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Vincent Sheheen Launches “Listening Tour”

Myrtle Beach, SC. – Today, Vincent Sheheen kicks off a three-week Small Business Listening Tour atYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Myrtle Beach, SC. – Today, Vincent Sheheen kicks off a three-week Small Business Listening Tour at
You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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jimlewisowb September 11, 2013 at 11:20 am

Jesus Christ is there anyone over in the Sheheen camp who doesn’t have their head up their ass

The Gypsy Queen is ripe for plucking and y’all keep coming out with dipshit

Just in case you folks don’t realize it you are engaged in a demolition derby and the big wheel you are riding around on ain’t going to get the job done

The Gypsy Queen’s team has got y’all beat and you ain’t even got your feet up on the pedals

Pathetic campaign so far

EJB September 11, 2013 at 12:35 pm

Nice word, nice words.

Some even sound like good ideas, by the way, has Mr. Sheheen proposed any legislation that would bring about any of his good ideas? I went to his web site to try and see when his book came out, because it says there is a free e download there, but couldn’t find any link. I was wondering why he hasn’t proposed any of these ideas as sponsored legislation. Maybe he has and I’m just unaware.

I just can’t get his op-ed that The State newspaper printed back before the last gubernatorial election wherein he complained the reason the legislature couldn’t get anything done was because of Mr. Sanford’s threatened vetoes. That told me a lot about Mr. Sheheen right there.

For anyone that does not remember, Mr. Sanford’s vetoes were something of a running joke. He would veto a bunch of legislation that had been passed or veto a number of lines from the budget and the legislature would laugh while over riding those vetoes en mass, few of Mr. Sanford’s vetoes were sustained. If Mr. Sheheen does manage to win he will let the legislature have whatever they want and they will throw him some crumbs but nothing will be better than it is now, despite his nice words.

Teddy September 11, 2013 at 1:03 pm

just ask the liberal why he supports Obamacare, which should shut the weasel up!

Edgar September 11, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Ask Vinny why he is supporting the corrupt Jean Toal over the honorable Costa Pleicones who is trying to salvage some honor for the SC Supreme Court?

Philip Branton September 12, 2013 at 11:09 am

Listening tour…?

Well, someone needs to tell this fine “Ear” that the sounds of Wind Turbines being put up all over our state are …NONE..!! The sounds of de-centralized energy is …NONE…!!

The Sound of BIG Oil trash trucks and landfill scams are getting our troops killed on the battlefield…!!

Does he hear the sound of Foreign Oil when he is at the gas pump.

Elfego September 12, 2013 at 11:58 am

Were you listening to your counterparts at the DNC while they were booing?

Boz Martin September 12, 2013 at 12:07 pm

Listen to THIS, Sheheen: You suck gigantic diseased donkey dicks.

Boz Martin September 12, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Can’t stand Haley, but this guy is a total putz. How can even the Dems stand him? It’s beyond me. And OWB is right, his whole staff has their heads up their asses.

Wes September 12, 2013 at 1:32 pm

I want his body

Fastmouth September 12, 2013 at 3:35 pm

He’ll be lucky to carry Chesterfield Co.,one of his last strongholds, if he keeps being in line with the Rev. Rep. Ted Vick. Folks in Chesterfield Co. are tired of anyone running that Rep. Vick tries to control.


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