
What Else Isn’t #Shutdown? The Regulatory State

We’ve written previously about how the so-called “shutdown” of the federal governmYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

We’ve written previously about how the so-called “shutdown” of the federal governm
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? October 11, 2013 at 10:33 am

Even if the GOP didn’t cave, what do you think they’d accomplish?

Seriously, a “shutdown” is when 17% of the government isn’t working, but will eventually get paid anyway, for doing nothing?


“This is the end my friend, this is the end.”

Smirks October 11, 2013 at 10:56 am

So, let’s see:

-Most of government does not shut down.

-Congress approves legislation to make sure parts of the government that would be affected by a shutdown remain open during a shutdown.

-Lots of parts of the government that Republicans don’t like are not affected by the shutdown.

-Lots of parts that are affected by the shutdown are complained about by the right.

-Republicans are taking a beating in the polls, including getting the lowest approval rating that Gallup has seen, some polls even questioning if the GOP would retain the House if the elections were held today.

-None of Obamacare, the thing Republicans pushed us into a shutdown to stop, has halted under the shutdown. At this point, delay is no longer possible. Even most Republicans admit they have no ability whatsoever to defund it.

But Republicans should keep the government shut down until they get what they want, even if it means weeks or even months of this. Not only that, but a six week extension of the national debt is a “capitulation” on their part, so really they should also force us to slam into the debt ceiling too.

Well, you said the GOP should just die already. I’m pretty sure this will kill them off, all right.

Blueberry Bill October 11, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Anything in the register was complete and in the hopper before the shutdown. This article shows you dont know how the process works at all.

Jesus H. Christ! October 11, 2013 at 12:38 pm

But he read it on Human Events!

Blueberry Bill October 11, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Anything in the register was complete and in the hopper before the shutdown. This article shows you dont know how the process works at all.

slug October 11, 2013 at 12:52 pm

I wish I was a federal employee…I can’t imagine getting paid for not working…however, since I work in the medical field and we are in the process of nationalizing healthcare…I may soon experience paid vacation– a novel concept many of us in the private world can’t relate…took 3 days of vacay last year..all unpaid…Obamacare…is my ticket to federal sloth!

johnq October 12, 2013 at 7:22 am

Stop voting republican dummy!

You have nothing to complain about, you live in a “right to work” state which means your employer can treat you as crappy as they want. You have republicans to thank for low wage, no benefit jobs, it’s what they all about.

You work your ass off, they profit.

This just in . . . October 11, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Hostage-Takers Call Comparisons to Tea Party “Hurtful”

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — A group representing America’s hostage-takers today blasted President Obama for his repeated comparisons between them and the Tea Party Republicans, calling his remarks “degrading and hurtful.”

The complaint came from the National Alliance of Hostage-Takers and Blackmailers, a watchdog group that monitors negative images of extortionists in the media.

“As professional hostage-takers, we never take hostages unless we have a well-thought-out plan, realistic demands, and a clear exit strategy,” read the group’s official statement. “Any comparison between what we do and these inane Tea Party antics are derogatory and unacceptable.”

The statement continued, “For years, our members have been subjected to offensive Hollywood stereotypes of hostage-takers as crazed madmen, cackling evildoers, and worse. The President’s hurtful remarks only reinforce those negative images.”

Later in the day, White House press spokesman Jay Carney offered an apology to the group: “As you can imagine, in the heat of a crisis we often say things we don’t mean. The President regrets any hurt his remarks may have caused.”

Mr. Carney said that in order to avoid offending other groups in the future, the President would resist the temptation to call the Tea Party Republicans terrorists, lunatics, or babies.

There is hope? October 11, 2013 at 1:15 pm

Certainly hope this is the end. A default would be a disaster. All you have to do is look at Argentina (not Belen). That country defaulted in Dec.1991. Their currency lost 75% of it’s value, inflation soared pass 100% and most facilities were lost, most families lost more than half of their net worth in matter of few days.

Frank Pytel October 11, 2013 at 4:17 pm

@FitsNews You said twitter is the bomb, so i follow it. Then i gotta download 4squares to see some pic of a fight @Mrs_Laz says your gonna pick with @thestate. #ImSickOfApps

#PickAFrackingApp. #FrackTwitface

Frank Pytel October 11, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Sorry. I can program it. I just can’t use the dang stuff.

Frank Pytel October 12, 2013 at 12:12 pm

Here we go folks, and Folks (LOL). Obutthead has just shut down the gubmint indefinitely as reported by what I read. I’m sure the MSM has or will pick up on it. The commies will be out in force heckling the sane soon enough.

My recommendation. Max out your credit cards, they won’t be worth crop soon. I would suggest rice and beans. 40# salt block (easier to store than a thousand cans of prepared salt. It will also give you something to do over the coming months chipping it into grains), if you can afford it buy a metal smoker. If you can’t and you have land, start building a smoke house. Flour for bread. As big a box as you can find that will seal air tight for storing dry goods. Humidities a booger in the south. Gotta keep that flour dry.

Most of your appliances will stop working soon enough when the unions start striking over Obutthead care en masse. Better eat that cold food first.

Pine needles are an excellent source of Vitamin C for scurvy. Just be sure to make the tea correctly.

Good Luck to all. See you on the other side.

Chicken Little


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