:21 pm

Cheryl Stanton is screwed. So they try to scare the employee off with SLED and she lawyers up…. who would have seen that coming. How many times do the taxpayers of this state have to bail out the idiots who run it?

Karmasabia January 16, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Hmmm… Kerry Paul commenting on your own story. Tacky just like you! Cheryl Stanton had your number walking through the door in the position you tried so desperately for. The security software was implemented to catch people like you; SLED is ONLY called in when crimes have been committed; just want did you plan on doing with over 4,000 individuals personal information? I hope it was pay for a moving truck because YOU WILL NEVER WORK IN THIS STATE AGAIN. C U Next Tuesday.

BrigidBernadette January 16, 2014 at 8:14 pm

I hope the above comment comes up in the jury trial, as it is clear that ‘someone’ close to this information continues to run their mouth with details only someone in the center of this shitstorm would know, and sounds mentally unhinged in both the filing and here, a vindictive crazy cunt. Kerry Paul is widely respected going back years, why do you think she requested a jury trial. Keep slandering her, as you dig your own hole. Maybe a personal judgement against you will help you see the light.

Stanton, you are toast. Booked your movers yet?

WashingtontoSC January 17, 2014 at 6:18 am

You are going to put a judgement against someone for freedom of speech. Then we should bring a lawsuit against your teachers for making you an idiot. Close to the situation?? Sounds like you are sitting on Kerry’s lap.

BrigidBernadette January 17, 2014 at 7:21 am

Keep talking, keep digging your hole. Read the goddam filing genius.

WashingtontoSC January 17, 2014 at 1:06 pm

GD? really Kerry? Whitetrash! Let’s forget reading and go with facts. Provide us with a copy of the police report and the search warrant that “Ms. Stanton” signed. A judge signs those you fucktard.

BrigidBernadette January 17, 2014 at 8:16 pm

You’re delusional. If you want to have an argument with Ms. Paul so bad you are imagining she is responding to your comments on a blog, then go find her and tell her your thoughts, as you are clearly obsessed. Calling someone whitetrash is the same as calling someone a nigger. The copy of the lawsuit is in pdf on this very website, if you can’t find it then no one can help you. You do sound desperate and guilty, with paranoid affect. Have a nice weekend.

Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 10:35 pm

I’m getting a lawsuit too, let u know how it works out.

GKR March 29, 2015 at 1:25 pm

I know the people working at SCDEW ignore the law on equal pay for equal work. Deny claims and twist statues to benefit the state.Look at unequal pay Suminoe Textile America in Gaffney SC.


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