Lee Bright: Lindsey Graham Has Surrendered To Liberals
Lindsey Graham went on Fox News yesterday to continue undercutting Ted Cruz and other conservatives You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Lindsey Graham went on Fox News yesterday to continue undercutting Ted Cruz and other conservatives
Is Lee Bright even relevant?
He is if your car has no motor and no floor pan and you need to get somewhere fast.
*This campaign ad brought to you talking-point-by-talking-point from the skillful, eloquent political minds at FreedomWorks, Heritage Action, and the Senate Conservative Fund. We always appreciate your donations. Fighting freedom-shredding is expensive, e.g., Jim DeMint (salary: $1 million); Matt Kibbe (salary and workload from 2011 report: $300k for 18 hours/week); SCF (interior decorating bill: $26,000. Campaign expenses for Senate elections: $0). Please consider parting with your hard-earned money today. First-class takes dollaz.
I have no idea what you just wrote about.
I hope Graham burns in hell. Word is spreading faster and faster that he spits in the face of South Carolina voters. He gets down on his knees for and sucks the you know what of criminal illegal Mexicans. Is Graham also owned by the Mexican Drug Cartel? No doubt, the military weapons contractors have him in their pockets the way he is always wanting to go around killing people in other countries – including women and children.
To many it seems, it would be worth the time spent in jail for punching Graham in the eye. I would not do it. But the talk I here everywhere, many would.
That gets on my nerves when people use war analogies constantly.
I saw Lee Bright give a speech one time. I wouldn’t vote for him for student council, much less the US Senate.
Bright predicts Graham will be below 30%. What is the prediction on Bright?
State Senator Bright may believe that Ted Cruz is showing leadership, but many republicans think he is contributing heavily to the fracturing of the party and doing tremendous damage tot he prospects for 2014 and 2016.
Vote Ted Cruz 2018! Yeah baby!
The least Lee could do would be to ask if Lindsey and Al Franken ever talk………at least make the “surrender” sound funny.
Wasn’t Lee Bright a lot sexier when he used cocaine? Let’s bring back booger sugar Bright!