Michael Haley Didn’t Get The Job Done

NO DOUBLE ENTENDRE INTENDED, WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HIS DEPLOYMENT Last month S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley welcomed her “hero hubby” Michael Haley back from a one-year deployment to Afghanistan with the National Guard. Haley – a “diversity officer” with the S.C. National Guard – wasn’t “fighting for our freedoms,” though. Hell, he…


Last month S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley welcomed her “hero hubby” Michael Haley back from a one-year deployment to Afghanistan with the National Guard.

Haley – a “diversity officer” with the S.C. National Guard – wasn’t “fighting for our freedoms,” though.

Hell, he wasn’t even fighting.  Instead, Haley was part of an irrigation effort aimed at “providing for the sustainability of Afghanistan’s water resources,” specifically “strengthening the capacity of the provincial level agriculture ministry’s ability to develop, execute, monitor and assess water management projects.”


Wait … why in the hell does America care about provincial water management in Afghanistan?

Because it doesn’t want Afghan farmers to produce opium – which fuels the nation’s drug trade.  To suppress opium production, federal government has spent a whopping $10 billion in Afghanistan on efforts to shut down poppy production and foster the growth of other crops.

Has that been money well spent?

No …

According to John Sopko – the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction – opium production in Afghanistan is soaring. Sopko says a total of 5,500 tons of opium was produced by Afghan farmers in 2013 – up from 3,700 tons in 2012.  That’s a record.  Meanwhile more than 516,000 acres of farmland in Afghanistan are currently devoted to opium production – up from 183,000 acres in 2002.

That’s also a record …

So to recap, S.C. First Gentleman Michael Haley goes to Afghanistan as part of a $10 billion effort to slow opium production … and opium production then soars to record levels.

Nice work, dude. Nice work.

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Jay Ellington January 15, 2014 at 3:52 pm

Isn’t 40 years of failure and $1 trillion dollars flushed down the toilet in our own country enough?

miss suzanne January 15, 2014 at 4:31 pm

Is that why she cheats ? He can’t get the job done?

venomachine January 16, 2014 at 9:07 am

Are you talking about US government intervention in Afghanistan, or US government intervention in the US education system?

Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 8:30 pm

We’re talking about the NUT you elected.

Centrist View January 15, 2014 at 4:54 pm

Maybe then can develop a GMO poppy with no opiates to displace the current heroine and hashish producing varieties. Or send in the crop dusting drones with Roundup.

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 15, 2014 at 5:17 pm


TBG does love him some Xena.

CorruptionInColumbia January 15, 2014 at 5:37 pm

I always hoped she would get it on with Gabrielle and they would actually show it.

shifty henry January 15, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Shifty has some sizzling hot photos — but. alas, they must remain unshared because of —–THE BAN!!!

JJEvans January 15, 2014 at 11:06 pm

Shifty, I know you like jokes and I enjoy reading yours, so…
What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers?
Well hung.

shifty henry January 16, 2014 at 12:36 am

Thanks, and here’s one back at ya’ —-

Two lesbians were having a drink at the bar when a good-looking woman waved at them from across the room.

“Nice,” commented one. “I’d like to get between
her legs sometime soon.”

“No you wouldn’t,” said her friend disparagingly.
“She’s hung like a doughnut.”

Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 8:33 pm

I could blow you away with other photos of the people you like, and some sample DNA.

GrandTango January 15, 2014 at 5:01 pm

Not only did Obama lose Afghanistan…he’s letting Al Qaeda take Iraq back…

Like liberals let Hitler do as he pleased…Obama will cost us lives that never should be lost…and FITS is so D@*n stupid, and obsessed, he’s trying to blame Haley…what a Dumb@$$….

William January 15, 2014 at 7:03 pm

Doing his best he will cost one tenth of the lives Bush cost us for absolutely noting in return except a trillion dollar debt.

