The Wire: Back Again

We don’t really do “wires” any more – which is kind of dumb on our part because they always got lots of clicks and provided us with the opportunity to interact with you, our dearest readers. So yeah … our bad on that. We’ll try to do better … but…

We don’t really do “wires” any more – which is kind of dumb on our part because they always got lots of clicks and provided us with the opportunity to interact with you, our dearest readers.

So yeah … our bad on that.

We’ll try to do better … but since we’ve been getting quite a bit of incoming lately, we figured this was as good week as any to revive the tradition.

What is the “wire?” Well it’s FITS readers offering feedback … and our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) responding in his own particular (idiom, sir?) … idiom.

Got a link you’d like to share with us? A suggestion? A criticism? A question? As has been demonstrated on many prior occasions (in many regrettable contexts), Sic Willie is pretty much up for anything …

You can submit your feedback (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials (even anonymous ones) if you’ve got more to say on a subject. Also feel free to reach out to our founding editor directly at


college of charleston

Dear Editor: I’m a little disappointed you haven’t exposed the political maneuverings going on behind the scenes to get (S.C. Lt. Governor) Glenn McConnell appointed as the new president at the College of Charleston. FITS has done the Lord’s Work exposing McConnell and the corruption on the board but you need to dig deeper to get the real story. Powerful interests are being threatened by powerful legislators with big time retribution if they do not instruct “their” appointees on the board to give the job to McConnell. You need to be all over this!


sic speaking

I’ve actually heard several very specific reports on this – but contrary to popular perception I don’t just throw every rumor I get up on the web to see what sticks. Having said that I believe the theory you have outlined is 100 percent accurate, and feel I am very close to getting the independent confirmation I need to outline the specific pressure points that are being … well, pressured. So stay tuned … 




Dear Editor: “It’s a Great Day to Dump Sand Down the Toilet in South Carolina”

Step 1. Dump sand on shore line at a cost of millions (Lather)
Step 2. Let tide wash sand away (Rinse)
Step 3. Repeat


sic speaking

Ha! EXACTLY. What a brilliant state we live in, right? As the story you reference notes, this $115 million project isn’t even half done and the cost is already more than $80 million. To read FITS prior coverage of this insanity, click here.



state house

Dear Editor: Bakari Sellers’ heir apparent has announced his candidacy for S.C. House District 90. Justin Bamberg announced he is running. This guy is a full time lawyer at the Hood Firm in Charleston, S.C. That’s a one hour and thirty minute drive from Bamberg, S.C.

Enough of these guys like Harry Cato and Sellers not actually living in the district they represent.

How about raise this in an article, or get a comment from Mr. Bamberg. No way he is quitting his job for this seat.


sic speaking

Good idea. I’ve got a message into Bamberg’s office (which as you note, isn’t in Bamberg – which makes me giggle). I’ll let you know what he has to say.




Dear Editor: What is going on with the Kinsley Wentzky case?


sic speaking

They’re in depositions. Also … she’s hot. 



kp 002

Dear Editor: I couldn’t help but notice our great State Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom attending Governor Nikki Haley’s annual Carolighting festivities last week. But lo and behold sitting beside him on stage was his on again off again girlfriend, fiancée/ ex-fiancée Kelly Payne.

So – what’s the over or under they last until New Years?


sic speaking

January 1? A better question would be the number of times they break up (and make up) between now and Friday. Seriously … those two are as toxic a pair of lovers as I’ve ever seen.



fits irrelevent

Dear Editor: FITS you are irrelevent. (The S.C. Department of Transportation board) just voted UNANIMOUSLY to ignore your shrill whine and approve I-526!!!!!!! Go back to beating up women and lying about sleeping with Nikki Haley.


sic speaking

I’m “irrelevant,” man.  At least learn how to spell the word.




“Restless soul … enjoy your youth.”


