News Releases

Mick Zais Issues Statement On Reelection Decision

State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais today issued an announcement regarding his candidacy for the 2014 election. Dr. Zais said, “When I ran for this office, I pledged to serve no more than two terms. As it has been for some, my campaign was never a stepping stone to higher…

State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais today issued an announcement regarding his candidacy for the 2014 election.

Dr. Zais said, “When I ran for this office, I pledged to serve no more than two terms. As it has been for some, my campaign was never a stepping stone to higher office. Rather, it was the culmination of a lifetime of service.”

“As an infantry officer in the United States Army for 31 years, I served my soldiers, my unit, and my country,” said Dr. Zais. “As President of Newberry College, I served my students, my campus, and my Christian faith.”

“And as South Carolina’s State Superintendent of Education, I serve our students, parents, and taxpayers.”

“For the last 45 years of my life, my family has made enormous sacrifices to support my careers, moving around the country and the world many times,” said Dr. Zais. “They mean more to me than anything on this planet.”

“That is why, after much prayer and thoughtful consideration with my family, I have decided not to seek re-election as State Superintendent of Education,” said Dr. Zais.

Dr. Zais added, “This was a very difficult decision. I was preparing for, and looking forward to, a re-election campaign. I’m confident I would have run a strong campaign and would have been re-elected.”

“There remains much work left to be done,” said Dr. Zais. “But the whole conversation about education in South Carolina has changed since I entered office. Then, most were defending the current system, fighting to maintain the status quo. Today, nearly everyone recognizes that the one-size-fits-all system just doesn’t work for far too many students.”

“People often ask me how are we doing in education,” said Dr. Zais. “My response is supporters of the current system defend it at all costs. Others seek to tear it down without looking at the data. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.”

Dr. Zais offered some facts for consideration:

  • The on-time graduation rate is at its highest level since 2004 – 77.5%.
  • The state’s average ACT score is at its highest level ever. And the gap between South Carolina and the national average has never been narrower.
  • The Class of 2013 earned $1.15 billion college scholarships – a new record.

Dr. Zais said, “The credit for these accomplishments goes to students and parents, as well as their teachers and principals. These aren’t just statistics. Behind every number is a child with dreams and aspirations. We must never forget this.”

Dr. Zais concluded, “I commit to the public that I will spend each day, until the end of my term, working to transform education. I will continue to visit schools and continue to advocate to the General Assembly on behalf of students, parents, and taxpayers. And I will continue to tell the truth about the state of education in South Carolina.”

Dr. Zais was elected State Superintendent of Education on November 2, 2010. Dr. Zais won the Republican Party primary in a contest with five other Republican candidates. He is the second Republican ever to win election to this office. In the General Election he received 51% of all votes cast, defeating four other candidates and winning a majority of counties. Dr. Zais led his closest competitor, Democrat Frank Holleman, by more than 108,000 votes.


(Editor’s Note: The above communication is a news release from an elected official and does not necessarily reflect the editorial position of To submit your letter, news release, email blast, media advisory or issues statement for publication, click here).

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IMMAHANGUPPENLISSEN December 13, 2013 at 2:07 pm

Issues a statement? You meant epistle…

Frank Pytel December 13, 2013 at 2:45 pm

2016 House RINO Hopeful. Culmination my AZZ

The Colonel December 16, 2013 at 1:37 am

Sorry Frank you’re dead wrong here – Zais is the one guy who won’t use the Sup position to go after another “gubamint” job.

Frank Pytel December 16, 2013 at 6:21 am

Please see my retraction via hoof in mouth on another Zais thread. We’ll see. Meh

So many RINO’s, who can keep track of them all.

nitrat December 13, 2013 at 4:29 pm

He was planning to make it into that SCRS vesting (and triple dipping) by serving 2 terms, but probably just wasn’t interested enough to show up for work most days.
Pytel may be right. The legislature is a part time gig and he could work on that state sponsored legislative retirement.

DEW December 14, 2013 at 2:28 pm

He is a smart man and probably studied the SCRS and realizes that it is not a safe bet to count on that system. My boss says they are going to have to raise contribution rates again and the thing is getting worse not better.

Gray smith December 14, 2013 at 12:30 am

Thank God kelly payne didn’t win this seat!!!!!!!! I hope the slut runs for it again, so we can add another inevitable loss to her life.

Edgar December 14, 2013 at 5:39 am

A fluff, narcissistic piece of self-love from a politician/general to himself.

He list the “accomplishments” of the Education system as if they were his when clearly no one person can have that affect in less than 3 years. (significant changes in statewide scores, for instance, takes years, if not decades, to change in a meaningful manner)

He used the words “my or I” 20 times before I stopped counting.

Another self-interested blowhard politician.

Good bye, Mr. “I love me,” goodbye.

M326 December 14, 2013 at 3:57 pm

I am so glad to see this egomaniac step down. Regardless of the pap he puts out on himself, he has been a detriment to moving us forward. He is no leader. A leader builds coalitions, inspires, listens to others, builds goals and motivates others to achieve them. I guarantee you, all those in education will be happy to see him go. Worst Superintendent we have had in modern history. He is mindlessly anti-government when government has been his primary source of income and retirement benefits all his life. That is the ultimate hypocrisy. He is not running because 1. he still has a huge campaign debt from last time that he can’t convince donors to help pay off and 2. it is obvious he would have to borrow even more money to run when it is very doubtful he could win. The education establishment, right or wrong, will not vote for him. That block can clearly defeat him. So salve your ego any way you want, Mr. Zais. The important thing is that you are gone!

Sheila'sMommaFellates December 14, 2013 at 4:39 pm

Zais is an empty old fart bag blowing in the wind

Slartibartfast December 15, 2013 at 8:50 pm

All the vicious vindictiveness that is and will be expressed on this section of the board toward Dr. Zais will not change the fact that he is right about the tattered, shameful school system and its advocates that he has been fighting for over three years. The wickedness and selfishness of the teachers’ associations, the pitiable politification of the school boards in the several counties, and the idiocy of the school laws themselves are destructive. South Carolina will NEVER excel in education until those who run it are hounded from their posts and a rational system of real education is put in its place.

idiotwind December 16, 2013 at 10:47 am

but what did Zais do about it? nothing. he’s been asleep at the wheel since being elected. and how does citing a bunch of bogus accomplishments under his tenure prove that the status quo is intolerable?

Slartibartfast December 16, 2013 at 10:37 pm

His first year, he tried to end most of the practices that were destructive, but got steamrollered by several so-called conservative Republicans from the Santee and every Democrat in the Legislature. After that, it was one brush fire after another. Now, he knows the truth about “education” in South Carolina. He did not set out to be gardener to the status quo.. but the State is not ready for the real solution.

idiotwind December 16, 2013 at 10:45 am

“The on-time graduation rate is at its highest level since 2004 – 77.5%.”
………a bogus stat like this means it has obviously declined since 2003

The state’s average ACT score is at its highest level ever. And the
gap between South Carolina and the national average has never been
………the ACT was only instated a few years ago.

The Class of 2013 earned $1.15 billion college scholarships – a new record.
…….. ever heard of inflation? and those $$$ have never been worth less for tuition.

this idiot has no recollection of why he ran for superintendent. if he resigned today at least we would have somebody directing the dept of ed.


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