Deo Vindice SC January 15, 2014 at 9:03 pm

way more $$$ than that, too bad Tango’s children, or friends were’nt killed for nothing, along with 247 of my Marine friends thanks to Reagan. Republican’s are scum and a shit load live in SC, check the state stats ? It’s a no brainer, LOL,LOL!!!!!

Deo Vindice SC January 15, 2014 at 8:58 pm

Give up Tango, she’ll never let you have some it.

Dry Edisto January 15, 2014 at 5:14 pm

Judged by recent news, no one from SC has the least business giving any advice on water resources management.

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 15, 2014 at 5:16 pm


TRIPLE entendre!

Mad props, sir!

IVEBEENHACKED January 15, 2014 at 6:29 pm

Columbia, SC (WLTX) — Occupy Columbia has filed new paperwork in federal court indicating the group is moving forward with their lawsuit against Governor Nikki Haley.

Haley ordered state law enforcement officers to kick the protesters off the State House grounds in November of 2011.

Last month a federal court ruled the Governor did not have immunity from the lawsuit and should be included in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit also includes Leroy Smith, Director of the SC Department of Public Safety, and Zackary Wise, the Chief of the SC Bureau of Protective Services.

Occupy Columbia’s lawyers have argued that the group had a right to protest peacefully on the State House grounds and that the Governor and law enforcement violated their 1st Amendment right by arresting them.

According to federal court records the anticipated trial date is September 11.



Columbia, SC (WLTX) — Occupy Columbia has filed new paperwork in federal court indicating the group is moving forward with their lawsuit against Governor Nikki Haley.

Haley ordered state law enforcement officers to kick the protesters off the State House grounds in November of 2011.

Last month a federal court ruled the Governor did not have immunity from the lawsuit and should be included in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit also includes Leroy Smith, Director of the SC Department of Public Safety, and Zackary Wise, the Chief of the SC Bureau of Protective Services.

Occupy Columbia’s lawyers have argued that the group had a right to protest peacefully on the State House grounds and that the Governor and law enforcement violated their 1st Amendment right by arresting them.

According to federal court records the anticipated trial date is September 11.



JJEvans January 15, 2014 at 11:04 pm

I support the right to protest for any group, but in no way would I support the occupy movement. They consist of the vile socialist and communist scum that wants to dismantle this country and send it into the dark ages. Fuck the occupy movement, they are nothing but communist pieces of shit.

Thomas January 16, 2014 at 12:14 am

The occupy movement moved to Denver for that Presidential Kush or Afghan Gooey. They sure have been silent knowing Obama has them on the hook for monthly premiums for their sub-medicare healthcare for the rest of their copulating years on earth. LoL. Ditto for the NSA snooping in their smartphones and xboxes. What morons to be hustled by their Democrat handlers.

Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 8:31 pm

Wait until you see the millions you have to pay. LOL !!!

A. Dirt Farmer January 15, 2014 at 7:23 pm

Correlating the relationship of proper water, fertilization, and cultural practices in the production of wheat, corn, and oilseeds to that of poppy/opium production does not take a rocket scientist. It takes only a man or woman with some degree of curiosity, analytical curiosity, combined with a bit of common sense.

In fact, to the contrary; if one can produce higher yields and higher concentrations of raw product, then one can sell cheaper and more profitably, hence increasing one’s cash flow and standard of living. Ecomomics is not even a hard subject to master for those with half a brain, even an uneducated one.

Irrigation techniques are not new to even third world countries, let alone a society that has existed for thousands of years.

dwb619 January 15, 2014 at 9:44 pm

The Taliban had completely shut down the opium farming prior to 9/11, had they not?

Grunt4life January 16, 2014 at 1:30 pm

No thats not true, and the Taliban of today are much different than what they were before 9/11, they have morphed into your typical narco-terrorists. You do have dedicated drug lords who do not take part in the insurgency but they will pay both sides to continue to make money.

idcydm January 15, 2014 at 9:49 pm

I really don’t care about Michael Haley personally but I’m tired of people bad mouthing our Soldiers. Some of us served because we believed in this country and served with pride. When the headline reads “…DIDN’T GET THE JOB DONE” just to push his personal vendetta, I say… Most of what you complain about is above the pay grade of 99% of those being deployed. Yet you have and I’m sure will continue to disparage those that took an oath to defend what you do on this blog.

