Letter: Help Defeat Dorchester SC Tax Hike

Dear Editor, Articles about a proposed tax hike in Greenville County are being published in FITS NEWS. Tomorrow a hotly contested referendum will be held in Dorchester County on whether to impose a similar, new one percent Local Option Sales Tax (“LOST”) in Dorchester County. Remarkably, the Dorchester County Republican…


Dear Editor,

Articles about a proposed tax hike in Greenville County are being published in FITS NEWS.

Tomorrow a hotly contested referendum will be held in Dorchester County on whether to impose a similar, new one percent Local Option Sales Tax (“LOST”) in Dorchester County.

Remarkably, the Dorchester County Republican and Democratic Parties, and Tea Party organizations (9/12) all are united in opposing this tax against the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors and five members of the Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce who support this tax.

Please learn about details in TV ads below.

Please publicize this in FITS NEWS, as an effective means of getting the word out to Dorchester County voters that they need to vote against LOST tomorrow, Nov. 5.


Mike Rose
Former S.C. Senator, Dorchester County


Fixed Income:
Another Tax Increase:


sic speaking

Mike … thanks for bringing this to my attention. Best of luck to you guys in your efforts to kill this proposed tax hike.

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CorruptionInColumbia November 4, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Good luck to you and your allies, Mike! We will be fighting this battle soon enough in Lexington County, with the deck stacked against us as it was in Richland County.

I wonder if the people of Lexington will be stupid enough to vote the corrupt Randy Halfass back in as Lexington Mayor. He, and most of the mayors in LexCo are supportive of this tax and drooling to get their hands on it so they can squander it.

Smirks November 4, 2013 at 2:17 pm

I wonder if the people of X will be stupid enough to…

Well, if you have to ask, you probably know the answer. :P

Smirks November 4, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Jacking up the sales tax to decrease property tax never, ever, ever results in property taxes going back up a few years later. Ever.

Personally, I disagree with such a measure anyways because it trades a progressive tax for a regressive one, but you’d have to be a Grade A nincompoop to fall for this trick. Of course, I’m sure there’s no shortage of Grade A nincompoops out there.

vicupstate November 4, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Florence County has not reneged on using all of its sales tax as a credit against property taxes. That is after 18 or so years.
Sales taxes are paid by visitors too,whereas property taxes are not. There are multiple sides to the issue.

Joe Socastee November 4, 2013 at 4:41 pm

At least you get to vote. Unlike Myrtle Beach where the state and local pols were paid to ensure there would be no referendum.

nitrat November 5, 2013 at 10:49 am

Same thing happened in Clarendon county years ago.
Wonder what other counties had their legislative delegation look out for them so well…since their voters were obviously too stupid to decide for themselves?


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