
Barack Obama Loves The Pope

U.S. President Barack Obama’s popularity is in the tank … while Pope Francis, the new leader of the Catholic Church, was just named Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year.” No wonder Obama is doing everything he can to invoke the pontiff these days … According to reporter Kathleen Hennessey of…

U.S. President Barack Obama’s popularity is in the tank … while Pope Francis, the new leader of the Catholic Church, was just named Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year.”

No wonder Obama is doing everything he can to invoke the pontiff these days …

According to reporter Kathleen Hennessey of The Los Angeles Times, “when a White House speechwriter turned in a draft of a major speech on economic policy this month, President Obama sent it back with an unusual instruction: Add a reference to the pope.”

And so the final version of Obama’s speech included this quote from Pope Francis: “How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses 2 points?”

Really, Obama? Really?

Like “Republican” George W. Bush, Obama has done everything within his power to bail Wall Street out of its bad decisions – sticking the rest of us with the multi-trillion dollar bill.

Obama had a chance to change the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing money for Wall Street at the expense of working Americans, but he choose not to.  In fact he renominated big government interventionist Ben Bernanke for a second term as Fed Chair – and recently named another interventionist as his successor.

Gotta “spread that wealth around,” ya know?

Similarly, Obama had a chance to pump more money into the economy on numerous occasions – but instead opted for a failed bureaucratic bailout (part of $5 trillion worth of deficit spending).

Now this guy’s teleprompter … errr, speechwriter … wants Obama to lament the plight of the very people his administration has screwed over (while taking a pot shot at the people he has bailed out)?

Sheesh …

Oh well … luckily for Obama most of the sheeple aren’t paying attention.

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Wake Me When The Riots Start December 26, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Boy, sure could use a Pope-On-A-Rope about now.

TyroneButterballs December 26, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Deficit spending? we are gutting the deficit by leaps and bounds at this stage. Also with the stock market near 16 and a half thousand, Obama’s stock market has doubled since the depths of the crisis, and those capital gains reported by taxpayers next April 15 will go a long way to further reduce the deficit..
I think it is only fair that you learn what is going on in the economy, that it is improving under Obama, and that it is time you gave up your obsession with the stimulus package.
Life moves on Sic Willie but you refuse to do so. But like any solid Republican, you love to deny the fact of improvement, and want to bitch about the socialist in the White House. Get a life or at least a Continuing Economics Education class in early 2014.

Hoochee Mama December 27, 2013 at 10:07 am

To think that Obama is vulnerable on the economy (and the Pope) is, pardon me for saying so, as fucked-up as sweet potatoes on Christmas.

Econometrician December 27, 2013 at 12:46 am

Even if you are one of those rubes that believe the Fed goal of devaluing the money 2% a year is being achieved, in 10 years you’ve lost almost 22% of it’s purchasing power.

If you think that is some kind of solution for economic malaise you are a downright moron, aside from the fact it’s way over 2%.

Even if you are conservative and suggest it’s only 4% a year that means you are friggin poor if you are an average Joe by the time the Fed is done “fixing” stuff because now you are talking 48% devaluation in 10 years.

The Colonel December 27, 2013 at 3:01 am

When the dead person is worth 3.3 billion dollars, I suspect you’ll see an obituary published at least. 3.3 billion is about 2% of the US stock market.

Ron Nussbeck December 27, 2013 at 3:27 pm

The son of satan Barack Obama wishes he could find a thread of commonality with Pope Francis. Barack a gay antichristian who Egypt’s Attorney General says is a FULL MEMEBER OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and is charged with Crimes against Humanity by them for aiding and abeting the Muslim Brotherhood in the murder of Christians has no place even speaking of the Pope. Obama will be lucky if God Himself does not strike him down for this outrage…….?

MyDaddyIsRich December 28, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Um ok.


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