JJEvans January 15, 2014 at 11:07 pm


Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 8:34 pm

What is a soldier ? Micheal Haley ?

idcydm January 16, 2014 at 10:26 pm

So sorry you have to ask such a simple minded question.

Thomas January 16, 2014 at 12:08 am

Fits? You will be entirely hosed, used, spent, yesterdays news when she is reelected. LoL!

PS-If you had helped in 2010, you could be on the payroll at 123k a year and could have named your position anywhere in SC for 8 full years not counting your stint with Mark. You messed up on that one. 123kx10 years= 1.23 million dollars plus benefits. Hope you were in the stock market the last 18 months atleast…

The Colonel January 16, 2014 at 8:02 am

While I have no firsthand knowledge of the first dude’s deployment and have issues with the whole “opium versus apples” agricultural program, I will tell you that the guys doing to Agricultural Engagement Team missions are probably at more risk than any other
troops in Afghanistan except the boys who are actually Taliban hunting. Funny thing is that if we let the Afghan people grow dope it generally winds up in Russia, not here.

They’re small teams, generally off by themselves and often a long way from help should the need arise. Talk smack about the Diversity Officer position all you want (another Army “feel good program” – with some merit in need if not execution), but cut the boy some slack on doing his duty.

Grunt4life January 16, 2014 at 1:27 pm

That’s rich, these ag. engagement teams either embedded to run their “missions” or have security platoons from the regular Army or the Marine Corps assigned to them. They may work in small teams, but they do not operate in a battle space as a separate element. Thanks for the National Guard talking point propaganda and attempt at relevance. Sir.

The Colonel January 16, 2014 at 1:37 pm

You must have had a different experience with them than I have.

Grunt4life January 16, 2014 at 1:53 pm

Anything is better than being a Fobbit. Well that is unless shammers enjoy being Fobbits. And then there is the debate between a Fobbit on a small FOB, and the giant airbase Fobbits of BAF, KAF, SHAF, and JAF. Thats a whole nother special breed of Fobbit I deem the Super Fobbit. Very similar to the Al-Asad or Kuwaiti Fobbit. I am sure one day if I keep humping it out in the Green Machine one day I will be stuck in an air conditioned TOC sipping on green beans and working on my master blaster powerpoint ranger tab. Until that day comes my disdain for POGs and Fobbits will reign supreme and I will call down thunder from the shit hole of which I occupy as my badge of honor. On a side note all of these Ag. teams are bad and I have worked with a few Nasty Girls that are good soldiers, but yes please dont imply they operate alone in a battle space.

The Colonel January 16, 2014 at 2:11 pm

Lets see, I started my officer career in the Infantryin the mid ’80s, transitioned to the Engineer Corps as a CPT. Somewhere along the way I got qualified as an AG officer as well.
I’m to old and broke to hump a ruck, to smart to continue playing with high explosives and quite comfortable sitting in my office in Kuwait.
You like mail? My Fobbits get it for you. You like pay? My Fobbits make sure you get that extra hostile fire and hazardous duty pay? My Fobbits make sure it gets started for you. You like the leave and pass program – yep, that’s my Fobbits as well. You want you family notified if you get hurt or killed – well you know, my Fobbits get that done for you to.
Never denigrate a Fobbit unless you can do without whatever it is he or she provides for you, you know, the: ammo, boots, commo, demolitions, evac, food, gas, …

