Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter written by former U.S. Secret Service agent Daniel Bongino.
An open letter to the establishment GOP.
I am serving you with divorce papers. For those who are unaware of what happened, the establishment wing of the Party has openly declared war on the grassroots.
For those who say this fight is hurting the Republican “brand” I reply; it is those on both sides of the aisle who have betrayed their principles in the name of Party, that have destroyed their “brands”.
As for the GOP, we used to stand for something; a lean, effective government, vibrant and robust individual liberty, and a passionate defense of the value of hard work and a commensurate respect for your wages by consistently fighting for your right to keep more of them. Where do you stand now? I know where the grassroots does.
This is our Party and we will demonstrate to the people we hope to represent that there is a group of people out there who refuse to be part of any “managed decline”. We will only be part of a spectacular American resurrection.
America’s best days are ahead and you and your fellow insiders and cronyists and “Party before country” loyalists, on both sides of the aisle, can bathe in your titles and power now but understand that I, and many others, have dedicated our lives to draining the dirty water from the bathtub.
Consider yourself served.
-Daniel Bongino
grassroots is where the horseshit is.
Got something against fertilizer?
shit happens.
Hate to break it to you Danny, but if you plan on getting elected in most places you’ll have to get back together with them. There’s no “I”’s getting elected anywhere anytime soon.
The Dems & Repubs control the election process at most levels, it’s just reality. They’ve got you by the balls.
Yeh, you’re right,but, what the. Hell,gets him a little publicity.
Besides the GOP is loaded with people who openly disdain it,yet participate in it.
Actually the Republican Party is rapidly becoming a non party Party.Pretty soon ,no one will admit to being a member ,while still participating in its organization, voting and running in its primaries and conventions, and serving under its banner.All the time howling,
What choice do they have if they want to be part of the circus? Without that “ticket” you are outside the tent, not inside.
The whole election system is nothing more than a duopoly to appease the 90% and make them feel like they have choice & freedom.
There is nothing wrong with the GOP that Richard Eckstom’s leadership can’t manage.
A troll like Eckstom, as a statewide elected official, shows even the lowest of us that in America anything is possible no matter what a lying cheating adulterer one is…as long as you have campaign funds!
I love America! It is better than Kenya!
“in America anything is possible no matter what a lying cheating adulterer one is…as long as you have campaign funds!”
Well SC Republicans love lying, cheating, adulterers. Preferably ones that lie and cheat on as many people as possible. Sanford is the role model for the SCGOP ideal candidate.
Bravo Daniel. Bravo
Like you, Daniel will now become a NINO. Non-Republican in name only.
Good one!
The GOP used to stand for a lot more than what it does today, you’ve got that absolutely right. Greats like Roosevelt and Eisenhower would be ashamed at what the GOP is today, but that includes your “grassroots” Tea Party.
I love the temper tantrum that the teaparty fucks are throwing after being told no for the first time ever
Aside from the fact that you literally just gave ZERO insight into anything remotely close to what could be considered a substantive argument… Just as an FYI, the Republican Party is by definition a grassroots organization. And I bet you’re one who supports the crazy, for-profit, groups and individuals like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Tea Party Express/Patriots, and so on.
So Fits will print anything nowadays? The guy just ranted about how much he dislikes something he doesn’t entirely understand in the first place. There were no facts, no real points made.
I guess what we are finally starting to see is that Republicans are getting tired of Libertarians calling themselves Republicans and then telling Republicans they are not real Republicans because they are not Libertarian enough.
What a drama queen.
It concerns me that people like this can get in the Secret Service.
They must not do psychologicals before they hire people and put guns in their hands.
What a loon.
“The GOP used to stand for a lot more than what it does today,” Guess that would be before Ronny Raygun, and Bush 1 & 2. Run on the Libertarian ticket bud.
That’s four activists gone. The state GOP only had about 20 real activists. That leaves 16. (Oh.. and blogging isn’t activism.)
Good riddance. .
I’m sick of Libertarians calling themselves conservative.