News Releases

Jeff Duncan: Obama “Lecturing, Not Leading”

Washington, DC—South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks on the continuing resolution dispute over funding for ObamaCare: “The President of the United States is willing to negotiate with Russia and Iran, but he refuses to work with the elected representatives of the…

Washington, DC—South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks on the continuing resolution dispute over funding for ObamaCare:

“The President of the United States is willing to negotiate with Russia and Iran, but he refuses to work with the elected representatives of the American people to solve our country’s problems.

I don’t appreciate being lectured to by a President who has done more to hurt American families, businesses, and our economy through his unworkable healthcare law, than could ever happen in a government shutdown.

The President asked us to think about who would be hurt if the government were to shutdown. I ask him to think about how many millions more will be hurt if his healthcare law goes into effect?

How many Americans will lose the insurance that President Obama promised them they could keep?

How many Americans will no longer be able to see their current doctor like President Obama promised wouldn’t happen?

How many Americans will be unable to find full-time employment because of new ObamaCare regulations on employers?

How many small businesses will be forced to close their doors or stop hiring because of the negative impacts of the new healthcare law?

Leadership isn’t about lecturing, leadership is about leading. Had the President decided to work with Congress in a bipartisan way to achieve healthcare reform we wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead of working together, the President chose to go it alone, and use parliamentary tricks and political maneuvers to ram a very bad law through Congress.

With all due respect to the President, saying something over and over again isn’t enough to make it true. ObamaCare will shut America down if Congress does not act to stop it. The negative impacts of ObamaCare represent a far greater threat to the well-being of our country than any impact of hitting the debt ceiling or shutting down the federal government.

 The House has voted to fully fund the federal government, with the lone exception of ObamaCare. The President needs to stop trying to protect his personal legacy and focus on what’s best for the country. ObamaCare is a disaster, and I urge all of my Republican colleagues to stand firm and speak the truth. I have no desire to shut down the government, but make no mistake, ObamaCare will shut down America unless we act to stop it.”

(Editor’s Note: The above communication is a news release from an elected official and does not necessarily reflect the editorial position of To submit your letter, news release, email blast, media advisory or issues statement for publication, click here).

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southmauldin September 27, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Is this the moment when he he pulls his pocket Constitution out and waves it about like a flag? It’s pathetic that every Republican has a battle issued Constitution given to him to be used as a prop.
I respect many posters on this site that disagree with my positions, but assholes like Duncsn should receive bipartisan scorn.

SCBlues September 27, 2013 at 11:08 pm

Jeff Duncan is an imbecile. All of the ignorant rednecks in SC that voted for him deserve him. (And Trey Gowdy too). And speaking of Trey Gowdy, shouldn’t his photo always have the caption “bad hair day” attached to it?

sweepin September 27, 2013 at 11:47 pm

Jeff Duncan wouldn’t recognize leadership if it kicked him square in his ass. More big talk and rhetoric for a dim-witted populist demagogue.

tomstickler September 28, 2013 at 10:43 am

Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani are not insane. Duncan and his ilk have all the symptoms.

Gillon September 28, 2013 at 10:56 am

Congressman, write this on your office wall and read it every day before you spout off with your usual drivel:
“A wise man speaks because he has something to say.
A fool because he has to say something.”

Manray September 28, 2013 at 10:56 am

Could Duncan and others of his ilk be led? Leading implies the presence of willing followers. If Obama said the sun rises in the east, Duncan would declare it “lecturing” and maintain it was socialism because we all know the long-dead Soviet Union was eastward.

Jerry Stevens September 28, 2013 at 11:53 am

Sarcasm is all the rage but it’s overdone so I leave it for other people. So in all honesty and possibly naivete, I don’t know why any Congressperson, Democrat or Republican, feels the need to release statements in response to presidential remarks at all. Obama talks too much but you don’t have to respond every time. I am opposed to the ACA too but It’s not like we don’t already know what Duncan thinks about it. But if he insists on releasing statements, I can do better than this. Call me, Jeff, I’m available and I work cheap.

GOP Slogans September 28, 2013 at 12:10 pm

When the GOP compares itself with Iran, it reminds us that Republicans haven’t released the hostage they’re holding yet — the U.S. economy.

Smirks September 28, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Kleenex, GOP? 3 days.


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