Grunt4life January 16, 2014 at 2:53 pm

When you get the same hazardous duty and hostile fire pay that I do to push mail, count bullets, do crossfit, go to green beans and have off post escorted shopping trips to Kuwaiti super malls, I reserve the right to take a giant shit on you for being a POG. And as a former groundpounder in the glorious Queen of Battle, you have forgotten grunt sarcasm, and got all butthurt for your POG soldiers. And yes, with the exception of commo, I have gone without mail, supply, internet, eatin cold MREs on endless upon days, showers, but we had ammo, that we made our own convoys to return to the FOB to collect. So done it, gone without, got a tshirt and another combat patch, I say hooah, sir. Gotta love it when old war dogs get in an internet spat on a political blog? And I agree on leaving Mr. Haley’s service alone, he went, finally, but he went and good for him.

The Colonel January 16, 2014 at 3:00 pm

We don’t have to be escorted to the malls anymore…

idcydm January 16, 2014 at 5:16 pm

Why don’t you two take your discourse to an e-mail account, get to know each other and shit on each other there. Both of you are doing a disservice to the troops while trying to best the other.

The Colonel January 17, 2014 at 3:03 am

“Doing a disservice to the troops” while attempting to ensure that one of them got credit where credit is due and having a little fun in the process – why don’t you just vote me down and move on.

Same ol' Same ol' January 17, 2014 at 9:08 am

Good stuff. Thanks Gents, gives us ancient folk a view into the real world. It ain’t always purty, but y’all get it done.

Grunt4life January 17, 2014 at 11:53 am

Hold on there civillian. While I appreciate the vigor by which you seem to be defending men and women in uniform, you do realize that you are addressing to fairly seasoned, combat veterans. And while I appreciate the level of respect that you appear to be giving “the troops” you clearly do not understand military jargon, context and sub-culture. So while you may think that we are simply doing a disservice, we, who actually are serving, are embracing one another in a juxtapose verbal joust of a shared brotherhood that can only be understood if one has served in the brotherhood of the Queen of Battle, the mighty INFANTRY. and while my disdain may appear to be grotesque and impolite to those that carry the moniker Position Other than Grunt, (POG) I was actually defending the one whom this article is written about. Thank you for your understanding, and ill take my discourse to anywhere I please. You have a nice day now

idcydm January 17, 2014 at 2:23 pm

Civilian you say, I happen to be a retired officer and understand the jargon. Yes you both defended CPT Haley as did I but the article wasn’t about me or my exploits.

A bit of advice, as a fairly seasoned combat veteran you should know better than to make assumptions, you have a nice day now and thank you both for your service.

Soldier January 16, 2014 at 8:35 am

I usually enjoy the articles on this website, but this article is malicious and Vendictive towards someone who made a huge sacrifice and was in harms way. You suck in my book for this article!!!!

ELCID January 16, 2014 at 1:23 pm

As much as I don’t like Ms. Haley, I do have to salute her Husband for doing his duty in Afghanistan. It’s a dangerous place no mater what you are doing.

Grunt4life January 16, 2014 at 1:34 pm

Michael Haley wasnt going to win the war by himself, Lawd knows we would have heard about it from his sycophant spouse of a governor if he had. You have to give him credit for finally deploying even if his tasked mission is bullshit. He didn’t create the program or the mission, he was assigned to it.

DeweybeatsTruman January 16, 2014 at 3:42 pm

C/mon, give’em both credit. They didn’t shirk their duty. But I do wonder if he has suffered from PTSD (Post Turnip Stress Disorder).

Neil January 16, 2014 at 6:38 pm

When is a Will Folks going to commit suicide? She doesn’t want you, man. Your infatuation is going much too far. Just kill yourself, preferably before you beat another woman, and get it over with.

Deo Vindice SC January 16, 2014 at 8:39 pm

Tango, like Bush could kill everone in his command and say it was worth nothing.

scotty/ January 17, 2014 at 10:43 am

This whole trip was schemed up by the do nothing SCNG AG and the political system. He was a Capt. and needed to get to field grade to avoid being passed over.

WENEEDPROOF October 23, 2014 at 3:01 pm



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