SCGOP Slams Vincent Sheheen On Abortion

South Carolina Republicans are slamming presumed Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen for receiving the support of a prominent pro-abortion advocate in his 2014 campaign. According to an SCGOP web video released this week, Sheheen supporter Robert Key is a member of the New Morning Foundation, a pro-abortion group which “advocates…

South Carolina Republicans are slamming presumed Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen for receiving the support of a prominent pro-abortion advocate in his 2014 campaign.

According to an SCGOP web video released this week, Sheheen supporter Robert Key is a member of the New Morning Foundation, a pro-abortion group which “advocates for access to abortion and against the ‘rights of fertilized eggs,’ ‘Personhood bills’ and ‘conscience and moral clauses.'”

“(Key)’s holding a kickoff rally for Vince Sheheen … who claims to be ‘personally’ against abortion,” the SCGOP spot states.

The spot – which was officially unveiled at a Spartanburg, S.C. press conference featuring party chairman Matt Moore – compares Sheheen’s “personal” opposition to abortion with similar positions adopted by former Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry and Al Gore – and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

This website is adamantly pro-life – although the last time we checked abortion was a federal issue. Also we’re not aware of any position taken by Sheheen’s rival – S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley – which materially enhances the right to life of the unborn in South Carolina.

Anyway, here’s the spot …

(Click to play)

Democratic leaders said Republicans were twisting the facts to suit their narrative.

“It was a S.C. Democratic Party event not a Sheheen kickoff- so once again they’ve got their facts wrong,” SCDP spokeswoman Kristin Sosanie told FITS. “Senator Sheheen was one of many democratic officials invited to speak (at the event).”

Sosanie said the SCGOP hit “reeks of desperation.”

“They will do anything to try to distract voters from Nikki Haley’s record of economic failure that has saddled the state with falling incomes, high unemployment and no economic mobility,” Sosanie said.

We’re inclined to agree …

Until Haley takes some sort of definitive action in defense of the unborn (beyond just saying she’s pro-life), then her party’s criticism of Sheheen on this issue seems like misdirection to us.

UPDATE: Upping the ante, SCGOP chairman Matt Moore has just put out a press release calling on Sheheen to disassociate himself with Key.

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CL September 26, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“although the last time we checked abortion was a federal issue.”

Only by virtue of the judicial fiat in Roe. It should have always been a state issue. And states are free to implement reasonable restrictions (e.g. banning abortions after x weeks) as long as the usual exceptions are in place (life of the mother, rape, etc.).

tomstickler September 26, 2013 at 1:55 pm

“Adamantly pro-life”, huh?

Until I see some “pro-life” attitude on social safety net issues, you are just basic, run-of-the-mill anti-abortion.

And since there is scant evidence of state coercion to submit to an abortion, you are really anti-choice in the bargain.

Nölff September 26, 2013 at 2:01 pm

He got slammed on a wedge issue. Whoopty do.

BinxBolling September 26, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Is that “adamantly pro-life” like all the way, anti-death penalty pro life?

liberaltarian September 26, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I’ve wondered, over the past two years republican states have all gone nuts with new abortion restrictions. Why so quiet in SC? We’re as republican as North Carolina, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Kansas. Those states all have new abortion laws this year, but not South Carolina?
About 1 in 4 women have had an abortion in their life, what are the odds Governor Haley is the 1??

nitrat September 26, 2013 at 3:10 pm

We’ve already done most of those things.
Nobody paid attention.

Libtard September 26, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Abortion, Guns, Gay Rights and Obama, thats what Nikki Haley is running on…..

Vanguard16 September 26, 2013 at 2:57 pm

So, Republikans don’t get abortions??

ScrewedNSC September 26, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Who cares!

nitrat September 26, 2013 at 3:08 pm

Well, it’s obvious Haley and the GOPers don’t listen to the Pope’s warnings that ‘obsessing’ on abortion, contraception and gay rights can lead to the destruction of one’s own ‘house’.

BillC123 September 26, 2013 at 6:06 pm

Big Nose is like any career politician, he’ll suck a dick for a campaign dollar.

Vince hasn't had an abortion.. September 26, 2013 at 7:56 pm

So it’s okay for Nikki Haley to be a pro-file/pay your state income taxes governor, but not a personal advocate for actually filing and paying her own income taxes…got it.
Which issue actually affects me more personally…got it.
Can Nikki or Vinny actually have any impact on abortion while in office…got it.
Total non-issue…got it?
Can the SCDP do something like this to Nikki? Not unless they go to Georgia where her fund raisers are held…got it.

LMAO September 26, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Republican opposition to abortion rights, birth control pills, STD testing, sex education, etc. is very appropriate for all ostrich-like organizations. As the voting population becomes younger and more diverse, the republican party increasing is becoming irrelevant. I’m thrilled. Need to write a contribution to the SC Republican Party.

9" September 26, 2013 at 10:29 pm

Braided underarm-haired humming bitch,versus,total creepy ass Dork, you wouldn’t want near your children:

Russell Crawford September 27, 2013 at 5:40 am

It is only a matter of time until this paper, the Pope, the Republican Party and all thinking people are pro choice. The fact is that in order for a person to “save” a fetus they must cause the death of an innocent born baby, child or adult. Most pro life sites have already capitulated and refuse to discuss this issue. With the failure of sites like “Lifesite” news to be able to defend their murders of innocent babies comes the open door for the truth.

The truth is that there are 7 billion people on the Earth, all are dying and all will die. In fact they are dying at the rate of 1.8 per second. They are in effect dying faster than they can be saved. For that reason a person has a choice, they may choose to save innocent born babies or they can let those babies die and instead save a fetus. This is undeniable proof that pro lifers do not save life, they simply kill one life and attempt to save a fetus.

The problem with saving the zygote/embryo/fetus is that 42 percent of zygotes are not comprised of enough human DNA to live as a human. And another 28 percent die naturally. So 70 percent of the time pro lifers let born babies die and do not save a human life.

Bill September 27, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Typical GOP BS!!!

Don’t look behind the curtain where Haley has been screwing SC for years.
Instead, look at something else, anything else that will take the voters attention off the fact that their jobs, and children’s futures have taken a beating under the graft & bribe taking GOP lover puss: Tricky Nicky Haley!!!


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