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Tim Scott To Address Policy Summit

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Today, Palmetto Policy Forum, South Carolina’s new policy “action engine,”You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Today, Palmetto Policy Forum, South Carolina’s new policy “action engine,”
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BVD November 15, 2013 at 6:59 pm

What the heck could Alan Wilson have to say? Teach us how grown man becomes a professional jock sniffer to Carolina athletes?

tomstickler November 15, 2013 at 9:33 pm

Pretty funny that someone thinks Alan Wilson and Tim Scott are “policy experts.”

nitrat November 16, 2013 at 9:33 am

I’ve learned that when ‘policy’ is in the title of an organization, that’s a bad sign.
After going to their web site and checking out their board of directors, there is no reason to change my opinion.
Another good reason to put an end to 501(c)(3) tax expenditures.
They love free enterprise and want the government to sponsor it through the IRS.

idcydm November 16, 2013 at 10:41 am

I could not agree more but don’t stop with (3) eliminate them all. While we’re at it, the IRS could almost be eliminated if everyone paid the same federal income tax rate and all deductions were eliminated. Free enterprise, eliminate all corporate deductions (crony capitalism), of course that would cost we the consumer more at the cash register because taxes are a debit on their balance sheets.

Sims November 16, 2013 at 12:55 pm

I agree 100%. Even worse than these 501c3 organizations are the 501c4 orgs
They are usually front groups that act in the stead of greedy politicians, bureaucrats and special interest. I have found there is no tale they want tell, no false argument they want press onto the unsuspecting public. That makes them worse than the think tanks as everyone knows what they do whereas the C4 groups have phony names and mission statements that make them seem like they are good groups.
Often times the groups themselves are fine but a handful of leaders hijack the group. They so called leaders are insidious.

I See Through Them November 16, 2013 at 2:09 pm

Scott = another psychopath in sheep clothing.

CarolinaEquity November 17, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Our state a beacon of freedom and opportunity? what a joke. Wages are stagnant, the poor get poorer, quality healthcare is available only to those who can afford it, our public schools suck, unions are dead, the roads continue to deteriorate, thousands on food stamps and disability. There are only 2 vibrant things about South Carolina: guns and Jesus. This state continues to decline under the plantation mentality embraced by the GOP and imposed upon the laboring classes who are too ignorant to know they are being ripped off by conservative policies.

IVEBEENHACKED November 18, 2013 at 7:39 am

He looks like the rent is too damn high dude without the hair in that picture.


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