GOP Responds To Richland County Election Issues

That didn’t take long … In the wake of our report on additional “voting irregulariYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

That didn’t take long … In the wake of our report on additional “voting irregulari
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William November 5, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Should read “If the Richland County Delegation cannot make the necessary changes so that the rich white voters of Richland County can minimize the impact of voting on their busy lives, it is necessary to make our case heard at the State level.”

I say make let them stand in line. Why should the taxpayers have to foot the bill for more voting machines when these folks can stand in line a couple of hours to exercise their constitutional rights? After all we are trying to reduce the number of voters in this state anyway. That is why we passed those Voter ID laws.

donny November 5, 2013 at 10:09 pm

One of the dumbest post I have ever read. And that is saying a lot.

? November 6, 2013 at 8:30 am

You haven’t spent enough time reading here then. Surely after a week or so you’ll re-evaluate.

Smirks November 5, 2013 at 2:54 pm

the opponent’s name appeared as ‘selected’ instead

The voting machines’ touch screens have to be properly calibrated. When they aren’t, as mine wasn’t in the previous year, if you tap too close to the edge of who you want to vote for, it is going to select the person next to it instead. For somewhat tech-savvy people, they should be able to figure this out relatively quick. For everyone else, call over one of the elderly poll workers who have quite likely already been trained to address this issue.

The voting machines we have are pretty shitty and should be replaced. That’s been the case for some time, and many people have spoken out about it. Honestly, we should be printing paper ballots directly from the machines anyways so that there is a physical copy that can be both verified by the voter and fairly and accurately recounted by the government if necessary.

Frank Pytel November 5, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Uhm, no. The problem is when the page loads the selection is already made. Hmmm? Hmmm?

EJB November 5, 2013 at 3:38 pm

The picture shows a number of folks I see regularly at the Lexington County Republican Party monthly meetings, I believe you grabbed the wrong picture for this story.

Jay Ellington November 5, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Ward 25 at Kilbourne Baptist Church had no fewer than 8 machines for the election this morning, a stark contrast to the 1 or 2 they had in operation in the 2012 Presidential Election/Penny Sale Scam.

mayorboob November 5, 2013 at 11:23 pm

I think we’re at the point where this county (Richland) and country has been Car-Jacked by a cunning group of statisticians who can manipulate the numbers to achieve their final goal of complete control of the publics coffers. It is flat out criminal of what happened over the recent penny tax vote when everyone knows that that vote was rigged, and they hid behind the guise of incompetence of which no one was fired and a recall was never even discussed. The day is coming soon when parts of the county will break away forming a separate county, and of course I’m referring to those rich “white” people that William has referred to in his post, the ones who go to work everyday, pay their taxes and get rewarded by getting less and less services because that money goes downtown to be pissed away on some wasteful bullshit.

William November 6, 2013 at 10:06 am

“The day is coming soon when parts of the county will break away forming a separate county.”
Go for it! It always amazes me that the GOP never cares about long voter lines unless it effects the people they want to vote. In virtually every state controlled by Republicans in the last election, they went out of their way to create long voting lines in minority districts. They restricted early voting, increased id requirement, and refused to buy new voting machines. Yet when the boot is on the other foot they jump up and down and scream. Well here is the GOP answer back at you.
“You mean you can’t give up a couple of hours every two years to exercise your constitutional rights?”

mayorboob November 7, 2013 at 9:01 am

“In virtually every state controlled by Republicans in the last election,
they went out of their way to create long voting lines in minority
Thats quiet a statement, and what states are you referring to, and where are your facts coming from MSNBC. Kind of like Philadelphia where they had black panthers stationed outside polling places just to make sure every voter was being treated fairly. All a liberal has to do win a an argument is to cry RACISM and imply whitey is trying to take away your rights I.E. voter I.D. laws. Racism cuts both ways, and both are wrong just ask Rev. Al he’s made a living out it.


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