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southmauldin December 5, 2013 at 3:18 pm

I’m at the Tides on Folly right now, looking at the pier, and I had the exact same discussion with a couple of locals yesterday. The discussion ended badly when I pointed out the hypocrisy of people wanting lower taxes yet being in favor of this waste of money on a continuing basis. I didn’t even have the chance to bring up federally subsidized flood/wind insurance.

CorruptionthynameisCarolina December 5, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Bobby Harrill still flying his Cirrus on taxpayer money? SLED seems to have forgotten about investigating his campaign spending. And what about them good old boys over in Lexington? I lay you ten to five that you can still gamble pretty much where you please over in Jimmy Meetze land, as long as you pay to play……

euwe max December 5, 2013 at 3:41 pm

You should call it “the fiber”

@me and YOU December 5, 2013 at 4:44 pm

What ever happened to the Lex. Ring? Halfacre was defeated in the mayor’s race; but, nothing else. Frazier is running around like he has no worries. Rumors are Metts is trying to cut a deal to retire. Knotts has vanished. Associates Bob Peeler, Tim James, Joe Owens, Donnie Meyers are not seen or heard from , as frequently as previously?
I guess Frazier has done more to clean up the corruption and immorality, with his big mouth, than SLED (S hit L ed E nforcement D umbass) Haley’s puppet Gestapo and the FBI (F ailure B efore I ntegrity) Obama’s non Justice Dept., was ever able or willing to do!

JohnStubbs December 6, 2013 at 11:06 am

Where is the pic of her in a bikini? Great body for a 34 year old!!

College of Charleston alum December 6, 2013 at 12:56 pm

Glen McConnell and college of Charleston “confederate lite” — makes me throw up.

Boz Martin December 7, 2013 at 10:04 am

Bring back the soft-core pornage!!!!!!!!

Boz Martin December 7, 2013 at 10:05 am

Bring back excerpts for your up-coming tell-all book about Nikki Haley!

Z-TAC December 9, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Hey! I was his ghost writer before he fired me! Those were my excerpts!
I posted this one twice before but, what the heck, there might be some new readers out there:

“Firmly ensconced in the back seat of the Chrysler van, Will took a long swig from the can of PBR. Letting go with a loud belch, he opened the sliding door and stepped out into the cold night air. In a demonstration of his manliness, he tried, with no success, to crush the can with one hand…end on end. He couldn’t help but notice the smirk on his lovers lips. “What’s the matter, Willy Boy? Did I sap all of your precious bodily fluids,” she blurted out.

Tossing the beer can aside, Will ignored her taunts and even managed a laugh when she pulled a vibrator out of her purse and proceeded to massage the inside of her thighs with the pulsating device. “Go easy on that thing, Nikki Babe,” Willy said. “You know the batteries are running low!”

She pouted and turned to watch in amazement as Will whipped out his tired old steed and released a stream of pee-pee onto the cement in the shape of a heart. He even had enough steam to write her name below it. “You forgot to dot the i, sweetheart,” said a disappointed Nikki. “So I did,” Will interjected, “so I did.”

“He then walked around and surveyed his workmanship. Looking his disappointed lover in the eye, he raised his left hand, and, leaning over, he put his index finger over his left nostril and sprayed a perfect snot ball onto the cement exactly where he meant to put it. She applauded with glee at her lover’s extraordinary effort in wooing her.”

“Time for another beer,” said Will as he wiped the remnants from his upper lip with his shirt sleeve and reentered the van, reinvigorated and raring to go. “Someday, I’m gonna write a book about this,” he said. “Yup, someday…”

Boz Martin December 7, 2013 at 10:07 am

Bring back the unfortunately short-lived but richly entertaining ability of us common taters (sic, but intentional) to post our own pix and vids.

Gregory Geddings December 9, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Ain’t gonna happen. Sic is very thin skinned. He knows that I would post photoshops of him sporting a huge set of Tits, wiping his butt with a porcupine, and masturbating to Saturday Evening Post covers by Norman Rockwell.

Boz Martin December 7, 2013 at 10:07 am

Bring back the BEST of FITS!


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