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upstate October 8, 2013 at 5:38 am

Perhaps if this could be followed by an getting rid of “zero tolerance” fighting policies, where the kid who gets attacked, and then defends themselves, are considered just as guilty as the bully, the intended results of this grandstanding may make some traction.

I would also propose that next week be statewide (or national), “parents, teach your kids to have a backbone” week.

Before the bashing begins, I do sympathize with bullying victims, I just think that some minor adjustments to the mentality of the general population, especially in the all too often coddled education environment, would also go a long way toward achieving the intended goal.

Smirks October 8, 2013 at 9:44 am

Reminds me of the time I sat in the principal’s office because a kid suckerpunched me and I decided to fight back. I had a swollen, bleeding lip, but the teacher was insisting I was the only person who threw a punch. We both got the same suspension. Went home and my parents just let me do whatever.

Schools don’t do jack if you’re a silent victim, and bullies love nothing more than someone they can pick on that won’t fight back.

Fed up Republican October 8, 2013 at 7:26 am

Haley has bullied and failed the people of SC, just as Obama has bullied and failed the Nation. They are no different. Obama should have never been re-elected and the same mistake should not be repeated with Haley.

Smirks October 8, 2013 at 9:33 am

No bullying, except for that one little girl anyways.

Jackie Chiles October 8, 2013 at 9:52 am

Does that include Haley? Last I remember, she ordered the police to slam cyber criminals to the wall should they ever be caught.

anon. October 8, 2013 at 10:31 am

“Haley: No Bullying” Unless you’re a State Employee.
Nikki Haley only cares about Nikki Haley!

Philip Branton October 8, 2013 at 10:35 am

Dear Governor Haley,

Really….? Bullying “Prevention”..?

Do you not think that YOU should be TEACHING students HOW TO bully..? Don’t give a man a fish….TEACH him to fish. Don’t Bully a man….teach all his kids to Bully him and his wife..!!

Governor Haley, why do you think our founding fathers provided “Freedom of SPEECH”..?

Heck, just look at how Jesus was a “Bully of Love”….!!

Governor Haley, if you do not stop “Big OIL” from Bullying everyone at the pump then you may just find yourself OUT of the Statehouse..!!

jimlewisowb October 8, 2013 at 10:58 am

1) Bullies are expert at covert taunting
2) Victims reactions are usually overt thereby they often appear to be aggressor
3) Bullies are expert liars and could care less if kicked out of school
4) Victims are reluctant to speak out fearing more taunting later
5) Teachers usually take a stand with what they see not what they think
6) Administrators have no King Solomon training and have the balls of the King’s eunuch
7) Parents of bullies know their kids are lying pieces of shit just like they are
8) Parents of victims just want their kid to be left alone and tend to retreat than fight
9) School Boards long ago abandoned discretionary judgment for universal rule that victims are just as guilty as victimizers
10) Bullying will cease when every victim is armed with a Paint Ball Gun and plants one dead center between the eyes of the next little son of a bitch or bastard bitch who invades their space verbally or physically

TyroneButterballs October 8, 2013 at 11:24 am

I had a client in the Upstate once, a girl under 18, who was accused of “lynching” a small boy on the school bus. She had a history of mental problems but got a lot of good help at her local county mental health center. i think a lot of kids doing the bullying have oppositional-defiant disorder and ADHD. They cannot see the big picture. Every moment has a fight on its hands and their little egos must be satiated. I think better parenting is a solution plus mental health treatment. Bullying is so pervasive and so many kids have committed suicide over it that it will not surprise me if it becomes a federal crime of sorts. It seems to have many of the elements of a hate crime.

Edgar October 8, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Anybody sent this message to Jean Toal? She makes Haley look like an amatuer. Ask anyone who has worked with or around her.


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