
Elijah Cummings Rips AIG CEO

We don’t often agree with U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland). After all he’s a Barack Obama-style socialist hellbent on destroying American freedom and free markets and we’re … you know, something else. Yet just as “blind hogs find acorns” upon occasion – those of us who debate the contentious issues…

We don’t often agree with U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland). After all he’s a Barack Obama-style socialist hellbent on destroying American freedom and free markets and we’re … you know, something else.

Yet just as “blind hogs find acorns” upon occasion – those of us who debate the contentious issues of the day occasionally find common ground.

For example we are in complete agreement with Cummings’ rebuke of AIG CEO Robert Benmosche – who recently compared the anger over taxpayer-funded “bailout bonuses” granted to his rich white buddies to the hate-filled lynch mobs of the post-Reconstruction Deep South.

No really … he said that.

Cummings was not having it.

“As the leading critic of AIG’s lavish spending before and after its taxpayer funded bailout – and as the son of sharecroppers who actually experienced lynchings in their communities – I find it unbelievably appalling that Mr. Benmosche equates the violent repression of the African American people with congressional efforts to prevent the waste of taxpayer dollars,” Cummings said.

Exactly …

Obviously Cummings has about as much interest in protecting taxpayers as Benmosche has in becoming a professional breakdancer, but that doesn’t detract from the merit of his criticism. Benmosche’s statement was one of the most ridiculous things we’ve ever heard anyone say … and we follow Todd Kincannon on Twitter, people.

Cummings added that Benmosche should “resign his position as CEO immediately.”

“He has demonstrated a fundamental inability to lead this modern global company in a responsible manner—a company that exists today only because it was rescued by the American taxpayers,” Cummings said.

We concur …

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jimlewisowb September 25, 2013 at 9:44 am

Day is off to a great start

One butt fucker cockroach calling another butt fucker cockroach a butt fucker cockroach

BillC123 September 25, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Fuck Elijah Cummings and fuck Barrack Obama.

Manray September 25, 2013 at 10:02 pm

An intelligent and enlightening comment.


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