SC Commission Staffer Gets Big Raise

Danny Varat – a political staffer on the notoriously corrupt S.C. Retirement System InvestmentYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Danny Varat – a political staffer on the notoriously corrupt S.C. Retirement System Investment
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Marie Harrison September 23, 2013 at 12:52 pm

He must have the dirt on somebody important. Hush money?

guest September 23, 2013 at 8:29 pm

The idiot is back.

Pissed off September 23, 2013 at 1:18 pm

That moron lives in Greenvile and comes down here a couple of days a week like he is some damn senator or something.

Public Affairs jobs should not pay that much especially as Danny VaRat is universally despised by everyone!

This crap pisses me off. And it shows piss poor judgement but that investment commission.

CNSYD September 23, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Wonder what Sic Willie made, not including benefits, as a hack for Sanfraud?

Jesus H. Christ! September 23, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Didn’t Sanfraud give Sic Willie a big fat five digit raise at the same time he was freezing pay for other state employees?

CNSYD Seen It September 23, 2013 at 6:25 pm

All that goofing off at the Chas Naval Shipyard. Amazing as to what really went on. Never seen so many lazy workers in my life!

CNSYD September 23, 2013 at 9:38 pm

and dozens of strategic assets overhauled and their reactors refueled by all those lazy workers who never hit a lick. That is why you speak Russian today. Of course I wonder how you observed all this as it took special security clearances and radiation worker qualifications to be close to any of the above.

CNSYD September 23, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Wonder what Sic Willie made, not including benefits, as a hack for Sanfraud?

Salty Doggerel September 23, 2013 at 2:02 pm

In the tower across Gervais,
Where R. Gazillions and pals have their ways
With other peoples’ means,
And where there’s always sumpin’ funny
Goin’ on with the counters of beans–
What will Doctor Dan do with all that extra money?
Maybe his is the ass that deserves
Fancy twalette tissoo, the very softest–
Big 24-packs from Costco.
After all, Dan was hired to “get rid of” Loftis.
Dan’s not your everyday Roscoe,
He’s a very special type.
With 12K’s worth of Charmin
He ought to be able to wipe
Up a good deal of the BS
On Gazillions Williams’ smarmin’
Lips, that too,
And still have lots left, yes
To be stuck to the bottom of his shoe:
Talk about THAT leather man,

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 23, 2013 at 2:05 pm

This vapid douche lost his job as Sen Ryberg’s lap dog upon his departure from the senate. But, not before he got himself a nice raise and sinecure at PEBA. He is loathed by everyone at the state house and they were happy to get rid of him. The post below from “pissed off” accurately describes Va-rat. He touts himself as a conservative, fiscally-minded, respectful person helping the state’s best interests. Well, let’s be sure we understand he is certainly helping himself. Shall we review the history of Va-rat – public douche: 74k+ as research director for Ryberg, 82k+ as Public Affairs Director at PEBA and finally 95k as a “staff” member at the SC Retirement Commission.

Interesting how that is not more specific. He is a political hack who lives right off of Augusta Road in Greenville, 29605, a rather posh area. I suppose to live there, work in Columbia and drive home on the weekends, it was necessary for more pay. But then again, he probably has accommodations with another corrupt state house member in Columbia and writes off all of his expenses in a questionable fashion on his taxes. Wait, wait…do you think he might be telecommuting from Greenville? I mean, I am sure his valuable services to the SC Retirement Commission could be teleconferenced into the office. Does he get mileage reimbursement? Let’s also look at the SC State Comptroller General’s transparency hub that will have his name prominently posted when he gets reimbursed. I sure will be watching. I can’t image he won’t give up the chance to walk like some dandy at the Commission offices wearing his latest bowtie all along with that long wavy lion’s mane of hair.

I ask you is this right, correct and moral for SC in these times when regular South Carolina citizens can’t get jobs? Varat talks out of both sides of his mouth. While criticizing bloated government, positions and corruption he then wraps himself all nice and warm in the protection of that 95k blanket. Danny, is it made of Sea Island Cotton? I am sure it is because it feels reeeeeeeealll goooood don’t it?? It also will make your retirement that much more comfy…three high years averaged !!! YAY!!

Danny Varat is a douche and the defining image of a SC political hypocrite.

BTW – I can’t top CNSYD’s comment! ha!

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 23, 2013 at 3:55 pm

And on and on we go…

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 23, 2013 at 2:14 pm

This is astonishing….

Carol September 23, 2013 at 2:14 pm

With benefits he is making $122,ooo for doing a job seasoned media professionals would do for $60,000! That job simply does not warrant a salary like that and I hope the general assembly looks into it.
That investment commission is a rotten place from head to toe. Ask anyone that ever worked there.

