
#Shutdown: The Negotiations Begin

Democratic and Republican leaders of the U.S. Congress will meet with Barack Obama at the White House to discuss the partial shutdown of the federal government as well as the approaching federal debt limit. The meeting – scheduled for Wednesday evening – will be the first face-to-face conversation between Obama…

Democratic and Republican leaders of the U.S. Congress will meet with Barack Obama at the White House to discuss the partial shutdown of the federal government as well as the approaching federal debt limit.

The meeting – scheduled for Wednesday evening – will be the first face-to-face conversation between Obama and Congressional leaders since the partial shutdown took effect on October 1. Obama extended the invitation after Republicans hammered him for refusing to negotiate.

Where did they get that idea? From Obama – who has repeatedly said he will not negotiate on raising the debt limit – which is set to expire on October 17 – or ongoing funding for Obamacare.

“I will not negotiate over Congress’s responsibility to pay bills its already racked up,” Obama said Tuesday. “I’m not going to allow anybody to drag the good name of the United States of America through the mud just to refight a settled election or extract ideological demands.”

Tough talk … of course given the spinelessness of the guys sitting across the table from him Obama can afford to be uncompromising.

So … are our “leaders” ready to cut a deal? Perhaps this deal?

We’ll see … but you can rest assured anytime a pair of hypocritical, fiscally liberal “Republicans” like House Speaker John Boehner and GOP majority leader Eric Cantor get in a room with Obama and his top Democratic allies (U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi) it’s only a matter of time before our tax dollars and individual liberties get sold down the river.

Hell … we’re amazed “Republicans” have lasted this long (editor’s note: TWSS).

As far as we’re concerned any deal to reopen the portions of government affected by the shutdown (i.e. 25-40 percent of the massive federal behemoth, depending on who you talk to) must be contingent on the complete defunding of Obamacare and the permanent elimination of its insidious tax hikes and oppressive mandates. And any agreement on the debt ceiling must be accompanied by dollar-for-dollar spending cuts (starting with our warmongering and domestic spying complexes).

Can Boehner and Cantor be trusted to hold the line on those two critical points?

Hell no … in fact were it up to them the GOP would have already caved.

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Will Folks


Frank Pytel October 2, 2013 at 2:00 pm

#ObamaCaves #ObamaFailsAgain #Obutthead
It’s about time he figured out his place. Moron.

Jan October 2, 2013 at 6:01 pm

Are you Big T?

Frank Pytel October 2, 2013 at 7:33 pm


It’s ok to be wrong jan. IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY.. :)

Frank Pytel October 2, 2013 at 6:18 pm

Free Blowjobs!!!

See Frank Pytel, Raintree Apts, Apt D-1 Columbia SC

Frank Pytel _ Spooge Gargler Extrordinaire

Frank Pytel October 2, 2013 at 2:04 pm

OOoooh. I like that $ for $ offset in cuts for spending. Can we get much out of defundning Ms. Lindsey and McPain? That would be so awesome.

Smirks October 2, 2013 at 2:16 pm

As far as we’re concerned any deal to reopen the portions of government affected by the shutdown (i.e. 25-40 percent of the massive federal behemoth, depending on who you talk to) must be contingent on the complete defunding of Obamacare and the permanent elimination of its insidious tax hikes and oppressive mandates.

Ah, good ol’ fashioned hostage-taking until the government meets your demands, just as the Founding Fathers intended. Care to throw in twenty million dollars and a getaway helicopter?

But remember, kids, it’s the Democrats’ fault for shutting down the government!

southmauldin October 2, 2013 at 9:12 pm

As usual, Smirks puts one over the fence. Maybe San Uggla should take a note or two.

MashPotato October 3, 2013 at 12:05 am

It’s the government that has taken taxpayers and future generations hostage with $17 trillion of debt. Thanks to people like you, the future collapse will be blamed on those who can do math and make an earnest effort to change our crash course.

Both parties are to blame. I would advise that you drop partisan politics at your earliest convenience.

heda_p October 3, 2013 at 12:15 am

nope, don’t get confuse…..repubs are to blame here

In simple english repubs are saying if we don’t like something, we will shut down the government unless u furnish our demand….repubs forget what America’s policy with hostage takers…..NEVER COMPROMISE AT ANY COST……………my message to repubs “time to cut-loose teabaggers”

Frank Pytel October 3, 2013 at 4:23 am

I disagree this the ‘fault’ of gubmint. Somebody voted.

The Colonel October 3, 2013 at 8:42 am

You finally got it right Smirks – “…it’s the Democrats’ fault for shutting down the government!…”

tomstickler October 2, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Fortunately, there are many websites available that can inform readers about the very real dangers of Willie’s “economic policy” proposals.

Will Folks aka Sic October 2, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Yes, because “print money spend money print money spend money print money spend money” is working out so well.

why October 2, 2013 at 5:56 pm

Check out Reid’s comments regarding pediatric cancer research…I guess Reid figures that kids with cancer aren’t voters so it’s ok for them to die…just like the child that needed a lung transplant that the heartless Sebelius denied…was over-ruled by judge (who happened to be a repub)…why do democrats hate children so much, especially sick ones that need life-saving intervention?

Frank Pytel October 3, 2013 at 4:28 am

NO NO NO. Reid is not, NOT, denying cancer funding by declining the stupendously redicoulous repuklitard budget jihadi bill. This is just another reasonable exercise to expand womens God given right to late term abortion. You fasciast crony capitalists need to just STFU.

Ronald Reagan October 2, 2013 at 11:25 pm

Yeah Will you are such an incredible entrepreneur. We all look to you for wisdom to find some way out of this crisis. Less money, less healthcare, more guns and a good dose of narcissism
will lead us out of this crisis at least I worked things out with Tip.

heda_p October 3, 2013 at 12:16 am

let me spell it out what repubs wanted…..they wanted to shutdown this govt from the very
start…..they knew that if they ask to repeal obamacare or even talk about it
dems will not ready to talk (how do they know….repubs tried 43 times repeal obamacare
and dems never even considered it)….so they make this strategy to ask for
shutdown obamacare or will furlough 800k employees…as expected dems were not
interested and repubs were able to furlough 800k employees successfully in a
way which looks like a good thing cause repubs believe federal govt should be
small…..good luck to repubs they got what they want…..

Frank Pytel October 3, 2013 at 4:29 am

One can only dream.

heda_p October 4, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Here’s how
Republican compromise works……

It’s like someone
saying to you “I’ll buy your house for $500” and you say, “I’m
not selling my house and I wouldn’t take $500 anyway.”

So they say,
“OK, $600.”

You say,

They say,

“No, I told
you, I’m not selling my house, and your offer is absurd even if I were.”



“What’s wrong
with you? You refuse to compromise!”

Repubs, You lost,
get over it…..The United States does not negotiate with terrorists!!

Frank Pytel October 4, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Oh shite. There aren’t enough LOL’s in the world. Correct heda_beer. My house is not for sale.



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