
Chris Christie’s Muslim PC Offensive

Chris Christie – who loves to use the memory of the 9/11 attacks to his political advantage – signed a bill in New Jersey two days prior to September 11 aimed at expanding the civil liberties of Muslims. “As a former U.S. Attorney appointed in the aftermath of Sept. 11,…

Chris Christie – who loves to use the memory of the 9/11 attacks to his political advantage – signed a bill in New Jersey two days prior to September 11 aimed at expanding the civil liberties of Muslims.

“As a former U.S. Attorney appointed in the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, I strongly believe we need to do everything in our power to prevent terrorist attacks on our country and keep our people safe,” Christie said. “I also believe we must protect and maintain civil liberties, especially those of the citizens in New Jersey’s Muslim community.”

What did Christie’s bill do? Basically it requires out-of-state law enforcement agencies wishing to conduct surveillance in New Jersey to inform state law enforcement and local prosecutors of their activities.

Huh? Mmmm-kay …

One of our readers took (justifiable) umbrage to Christie’s comments.

“I wonder why ‘especially Muslims?'” the reader told us. “I’m against any special category of hate crimes – against blacks, gays, etc. I want the guy that punches me in the mouth and knocks my teeth out to get the same sentence as the guy that hits a homosexual or a Muslim. I also worry that this starts the whole politically correct crap with regards to Muslims where you can’t say anything or do anything that they might take offense to, like in France and other European countries.”

Indeed …

We look forward to Christie explaining his “especially Muslims” comment when he comes to South Carolina to test the presidential waters.

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Fruit of the BOOM September 12, 2013 at 11:32 am

He is losing me…real quick!

Smirks September 12, 2013 at 12:00 pm

I would imagine this is in response to federal surveillance, which likely targets a disproportionate number of Muslims, hence his poorly worded phrase. Also, I laughed at this part:

I also worry that this starts the whole politically correct crap with
regards to Muslims where you can’t say anything or do anything that they
might take offense to, like in France and other European countries.

You mean like France, the country that banned burqas, or “other European countries” like Switzerland, who banned minarets? Yeah, they really care what Muslims might take offense to by passing laws like that.

nitrat September 12, 2013 at 3:21 pm

Obviously, Sic is in the radical right wing echo chamber where very few actual facts intrude, particularly those from anywhere east of the Atlantic.

Original Good Old Boy September 12, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Christie’s over-the-top praise of Obama leading up to the elections turned off a lot of republicans (I’m not one, BTW) and he sealed his fate in politics out of his state. He has no chance at becoming president.

EJB September 12, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Interesting reading.

The Islamization of France in 2012

The Crescent and the Tricolor
make sure you read down to the part;
“IN some places France already looks like a Muslim country.”

Most French see Islam too influential in society: poll
Islam in France: The French Way of Life is in Danger
a quote;
“But multiethnicity in France goes beyond that in the United States, for it includes a religious dimension in addition to racial and ethnic differences. If the most important minorities in the United States (the black and Hispanic) are overwhelmingly Christian, French minority groups are largely Muslim. American minority groups share many basic values with the rest of the country; in contrast, French minority groups tend to have alien values, to think of themselves as a new nation, and even to have hopes of superseding the present Judeo-Christian nation of France.”

Put your head in the sand if you want but I would rather eliminate all “hate” crime legislation, because I hate that kind of legislation.

shifty henry September 12, 2013 at 1:56 pm

— every crime is a hate crime…..

EJB September 12, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Agreed, but I’m talking about the special crimes, for the special groups, with the special sensitivities.

jimlewisowb September 12, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Do you know what you would have if you put Collen Condon and Chris Christie in the bed of a Ford 150

a) 832 lbs. of pure lard
b) King and Queen of Butt Ugly Contest
c) two individuals who can only see their genitals by use of 3 mirrors
d) biological parents of Jubba the Hutt
e) all of the above

TontoBubbaGoldstein September 12, 2013 at 1:53 pm

TBG will go with “E”, but, damn, “C” was funny!

Scooter September 15, 2013 at 7:03 pm

He has no discipline else he would get some of that fat off.

I'm Insane September 12, 2013 at 4:18 pm

He should get a refund from that lap band surgery…

CorruptionInColumbia September 12, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Christie has shown past inclinations to pander to the muzzies. I guess they will be his “chosen” minority voting bloc. Dear God, don’t let the next election come down to him and the pantsuit bitch.

The Old Man September 13, 2013 at 2:22 am

He can keep his________in the North East. He is a Damn-o-crap in Re-re-pub-LIE-con duds.

Nanu08 September 13, 2013 at 7:44 am

Whats up with We, the people of the USA have to dance around the Muslims for fear of offending them?


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