Porgy September 23, 2013 at 2:17 pm

He traded senate favors for a job. Plain and simple quid pro quo.

Must be nice to work in government where the living is easy and it is always summertime.

jimlewisowb September 23, 2013 at 2:28 pm

The hard life of Appointed Professional Bureaucrats in South Carolina Government

1) Have no written job description
2) Not subject to performance evaluations
) Have no specified hours of work or number of hours to work per week
4) Have no requirement to be in office, building or even State of SC
5) Not required to take annual leave but can accrue annual leave
6) Not required to take sick leave but can accrue sick leave
7) Does not pay for Health Care including Family Coverage
8) Assigned State SUV 24/7 with non State Government Tags
9) Issued State Credit Card for gas and meals, no restrictions
10) MUST have active checking account with routing number to receive weekly compensation from the taxpayers of South Carolina many of whom are surviving on one meal per day and often decided between vital medications and a cool/warm home

Tiger September 23, 2013 at 6:30 pm

#5 is so true. The politicos never take annual leave and cash out big time when they exit. Another scam is the University giving legislators access to sport tickets. The legislators pay for the ticket but do not have to pay the extra fees and often the tickets are hand-delivered. The seats are always better then the seats reserved for other ticket buyers.

nitrat September 23, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Same kind of crap going on in NC government thanks to new Gov. McCrony, as some call him.
From what has been in the Raleigh News and Observer, he makes Nikki Haley look like a piker…let’s hope she’s not paying close attention.

Sam September 23, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Just another fat tick sucking off the taxpayer.

elliott September 23, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Nothing worse than a fat tick in a Boeing tie.

Ask him about the time he was drunk at the Townhouse and ran his mouth about how much power he had. A powerful Senator overheard him and said, “shut up you little shit” in front of about ten people. Verat ran to bathroom and then left the party ina hurry.

Odd that he got a job as no one I know likes him in fact they seem to hate the guy?

Turn Right On Red September 23, 2013 at 6:29 pm

He is a pathological narcissist, who according to my crystal ball is certain to be criminally charged in the near future.

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 24, 2013 at 9:42 pm

That is a term (narcissist) that fits him to a T! Sycophant, mountebank and corrupt dullard.

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 23, 2013 at 4:22 pm

And while we are on the SC Retirement Investment Commission…why do they pay moving and relocation expenses to employees? It is an incredibly small agency???
You searched for:
Fiscal Year:2012 – 13
Category Title:TRAVEL
Sort By: Payee Date Fund Title SubFund Title Amount Search ResultsPayee NameDoc IDDateFund TitleSubFund TitleAmountANDREW T34029738559/24/2012RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$5,000DARRY A34033531153/13/2013RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$5,000DAVID E34036642316/30/2013RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$4,932ERIC A34036303826/19/2013RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$5,000JON C34029258499/4/2012RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$5,000LOUIS D340306242211/1/2012RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$1,307LOUIS D34032670582/6/2013RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$1,418SONDRA E34028537258/2/2012RestrictedRS INVESTMENT COMM – OPERATING$2,875

Truth Teller September 23, 2013 at 5:56 pm

First off, congratulations to all of you anonymous posters spouting vitriol. Danny has his name being tossed around, but you guys hide behind anonymity and spew hate. I question whether some of you have even met Danny, or if you are just making stuff up about him to tarnish his name. How about you guys identify yourselves, since none of you have any problem throwing HIS name around.

Danny is one of the kindest, gentlest souls I have ever met, and this entire blog post (blog, not actual news) is quite bizarre to be honest. If the goal was to damage the reputation of the Investment Commission as a whole, you picked an unusual person to pick on. Danny is not even in the top-50% highest paid employees there, but he is the only person there to hold a Ph.D. So, if the goal is to attack the commission, why not pick on the blowhards there who make two or four times as much as him, and don’t even have much of an educational background? That I don’t understand. What makes Danny the preferred target here? There have been PLENTY of people there that got raises in the past year. Did some anonymous person tip you off Fits? That’s what I think.

Danny is awesome. Sorry you guys can’t appreciate it. I agree that there is corruption in the government, but Danny is not the guy to pick on to fight this battle.

jimlewisowb September 23, 2013 at 7:17 pm

“First off, congratulations to all of you anonymous posters spouting vitriol”

Don’t really give a rat’s ass if anyone posts anonymously but it righteously gripes my tater hole when someone bitches about anonymous posters then signs off anonymously

Name is jim lewis, old white bastard. You can find me on most Friday’s at Beef ‘O Brady’s off Highway 6 around 4:30 PM.

