
The “Recovery” In One Chart

Remember when U.S. President Barack Obama said he wanted to “spread the wealth around?” And everybody went nuts because they assumed he was planning to steal from the rich and give to the poor? Well guess what … it turns out Obama’s real plan was to steal from the middle class…

Remember when U.S. President Barack Obama said he wanted to “spread the wealth around?” And everybody went nuts because they assumed he was planning to steal from the rich and give to the poor?

Well guess what … it turns out Obama’s real plan was to steal from the middle class and give to the rich AND poor. All while proclaiming himself a champion of the middle class, ironically.

Seriously …

Income levels in America (for the 99 percent, anyway) continue to shrink … yet welfare rolls and Wall Street stocks continue to soar. Then there’s the stunning dichotomy between corporate profits (which have rebounded nicely from the “Great Recession”) and the percentage of the American population with a job (which has not).

In fact you can sum up the American “recovery” in this one chart (which we found on the website Zero Hedge) …

(Click to enlarge)



Up until a decade ago – when the federal government dramatically accelerated its unsustainable growth under former president George W. Bush – corporate profits and employment growth have advanced hand-in-glove.

Since then? Not so much …

In a true show of “bipartisanshit,” Washington, D.C. has chosen to “help the poor” (by subsidizing their dependency with borrowed money) and bail out the fat cats on Wall Street (again, with borrowed money).

Who’s paying for all of this? You … and more precisely, your children and grandchildren.

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The Colonel October 22, 2013 at 10:22 am

“Consolidate” – “Spread around”, it’s all just semantics. What’ll you bet they find money for some new program by next November – you know some “walking around money”.

? October 22, 2013 at 10:38 am

Does anyone know if the corporate taxes on the chart are publically held, private, or both?

Anyway, Herr Bush and Comrade Obama knew/know exactly who their benefactors were/are, and it’s not the American sheeple.

“Mission Accomplished!”

We should change the American flag design to instead be filled with the logos of GE, Goldman Sachs, etc. et al

? October 22, 2013 at 10:39 am

edit: “corporate taxes” to “corporate profits”

MashPotato October 22, 2013 at 10:57 am

The fact that they borrow from future generations boils my blood every day. If a credit card company stuck every newborn with $50,000+ (and growing) in debt, the outrage would be magnanimous.

Nölff October 22, 2013 at 1:34 pm

I drew a graph:
8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It’s 5 Muslims praying to Buddha that all the children in the government-controlled schools will turn into Communists and enroll in ObamaCare.

just another guy October 22, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Buy Gold. Or that is what they would say at zerohedge.

Original Good Old Boy October 22, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Which was great advice before the crash. And not so great advice (at least for now) if you bought from mid-2011 through 2012.
In any event, I used to like to collect 1/4 oz gold coins for shits and giggles, and my wife would buy me one each Christmas back when gold was $400 an ounce. Too bad she stopped buying them when it hit around $500.


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