If you stop by and don’t want to call out my name, I will be wearing blue bibs, ball cap and a hand craved cane will be on top of the table next to my ying lings

Ain’t never met a man or woman named Truth

truth hurts September 23, 2013 at 8:34 pm


Larry September 24, 2013 at 7:49 am

He has a phd in history!
What the hell does that do for him of the investment commission.
Either you are his wife or his lover because no sane person would say kind things about Danny V. He is the ultimate piece of shit. He is a hired gun that sells his soul doing bad things for powerful men that want clean hands.

He exemplifies the worst of government and the commission is the perfect place for him.

lindsey g September 24, 2013 at 11:50 am

Dr. Danny Varat / Director of SC Senate Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee.

Sam September 24, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Background…Board member with Greenville County First Steps, and Board member with SC Board of Education.

Creep finder September 24, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Just the background that I DONT want! First steps and Dept of Ed!!! Gez..that is how you spell loser!!

And what history PhDs calls himself Doctor when not is the classroom? Losers, that’s who.

Danny’s secret has always been to lick the boots of those in power. He does that, collect his pay checks, and rides around in his car calling himself Doctor!

narville September 27, 2013 at 4:34 pm

like “DOC-tor” Dan Wuori of First Steps. Dr. Dan

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 24, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Yes, Va-rat, former director of research for Ryberg and fired…or resigned in lieu of termination because the incoming chairman would not have people of his stripe, apparently.

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 24, 2013 at 11:33 am

Ok, “Truth Teller” I see that you too are anonymous so just drop that line. There is no hate in my post only truth. I have dealt with Danny Varat on MANY occasions across the table, in hearings, crass social exchanges with others and other venues. His name is tarnished by his actions, deeds developing the very character he now possesses – not a gentleman. The company he keeps, the people with whom he has arrangements (political etc.) and those people’s actions are what define not only Danny Varat but any person. So, I almost threw up in my mouth at the thought of him being a gentle and kind person, as you state. I suppose he smiles, nods and is “kind and gentle” while peoples’ backs are turned. All the while sizing up an opportunity to enrich his interests and those who coddle him. Everyone knows it was a running joke that he thought himself a senator only to have rules made to keep him off of the floor during certain senate activities. So, he acts, behaves and believes he is more elevated than he really is. It is unfortunate that the political machine of this state has greased him just a couple of notches higher to another post…yes, a sinecure.

Regardless of others being paid much, much more (such as coaches and certain other anointed folks) he received his position all for his connections, not ability. You can be sure of that. I know first-hand his playbook and it reads like something out of Machiavelli’s, The Prince which sums his MO as basically this:

….a ruler must be concerned not only with reputation, but also must be positively willing to act immorally at the right times. As a political scientist, Machiavelli emphasized the occasional need for the methodical exercise of brute force or deceit…

As for Varat’s education with a Ph.D. in history from the University of Mississippi this is an accomplishment. It makes even more sense with him employing Machiavelli’s tactics knowing what he has studied about Western Civilization. Next, he is NOT the only member of the SCRIC that has a PhD as you claim. Dr. Gunnlaugsson is a Commissioner and has the following credentials: she received her bachelor’s and master’s Degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan. So “Truth Teller” get your facts straight. Varat is NOT the only one with a Ph.D. at that agency. Would a history degree really assist him with retirement investment matters or just telling us the history of how corrupt and mismanaged they are??

Finally, I am astonished that Varat has not been called out as a member of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit slot of the SC Board of Education.

Yes, folks he is on the SC Board of Education from Greenville but again working at the SCRIC in Columbia. I am sure his ethical house is in order. But then again, that position was received absolutely on merit and not political antics, right?? Rigggggghtttt. Fits, let’s keep an eye on that one as well.

So, you are incorrect “truth teller” as the day is long on the summer solstice.

WPD September 23, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Just another Statehouse bow tie boy.

Get Them September 23, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Lets destroy him and all of those who agreed to the raise. GET THEM!

disqus_UygKgg4BbT September 26, 2013 at 4:55 pm

I want to know if Danny Varat received a bonus. He left his job as research director at the end of 2012 for Sen Ryberg. Then he was at PEBA as director of public affairs…how is qualified for that…well, lying a lot in your everyday life does help. THEN, just recently, he has joined SCRIC and does he deserve or anyone deserve a bonus for being not even there a matter of months?? Since leaving the Senate staff ranks, his salary has gone from the 72k range to 95k in just about 9 months. Rough math is approaching 25% increase in salary. Yes, folks, 25% almost. Mr. bowtie, buffoon, baffles, believes he is above all, is boorish, braggart and butt kisser….

Fits, check into Mr. Varat and his sit-chee-aaa-tion at the SCRIC. He is never lacking in feathering his nest.


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